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Anyone doing FET/IVF Jan/Feb 2016

[cassie: your sister sounds toxic! I have a number of toxic people in my family (my mother, aunt (mother's sister), 2 older brothers and my older sister plus it sounds like my mother's mother was also toxic) so know how that goes:dohh: I highly suspect they all have narcissistic personality disorder with the 1 brother being the most malignant. I'm the chosen family scapegoat despite being the youngest:nope: My best advice would be to stop talking to her about you going through ivf, especially the emotional stuff. She sounds like she's delighting in your pain which many with e.g. Npd do (they're not called emotional vampires for nothing). Don't give her anything emotionally, brush things off and say everything's going great and you'll let her know when there's something to tell, then change the subject to something that interests her e.g her baby. When she starts talking about her baby, listen for a few minutes feigning interest so she can't say you don't care and then say you need to be somewhere and will talk later. Maybe cut down on your contact with her in general? You need to protect your emotional well-being, especially when going through ivf. I've been giving the polite brush off to my toxic siblings for a while now and they've been leaving me alone for some months now which i'm super grateful for. I can't handle them making my infertility about them and my extra malignant brother constantly putting me down in his condescending, arrogant manner and being cruel whenever i try to enforce healthy, normal boundaries.


yes i completely agree that my sister has a narcissistic disorder, she is only happy when she bringing other people down... ie bitching about everyone! and about anything/everything... its so horrible! but dont dare say anything about her to anyone because she will be your worst nightmare... bleh..

thing is, i dont talk to her much anyway... she lives in a different state to me and when we lived near each-other,we were best friends i could talk to her about anything and she would be great! but since i moved and started ivf she has become nasty... i think its because she has been with her now husband for almost 10 years and she hasn't fallen pregnant in this time either.. yet her 16yr old daughter did..so i think she is jealous

i think it is the best thing to do just politely brush people off which i am learning to do..

I'm sorry about your brother constantly putting you down its not very nice at all.i think sometimes people really need to learn if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all!

we sound very similar! im the youngest too and my sisters/mum like to make my infertility about them too! gosh people can be so arrogant!:growlmad:

Sorry first noticed this post now:wacko: My DHs tendency to be distracted must have rubbed off:haha:

No I wouldn't think you should tell others about her either! Especially people you feel see her as being a good person 8e.g any other narcisstic people in your family or family memebers that are enablers of her behaviour). There are support forums out there for people that have toxic relatives in their lives. I'm on Reddit's raisedbynarcissists but haven't been on much these last few months. But maybe you could try going on it? I've learned a lot about how to cope with my own family from being on it.

I've learned the best way to handle a narcissist is to either go low contact or evt. no contact if things are really bad. I think enforcing certain boundaries is also good although I do know narcissists detest boundaries. The narcs in my life seem to get really pissed off about it but oh well, it's not my problem how they react if I've been doing it in a polite manner! Trying non-defensive communication can also be good, I'm learning to do it at the moment e.g. "I'm sorry you see it that way" or "I don't accept your definition of me", responses like that.

Unfortunately narcissists don't care about your feelings and how they affect you. Actually many of them delight in hurting you, they enjoy seeing your pain! They know full well what they are doing and do everything on purpose. Which is why trying to have a respectful, loving relationship with one is impossible! They refuse to see an issue in what they say and do and therefore it's pointless to get them to seek professional help. They always shift blame so all the problems in the relationship are all entirely your fault (my brother is a pro at this) or they totally gaslight and say they don't know what you're talking about. I tried for years to get my brother to see I wasn't this awful, selfish human being he constantly makes me out to be - with 0 success. It's an utter waste of time and energy and I've utterly given up. I think I'll end up going no contact with him in the near future because he's so malignant. For my own emotional and psychological health plus to protect my future child from being groomed by my siblings and their kids to be the next family scapegoat!

So sorry you come from a similiar background:hugs: It's probably best to avoid them as much as possible and just act positive about your IVF journey, saying "Oh everything's going great! But I'd rather hear about (insert subject that interests and is preferably about them here)." Demeaning but can be good when trying to avoid giving them emotional ammunition they can use against you:nope:

Hey!! I wrote a big message yesterday and it didn't post!! Damn thing.
But wanted to say Cassie when I read what your sister did I nearly cried (doesn't take much these days!). That is so so cruel.

You're young - I'd only put one in. And I haven't done too much reading but I know enough.

Kat - I think I remember your messages from another forum - your family sounds horrible. Horrendous. . You're right to give them some distance.

Tina - I always had that hope I'd get pregnant naturally between staring IVF. Miracles can happen.

Unlucky 41 - congrats on your new job!

All good with me. Decided to forgive my sister and my mum - well try to move on. It wasn't deliberate. My sister is the person whose whole world revolves around her. And hard to consider others feelings. Want to go into January being all zen and happy. So that's what I need right now so I'm just like - let it go!
I had dinner tonight with two of my husband's friends wives who are due any day. Argh!! I remember when we were trying around the same time. Kind of annoying. I just feel like all this wasted time has gone by - sometimes I get so angry. Brings up frustrations (that I've tried to put behind me) that my husband waited 15 months after we got married to get a sperm test. He warned me we'd have trouble when we dated because of a surgery he had when he was younger. And it feels like we should (well he) should have been onto it sooner. Anyway, can't change the past. But there a big difference in those years after you're 34! Now our second wedding anniversary comes up in Feb and god i hope I'm pregnant. IVF journey has been so slow. But keeping positive (trying too) we will get there.

I'm guessing period will come 5th January so they'll track me after 10 days? I don't even know how it works. Must call - might try and fit in a little get away somewhere.

Nearly get the genetic testing results back soon...hopefully it's by Christmas! I just want to know.

Thanks miranda:hugs: Yeah I've finally seen how my family is full of nothing but narcissists and enablers that are out to make me miserable for telling the truth and pointing out the toxic dysfunction going on. I just can't have these people in my life anymore:nope: My narcissistic mother I can somewhat handle (she's also almost 80 so may be soon rid of her, as awful as that sounds but she started the scapegoating of me from since the day I was born) but my narcissistic siblings are completely impossible so they'll have to go at some point. I just can't handle the backlash rigth now going no contact would create (my enabler cousin and my brother's enabler wife will go nuts and my narcissistic siblings will just hurl a tidal wave of more abuse and invalidation:nope:) so waiting until I've gotten pregnant and had a baby - my former therapist also agreed that this was the best course of action for me (she was the one that helped me really see my mother is toxic) and will give me more time to emotionally distant myself from them all.

Awww I can imagine seeing the wives must have be hard, especially when you all started trying around the same time:hugs: As to your DH, I think it's hard for some men to admit they might be the issue. Many of them seem to think it makes them less of a man or something. I hope you get the results very soon and FXed for a BFP for you this time :dust:
Morning girls! Well... It's morning in the UK anyhow! Hope everyone is well. Sorry I've not been around much, I go on my holidays in 3 days time and I've just been so busy and distracted with packing, last minute shopping and printing off documents that I feel like I've abandoned everyone!

Miss cassie...my opinion on transferring 2 is different. My cousin transferred 2 Embies 10 years ago and now has beautiful twin girls. In my situation personally I only had 2 embryos. We transferred 1 which didn't take and now we have to pay another £1500 to transfer the final one. I do wish that we had transferred both now so we wouldn't incur the extra costs. I am 28 and was given such high hopes of the first cycle working only for it to be BFN.

Kat, great news that your BETA is down to zero. I guess it's a relief that your body is back to normal now and you can focus on your next cycle. Sending you big hugs xx

Miranda, it takes a bigger person to forgive and move on so well done you for focusing on what is right for your upcoming cycle. Sorry that you had to endure a dinner with heavily pregnant ladies :( all of my friends have too gone through pregnancies since we started TTC 2 1/2 years ago. It's tough, but all I can say is try to focus on the good things that are coming your way shortly!

AFM CD29, I knew my period would be late because I am going on holiday. I really don't want to be on a heavy period whilst I'm wearing swimwear. I took a test a couple of days ago, it was negative. And I don't feel pregnant anyhow so it's just a waiting game now for the witch to show up.

Kat, great news that your BETA is down to zero. I guess it's a relief that your body is back to normal now and you can focus on your next cycle. Sending you big hugs xx

Yeah I guess and that it's all over and done with. Now I can move on emotionally and get myself mentally prepared to go through IVF #2. It'll be a relief though to be doing short protocol instead of long protocol this time:thumbup: I should be able to get more eggs, also based on my previous IUI cycles where I was on around 60-70 something IU of Puregon and got most of the time 2 eggs on it. So with the right dose I should be able to get up to 6-8 eggs next round, hopefully a bit more.

AFM CD29, I knew my period would be late because I am going on holiday. I really don't want to be on a heavy period whilst I'm wearing swimwear. I took a test a couple of days ago, it was negative. And I don't feel pregnant anyhow so it's just a waiting game now for the witch to show up.


Sorry you got a BFN tina:hugs: Here's hoping you get your BFP after your FET:thumbup:

AFM finally bought DH his Christmas present Friday:wacko: Ended up getting him a new pair of everyday shoes since the pair I got him a few years ago are completely worn down:wacko: He's first buying his gift for me today though, total procrastinator:haha:

We looked at another house yesterday (trying to find a place closer to DH's new job) and it was a really nice house so we may very well bid on it. Another house we were interested in looking at sold in the meantime (saw it on the net late last week and it's now gone:shrug:) and there are no other nice houses for sale in the area we want to move to in our price range so may need to get a move on with the one we saw yesterday:winkwink: DH said he'll call them today and ask if we can get a list of any flaws in the house (the owner was advised to first get someone in to get one done once someone was more seriously interested since it's pretty expensive and is only good for 6 months) so we know for sure there are no major issues, despite the fact the owners said that they're pretty sure there aren't any major issues (may very well be the truth but probably good to see what a professional says).
Kat, I didn't realise that you are going through a whole fresh cycle again! For some reason I was under the impression that you was transferring a frostie. What date is your cycle likely to start? I too has a pretty poor response to the meds first time around. We got 8 eggs but the consultant gave me assurances that we would have in the range of 12-15 so I felt gutted when I was told 8 as only 2 survived in the end.

Sorry that you're having trouble finding the right house for you guys! If this is the one though I think you're right to move quickly, especially if the houses are getting snapped up like hot cakes!

AFM my period finally arrived last night. It's 6am here in the UK and I've been lay awake in bed for over a hour with terrible cramps. Just waiting for the meds to kick in and then I'm going to try and get some more sleep.

I need to make the all important call to the hospital today to tell them to take my frozie out of it's frozen home! We are transferring this cycle yesssss!!! I've worked out that transfer date should be around 10th January, if all goes to plan

Kat, I didn't realise that you are going through a whole fresh cycle again! For some reason I was under the impression that you was transferring a frostie. What date is your cycle likely to start? I too has a pretty poor response to the meds first time around. We got 8 eggs but the consultant gave me assurances that we would have in the range of 12-15 so I felt gutted when I was told 8 as only 2 survived in the end.

Sorry that you're having trouble finding the right house for you guys! If this is the one though I think you're right to move quickly, especially if the houses are getting snapped up like hot cakes!

AFM my period finally arrived last night. It's 6am here in the UK and I've been lay awake in bed for over a hour with terrible cramps. Just waiting for the meds to kick in and then I'm going to try and get some more sleep.

I need to make the all important call to the hospital today to tell them to take my frozie out of it's frozen home! We are transferring this cycle yesssss!!! I've worked out that transfer date should be around 10th January, if all goes to plan


Unfortunately we don't have any frosties to transfer since my other 2 embies apparently either didn't make it to day 5 or weren't deemed viable for freezing :cry: My RE was also about to convert to an IUI since they knew I'd have max 4 eggs since I only had 4 follies until I told her we'd been through 6 medicated IUIs and I'd gotten AF every single time (so IUIs don't work for us at all!). She thought I'd only had 3 IUIs for some reason. AF should be here around January 8th unless the CP makes her come a bit later:shrug: I'll be doing short protocol since long protocol apparently results in suppressing me way too much:nope:

Yeah seems houses that are of a decent size and look nice go fairly quickly:nope: All the other houses for sale right now are either way too expensive for our budget, too small or butt ugly:dohh:

Here's hopng your FET goes well:flower:
Tina 10 Jan is very soon!

Kat hunting for the right house for the right price takes ages. I hope you find something suitable and in the right price range!

What is everyone doing for xmas? Only two more sleeps for us. Going to attempt and make a fruit tart haven't baked for two years or more!

Tomorrow half day at work then attempt to make the tart. Have a ice cream cake in the freezer as back up.

Yesterday we found out our little cousin is pregnant at 27. She only got married in March and she did say she would try after six months. Can't help to feel upset that why didn't isn't it the same for everyone!
:( unlucky, I've been in your situation before. Though we want to be happy for them because we wouldn't wish infertility on anyone it really really hurts to find out that it's happened so easily for someone else. One of my friends has had 2 babies in the time that we've been trying!

My Christmas plans will be relaxing on a beach in Tenerife! We are flying out for some Christmas sun tomorrow morning so I imagine today is going to be a busy day for me. Think we will get a Chinese takeaway tonight!

Kat, sorry that you've had so many failed IUIs. I did a short protocol for my first round of ICSI and although it didn't work out for us I send you all the luck in the world!

AFM a friend of mine has this morning given me hope that this journey can have a happy ending. She too did her first round of IVF at the same time as I did in September and we both suffered BFNs. Fast forward to December and she has just completed her FET and found out yesterday that she is pregnant!
I called the hospital yesterday morning to arrange my FET so just waiting on a call back with confirmation

Tina 10 Jan is very soon!

Kat hunting for the right house for the right price takes ages. I hope you find something suitable and in the right price range!

What is everyone doing for xmas? Only two more sleeps for us. Going to attempt and make a fruit tart haven't baked for two years or more!

Tomorrow half day at work then attempt to make the tart. Have a ice cream cake in the freezer as back up.

Yesterday we found out our little cousin is pregnant at 27. She only got married in March and she did say she would try after six months. Can't help to feel upset that why didn't isn't it the same for everyone!

Thanks:flower: Yes it probably can. But I think in our case it'll go quickly since there aren't many houses for sale in that area that are both nice and that we can afford. If the house we saw last time looks good, we're planning on bidding:happydance: We'll be taking a 2nd look between Christmas and New Years and wait on that condition report til shortly after New Years, just to be sure there aren't any serious issues.

This year DH and I will be going to his parents' house (since it was my narcissistic mother's turn last year). The plan was to have a Chrsitmas lunch at my mother's on Saturday but then she called DH and cancelled, citing she couldn't cope. DH offered to buy all the food but she insisted and then talked about how she's upset my narcissistic brother is no contact with her (she twice verbally went after his enabler wife since she deems her not good enough for my "oh so perfect", yet highly abusive to me, brother). Then she suddenly called my DH yesterday and said that the truth was her sister (another narcissist in the family, thank God she lives in Spain:dohh:) was staying with her because she'd gotten into a fight with my cousin's DH (my aunt was originally staying with them) and my mother and aunt didn't want anyone to know my aunt was now staying at my mother's, even lying to the police when they called since my cousin called my aunt in as a missing person. But now they've told everyone and I now fear my mother will want us to come by anyway:nope: Yeah, dysfunction running rampant as usual and Christmas never being an exception:dohh: I just hope my cousin doesn't suddenly write to me to complain about my mother, basically the only time she contacts me these past couple of years. Plus we'll see how long my aunt ends up staying, her and my mother usually end up in a huge fight after longer periods of time together.

Sorry Unlucky about your cousin getting pregnant so easily:hugs: It's so hard to see everyone around you have an easier time of conceiving.

:( unlucky, I've been in your situation before. Though we want to be happy for them because we wouldn't wish infertility on anyone it really really hurts to find out that it's happened so easily for someone else. One of my friends has had 2 babies in the time that we've been trying!

My Christmas plans will be relaxing on a beach in Tenerife! We are flying out for some Christmas sun tomorrow morning so I imagine today is going to be a busy day for me. Think we will get a Chinese takeaway tonight!

Kat, sorry that you've had so many failed IUIs. I did a short protocol for my first round of ICSI and although it didn't work out for us I send you all the luck in the world!

AFM a friend of mine has this morning given me hope that this journey can have a happy ending. She too did her first round of IVF at the same time as I did in September and we both suffered BFNs. Fast forward to December and she has just completed her FET and found out yesterday that she is pregnant!
I called the hospital yesterday morning to arrange my FET so just waiting on a call back with confirmation


Thanks tina:hugs: Yeah it was so hard to get through them, especially since my IUI RE was so super positive about our chances for IUI working for us:nope: I only ever got AF and BFNs with them. As hard as my CP was, at least it's progress in a way and shows IVF may very well work for us.

Congrats to your friend, such a great story:happydance: Here's hoping we all get as lucky in January/February :dust:

Hope you have a great vacation :flower:
Yeah people getting pregnant around you is hard. Tina, I've had a friend have two babies since we started trying too. Sucks!

Kat - have you started stimming yet? Hopefully the short protocol goes well for u. It's really disappointing when you expect more I've been there..For my 1st cycle 10 good follicles there (and got hopeful) but only 4 were released. And the next cycle 6 released. And in between there was a cancelled cycle when she said there wasn't enough. But we had good survival rates after Day 5 so can't complain - but still I wanted more. I really think they'll tweak it and you'll be sweet this round.

Tina - 10th of Jan it is. Whoo hoo. Exciting that u have a date. You'll be a little ahead of me. My period should come 5th Jan so then it's 2 weeks from that date I'm guessing.

Unlucky 41 - the tart sounds YUM!!

as for me.. So for Xmas every year we alternate between families. Last year's was my husband's family - he only has his brother, his wife and their daughter (who's a bit spoilt) They aren't the biggest conversationalist's so it's just a bit boring - I don't think I've ever really laughed over there. I find conversation a bit hard. Anyway, we were there for 6 hours last time.. it was too long. (but they could be interfering and awful, which they aren't, so shouldn't complain - no in-law situation is easy) This year it's my families turn.. Whoo hoo!! We're very different. I'm one of 6 kids and we have all partners.. and my two nephews who are awesome.. So it's 17 around the table and lots of laughs and hard to get words in.

My sister's pregnant, my Mum told her just to not go on and on about it on xmas day, but I think I'm at a good place about it now. Only taken me a month! lol

My Dr rang quickly yesterday just wanted to say there was a polyp and it was benine. So that's good. I said dammit thought u were ringing with our genetic testing results. Come on already... But actually it will probably be another week because it takes a month.

We've booked a get away for New Years Eve!!! Going to Port Lincoln as we've wanted to do the cage diving with the sharks. We've wanted to do it since our honeymoon in Cape Town because we went but no sharks came near the boat. And we'll go swimming with the sea lions the day before. (Different area!).. We would actually have wanted to do the Milford Track in NZ. but tickets sell out in May to do the walk.. and of course, I thought I'd be pregnant by now.
Yeah people getting pregnant around you is hard. Tina, I've had a friend have two babies since we started trying too. Sucks!

Kat - have you started stimming yet? Hopefully the short protocol goes well for u. It's really disappointing when you expect more I've been there..For my 1st cycle 10 good follicles there (and got hopeful) but only 4 were released. And the next cycle 6 released. And in between there was a cancelled cycle when she said there wasn't enough. But we had good survival rates after Day 5 so can't complain - but still I wanted more. I really think they'll tweak it and you'll be sweet this round.

Tina - 10th of Jan it is. Whoo hoo. Exciting that u have a date. You'll be a little ahead of me. My period should come 5th Jan so then it's 2 weeks from that date I'm guessing.

Unlucky 41 - the tart sounds YUM!!

as for me.. So for Xmas every year we alternate between families. Last year's was my husband's family - he only has his brother, his wife and their daughter (who's a bit spoilt) They aren't the biggest conversationalist's so it's just a bit boring - I don't think I've ever really laughed over there. I find conversation a bit hard. Anyway, we were there for 6 hours last time.. it was too long. (but they could be interfering and awful, which they aren't, so shouldn't complain - no in-law situation is easy) This year it's my families turn.. Whoo hoo!! We're very different. I'm one of 6 kids and we have all partners.. and my two nephews who are awesome.. So it's 17 around the table and lots of laughs and hard to get words in.

My sister's pregnant, my Mum told her just to not go on and on about it on xmas day, but I think I'm at a good place about it now. Only taken me a month! lol

My Dr rang quickly yesterday just wanted to say there was a polyp and it was benine. So that's good. I said dammit thought u were ringing with our genetic testing results. Come on already... But actually it will probably be another week because it takes a month.

We've booked a get away for New Years Eve!!! Going to Port Lincoln as we've wanted to do the cage diving with the sharks. We've wanted to do it since our honeymoon in Cape Town because we went but no sharks came near the boat. And we'll go swimming with the sea lions the day before. (Different area!).. We would actually have wanted to do the Milford Track in NZ. but tickets sell out in May to do the walk.. and of course, I thought I'd be pregnant by now.

Nope they couldn't reach to stim me, do an ER and then an ET before Christmas since they're closed between Christmas and New Years (so closed between and including December 23rd and January 1st):nope: Besides I think I'd be on a forced 1 cycle break anyway, especially because of the CP:shrug: They also were using those days from just as I started bleeding to test my HCG every few days to make sure it was going down. AF will be here around January 8th so will start around there. 6 sounds pretty good to me since I only had 3:wacko: Maybe I would've had a better chance at having frosties.

Wow sounds great, have fun on your New Years vacation! DH and I will be going over to his little brother's and girlfriend's apartment and have dinner with them, DH's big brother, their cousin and 1-2 other people (I think very close friends?). Then later after dinner more of the little brother's and girlfriend's friends will come over.
Just popping in to say Merry Christmas! Hope we all can enjoy this festive season with family andfriends!
Yes Merry Christmas everyone:happydance:

Celebrated Christmas at my in-laws' last night. Had a great dinner of sugared potatoes, warm red cabbage with cranberries, apples & prunes and my mock duck while everyone else had real duck and pork roast:winkwink: Then we had ris a la mande (a type of rice pudding with almond pieces) with warm cherry sauce for dessert. Also managed to open all the presents:winkwink: Then came the traditional Trivial Pursuit game: DH, my FIL and me won against DH's little brother, my MIL, my MIL's mother and DH's big brother:happydance: Tonight we go see my narcissistic mother (my narcissistic aunt left for Spain) and tomorrow is a Christmas lunch with DH's whole family: cousins, aunts, uncles, DH's big brother's 2 kids (they spent last night with the ex-wife since it was her turn to have them) ect. are coming so we'lll be 16 people that day at my in-laws':wacko:

Of course didn't hear from my narcissistic siblings at all yesterday (although my brother liked my status last night on FB but no comment or wishing me a Merry Christmas) but I'm not surprised as they've been ostracizing me, especially this past year :shrug: My brother hasn't sent me a Christmas card the last couple of years.
Just popping in to say Merry Christmas ladies!! Hope you've all had an amazing day :) xx
I think I'll be doing another FET in February. I had my first FET November 3, chemical pregnancy. I was still getting positive HPTs the past couple weeks, so beta on Monday was 50 (my highest beta in November was 23.5), Thursday was 40, doing another one tomorrow and doctor appointment Tuesday. RE thinks I had some fetal tissue left from the first FET and I think I passed that Christmas morning. I had been spotting for a week and a half, then it picked up a little bit Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, then heavier Christmas Eve and really heavy Christmas day. It's back to spotting now. I have no idea WHEN I can do my next FET now that this happened. Last week, they were talking about doing a D&C, but I think it's all out now, will see Tuesday. Just last week, I was thinking AF was coming and was hoping to start my BCP.
I think I'll be doing another FET in February. I had my first FET November 3, chemical pregnancy. I was still getting positive HPTs the past couple weeks, so beta on Monday was 50 (my highest beta in November was 23.5), Thursday was 40, doing another one tomorrow and doctor appointment Tuesday. RE thinks I had some fetal tissue left from the first FET and I think I passed that Christmas morning. I had been spotting for a week and a half, then it picked up a little bit Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, then heavier Christmas Eve and really heavy Christmas day. It's back to spotting now. I have no idea WHEN I can do my next FET now that this happened. Last week, they were talking about doing a D&C, but I think it's all out now, will see Tuesday. Just last week, I was thinking AF was coming and was hoping to start my BCP.

Hi Jean:flower:

I'm so sorry your CP has been so long and difficult:hugs: I hope that it's over for you so you can emotionally and physically move on to getting ready for your next FET i February.
Hi ladies can I join? I am WTT for February for my second. Nervous for my first go at frozen ivf will transfer one frosty have two total. Natural cycle (male infertility factor ) So transfer is unknown maybe mid February. I'm going for my cd3 test and one other test next month just waiting for my period to come in Jan! :)
Jean I'm sorry to hear about your chemical pregnancy I hope you next cycle gives you a bfp!
Welcome Jean and Almosthere.

Jean - sorry to hear about your chemical pregnancy. It's a sign that your body knows what it has to do.

Almosthere - welcome. Wow I saw your signature 42 hours labour for your little bundle of joy. Yikes! I'm doing my first frozen transfer too! I'm a bit nervous as well. We did ISCI too because of male factor. Maybe I'm nervous because I'm so used to the issue being on my husband's side.. so if the embryo doesn't take I guess it's because of me. But can't think of that. Just being trying to justify some of the nervousness to myself. But trying to think positively!!

Kat - xmas sounds great. Board game sounds fun.. glad u guys won. Mock Duck? are you a vegetarian? me too!

Hope everyone had a great christmas! We had a great one. This year was my families turn not my husband's fam.. yes!!!

I think we're all in for a lucky January and Feb! I've got a good feeling
Kat - xmas sounds great. Board game sounds fun.. glad u guys won. Mock Duck? are you a vegetarian? me too!

Hope everyone had a great christmas! We had a great one. This year was my families turn not my husband's fam.. yes!!!

I think we're all in for a lucky January and Feb! I've got a good feeling

Well I'm actually a pescetarian so I do eat fish and shellfish:winkwink: But since my MIL was serving both duck and roast pork for Christmas (both very traditional here although not many make both!) I had to figure something else out and thought Mock Duck was perfect. The ones we buy taste really good if fried on a pan with butter for about 10 minutes. I tried it once from a microwave (DH's big brother's horrible MIL "prepared" it) and it wasn't good:wacko: Glad that your Christmas went well!

Here's hoping you're right! I'm turning 37 in May so really need my BFP next month:happydance:
Me too - I'm 37 in November.. God I hate seeing that written down! Trying not to worry think about it. Getting older in fertility land sucks. Here's hoping things work out for us both - and everyone else here - this January and February.
Still waiting on the results from our genetic testing.. This Thursday it will be a month.. That's how long we waited last time. Would like to know before the end of the year. Anyway, trying to keep busy!!

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