Anyone doing FET/IVF Jan/Feb 2016

We just had our appointment and all tests (so far) have come back good except my AMH is 10.1 - Low fertilty is 2.2 - 15.6, however I am 35 so the Doc said it was probably because of my age. I have a biopsy scheduled for the 21st of Dec and then hopefully starting BCP for a Joan or Feb IVF cycle.
Miranda 4 is a good number. When do you do the results?

Invivo we will be close I think my transfer will be about 26 Jan by then we will know whether your cycle has worked! Very exciting.

Yes Tina it would be great to have a cycle buddy especially in the terrible two week wait!

Trying to keep busy by finding a perm part time role within my company. Trying to job share with someone. It is not working all the big bosses are boys they just want full time people to work really hard.

I know it would be bad if I get the job to then say a few months later I am going on Mat leave but if I don't secure a role I will be made redundant! Hmm the troubles of life. Also getting pregnant might not happen! So much stress with infertility you just can't plan!
Unlucky, sorry you are having troubles at work. We are having redundancies at the minute :( I will find out before the 18th December whether or not I will be losing my job. Fingers crossed that it's good news because otherwise the savings that we have for IVF would have to go on bills if I were to lose my job.

Boopin, of course you can join my dear! What's your story?

Ovulation is approaching for me girls, we've got this 1 last shot at a natural cycle and then back to IVF next month

unlucky and Tina I think I'll probably be in the two week wait with u just depends on my cycle. Haven't thought that far ahead. Think the Hysterscopy makes it shorter. Excited to put one in but I really don't know if I can handle the disappointment. But got to be positive about it!! We all do!!

Get the results back around Christmas (hopefully good news) we'll use one of the ones we tested before in Jan. As we've done the genetic testing they know what the genders are. I asked and the Dr said she advises people not to know because then it's too hard if it doesn't work out. But she said of the 3 there is a mix. Obviously Australia doesn't have gender selection here. Honesty don't care I just want to be pregnant.

Beepin - I think that's your 'name' welcome! Yes join in!! And TTC4years - ok whooooaaaa who said that AMH was low. That is not. It's about what I had and I'm 35 too. Some people even a few years younger have 2 or 3!! Someone I read 0.26. So don't believe that! I had great results with IVF. Not pregnant yet - but good egg numbers with pick up! Geez. Yours is very normal - well better because I think a lot of people are lower than u!

With the back to back cycles of drugs (one cancelled then straight into more injections) I can't wait to get my period where I'll miraculous de-bloat.. Ha ha ha ha.. They say to take it easy but I did get back y the gym tonight. Really want to try and lose all this bloat around the belly before they put one in January. So I'm going to be really good around xmas time!
Miranda, you have more willpower than I do being good around Christmas time!! I plan on totally pigging out and drinking enough wine to intoxicate a small country before we take on the IVF again in January. Both myself and DH seriously cut back on alcohol for a couple of months before we did our first transfer and it didn't make a difference so this time around I am going to enjoy myself over the festive period and be merry!
Crazy that you know that within your embryos there are girls and boys! Like you said though we don't really care what the sex is as long as we have our much longed for babies at the end of it all.

Agreed, i cut down with alcohol tried ti eat suoer healthy with my first fet and it did nothing :( so we are going to Vegas on the 28th of december and then leave for LA on the 4th and come home to australia on the 11th january! So i figure i will get everything out of my system in vegas haha and then back to being good when i get back.. i am hoping to do my fet before i go back to work. As ill be taking progynova while over there to thicken up my lining!

In other news my SIL announce to me she is pregnant today! She is 6 weeks and feel pregnant the first month of coming off the pill! Im happy and excited for her and my brother. And then on the otherside im annoyed that it only took 1 month for them to fall pregnant!.. but i take peace in knowing my bundle of joy is waiting for me in my 2 embies :)
Miss Cassie totally understand where you are coming from my sister did the same to me two years back. Hope you get the bfp this time round so you and enjoy being pregnant together.

Tina I hope you don't join my fate of being jobless. I pray you get good news

Miranda it sounds very positive to be putting back an embyro that has been tested. Really hope you get the good news at xmas.
Ah Cassie I feel your pain. My sister did this to me on my birthday. Sucks!! Hopefully they announced it to u in a way that was sensitive. Unlike my sister! Ahh it was so easy we weren't even trying... Arghhhhh makes my blood boil just thinking about it. Still pretty mad!

Vegas and LA sounds like an awesome holiday. It's so good to get away. Think we might plan a weekend get away before January. Our lives have kind of been on hold for so long - not that long but it feels like it.

Yeah we did the same cut back on alcohol. But never been a big drinker anyway so it didn't really bother me.

Anyway got my period this morning - with a bit of cramping (whoo hoo) so they've booked me in for the Hysterscopy on Monday. No big deal - the drugs they give u are awesome!! Really wanted to get back to body pump tonight at the gym but don't know if I should wait for more of my period so the blood releases from the ovaries.
Miss cassie, your holiday plans sound amazing!! I've never been to America and I am desperate to go. It's my 30th birthday next year and I have hinted to my hubby that I'd love to do a few days in New York. My birthday is right by Christmas time and I imagine New York is beautiful at Christmas.

Miranda, out of curiosity how much did it cost for the genetic testing on the embryos? We only have 1 frozen emby so if it doesn't work in January we will be paying for another fresh cycle and it'd be something that I'd want to look into.
Great news that your period has arrived and you can start planning your tests! Here's to great things to come :)

I have been cramping pretty strongly over the past 24 hours, combined with EWCM I'd say that ovulation is happening though we can count ourselves out this cycle because my DH has been away on business.

We've only got this one cycle left anyhoo and then on to ICSI again

Hope I can join you all.

I'm 36 years old and my DH is turning 38 at the end of this month. I'm a housewife and DH is a Chemical Engineer. We've been TTC for a little over 2 years, have tried just about everything for all natural cycles (Preseed, Softcups, Conceive Plus, FertileCM pills, green tea, grapefruit juice ect) and have had 6 IUIs, all with injectables (Puregon) that all failed and ended in BFNs.

We've been through our 1st IVF (long protocol, ended up with 3 good quality eggs that all fertilised, had 1 embie put back) but sadly it's a CP (just got the news today actually:cry:) so expecting to soon get "AF" within the next few days:nope: We never got any leter from them so that means my other 2 embies weren't good enough to freeze so starting "from scratch."

I'll be starting IVF #2 in January as we can't start next cycle, both because of the holidays and because the clinic at the hospital I'm going to make you sit out 1 cycle in between IVFs/FETs, no matter if it's a BFN or CP:shrug: I know I'll be on the short protocol though this time as that's what my RE told me if IVF #1 didn't give us a sticky BFP since I didn't have many eggs on the long protocol (had 3 and they aim for 8-12).
Kat - Welcome!! So sorry to hear about your CP. :hugs: 2016 is going to be a better year. We will get our BFP's!! xx
Kat - Welcome!! So sorry to hear about your CP. :hugs: 2016 is going to be a better year. We will get our BFP's!! xx

Thanks boopin:hugs: Yes, here's hoping 2016 will be everyone's year!

I've been trying to find some silver lining in it and many pages I've read state that a CP is better than a BFN for e.g. IVF because it means you have a high chance of it working for you at one point. You were just unlucky and the embryo was genetically abnormal. Hoping this is true, especially as I'm turning 37 in May and only have 2 IVF tries left now (although unlimited FETs)!
YES Kat, I definitely agree that the silver lining in your recent experience is that you now know you can become pregnant with your eggs and hubbies sperm. It'll happen again. Just stay strong and relentless. Infertility is so unfair most of the time, but I believe that it can be conquered!! Try and relax and take things one step at a time. I think that remaining calm and reducing stress along with taking care of your over all health is imperative to a successful transfer. Our bodies are more receptive when we're not stressing and worrying like mad women.. lol!! And another good thing you have going is that you have unlimited FET's, that's reassuring =.)
Wrlcome Kat!!! Faaark I can't believe you have to wait for a freaking letter for them to tell u about your other embryos. You poor thing!! Hell! That sucks!! My clinic calls in the afternoon to update and I wait for that call I can tell u! Sorry to hear about your CP - but you're right silver lining. Your body will get there!
Hopefully next time they can change your protocol next time for your second round. I'm surprised they went through with an egg extraction if they only knew they were only going to get a few. This happened to me and they cancelled the round and said we will up the dose a bit next time. We didn't pay anything though. But I'm sure your Dr will tweak things for your next round and you'll get more eggs. I think 1 good day 5 embryo out of 3 collected is a good result anyway. Even though it didn't turn out - you've got quality in there they just need to up the numbers.

Tina - I forget where u live but I'm in Australia and going through Genea clinic. So their genetic testing is $750 an embryo. And if u have lots to test its capped at $3,500. We didn't get any $ back from Medicare for the PGD (or is it PGS I forget!) . But considering its about $3,500 to put a frozen one in (with a $1,500 or something rebate from Medicare) I figure it's worth it. Or probably u get back less with the new changes next year.

My Hysterscopy is booked in for Monday afternoon. I'm actually looking forward to the nice drugs they give and having a quiet day on Monday/Tuesday. Haven't been able to work out properly for back to back cycles so like a loser I asked if it was ok to work out morning of surgery. Arghhh the same 'you should take it easy' answer - it's just my stress relief. Am I they only one who gets frustrated by this?? I've got this weekend - might fit in a yoga class too because I've been worried about ovary contortion so have done thing!
Thanks boopin:hugs:

Wrlcome Kat!!! Faaark I can't believe you have to wait for a freaking letter for them to tell u about your other embryos. You poor thing!! Hell! That sucks!! My clinic calls in the afternoon to update and I wait for that call I can tell u! Sorry to hear about your CP - but you're right silver lining. Your body will get there!
Hopefully next time they can change your protocol next time for your second round. I'm surprised they went through with an egg extraction if they only knew they were only going to get a few. This happened to me and they cancelled the round and said we will up the dose a bit next time. We didn't pay anything though. But I'm sure your Dr will tweak things for your next round and you'll get more eggs. I think 1 good day 5 embryo out of 3 collected is a good result anyway. Even though it didn't turn out - you've got quality in there they just need to up the numbers.

Yeah it's bizarre but I guess being in a hospital they love their paperwork:shrug:

They went through with the IVF because I've had 6 medicated IUIs earlier this year that all ended in BFN, not even any CP(s) or anything. So they felt doing a 7th IUI wasn't going to get me closer to my BFP since the odds for an IUI working for me are slim to none with that track record.

It wasn't a 5 day, it was a 2 day because they claim they've had the best results with putting them back at that stage:shrug: The other 2 were supposed to be cultivated to day 5 and they would see if they were viable for freezing but I guess they weren't since I never got a letter:shrug: I think the only thing they told us was that the other 2 were slightly behind the one they were putting back in but were still within the norm for 2 day embryos and they'd see in 3 days if they'd be viable for freezing.

I hope your Hysteroscopy goes well and you get good results:thumbup:
Hi everyone :flower:

Hoping I maybe able to join you?! I've been trying for no2 for 2.5yrs now, about 18 months ago I reached the limit of drugs they would give me unless i did IVF - sadly i was not able to do the IVF at that time and then eventually it was booked for December last year....only to be cancelled again i was gutted! This time i'm hoping all goes to plan....had my booking appointment Wednesday and my EC is booked for the 8th Feb - boy that seems like an eternity away!! I guess i've waited this long so a bit longer will have to do :wacko:

I'm doing a short antagonist protocol as I have a high amh and also pcos so they don't want to risk completely shutting me down. I thought you went of day 1 of your period for this but they very bluntly informed me that I have to go on northisterone from day 21 of cycle so they can 'book me in to their diary' as otherwise they could have everyone ringing on the same day. Fair enough i suppose.

So....i'm sat here waiting for my medication to be delivered between 8-12 , very early in my opinion seeing as i won't be taking anything for quite some time but at least it feels like a step in the right direction.

Kat sorry about your last cycle and them writing about embryo's - thats really mean :( fx they get your meds better this time so you get some more eggs.

Miranda I was told the same when I asked about riding as I previously rode horses professionally (not now so not an issue) but they constantly gave me the same sentence grrr - i'm sure if you did a gentle one you would be fine i guess just not overdoing it is they key. Good luck for monday!

Hi Tina ugh isn't it typical that ov appears when your partner is away :( Do you have any provisional dates booked for the ISCI?

Hi everyone else sorry i haven't read the whole thread yet I'm going to read through the whole thread today so i'll catchup with everyone later but just wanted to say hi and hopefully we will all have a bfp soon !
Hi everyone :flower:

Hoping I maybe able to join you?! I've been trying for no2 for 2.5yrs now, about 18 months ago I reached the limit of drugs they would give me unless i did IVF - sadly i was not able to do the IVF at that time and then eventually it was booked for December last year....only to be cancelled again i was gutted! This time i'm hoping all goes to plan....had my booking appointment Wednesday and my EC is booked for the 8th Feb - boy that seems like an eternity away!! I guess i've waited this long so a bit longer will have to do :wacko:

I'm doing a short antagonist protocol as I have a high amh and also pcos so they don't want to risk completely shutting me down. I thought you went of day 1 of your period for this but they very bluntly informed me that I have to go on northisterone from day 21 of cycle so they can 'book me in to their diary' as otherwise they could have everyone ringing on the same day. Fair enough i suppose.

So....i'm sat here waiting for my medication to be delivered between 8-12 , very early in my opinion seeing as i won't be taking anything for quite some time but at least it feels like a step in the right direction.

Kat sorry about your last cycle and them writing about embryo's - thats really mean :( fx they get your meds better this time so you get some more eggs.

Miranda I was told the same when I asked about riding as I previously rode horses professionally (not now so not an issue) but they constantly gave me the same sentence grrr - i'm sure if you did a gentle one you would be fine i guess just not overdoing it is they key. Good luck for monday!

Hi Tina ugh isn't it typical that ov appears when your partner is away :( Do you have any provisional dates booked for the ISCI?

Hi everyone else sorry i haven't read the whole thread yet I'm going to read through the whole thread today so i'll catchup with everyone later but just wanted to say hi and hopefully we will all have a bfp soon !

Hi nimbec :wave:

Oy sorry that your last IVF was cancelled :( I hear you though, January feels like a bit of a long time away for me but hopefully our wait goes by quickly. I always feel like the time between just before Christmas and until a few days after New Years goes by pretty fast.

Had no idea what northisterone is so had to look it up:wacko: So it delays AF?

Thanks, I hope so as well. I think the long protocol just wasn't for me, they decided to try it based on the fact my hormones look pretty good I guess but I don't think they can know how each person reacts since everyone is a bit different. The down regulation meds also gave me a 20-something mm cyst hence why I had to down regulate for an extra week (so 3 weeks instead of 2):dohh: But I did get 3 good quality eggs and now know my eggs are not the issue which is great to know as I was concerned that that might be our problem. It was a huge weight off my shoulders when we got the call that all 3 did fertilise as I was afraid none or maybe only one would. We just need to have a few more and hope that we're luckier next time and get a healthier embryo.

Oh I used to ride! I was actually pretty good but stopped after many years (long, long painful story). Many of my riding teachers in the US predicted an OL future for me:winkwink: I started again when I moved here to Denmark but stopped again as the riding teacher was a total witch and hated the fact she wasn't good enough to teach me anything (she was the worst one I've ever had). So I stopped because she was being nasty to me and favoring this guy that was a horrible rider (he was also doing dangerous things due to his cluelessness) and wanted to let him take over the school horse I was basically training for riding school even though he was no where near good enough to handle that horse if he started acting up. I was going to start again but then DH and I started TTCing and I didn't dare, fearing a fall would mess something up. So am planning to start again some months after we do have a baby but only for fun. I know one of my SIL's rode before and after her pregnancies but would think that's a bit dangerous considering a serious fall could potentially cause an M/C.
Welcome to the new ladies!

I hope we all get out bfp very very soon!!

Kat so sorry about your cp! I had the same thing happen with my very first transfer and it was so heart breaking :(
Welcome to the new ladies!

I hope we all get out bfp very very soon!!

Kat so sorry about your cp! I had the same thing happen with my very first transfer and it was so heart breaking :(

Thanks MissCassie, so sorry to hear you went through the same thing:flower: Yes it's truely upsetting, I cried all afternoon yesterday after getting the news and have been tearing up on and off today:nope: Haven't started bleeding yet but have been cramping today so thinking it's only a matter of time. I've read though that a CP means we have a really good chance of IVF/FET working for us so here's hoping we both get our rainbows in January :dust:
Thanks Kat, yes horses are somewhat addictive 😉 I definately wouldn't ride when pregnant or after egg collection it's just not worth the risk in my opinion. We try so hard to get pregnant personally I can't understand why anyone would take the risk! That said I know plenty who do.

I've heard the same that it's good news for you as means you can get pregnant :) fx Jan is for you!!

Fx for everyone!

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