Anyone due this month we could share experiences together

People say the ball is nice for labour. My mother in law had one and dropped it off for me. I'm not sure if it brings on labour, but it is supposed to help with the baby's positioning, help widen your cervix when you are dilating, and also help keep you from laying down when you are in labour. This is my first though, so I'm just repeating what I hear and what the nurse says :)

I'm 39 years old so I have to go to the doctor once a week, and for fetal assessments twice a week, which is a lot of doctors and nurses, but it's reassuring in some ways also. Apparently I have a lot of fluid, but it is still in the higher normal range, so I'm a tad worried, but trying to remember that everything is likely to be alright. I'm also hoping not to be induced because of my age... I'm healthy so I might be able to wait it out, which I will probably have to do, as doctor says bub is not showing any signs of wanting to come out just yet. She's only about 7 lbs. so I don't want to rush her.
yeah i am not sure what was up with my bowels yesterday, but i do seem to have more going on the past couple weeks or so.
but no plug or show, just peeing a lot and pooping a lot !!!!

i am due Saturday and just ready for her to come!!!!!!!!!
yeah i am not sure what was up with my bowels yesterday, but i do seem to have more going on the past couple weeks or so.
but no plug or show, just peeing a lot and pooping a lot !!!!

i am due Saturday and just ready for her to come!!!!!!!!!

I hear that. And I still have 2 weeks to DD, and 2 weeks after that.
Hope you get to meet her soon :dust:
Paint, maybe he'll be early or close to due date!!

I try not too complain much but tonight I'm feeling just miserable. My bump is huge and uncomfortable. It's hard to sit on the floor or even the bed unless I'm reclined. My husband is trying to be helpful but we get in silly, pointless little spats this week. The other kids have been sleeping well at night but not napping well in the day. So I keep going to my chocolate stash :( it's just rough. And to think she could go 2 weeks past Saturday!!!
Okay, rant over.
Jumping in on this too, also due on Saturday but absolutely no sign of this one coming. Have midwife appointment tomorrow so will see what she says.
Can I join I am 37 weeks Saturday and so ready for baby to come already?
Well went to my appt. This morning. They keep wanting to schedule induction :nope:
I did with DD last time, and I am soooo not into having another one unless he refuses to come out on his own.
On a positive note, hubby and I finally decided on a name!
Well went to my appt. This morning. They keep wanting to schedule induction :nope:
I did with DD last time, and I am soooo not into having another one unless he refuses to come out on his own.
On a positive note, hubby and I finally decided on a name!

I'm going through the same thing right now with my dr. wanting to induce me :( My BP has been a little high my last two check-ups but that's it. He wanted to induce at 39 weeks and I told him I definitely didn't want that and he mentioned strict bed rest instead and I told him I would rather try that first, but we're waiting to see what my BP is at my next appointment on Friday. Either way I know he's probably not going to let me go too far past my EDD, which worries me because I know my actual DD isnt for a few days after and I want to give my body a chance to go into labor on it's own..
We decided today we're going to induce at 38weeks. DS birth was horrific and resulted in a fourth degree tear, pph, rectal bruising and a retained placenta.
So we're going for an controlled induction.
We decided today we're going to induce at 38weeks. DS birth was horrific and resulted in a fourth degree tear, pph, rectal bruising and a retained placenta.
So we're going for an controlled induction.

Ow! Was it a big baby?
He was 8'1 but I'm 5'1 and I weighed 110 at birth. I spent 2weeks in hospital it was horrific.
I had my appt/GBS swab yesterday. Everything was normal. He's head down but still high. She said I was only a finger tip dilated so basically nothing. I didn't really expect to be but was still a little disappointing. She said that she's going to let me go into natural labor on my own. I rather be induced. I was induced with DD at 39+4 as fluid started leaking and had a positive experience. Plus I would like to hurry this along for work and financial purposes. And I'm just a very very impatient person and want him out already. Have an appt next week but not expecting much to change out of it.
All of this is the opposite of my experience. I turn 40 next week and worried about increased risk of stillbirth after 39 weeks in women my age. I asked my doctor about inducing and he was VERY much against it. Interesting.
bebe, that all sounds horrible, so sorry!!

sam, i'm impatient too!!! and almost 40 weeks! just come already baby! argh
Stacey have u spoken to ur doctor about being worried of ur age at birth?

Juliet I'm so jealous that ur so far along lol. The next 3 or so weeks seems like an eternity away. I'm starting to question how I even made it this long without going crazy.
Hello ladies it's nice to see so many people join i made this post because a lot of the October posts are so known to each other and don't feel I for in

It sounds like we're all ready now I'm struggling so much at the moment with my son I was induced and now I feel like she osbging to go over and she was 7lb 5oz around at 36 plus 4 days

If use are trying stuff to induce labour let me know what nothing working for me so if anything works for you would love to know

And let's all keep updated when we go in labour ect xx
I went 16days over aswel. If my DS birth had gone with no complications they'd leave me go the standard 10days over.
It's more to do with avoiding tearing and monitoring the removal of the placenta this time. My recovery was brutal after DS. We're just avoiding it again.

I turned down a CS as my DH works away and is only home 4/6 days a month. So we need some kind of time frame.

Sansam23 my BFF had trickling fluid aswel got induced and it went super smooth.

Thank you Juliet. It took me so long to talk about it and acknowledge it happened.
Yea I told him samsam23. At first he acted like I was being ridiculous and wanted me to stop worrying, but I think he was having a bad day. He's spoken about it since then, but doesn't want to because I am healthy (I teach dance and most people guess that I am about 27, not 39). I'm worried that he is only thinking about what I look/seem like instead of my actual age. Maybe it's right that he does so??? Not sure.
Yea I told him samsam23. At first he acted like I was being ridiculous and wanted me to stop worrying, but I think he was having a bad day. He's spoken about it since then, but doesn't want to because I am healthy (I teach dance and most people guess that I am about 27, not 39). I'm worried that he is only thinking about what I look/seem like instead of my actual age. Maybe it's right that he does so??? Not sure.

My sister is the same age as you and due today aswel.
She's in the uk and her doctor said he didn't want to interfere either. She has a consultant appointment tommorow and she thinks she'll be made wait the standard 10days.
Because she's in good health and has no problems in her pregnancy he said he's going to let it run. She's had sweeps since 38weeks and she is not favourable.

I think it depends on your doctor and your history.
Her been 39 makes me nervous aswel and this baby is ivf aswel.
Even though they have made points of this there letting it run.
StaceyM & Bebedeux
You guys have good reasons to want inductions, I have no reason besideds wanting to meet him, and that will come with time. I just feel like I can be patient this time

However that wont stop me from trying all of the old wife's tales :) if I cant get him going at home, I am all for it.

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