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Anyone else doing IVF/ISCI in June?

MRS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CONGRATULATIONS - you're PREGNANT :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:
Feels weird doesn't it?!

Oh well done - a beautiful grade A baby.... :cloud9:

Rosie - 10 embryos is fantastic! what wonderful news. So... tomorrow or Monday....
it'd be great if they could do a blast on monday... that'll give you really high chances of it stickgin... but fingers crossed either way... let us know as soon as you hear when youre gonna get preggo!

Well I haven't reported much - I've been waiting for a chance to get on my laptop at home (I've just got to my desk this morning so thought I'd hop online to check up on yall)

But... I'm in so much pain - and it gets worse as they day goes on... that by 7-8pm ish I just can't bear to sit up to type!

In the mornings I'm waking up feeling mostly OK - a teeny bit bloated but OK..
and by 5pm I'm sore and uncomfortable - and I can't walk - every step feels like I'm being stabbed. And I can't get comfy - I get stabbing shooting pains in my belly...

I'm officially addicted to Windeze :rofl:
I think its mostly gas that builds up during the day... and my bellys so HARD.
And the Crinone gel makes me sleepy so I have to take it late afternoon otherwise I struggle to work 'till 5.

I wouldn't mind if all this pains 'cos I'm pregnant.... but I don't feel pregnant at all :shrug:

I'm 9dpo today and I did have some pinky CM around 4dpo... which is quite exciting...
but since that.... nothing... just trapped wind and constipation and pain...
Sorry girls - but this has to be the WORST ever 2ww :hissy:
oh Pink... sorry your follicles aren't growing more quickly...
What a shame there are so many. eugh... sodding OHSS... :hugs:
Hi I have 5 more days waiting to go..... only 1 embryo was transferred out of 3 eggs they got from me. Does anyone know if 4cell grade 1- is a good one? I really have no idea as this is my 1st.
Well girls im officially PUPO too!!!! It was surreal they showed me and DH embryos on screen and they gave us the option of one or two to be put back all along they have said one so of course we said two!! They even gave us a scan pic too!

Just need to sit and wait for mother nature now!!! Test date is 4th July.

Mrsja yeaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!! PUPO to!!!!!

Cazd i feel for you so much ive been suffering to with trapped wind yours does seem alot worse though, im the same as in on a morning i feel ok but late afternoon and evening its really painful and bloated!

Fingers crossed for us all!!!

Well AF arrived today (well last night if you like but it was light) I have refused to let OH collect the drugs for a new cycle.

I have decided not to do the ivf this month for a few of reasons:

1. I think one FET and one IVF (downgraded to IUI due to understimming) in one month is enough let alone another back to apt with another IVF

2. I am not sure that doing all these procedures together is good for my body? Surely it would be better to rest for a month inbetween?

3. I am starting to think that the hospital couldn't give a rats ass if any of these procedures work as long as they keep letting me do one after the other then they are happy to take the insurance money for them all. Why isn't anyone at least prompting me to have a month's break?

4. I think the procedure has more of a chance of working if my ovaries are given a rest and get back to normal.

5. The drugs are taking a toll on me and I have changed as a person while on them being stressed, emotional, anxious, upset... I dont want to be like that anymore for a while.

6. I would like to TTC naturally because I am convinced we did a few months ago, judging by the really dark line on the HPT. Therefore I have ordered some preseed and we will see what happens.

7. Finally there is a good chance that I will continue with a fresh cycle of IVF next cycle, this will be the last before our holiday in August and then if it doesnt work another one will start in October.
Oh sammy :hugs:
you've been through the ringer with all this.
Maybe you're right to stop and let your body recover a bit. :shrug:
cazd thankyou!!!!!!
It does feel weird, it's totally weird! And by the way can I just agree with you 110% about the horrendous wind, cramping and constipation that has been going on ever since EC!! It's driving me crazy!

I'm still a little bit crampy in my ovaries now and then, but the main problem is this trapped wind and stomach pain! Let's just hope our little embies are burrowing in and it's all worthwhile :)

That pinkish CM you had at 4DPO sound super promising, I'm so excited for you!! When do you do your blood test??

Rosie, yayyyyyyyy welcome to the pupo club!! :happydance::dance::headspin::yipee::wohoo:
I can't believe you got to go with two, last minute like that! Good for you lady! Fingers crossed you make it through the 2WW without going nuts.. I'm testing on July 2, so just a couple of days before you.

Sammy, I completely agree that you need a break between cycles. It's hard work physically and emotionally and your body needs some time to recover. The clinics here in Aus will generally insist that you take a month off after doing a stimulated cycle, before they will even look at FET. I wish you all the best with your natural TTC this month.

Tickled, Tory and Clussy what's the latest follicle news? You guys feeling OK?

ceejay, I assume you did a 2 or 3 day transfer? If so, a 4 cell grade 1 is great.

sending much love and babydust xxxx
Congrats on being PUPO, Rosie!!! :happydance: And I'm pleased you got the chance for two in the end!!!

Welcome Ceejae! Sorry, this is my first attempt too and I have no idea... Good luck though!!

I think you've made the right decision, Sammy. Physically and mentally you need time to recover and try and get back to normal before starting again.

I'm feeling pretty crap today :( Thank goodness I don't have work. I had really bad tummy pains last night, I think it was trapped wind again. It's cleared this morning but i feel so uncomfortable and very queasy. I had a bit of an upset stomach during the night so i was feeling a bit delicate. I've had breakfast and within an hour of eating, I had the upset stomach again. I can't get comfortable, no matter what way I sit... I looked at myself sideways in the mirror this morning and my stomach looks huge. It's sticking out further than my boobs :( I look pregnant... how cruel is that? :( I'm only on day 9 of stimms :cry: I just want to cry... damn hormones :growlmad:
Pink... So sorry... The bloatings bad isn't it.
I've just been googling foods to reduce bloating. It's cos of the progesterone relaxing the digestive tract so food has longer to ferment.
I'm thoroughly sick of it now. I can only wear my baggiest clothes and tbh it's really starting to get me down. I'm in constant pain with it andall the windeze and peppermint tea in the world isn't doing squat. Injections, EC, ET... It was a breeze but this is the most painful 2wwever!
The clinic said to do a home pregnancy test 16dpo so I'm testing next Saturday.
7 sleeps to go....

Sammy completely understand the need to give the body a month rest.

I had the scan Friday that I got called back for they said I have too many follicles. Sometimes you feel you cant win with this it either too many not enough etc. My biggest follicle is 12 but loads of small ones they have lowered my dose now. The doctor said I have got the symptoms of PCOS but I have never had this previous. They said I will have EC on Wednesday. I hope that between now and then that some grow. Next scan Monday will report in then x
Rosie! Congrats on being pupo!!! :wohoo: that makes 3 of us preggos! :yipee:
Do you have the pic to show us?
Tory... Sorry about the follicle count. Glad they're still lookin at next week for EC. When I started Reading yr post I thought... Oh no... They've stopped the cycle!

Well I'm gonna see how I get on today but if it's no better I'm gonna get my man to take me to hospital. I can't bear this pain much longer.. :hissy:
cazd, that's no good at all. Sorry to hear you are still in so much discomfort.

Mine has eased off now (sorry, I bet you hate me for saying that. But you know that I sympathize COMPLETELY.) I have been eating as much fibre as I can get my hands on and it seems to have resolved the issue. There is still a bit of gas, but it's not causing pain in my stomach like it was.

If yours persists I think you're probably right to go and have it checked out. Or at least see if there's anything they can offer you to relieve the pain.

Tickled, sorry to hear that you're feeling crap too. I was same during stims, with the bloating and the crazy moods! You'll be glad when all those eggies are out I bet.

Tory, good luck with your EC on Wednesday. My fingers are crossed that you don't grow any more follies between now and then, and that your existing follies get bigger. (PS - yes you're right you can't win - too many or not enough!)

Rosie, hope you are resting up and enjoying being pupo!

All good with me... except that I got a bit stressed out at today about how much social stuff we have on over the next few weeks. I really just want to hide inside my house! I think I'm going to try and scale it back so I can hibernate properly.

lots of love and babydust xxxx
Hey - that's great that your pains eased up.
I've just had some prune juice, a fig and a plum. I'm now sipping on water and waiting for an hour so I can have some cereal. Gonna try eating little and often today...

I had a bad bout of pain about an hour ago and ended up on the floor with it.
But I'll see how the prune juice goes and hopefully things'll improve today...

And... things kind of got on top of me yesterday and I had a big old cry last night. Its probably just hormones - but I'm really struggling.

I've looked up the OHSS symtoms and so long as I'm not feeling sick or struggling to pee or not breathing properly - I think I'm ok. Just 5 sleeps to go and I can test!
We've brought the date forward to the day the clinic said... if we leave it 'till Saturday we won't have enough cinrone gel for Sunday ...

Well I hope you're all having a lovely weekend. xxxx
Cazd i feel for you i really do ive 2 big sunday lunches in last two days lots of veggies!!!! Im hoping this is a real good positive sign for you though!

Been soooooo hungry since friday ive eat so much its unreal!

This tww is driving me mad dont think ill last till july 4th :wacko:

dont be getting yourself too worked up mrsja just rest up as much as you can!

Right girls ive attempted to upload the scan pic they gave us when they had put embies back in but im really not that technical and we dont have a scanner so ive had to take pic on my phone and try and upload it that way :shrug:


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forgot to ask on other post but at et i was given some tablets but not to start taking them until 24th, they are estradiol valerate 2mg and i have to take 1 tab 4times dailey for 12 days, they never really explained why but ive never heard of anyone taking these and when ive looked at the info leaflet inside they say they are hrt????

tried googling it but cant seem to find anyhing.......have any of you girls been given these?
Hi Ladies, lots has been happening fingers crossed for you all in your 2ww xxxxx

I've finished my tablets yesterday so just waiting for AF to arrive so I can phone the clinic and come in for my bloods and scan. My nurses appointment went well, she told me I'd be on 125ml a low dose to start due to PCOS and my age. I hope it works. We had so much information thrown at us I just hope I can remember it all. The nurse showed my injection pen and showed me how easy it was. I was surprised that it didnt hurt. The nurse was lovely she told my DH that in the 2ww he should do what ever possible to keep my mind off things and keep me relaxed and to avoid stressfull situations. There's not much I can do now untill AF shows.. scarry really that its actually going to start ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Hey There June Chickies,

Wow, everyone's really coming along so quickly! I feel like i'm on the tail end of all the activity but it's super helpful to read about all of your experiences and what you're doing to help make things easier. I have to say, I'd feel quite alone (in regards to someone to relate to) in all this if it weren't for this forum to read up on.

Anywho, today was my last monitoring visit and they're taking me to one more day (today) of stimming and then my HCG trigger shot tomorrow evening for a Wednesday AM retrieval. I've got 6 fully mature follicles so far and 9 close behind so they're hoping that some of those 9 catch up to a nice mature size by the retrieval time. I keep just trying to concentrate on 'it just takes one good one to make this magic happen' and try not to fret on the what if's but that's so much easier said than done. Day by day...

Sending all healing, positive vibes and so looking forward to hearing more positive progress.

Cheers to all! :hugs:
Rosie... Soz... I don't recognise those drugs :shrug: hope they don't affect you too much.

Aclio... That's fab news you've got yr meds. Bring on the :witch:

clussy! Hey... You might be a bit behind but it all happening. 6 follicles is great and if the other 9 catch up too you'll be well away. Good luck for the trigger shot tomorrow :hugs:

well I'm afraid things have gone a bit downhill for me.
I went to A&e yesterday and they kept me in!
I've been hooked up to a drip since 10 last night
omg and hospials are NOISY!!! Lady in the next bed snored all night too :grr:

ok back to the news... I have ohss. Some of my blood levels are low but get this.....
Hcg = 65 :wohoo:

yup girls... I got my :bfp: in a&e and screamed the place down. They're gonna do anothe blood test today and tomorrow to check the levels go up.
But as far as the hospitals concerned... I'm pregnant!
That's great news, Caz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yipee::yipee::yipee: Congrats!!!!!!! Does that make you our first with a BFP? Let's hope it's the first of many! And what are they doing to treat the OHSS??

Had my scan this morning... looks like EC could now be Friday :cry: So that would mean 13 days of stims. I still have to wait for them to have their planning meeting with the other consultants later on and then someone will call me to confirm. But she said it could go either way, they don't always agree with her and it might still be Wednesday. Some of the follies didn't seem to have grown at all but I had 3 or 4 that were quite big... 19x15 :wacko: No wonder I felt awful Saturday.

Left side:12, 12, 9, 14, 15, 12, 12, 10, 19x13

Right side: 10, 9, 8, 7, 9, 10, 10, 9, 8, 8, 19x15, 19x15, 19x13

Oh and the lining has gone up to 11.7
Yup... I'm the first... Who's next??!!!!!

What do you mean 19x15 - like a lozenge shape?
I think they look good sizes. Hope they go for weds. you must be getting pretty fed up of the injections now. Bet there's not much bruise-free skin left!

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