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Anyone else doing IVF/ISCI in June?

Good luck tickled and tory hope all goes well with you today and remember to take it easy!!

Mrsja im exactly the same absoluteley no bloody symptoms i am desperatley trying to stay positive but its getting more difficult, all our family are realy poistive especially mil i think she thinks that ive had ivf so im pregnant dont think she realises that it may not work!

Caz hope things are getting easier for you thinking about you!
All your good vibes must have paid off AF showed up this morning. I've got to go to the clinic in the morning for bloods and scans. I should start injections friday YIPPEEEEE xxx
Great news, Aclio!!

Well, we're back from EC. The team were really nice and made us feel very relaxed. I was first in at 9am and it only took about half an hour. They got 17 eggs but they don't think all of them are mature because I was at risk of OHSS, that's why they brought me in today and not Friday. But they were still pleased and got several good sized ones. Another bit of good news, well GREAT actually... DH's SC has been low the last three years... btw 2 and 4 million and 5% motiilty. This morning..... 39 million and 75% motility!!!!! :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: They're going to call us between 9 and 10am tomorrow to let us know how they're doing. I feel fine apart from the odd twinge in my side if i move abit sudden or bend down.

I felt awful for the lady in the bed next to us... they had to cancel her treatment, after they took 29 eggs and she's now got OHSS. They injected something in her tummy to try and help things, no idea what, but said if it didn't work they'd have to take her to hospital. She's now got to wait atleast two cycles, to let her body get back to normal.

Feeling pretty good at the moment... wonder how Tory's doing?????!!!!!!!!
tickled thats great news, gingers crossed for you. Well Done to your DH swimmers xxxx
Wow..this thread is looking great! So...many of you know from my last post(on monday) I got a BFN on my test I did at home. Well today I went in to do my beta and it is POSITIVE....yes BFP!!!!!! I can't believe it...my first ever. I am soo excited..have not shared the news with my love yet..he won't pick up the phone...he is in AUS so he is 14 hours ahead..hope he picks up soon!! I am thinking of you all..sending love, happiness, and baby dust!!! xo
Congrats Lolalulu!!! That's great news! Hope you can get a hold of him soon to give him the great news!

I also had my retrieval this morning and it went well. 12 eggies were retrieved and hoping that at least half of them fertilize. Feeling fine for the most part now, just sleepy so I'm going to lay in front of the TV and just watch chick flicks till I fall asleep. :)

Much luck and warm vibes to all of you!
OMG! Congratulations, Lola!!!! :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo: I would so love to hear that telephone conversation when you tell your man :happydance: I bet he'll be over the moon!!!!!!!!!! :hugs: What happens next? Do you have to go for a scan in a couple of weeks?

Glad to hear EC went smoothly, Clussy :hugs: I was feeling fine earlier but now i'm dosing up on Paracetamol. Not really painful but makes me stop and think if I move too fast... also feeling a little bloated again but drinking loads of fluids.

Congrats again, Lola!!!!!!! :happydance:

Really glad it is going well for you all x

Things not so good for me that got 32 eggs so that means I am risk of OHSS. They said they wont do ET tomorrow due to the risk. They have told me they will freeze them and got an appointment Friday to see what happens next. As only use can imagine I am really upset and disapointed another set back. Will feed back on Friday once I know the next stage. Good luck to everyone xxx
I'm so sorry, Tory :( And things were going so well.. I know that what ever I say it won't make you feel any better, so I won't even try. I'm sure I speak for the others too but you know where we are if you need to vent :hugs: Did they have any idea that there would be so many eggs or is that why you had to go and see them earlier than planned recently. Sorry... got so much info in my head, I'm losing track of who's doing what and at what stage... Let us know how it goes Friday :kiss:
Hi ladies...well I finally talked to DB..he was in shock but very happy. I go back in on friday for another beta to see if my numbers are going up.

Clussy and Tickled...great news on your eggies!! Take it easy today and rest up for ET!

Tory..so sorry sweetie! We have to go through so much and then to have a set back...sending you hugs. Please let us know how friday goes.

Sending love, happiness and baby dust!! xo
Evening ladies!

LOLA!!!!!!! :happydance::dance::yipee::headspin::wohoo:

Congratulations, that is such amazing news!!!

Can you believe we are now 2 out of 2 on this thread.. must be a SUPER lucky one!

Can you please share any symptoms you had, or lack thereof, for Rosie and me in the 2WW and the rest of the girls who will be joining shortly! We want to know everything!

Tory, sorry to hear about your delay, that really sucks. As far as the OHSS is concerned, does this mean they will be monitoring you over the next couple of days? We are all sending hugs :hugs:

Clussy, so glad to hear your EC went well and that you are on the couch where you belong!

Tickled, certainly no shortage of eggs at your EC! That's amazing about your DH's SC as well - have you been doing anything differently??

When is ET for you both?

All good with me. I had a little cramping this morning which made me happy because I have had nothing so far! It went away pretty quickly though, so maybe I was imagining it - lol! Tomorrow is the end of the 1WW. 1 more to go!

lots of love and babydust xxxx
Morning all! :D Got our all important phone call a short while ago... out of 17 eggs collected, only 12 were mature but all 12 fertilised! :yipee::yipee::yipee: They'll check them again tomorrow morning when they'll grade them. ET is tomorrow at 9.30am :happydance: Then I have to start using the pessaries... :dohh:

MrsJA, DH's SC has been low since the year dot... he had an op for a left 'variocele' (spelling?) about 18 months ago but when he went back for a SA, it wa even lower... He'd been taking Restandol, some kind of Testosterone replacement, for 2 years but our clinic told him to come off it before we started treatment. That's the only thing he's done different...

Will you be testing early or be a good girl? ;)
Lola congrats - wow this really is a lucky thread - hope some rubs off on me over in the July one!

Tickled - well done you - great results!

All you ladies on the 2ww, keep up the good work and good luck!

Had the phone call today 13 fertlised although they won't put them back due to OHSS. They are going to take them to the blast stage then freeze them. I have got to have two months drug free then they will put them back in Aug. I am dissaponted and have been upset back got to pick yourself up and look forward to the next stage.

I wish everyone luck and look forward to reading your posts xxx
13? That's great, Tory!! I know it must be hard, but hopefully it's some consolation and at least you can take a break for a little while and let your body recover, so you're prepared for ET and then PUPO :hugs:
Tory, I'm so sorry to hear about the hold up in the transfer due to OHSS. The important part at this point is to make sure you're healthy and comfortable. Unfortunately, that means waiting longer to put your embies back where they belong but I'm sure it will be worth the wait. You have a couple more months to prepare your body as much as possible to be an optimal long term resort for your sweet embies. Positive vibes going out your way.

Tickled, goodness! Your body must have been waiting for this very moment for ages since it's just shining and really stepping up to the plate! :happydance: Congrats on the 12 fertilized embies!

MrsJA, just one more day! How terribly exciting!]

Hope the 2WW is treating you ladies comfortably and that you're feeling as much peace and faith as possible.

Well, just got the call from the clinic with the results and of the 12 eggs they retrieved, all 12 were mature and of those mature ones 9 fertilized! I have 9 embies growing! Woot! So, the plan is to still plan for a day 5 transfer and they'll give us a call on Saturday to let us know how they're coming along, how many survived up to that point and let us know what time the retrieval will be on Monday.

Much love and luck to all you strong ladies!
Lola :happydance::happydance::happydance: congratulations, you must be so happy xxxx take it nice a easy its a good excuse for DH to look after you lol

Tory - I'm so sorry your not have ET but its better waiting than having complications. It must been horrible having to wait again but it will be worth it :flower::flower::flower:
I've been warned that I could be at risk due to PCOS so I'm having to start on a low dose.
:dust::dust::dust: to every one xxx

As for me bloods and scan went well today. I'm starting injections tomorrow 125 units due to my PCOS and age (28). Has anyone else been on this dose. It's all sinking in now we are starting ICSI AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I'm on a short protocol Puregon Pen injection 125 units. What where you on? How are your eggies doing? xx
Sorry, I'm not familiar with the Short protocols. Does it just involve stims? :blush: I was on Gonal F... I started on 150iu the first day, then 75iu the second and then had to keep alternating each day.

Hopefully my eggies are doing fine! We won't know their grades until ET tomorrow morning. Just hope we get some good ones...

So how are you feeling? Excited?? :D

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