Anyone else doing IVF/ISCI in June?

Hi there Mommies-to-be! Sounds like everyone's moving right along and we could have some exciting news from even more of us! :thumbup:

Cazd, you're through the tougher part so far so hopefully, all that awaits is some good news w/the blood test!

Tickled, how are the shots coming along? I spoke w/a friend of mine who also did IVF (successfully!) and she advised me to not come at my tummy w/impulse to try to give the injections (which is what I tried the first time) and just put needle against tummy area and push in w/out thinking about it too much. This worked great for me. I'm on day 4 now so far so good. No side affects except that I'm increasingly tired. Since it's just day 4, I don't feel any swelling or bloating quite yet. ((crossing fingers))

Wishing you all much baby dust and peaceful vibes!:hug:
MrsJA and Clussy, the shots are getting a little easier... I think. It was probably just because it took 3 attempts the first day that made me nervous again. The last two days have been fine... I just take a couple of deep breaths, aim, close my eyes and pow. I don't think I could do your friends suggestion, Clussy... :blush: But thank you for the tip! Day 4 of stims and all i have at the moment is the constant wind/indigestion. I just wish it would ease up. Sometimes it's almost like I've done my bra up too tight and hurts just under my boobs. Not painful but very uncomfortable... DH is already getting excited (and so am I) because he's realised that EC will be next week :happydance:

Hope the rest of you are all doing great! :thumbup:
Got a question for you Ladies: I went in for my first monitoring appt this morning after 4 days of gonal-f and there were about 4 to 5 follicles in each ovary so far. Is that about normal or low? They said there will likely be more in a couple of days but the technician couldn't tell me anymore. Oh the sweet, sweet wait for the nurse's call is anxiety inducing. You just keep wondering if you're along the lines of where you should be or not.
I'm no expert but I've known people to have only 4 or 5 after 7 days of stims, so I would say that's pretty good going!!
hey Ladies..

Just got back from egg was so simple. Worst part was having that full! I am scheduled for my beta on June 24th. Just resting all day and taking it easy for the next few.
Sending lots of love,happiness and baby dust!!!xo
well girls had my scan this afternoon and egg collection is tuesday at 8.30 have to be at hospital at 7.45. HCG tonight at 8.30 then no more jabs

couldnt believe how much my follies had increased over the wkend i hav 22,20,19.5 16.5,,15.5,14,12.5 and 6 others lass than 12then on right side 19,17,14.5 and 5 less than 10, so hopefully will have a few eggies!

feeling really excited but nrevous about wednsday though but fingers crossed.

we are well in sync now mrsja what how many day transfer will you be doing?
Rosie that's fantastc news! Those follicles are great :yipee:

lola... Glad it went ok today... Did you get to see the embryo? How many cells did it have?

I'm in bloody agony with this wind. It's intolerable sometimes but seems to ease up when I lie down... Doesn't help when I'm at my desk for 13 hours in a day!
It wouldn't be so bad if I knew I was pg and wind was my symptom but I had this from egg collection! Oh and the crinone sends me to sleep!
Clussy 10 follicles is ok... Not storming... but ok. It's v likely that there'll be more at yt next scan. Did they up yr dosage?
clussy whrn i was at hopital this aft they said to me the average follicles is between 8-12, i have a lot more because of pcos but like cazd said you may find you have a lot more at your next scan when stims have kicked in a lot more!

cazd i really feel for you with the wind i remember having it in january it was even painful to walk any sort of distance!

How many days did you take off work after egg collection?
Rosie06 - I hope you don't mind me asking, you mentioned you have PCOS. I have PCOS so thats really interesting to read that I may have more follicles.

My days are just dragging now ladies Thursday feels like its getting further and further away. I'm feeling really bloated at the moment the tablets cos of the tablets to bring AF on. I'm wearing baggy clothes already to hide it. I might give the water tablets ago to see if they help relieve the bloating and try the exercises for bloating. I can feel myself getting very irritable as well, so I feel sorry for my DH cos he'll be getting the brunt of it all
Evening ladies!

Lola, glad to hear the transfer went well, that is awesome!!! And now the wait begins hey? We are going to have to start thinking about some fun stuff to do during the 2WW!

Clussy, good work on the follies! I didn't get a scan until day 7, so I'm not sure how many I had at that stage. But I think you're probably right on track.

Rosie, yayyyyy for your EC on Tuesday and look at all those follies! Well done you! I'm a little bit nervous too, but also looking forward to getting all these eggs out! I don't know about you, but even just walking around is not super comfortable for me at the moment. Mine's going to be a 2 day transfer and I'm transferring just the one embie. How about you??

Tickled, I'm glad to hear the injections are getting easier. The other thing that some people do is numb the area with an ice-cube just before you do the injection. Might stop it from stinging if that's an issue. I also got told to take mine out of the fridge an hour before injecting it, becaue apparently that makes it hurt less.

Cazd, sorry to hear about the wind - that sucks! I hear constipation is pretty common post-transfer too. Not looking forward to that! When do you get to do your beta? Are you planning to POAS before then, or are you going to be good?

Aclio, here's hoping the next few days fly by and that your bloating situation gets better!

I'm doing egg collection at 7:20 tomorrow morning, so I'll write back later and let you girls know how many eggies we got!!:happydance:

lots of love and babydust
Lola, great to hear that ET went well!! :happydance: What's the beta test for on the 24th? Or is that me asking a silly question? :blush: Forgive me, I'm blonde :haha: That's only ten days away right? So is it some kind of early pregnancy test?

Great news about those follies, Rosie!!! :happydance: I can understand you being nervous. Now that DH has figured out my EC will be sometime next week, I'm also getting nervous but excited!

MrsJA, DH already has his orders to take the Gonal F out of the fridge an hour before :laugh2: He makes up all my injections so it's less stress on me, bless him. I've got the hang of getting the thicker needle in now, it's just me getting the courage to do it, that's the problem. Hope EC went well. Give us an update soon! :thumbup:

Oh and the stomach pains have gone, thanks to DH. He brought me some Rennie... I didn't think of taking anything like that because I never have probs like this :dohh: Oh well, just glad it's gone and I'm actually feeling like my old self and lot more positive about things now! :D Got my first follicle scan at 7.45am tomorrow, which means not much sleep, because I don't finish work until 1am, so by the time I get home and manage to fall asleep, its going to be about 2.30am... and then I have to be up around 6.45am :dohh:
OMG - its all so exciting - can't believe its all HAPPENING for us!!!!

Rosie - I'm glad you can appreciate what I'm dealing with 'cos whinging about "trapped wind" makes my man laugh - but its so painful! :hissy:

The EC was very painful too - and I was sore afterwards - I only took that day off work and was back at my desk the next morning...

ACLIO - I hear ya on the loose clothes. I've got a right pot belly now - honestly - it looks like I'm pregnant already :rofl: I'm in my loosest long skirt with a long summer shirt. Each morning now I'm selecting clothes based on what's the baggiest!

MRS - egg collection tomorrow :wohoo: that's so exciting - GOOD LUCK !!!
Can't wait to hear how many you get!

Pink... good luck for your scan tomorrow - hope there are lots of lovely big follicles :thumbup:

As for me - I've got to test 16 days past egg collection.
OH wants us to wait - and tbh I've heard from so many ivf-ers who said they regretted testing early 'cos it just makes it so difficult....
SO - OH is under strict instructions to hide the sticks 'till at least the 26th !
Hi, well its looks like I will be joining this thread now.

We had our first IVF last year which worked and then at 24 weeks I had to let our daughter go in Jan 2010 :cry:

In May we had an FET, two embryo's defrosted, one collapsed, one transfered - BFN

May (end of) we had another IVF, I understimmed with only two follicles and I cancelled the cycle but we had an IUI from it - tested today BFN (AF due Thursday)

We have another prescription already to start IVF on the next cycle (2 days time) so I will start all over again.

This will be our second IVF free try (last one was not counted) and I will be taking a 2 month break if this does not work and the last (third) IVF will be in October.

Good luck everyone :hugs:
Hi there Chickies!

I keep expecting to get uncomfortable w/follicles forming but I'm on day 6 (injection later tonight) and I don't really feel overly bloated or uncomfortable. it's almost better to feel the expected discomfort to feel more assured that it's working. The nurse called me yesterday afternoon to tell me to keep on w/the same dose of Gonal-F and that all looked well. So, I gotta assume they know what they're talking about, right?

Sounds like everyone's moving right along and getting closer to a confirmation regarding this cycle.

MrsJA, good luck w/the EC tomorrow morning! Rosie, good luck on your EC on Tuesday!

Cazd, hope you feel relief here soon!

Lola, crossing my fingers for you!

Hope this wait period fast forwards. :flower:
Sammy, welcome and an abundance of baby dust being sent your way! I've heard from a couple of friends that the second try on IVF usually has better chances of sticking.
Ok the niggly tummy is back but this time it's... different. Where as before my tummy hurt (and I think I can now put it down to wind / indigestion), this feels as if I've drunk a gallon of water and just feels... odd. I'm guessing this is the bloated feeling that i should start to notice?

Ladies, did they tell you how many follicles and their size etc? Or did you have to ask?

Welcome Sammy! And good luck!
Just re read my post must of been super excited i written wrong day its wednesday my egg collection :wacko:

I felt daft for wining about trapped wind i was so relieved when the nurse said its quite common and the amount of times theyve had women phone up thinking they have ohss and it turns out to be a mixture of trapped wind n constipation!

however the nurse recommended drinking peppermint tea so im going to give that a whirl!

Alicio hope you have plenty of follies, when do you go for a scan?

Mrsja good luck for in the morning, my pct normally do 2 day transfer its rare that they take it to blastocyst it all depends on quality of embies.

Tickeld good luck tomorrow for your scan, when ive been for mine they normally have an assistant who shouts the sizes out who writes them down then they give me the report to me to take up to the ward, maybe different were you are so i tried taking a picture of them so i could write them down!
Hi Everyone, gosh I cannot believe how much activity there's been amongst you all!!

How exciting, hope you're all doing well.

Nothing new to report for me, just waiting for my pre-stim scan on Monday where hopefully I'll be given the green light to get going at the oestrogen tablets, yipee!

Looking forward to lots of exciting news ahead from you all xx
Heya Sammy - I was wondering how you'd got on. Sorry it turned out pants.
But hey - good luck for 2 days time. I admire you for gettin straight back on with it :hugs:

Well... I've got a little concern and I wondered if you guys might be able to shed some light on it?

I've just been sitting at my desk feeling like AFs here! So I went to the loo and wiped away quite a bit of clear liquid...
Is that normal? What if I was building up amniotic fluid and its just leaked out?! :shock:

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