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Anyone else doing IVF/ISCI in June?

OMG, OMG, OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Caz!!!!!! :happydance::dance::yipee::wohoo::loopy:

I have no idea what a good HCG level is, but whatever that HCG is, it sounds GREAT!!

You are our first BFP!! I am soooooooooooooo happy for you!

Really sucks that you have OHSS of course. I was wondering about that - it sounded like you were in way too much pain. How are they going to treat it?

But now back to my first point - yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!

Clussy, you are so close now! I will be thinking of you for your EC on Wednesday morning. 6 mature follies is not so bad you know - I have read posts from heaps of girls who struggle to get 2 or 3. And like you said it only takes one! Fingers crossed honey.

Rosie, I haven't heard of those tablets either - I'm just doing progesterone pessaries called Crinone during the 2WW. The pic of your embies came out kind of small, but they look pretty damn good to me!!

Tickled, I did 12 days of stims, so I can relate. It was quite uncomfortable by the end! Your lining sounds really good, so silver linings and all that :)

Aclio, so exciting that you are almost ready to start! I'm glad you sorted out your test injection without too much trouble.

Not much to report with me. I don't feel pregnant at all! Boobs are a bit bigger but that'll be the progesterone. I'm a bit tired but that'll be the progesterone too. The 2WW continues...

babydust ladies xxx
Caz :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

CONGRATULATIONS XXXXXXXXXX I bet your over the moon, I'm so happy for you. Looks like your going to be our lucky mascot lol xxxxxxx

Still no development for me still waiting for AF. I don't even feel like its going to come on. I'm panicking that the tablets haven't worked. I can't remember how many days after I stopped taking them last time my AF showed
OMG CAZ!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: soooooooooooooooooo pleased for you!!!!!! Not good about ohss but you are in theright place!!

I really dont know about these pills think im gonna ring nurses today because i already am on progesterone pessaries but there called cyclogest not sure why i have to take these esp seen as though no one else seems to be???

how are you feeling mrsj?

Not long to go now for you tickled your follies are looking well!!
wow - picked a great day to check in with you guys. Cazd thats amazing - well done and congrats to you!

Not long for some of you guys now - hope you are all hanging in there as the 2ww is a real killer! Hoping for good news all round.
Congrats on the BFP cazd!!! That's a great way to make the hostpital stay a bit more bearable. :happydance: Sorry to hear about the OHSS though. It sounds like it got quite bad there before you actually headed to the hospital.

Can't wait to hear that the HCG goes up! Way to lead the pack Chickie!
Yup... I'm the first... Who's next??!!!!!

What do you mean 19x15 - like a lozenge shape?
I think they look good sizes. Hope they go for weds. you must be getting pretty fed up of the injections now. Bet there's not much bruise-free skin left!

Skins not too bad actually, it's just working up the courage to do them. And yep, that's what she said... 19 by 15... 19 by 13... when calling measurements off for the others it was just 9.... 12.... 14... I'm already getting that bloated feeling again... and if I have to wait until Friday... That's five days!!! I just want these eggs out NOW :hissy:

Congrats again, Caz :hugs:
Cazd...great news!!! I am so happy for you and hubby! Sounds like everyone is doing great and moving along.

Well I caved today and took a test this am..it was BFN!! I am sad but still no AF so I have a tiny bit of hope..beta is scheduled for thursday. If I am not pregnant I will be very confused..my lining was great and I put 2 great blasts back in. I will keep you all posted. Thinking of you and sending lots of love, happiness and babydust!!xo
Lola :hugs: it's still a few days early. I think mine only came back pos cos it was a blood test. Give it a few days for those levels to double xxxxx
Just got a call from the clinic....

EC is Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just taken my last Buserelin injection. Apparently there's no need for me to take anymore Gonal F. Got to take my Pregnyll @ 9pm tonight... I'll be at work! Just as well i've got blacked out windows because I'm going to be sitting in the car park when I do it. And DH will have to come with me. God knows what people will think! :haha:

Chin up, Lola! Like Caz said, it's still early days... anything can happen!!!!! :hugs:
Ooooh pink! Egg collection weds! So exciting!

Rosie... Soz.. I mustve misread yr drugs before...
I'm on cyclogest pessaries morning and night with a shot of crinone gel in the early afternoon. Apparently it's 3 shots of progesterone evenly spread throughout the day...
Hi Everyone!!!
Sooooo much news!!

Mrs JA & Rosie CONBGRATULATIONS on being PUPO!!! Gosh it must be sooooo exciting!!

Pink, Tory & Clussy GOOD LUCK for Wednesday!!!!!!

Aclio, yeeeey for getting started, not long now!!

Cazd Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Cannot believe you're in hospital and gosh hope you're ok with the OHSS and everything but you must be jumping for joy! let's hope this is a start of things to come!!

I had my pre stim scan this morning and I ma good to go, yeey!!! So hopefully starting oestrogen tablets tomorrow!

Well I am also heading down to Glastonbury Festival tomorrow so I will say tattie bye for a week, you all take care and I can't wait to catch up on lots of exciting news when I get back!
Have fun at Glastonbury, Summer!!! See you in a week! :happydance:

Well, popped out to the car to do my HCG... and DH cut himself when snapping one of the bottles open... Oh well, drug free day tomorrow :happydance:
Hi Girls

Congratulations Cadz hope your not in hospital long and the pain goes soon. Just about to take my HGG shot. EC Wednesday said to my DH who is abit worried about given the sample in a medical envirnoment. I told him if he can't do it fo me on Wed then do it for England lol.

Good luck eveyone xx
What time on Wednesday, Tory??? I've got to be there for 8.15am, so I'm ready for EC 9am.

Hope it all goes smoothly for you :hugs:
Hi Tickledpink

Got to be there at 8.30am looking like we will be around similar time. We can rely on each other next few days and hopefully next two weeks.

Got told had 15 follicies on right side and 20 on left. 20, 18,18,16 then I lost track not as good as you are in writing them down.

all the best x
It was DH that wrote them down, Tory. He had strict instructions :laugh2: I'm now seriously worrying though that out of the four follies that were 19mm, they are going to have poor quality eggs and seeing as I haven't had any stims since Sunday, that none of the others will have caught up and I'll be short of eggs. But I guess they know what they're doing... Anyways, a little retail therapy helped. Just dragged DH off to Matalan, for a new dressing gown and slippers...

Good luck tomorrow! Believe me, I'll be thinking of you!!! :hugs:
Still no sign of AF for me, I have been having some cramping but no show yet. WIll she just hurry up!!!!!

Tory and tickled - good luck for tomorrow xxx
Thank you, Aclio! :D They say patience is a virtue but it doesn't make it any easier... hope she shows up soon!!!
ACLIO hope she shows up soon x Summer hope the fesitival was good.

Can't wait to hear update from eveyone else x

Tickled we are in good hands. I understand but I am sure your little eggies will be fine thinking of you to.

Had accupucuture today so feel quite relaxed. Going to have a nice early night got to be up for 5.30am for EC x
Evening ladies,

Tickled and Tory, it's all about you guys today. I hope you're resting up and that your EC's went really well...tell us all about it when you're back up and around!

Cazd, what's the latest my love? Have they let you out of the hospital yet?? PS - what was your DH's reaction to the BFP? I bet he is sooooo excited!

Rosie, any symptoms?

I tell you what, I have absolutely nada. I am feeling energetic and completely normal. I don't feel pregnant in the slightest and I am starting to find it difficult to believe that I could actually be pregnant. I'm thinking this cycle might be a bust, but I'm still trying to stay positive.

One bit of good news though.. we had confirmation from the lab today that 2 of our embies made it to freeze, so that is something! Rosie and Caz, did you guys get some frosties?

Summer, hope you have an amazing time at Glasto! ACLIO, praying the witch turns up for you honey.

lots of love and babydust xxxx

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