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Anyone else doing IVF/ISCI in June?


I have my first scan tomorrow since stim, bit nervous as doesnt feel as if anything is happening. Really hope it is. Update tom

Good luck eveyone x
Hi Tory, I wouldn't worry if I were you. I also didn't really feel anything too notable by my first scan and they said everything looked as expected. I'm going in for my second scan tomorrow and I'm just starting to feel a bit bloated.

Good luck and enjoy that you're not suffering side effects yet. :thumbup:
Hey Ladies...received some great news today from the lab..they froze three of my embryos!! Yesterday they didn't have anything and now 3..I am soo happy!!!

Mrs..yes we do need some fun things to keep our minds busy..this is gonna be a long wait..lol! Looking forward to hearing about your EC..good luck!! My DB is in Brisbane...are you near there?

Tickledpink...the beta is a pregnancy test...2 weeks from time of EC. Lots of luck with the scan. I think they would tell u the size of follies tomorrow at scan...at my clinic you write the sizes down for the nurse and I kept a notebook and listed the sizes every time i went to see how much they had grown each visit.

Cazd...thinking of you...how are you feeling? I have been feeling slight cramps and very tired..probably from all the stress we have put our bodies under the past few weeks! My beta is on the 24th..we are close in testing! Sending you sticky vibes

Clussy..I didn't experience much cramping and bloat till the end of stims. The bloat actually last after the EC..I still feel swollen.

Sammy...welcome and hope your stay is short.

Rosie..good luck at EC..keep us posted.

Tory let us know how the scan goes.

Sending lots of love, happiness and baby dust!!!xo
Evening girls!

Well, EC is all done and we have 10 eggies! I'm a bit short of Lola's 15 and Caz's 12, but I'm still pretty happy with the outcome.

It all comes down to how many of them fertilise now, so fingers crossed! I think we'll find out about that tomorrow. I've been pretty uncomfortable since the procedure but hopefully it will start to ease up soon.

Tickled, hope the scan went well! Your DH sounds like an absolute sweetheart by the way; nice of him to sort you out with the Rennie :)

Caz, I'm glad you said that about hiding your HPT's, I think I'm going to do likewise! Hope that post-transfer pot-belly of yours is easing up.

Sammy, hi and welcome to the thread! Really sorry to hear about your loss. I hope this is a good cycle for you.

Clussy, I didn't get any discomfort until about day 9 I think, so I wouldn't worry. You will know about it when it kicks in!

Rosie, can't wait to hear how your EC went!!

Lola, that is great news you got 3 embies to freeze! Did you transfer 2? I think I must be the only one transferring a singleton.. Re your DB being in Brisbane - it's lovely up there. I'm actually in Melbourne, so no waving at him from here! :)

Tickled, Tory and Summer - hope you guys are good!

Lots of love and babydust xxxxx

I have my first scan tomorrow since stim, bit nervous as doesnt feel as if anything is happening. Really hope it is. Update tom

Good luck eveyone x

I'm sure you'll be fine, Tory! I've just had my scan and apart from bad wind/indigestion, I didn't think anything was really happening, but they seem pleased this morning. Good luck! (not that you need it) :hugs:
I'm back from my scan!!!!!!!!!

DH stood behind the nurse taking notes... he didn't get spotted until the end, when she turned around and said 'Are you taking notes too?' DH's reply... 'yeah, so she can tell her forum buddies...' :rofl: Well, good news is she said it's a great scan, lots of follicles and 'can I have a word with them about it' ? I was worried she was going to say there's too many but she seemed more than pleased and I'm to go back Friday and stick to the same dosage. As for the important stuff...

Left ovary: 4, 8, 8, 6, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7

Right ovary: 8, 9, 7, 6, 7, 6, 5, 8, 9, 6, 7, 7

She said there are lots more but they're the dominant ones.

Oh and my lining is 6.7 Does that sound ok?? :-k

10 eggs is great, MrsJA!!!! :happydance: I bet it's just as nerve racking waiting for the phone call. Is there any part of this, that's easy to deal with? Uhm... no!
Well girls I got 11 eggs cant believe it, just nervous now about the wait to see if any have fertilized the embriologist said they all look mature and dh sample was really good quality they just need to there job now!! Will find out between 10 and 11 in the morn.

Great news for you too mrsja 10 eggies!!!! Ill only be transferring one too thats all my pct allow unless there isnt one that is better grading.

Feeling really uncomfortable but one side is hurting much more than the other but theyve give me co codamol to take.

Fantastic news on your follies tickled!

3embies to freeze lola thats great!

Hope everyone else is doing ok! xx
Hi Girls

Scan went ok today had about 10 -12 folliclies but not very big at the min. Not got to go back until Monday hope they grow bigger by then.

Sending baby dust to everyone x
That's great news, Rosie!! I'm sure it will be good news!!

And that's great news too, Tory!! I've got to go back Friday... she's hoping I'll be in double figures then. Looks like we're both doing great though ;)
Hi girls!

Tickled - wow, you are our resident egg-factory!! Good work on those follies honey!

Rosie, 11 eggs - that is awesome news! Tell us when you hear back about fertilisation.

It looks like everybody is coming along brilliantly. You too Tory, 11 follies is great given where you are.

Cazd and lola, what's news from the pupo side of the fence?

I'll be joining you soon - transfer is scheduled for 9:30 tomorrow morning! Yay! :happydance: The doctor will tell us how we went with fertilisation then, and whether there are any embies for us to freeze.

Hope everybody else is doing great - sending lots of love and babydust xxx
Any news, Rosie???

And thanks MrsJA. DH laughed when I told him what you said :laugh2: Day 7 of stimms and I can really feel it now... I didn't notice it until I got home from work last night and undid my jeans and..., ah *heavy sigh* :laugh2: Another scan tomorrow morning... can't wait. Hopefully she will give me some idea of what happens next... hopefully EC Wednesday, DH's got it all worked out :laugh2: Good luck with ET tomorrow!! :hugs:

How's everyone else getting on? Caz has been awfully quiet...
MrsJA....good luck tomorrow!!! Let us know how everything goes..I will be thinking about you!

Sending lots of love,happiness and baby dust!!xo
Hi Chickies,

Quick update on my front, I'm on day 8 now of stims and adding in the menopur into the gonal-f mixture (which they're upping by 30 units) as well as the gonarelex (to keep me from ovulating on my own) so multiple shots till the HCG shot at this point. My stats are as follows:
Estrogen = 732 (that's apparently good)
Left ovary has one leading measurable follicle at 14 mm - 3 other smaller follicles
Right ovary has 4 leading measurable follicles measuring from 11 mm --> 15.5 mm - 5 other smaller follicles

I asked her if that was ok because from what I'm hearing from you ladies so far, I feel a bit behind on my folly production. She said it was fine but I don't know if I feel like it really is fine. I mean, the more fully developed eggs I have, the better odds that they'll fertilize and become good viable blatocyst embryos, the better our odds of getting preggers. I have to just trust them though because they're the experts.

Anywho, it's looking like my EC will be either next Tuesday or Wed. ((crossing fingers))

Looking forward to hearing all the positive news as the 2WW winds down for some of you.

Hugs to all!
I'm sure it is fine, Clussy. And as they say, it's quality not quantity. After being diagnosed with PCOS last month, I was worried that I had too many and the eggs will be poor quality. But she said it was fine too ;)
Thanks Tickled! I'd love for there to be an added injection to put us at ease along each step of the way so that we wouldn't worry about the outcome and just skip right along w/nothing but optimism and smiles. :haha:
well girls got the phone call this morn and all eleven fertilized but one was abnormal seems hubbys sperm were been greedy two fertilized one egg! so all in all i have 10 embies will be getting phone call between 8 and half past to tell me how they are doing because there is quite a few if there is a leading one 2moro they will ask me to come down if not they will wait till monday. DH now thinks he has super sperm! lol

Wont be long for you tickled hope your scan goes ok tomorrow!

Good luck for 2moro mrsja go my fingers crossed for you!

I was told that I would have my next scan monday. I then had a blood test and said if it is all agrees bloods and scan then wont have to come back until monday. Got a call today to come in tomorrow, now I am worrying that somethings wrong. Wont know now until tom or the joys of IVF x
Hi girls!

I am officially in pupo!! yayyyyy!!:happydance:

Out of our 10 eggs, 4 fertilized normally, so it's a bit less than what I'd hoped. But the good news is that we had a grade A, beautiful looking embie to transfer today, and the doctor thinks there will be at least 1 and maybe even 2 that make it to freeze.

Right now I am feeling pretty calm and sitting on the couch eating pineapple. Lol!

Rosie, great news on your fertilisation, that's a brilliant outcome! Let us know when you're doing your ET.

Clussy, I wouldn't worry about your follies. You've got enough for now and it's still early days. You've got some good sized ones too, which is great.

Tickled, Tory hope the stims are going OK and that you keep pumping out those eggs!

Cazd and lola, sending you truckloads of stickiness xxxxx
Congrats MrsJA! Are you taking any extra time off to relax aside from today?

Tory, I totally understand the paranoia but most likely they just need to adjust your dosage per the test results and keep a close eye on the monitoring. I had to go in daily for a few days this week as they were keeping a close eye on the growth in order to move me onto the next stage in injections precisely at the right time. Positive thoughts out your way and I'm sure all will be just fine.

Wow Rosie! That's amazing! Much luck and calm vibes for your transfer!
Aslong as it's a small needle, I'm all for that added injection, Clussy :laugh2:

That's great news, Rosie!!! :happydance: Sounds like DH is well pleased with himself :laugh2:

I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, Tory. I think Clussy's probably hit the nail on the head and it could be just a matter of altering your dose. Be sure to let us know how you get on :hugs:

Congrats on being PUPO, MrsJA!! What date can you test? Will you be testing early or be a good girl? :-k

Scan went ok... I was a little disappointed though but the Doc said everything was fine.

Lining has gone up from 6.7 to 10.6

Right ovary: 11, 12, 8, 8, 6, 7, 9, 7, 10, 5, 5, 6, 5, 4
Left ovary: 6, 6, 9, 9, 10, 7, 9, 10, 10, 14

I was hoping a few more would be in double figures after Wedesday but she said she doesn't want to push me because there's loads more follies and I'm at risk of OHSS so I've got to stick to the same dose and go back Monday. EC is expected to be Wednesday, possibly Friday... I so hope it's Wednesday.

Oh well, 4 hours sleep, so I'm heading back to bed before work later...

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