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Anyone else doing IVF/ISCI in June?

Short protocol is you basically go straight into stims no down regging.

I'm excited but nervous I've waited so long to start and now its here. I feel abit in a daze lol

I've got my fingers crossed for you for ET xxxx

How did you find EC?
Thanks Aclio :hugs: I know exactly what you mean. We've been TTC for over 3 years and the Dr's kept saying yes, we'll refer you but then there was always one more test before they would sign the forms. Then they refused funding, so we went private and had to start all again. That was back in March and even then they had to delay it in April because they wanted DH to do a Karyotype test... I remember thinking, it will never happen. And now here I am, 17 hours away from ET!

EC wasn't too bad. I didn't know what to expect, and because it was a conscious sedation, I was imagining all sorts of things. DH wasn't allowed in with me, but the team were so kind and making jokes and I was quite drowsy but still remember laughing at something. I think it was my anaesthetist... I remember talking about where i work (amazon) and they started talking about ordering online. he said he didn't really like it but wanted a badge that he saw, so he bought it for £1.50... and charged it to his credit card £1.50 :laugh2: Anyways, I'm babbling... EC was fine. It was a little uncomfortable when they go in to each ovary but that was it, no pain! Even now, I get the odd little twinge, almost like a stitch if I move suddenly or bend down...
EC is the one thing I'm dreading. My HSG was really painful so I'm really worried. The nurse who I saw at injection training was really nice and said if you need more drugs ask for more drugs. If it hurts tell them. So I'm hoping I can ask for plenty of drugs lol

I know what you mean about the waiting we start TTC before we got married and we've been married a year now so we've been ttc for 2 years. People just don't understand what its like. I get so frustrated my DH sister wants more kids and I just know thats if she isn't up the buff already she's going to be soon. I just feel like its rubbing salt into the wounds. Everyone keeps saying ohhh you'll be next for kids, are you trying.. Mind your own god dam business I feel like shouting lol

How many days have your eggies been fertilizing?
My HSG was painful too and I had THE worst period pain ever when they did it... she said I might get a little bit of cramping when they started. A little????? I thought I was going to pass out and I was sweating so much. She said they could stop at any time but I was like 'no, just do it and get it over with' lol. Seriously though, EC will be a walk in the park compared to the HSG. It hurt more putting the needle in the back of my had for the meds than the actual procedure. Are you having a conscious sedation too?

My brother and his wife have been TTC longer than us and have had 4 failed attempts at IVF so if we do get a BFP it's going to be hard for the whole family... Me and DH have been together for just over 11 years but only got married in September so of course we got the usual... so when are you going to try for kids? I wanna do more than shout... a poke in the eye would be a good start lol

As for my eggies, EC was yesterday morning so not long... and we're doing a 2 day transfer.

Easier said than done, but don't worry about EC :hugs:
ohhh that is going to be a tricky one for you with your brother. You have been together for along time though so I'm sure they will be happy for you.

I'm wishing you all the luck in the world for tomorrow xxxxxxx
Got a question for you ladies that have had EC... did you feel bloated afterwards? I was fine yesterday but now my tummy seems to have got really big and I feel a little bloated. I'm not in any pain and I don't feel sick, nothing! Just the tummy and bloatedness and beginning to get a little worried.... I suppose it's only natural after what my insides went through yesterday...
tickled - I have read other ladies that have had EC that bloatedness is a side effect. As long as its not painful you'll be fine. I think I read someone felt better after having rennies x
Thanks Aclio :hugs: Glad to know! Not in any pain but even DH commented on how my tummy looks a little blaoted. I suppose i should mention it tomorrow just incase.
Yeah, it wouldn't hurt to tell them. They might be able to to recommend something else. Good luck for tomorrow, make sure you let us know how it goes xxx
Yep, don't worry. I'll be back... I feel like I've set up camp in this thread just lately :laugh2:
Wow tickled fantastic result on the ec and fertilization you too tory, feel for you havng to wait until aug but its for your safety but still great result!!

tickled is your dh going in with you? et is a walk in the park compared to ec! dont worry about bloatedness totally normal i looked like i had a bowling ball up my top!!!

Ive had absolutley no symtoms whats so ever just the odd cramp but normally ive moved or twisted funny......however tonight i had some pink on toilet roll????
Yes DH is allowed in with me this time, so he's coming in!!! Thanks for the reassurance, I was imagining all sorts of things and thinking they might delay ET. And the pink sounds promising!!! :happydance: How many days till you test??
Heya girlies. Just dropping in cos it must betesting time soon!

I'm still in hospital with severe ohss. Theyve drained 5 litres of fluid out of me so far and I'm hopin when the un-clamp me today I'll get rid of the rest.
It's been a crazy week... I've been in since sunday and I was really struggleing to breathe before they put the drain in. But I'm lucky I had every symptom but the runs!

Girls... If you start to feel uncomfortable with bloating and it's not going away... Please do get it checked out!

P.s. My hcg doubled in 2 days but they're not doin any more pg tests.
I'm gonna get oh to bring my cb digis in tomorrow and well do our own tests to confirm it!
K... Just gonna go back and see what's been goin on with u guys xxx
Pink!!!! 12 fertilized :shock: that's fantastic!
Good luck for the transfer. Are you gonna have any frozen if you can?

Aclio... I had the sedation for my egg collection and I hardly remember a thing!
Hi girls!

Tickled and Tory - wow, 12 and 13 fertilised! That is an amazing result!

Tory, obviously still a very disappointing cycle because of the cancellation. Hopefully the fact you have so many embies gives you a bit of a silver lining.

Tickled, I had a bit of bloating after EC - it lasted for about 3 days. I wouldn't worry about it too much, but do keep an eye on it. There are some symptoms to look out for, like if you feel sick or have trouble weeing - if you don't have those, then I think you can assume it's just a bit of gas and bloating from the EC.

Clussy, you have done really well with your 9 too! What a fertile bunch of eggs and sperm everybody has! Can't wait to hear how you get on with your ET tomorrow. I am thinking pregnant thoughts for you!

ACLIO, how exciting that you get to start today! How did you go with your first stim injection??

Rosie, yayyyy for pink cm! That's a great sign!!!! My fingers are crossed for you honey. I have been inspecting for days, hoping to see some pink, but nothing!

Cazd, what an ordeal you have had. I can't believe they have taken 5 litres of fluid out of you - that is nuts! Great to hear your hcg levels are rising though, yay!

As for me... feeling SUPER tired today, but that's pretty much it for symptoms. Tiny bit of cramping yesterday, but nothing to write home about. I'm trying to stay positive and hoping the next week goes fast.

lots of love and babydust xxx
cazd - glad your starting to feel better. You have been through it all bless you.

Good Luck Tickled xxxx

It was my first morning of injections this morning. It was not bad at all. I was abit nervous loading the pen cos I didn't want to get anything wrong. I did use an ice cube just in case. The actual injection surprisingly didn't hurt YIPPPPEEEEEE. Full steam ahead now
I'm back and officially PUPO!!!!! :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo: We had two grade 2's put back and could only freeze four grade 2's. We've no idea what grades the remaining six were but they said they don't freeze grade 3 and 4's... Taking it easy now... They gave us a couple of pics, one of the embies before they went in and one after. Just got to sort out my new avi now :haha:

Caz, are you feeling any better yet? Have they given you any idea of when you can go home?? Hopefully it won't be too much longer :hugs:

Glad you're off to a good start, Aclio!!

MrsJA, the bloating seems to have eased off a lot thank goodness. I mentioned it this morning and they seemed fine about it, said it was perfectly normal...

Ok, going to have some food now... DH's off to work shortly. I never thought I would say this but I can't wait! He won't let me do a thing and keeps saying 'put your feet up'! If he had his way, i would be tied to this sofa for the next two weeks.
tickled - thats great news xxxxx I'd make the most of your DH wanting you to rest. You should be putting your feet up. Good luck with your 2ww I've got everything crossed for you. How was the ET did you feel anything? x
Didn't feel a thing!!!!! A smear test is worse!!!!!!! I did have problems with my bladder though lol. They were all set to start and I had to use the loo... she said I could only do 'a little bit' because if I empty completely it will change the position of the uterus. So i had to stop myself... I was doing fine up until they started pressing on my tummy again, to scan everything. Just done my first pessary and had a lie down... you're right, Aclio. I should be making the most of it :hugs:
tickled - love your new pic xxx

Just a quick question for anyone. Did you take headaches tablets whilst at injection stage. It was my first injection this morning and I've got a splitting headaches this afternoon but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to take anything?

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