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Anyone else doing IVF/ISCI in June?

Hi Girls

Thanks girls for all your support. Went to the hospital today to give me a drug to calm my hormones down pretty standard stuff. Feel a bit better and not so bloated. Will know on Monday how many eggs made it to blastcycst stage. I know FET has a slightly lower success rate as fresh cycle but my doctor said due to the fact that all were frozen and not two taken out for the fresh cycle got a good chance. Hopefully a good number make it to this stage. Don't think I could have anymore dissapointment.

I will be watching you all closely xxxx
Aclio, i didn't take anything.....but that's me! drink plenty of water-it helps a lot! 2-3 l per day. If it gets bad, i think you can take a paracetamol. i personally avoid iboprufen as i read somewhere that it's not good for fertility.... X good luck hun!
I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you, Tory. :hugs:

Aclio, all the way through my treatment, I've been told to take nothing but Paracetamol and avoid Ibuprofen and Aspirin.
Thank you. I've had at least 2 litres of water today. I did have to have a paracetomol earlier and get into bed after work. My head was pounding, its still not completly gone. I'm only on day 1 of injections and I've got headaches already :(
Maybe they will ease up as times goes on... I know it's slightly different but my leg used to come in a rash for the first few days of taking Buserelin injections. It soon stopped :)
I hope its just cos its the first day. fingers crossed

How are you feeling tickled? xxx
I'm feeling fine, Aclio!! I was a little bit tired earlier so I took a nap but apart from that... totally normal. Except every now and then i get up and think, did i get up too quickly, did i do something i shouldn't have, should I be lifting this jug of water, should i be bending down? DH has got me questioning everything i do. I tell ya, I'm getting paranoid. I'm going to be a nervous wreck at the end of two weeks :laugh2:
Hi Girls and Tickledpink, Bless you take it easy next two weeks, I will be thinking of everyone and especially you as If my had happened it would of been on the same day as yours. You put your feet up for both of us. I think I am as nervous as you for the next two weeks.

I will know Monday how many embryos they frezeed.
I'm getting used to DH's constant fussing... it's quite nice :p It's just so hard sitting here and looking at a house that needs tidying up. And we've got all the windows open because it's so warm and there's dust everywhere. Oh well, I have a damn good excuse as to why the house is a mess.

Hope you get a good number of frosties, Tory :hugs: Will be they be calling you or do you have to go and see them?
Hi Ladies,

I know that June is very close to over - but is it too late for me to join? Today is my 5th day of DR with lupron. I joined the July thread originally because my EC and ET will be then and my 2ww, but I am DR in June.

I have been stopping in here once and a while to read. Congrats Caz (hope you are feeling better soon). Tory sorry to hear that you are having to wait for FET - but fingers crossed that you get many great frosties. Tickledpink hope your 2ww wait goes quickly - love that your dh is taking good care of you. ACLIO congrats on starting your stim injections - hope your headaches ease up. My headaches are making me crazy too.

Good to have you onboard, Blue! :D I was like you, I was a bit of a lurker over on the May thread because that's when I started DR. Most people were on stims or their 2WW when I started. DH is being wonderful, but then he's always been like that... be lost without him :) He even offered to do my injections for me because I hate the needles. Anyways, good luck!!!!
Hi girls!

Tickled, congrats on being pupo!!!!!:happydance: Great that DH is fussing over you too - make the most of it!

Blue, welcome to the thread and good luck with the cycle!

There's not much to report at my end... I'm now 9 days past transfer and nervously counting down til Friday's blood test. Still not much going on symptom wise, except for the enormous BB's and the tiredness - which are also pretty standard PMS ones for me.

So the wait continues...!

How's everybody else doing?? xxx
girls need some advise my hcg shot was on the 14th do you think it should be out of my system by now its been 13days??? im soooooooo dying to test but not sure if it will be out of my system arghhhhhh this 2ww is driving me insane!!!!
Hi Chickies!

I'd love to fast forward even just a pinch to catch up to most of you already well on your way to testing!

We're going in for the ET tomorrow at Noon EST. The Dr. called yesterday to let us know that of the 9 eggies that fertilized, 7 are at 7+ cell stage and one is lagging behind. One is up at 9 cells, 3 at 8 and 4 at 7 so we're looking really good for a good number of them to reach the Blastocyst stage for the day 5 transfer. The Dr.'s going to put in the 2 strongest ones and then I join you all in the PUPO stage! Woot! In preparation (I'm trying to will this) for pregnancy, I went and treated myself to highlights and a cute cut yesterday. I figure I won't be dying my hair for the first few months so might as well treat myself to a proper salon visit. :smug:

MrsJA and Rosie, you're just a very few days away from testing! By about mid-week you'll know. How very exciting! :test:

Cazd, have you tested yet (aside from the initial test at the hospital)? Have your levels doubled over more?

Tickled, sounds like your hubby's giving you some much needed (through this whole process) pampering. Good on you!

Tory, here's hoping many of your sweet embies make it to blastocyst!

Aclio, hope your headaches ease up. Before you know it, you'll be going in for EC.

Welcome to the thread Blue! hope your DR'ing goes smoothly and many good fertility vibes out your way!

Hope all are wrapping up the weekend on a proper relaxing note.
girls need some advise my hcg shot was on the 14th do you think it should be out of my system by now its been 13days??? im soooooooo dying to test but not sure if it will be out of my system arghhhhhh this 2ww is driving me insane!!!!

Rosie, what was your dosage for the HCG shot? I remember reading somewhere online that if you did a 10,000 IU dose, (I know I did with Pregnyll), it reduces by 1000 unit per day... so in theory it should be out of your system within 10 days... So test, if you dare :winkwink:

That's great news on your eggs, Clussy! And good luck with ET tomorrow :hugs:
Hi Girls..I love how this thread is moving along....sorry I have not posted..work work work!! I did write a post yesterday and when I hit send I had error and lost it and of course I was off to one of my jobs..lol! Just woke from a nap and off to work again. I have not forgotten that you asked about symptoms MrsJA.... I promise to post later! Sending lots & lots of love, happiness, sticky vibes, and baby dust!!! xo
clussy - good luck for tomorrow xxx

Touch wood the headaches have easied off now. I have been dinking at least 2 litres of water a day. DH keeps saying my boobs have been blown up which i don't mind lol just wish it was just them and not my tummy. 3 days in and I'm already a comfy clothes girl. Oh well if I get my BFP it will all be woth it x
it was pregnyl 10000 tickled i done a test about 5days ago and there was still a faint pink line i was a bit sneaky this morning and done one and i still had a line aboutthe same darkness as the one last week so im a little confused i really dont want to get my hopes up my official test date is not till the 4th july but gonna test on saturday because well bit of story but we won a prize at our local indian restaurant to have them come and cook a meal for your ffamily and the only date we could all agree on was 4th this was well beforewe knew about our test date hence the saturday then at least if its bad news the worst of my mood will be over with on the sat if that makes sense???

im away tomorrow and wil have no internet access dont know what im gonna do with no googleing!!!!

im hoping to see loads of good newss in this thread when i get back though!!
Good luck everyone!!!

When I did my iui, I did a 10,000 hcg shot and it was out of my system in 4 days.

Evening girls!

Rosie, I hear you - I'm really starting to struggle with the wait too! What day is your beta? Mine is not til Friday, so still a ways to go.

All I want to do at work is surf the net for internet success stories and stare out the window, but I think that actually makes it worse. :)

I'm not going to test early because I would hate to get a BFN and I know this sounds a bit crazy but I kind of can't even imagine what a BFP would look like! All I have ever seen is BFN after BFN so HPT's kind of do my head in.

My symptoms remain almost non-existent, except for the tiredness and the huge bb's. Interestingly my bb's don't hurt which IS unusual for me. They are usually about to jump off my chest at this point - lol! I am trying not to read too much into it given that everything is out of whack from the IVF drugs...

Clussy, so excited for your ET tomorrow - good luck honey!! It sounds like your embies are coming along really nicely! Good thinking on the colour and cut - I hope it makes you feel better while you sit out the 2WW too!

Lola, ACLIO, tickled, Blue - hope you guys are great xxxxx

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