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Anyone else doing IVF/ISCI in June?

Hey guys. I did a test 2 days after my trigger shotand it came up very faint.
I tested again this morning and it's still quite faint - 20dpo.
Buy hey... A lines a line.

Aclio... I moved into baggy clothes when the bloating got bad... A few days after et.
But... That was my only symptom of ohss.. No sickness, no runs... Nothing.
Just be vigilent cos it nearly killed me!

Good luck with testing girls... Not long now xxx
I don't feel too bad today touch wood. I start my second injections tomorrow so that will be 2 in the morning. I'm not looking forward to this one as its the proper needle one :wacko:
cazd - are you still in hospital? How are you feeling? xxx
Soz... Just reread my post and I meant it to say...
I tested 2 days after the trigger shot and it was v faint so surely over a week down the line it should be out of your system so a little :test: should work!

Aclio... Good luck for tomorrow. Is that the stims starting?

I'm still in hospital and stable and I'm draining fluid still but feeling loads better.
Pg tests are comin up positive but they're still v faint. And I don't have any symptoms except for no af. Think I'll be in denial till I get darker lines... Or 3-4 weeks on my cb digi...
Hi there Chickies, Well, I'm on the 2WW train along with many of you now. All went great today. They put back in 2 great embies, one grade A and one B and went straight to the acupuncturist afterwards. Was on the couch all day watching True Blood Season 2 DVD's and I agree that it sure is great to be taken care of fully by DH so that the only focus was on relaxing. ahhhh. :thumbup:

Cazd, hope we see a next post from you letting us know that you are out of the hospital and doing better w/the OHSS.

Here's hoping there are a good amount of cascading BFP's coming round the corner for all.

Cheers and hugs to all!
Evening girls!

Clussy, yayyyyyy you are PUPO! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Great work on the acupuncture and couch session, it sounds like you are all set! I'm sending you truckloads of stickiness!

Caz, I can't believe you are still in hospital. Have they told you when they think you might be discharged?

ACLIO, good luck with the next round of injections!

I am still struggling on with this 2WW and trying really hard not to get my hopes up too much for Friday. The fact that my bb's are not sore is really unusual, but like I said yesterday I'm trying not to read too much into it (except that I kind of am... lol!)

Hope everybody else is great xxxx
Mrs... If it's any help... I'm 20dpo and I've got eff-all symptoms. The only indicator is consistent bfps.
@@s aren't even sore and that's a supposed sign of progesterone!

Is anyone else using crinone gel? It goes hard in yr foof after you squirt it in and honestly... I'm struggling to get more in!
The ivf clinic said it's normal and it should all come out it a big clump soon :shock:

well yes... Ohss sucks and I'm not gettin any better. Hopefully as the hormones settle so will the ohss but it's just a waiting game. Could be the whole of my first tri yet!!!

Sooo... Mays thread was really unlucky but hopefully the bfps will start rolling soon.
Mrs... Are you next to test then? On friday?
Mrs - It's not long now I've got my fingers crossed for you xx

Clussy - I hope the 2ww isn't too bad for you. Try and keep busy xx

Cazd - Sorry I can't help you on the crinone gel xx

I started my second injection today, to be honest it wasn't too bad. The bloody pen hurt this morning though, I don't know what happened but I've got a nice bruise on my stomach.
Congrats on being PUPO, Clussy!! :wohoo::wohoo: A Grade A and B is fab! :thumbup:

No idea about the Crinone gel, Caz. Never heard of it until you mentioned it. What's it supposed to do? Is it the same as the Utrogestan pessaries? Hope you're feeling a lot better now.

Quick question... EC was Wednesday and ET was Friday. DH is telling me I'm 4dpo but I thought I was 6dpo :wacko: Never have been any good at all these abbreviations and working dates out... :blush:

Aclio, I kept getting bruises on my leg... the nurse said it's nothing to worry about. It's simply where you've hit a blood vessel :winkwink:

Had a bit of cry when I went to bed last night... I've convinced myself that I'm not pregnant. I don't feel any different apart from feeling tired on and off through out the day (but I'm sitting around the house all day so I'm getting bored) and sore boobs on Saturday. I've got another 12 days until I can test and I'm going mad. Paying for ICSI is all well and good but there's no guarantee it will work and I don't think this has... I keep thinking I'll be like my SIL, with four failed IVF attempts. I'm afraid my PMA has done a runner :coffee: Anyone else feeling like this? :shrug:
tickled - come on its not over till the fat lady sings. Come on girl cheer up. Look at cazd posts she's not had many symptoms but she's had a faint BPF. Not every gets symptoms remember. You could be one of the lucky ladies that don't get morning sickness etc You need to try and plan things to do. Meet up with your girl friends, meals out with your DH. Our nurse told my DH that it was his job to make sure I'd be relaxed on the 2ww romantic meals, weekend break if you could. The most important thing she said was to stay away from people who stress you out. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks Aclio :hugs: DH is doing his best to keep me upbeat, but I'm worried that I'm only setting myself up for a bigger disappointment. We have talked about going down to the coast for the day and my parents have even offered to treat us to stay in a hotel overnight. Definitely keeping away from people who stress me out, which is just about everyone at the moment, apart from DH. Really enjoying the peace and quiet and not having to worry about work. Thanks again xxx
Hi Everyone

Looking good for the June thread.

I had 4 embroyes frozen, 2 really good, 1 average and 1 ok. My clinic grade them different and the good ones got CC . When I asked about the grading the best get AA so I said that they obviously would of liked to see AA. They said they have really strict critea and near impossible to get an AA. I suppose have to take their word for it. I have got my next appointment on the 6th July, most of you will be in the first tri by then xxx
Hi Girlies
Well I'm back from Glastonbury and wow what a lot of reading there was to catch up on!!

Pink, congrats on being PUPO!!!! Woohoo!!! Your hubbie sounds lovely, make the most of all of this pampering! Hope you're feeling a bit more relaxed, lots of TLC needed for you! :happydance:

Lolalulu CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! :yipee:
That is just wonderful news!! Has it sunk in yet?? I can't even imagine how amazing that must feel, let's hope it's a sign of lot's of BFPs to come!!

Tory, Oh hun I am so sorry your cycle had to be abandoned, I actually know exactly how crushing that feels as exactly the same thing happened to me in my cycle last month. I was absolutely devastated. Hope you have amazing news on your Blastos today and all I can say is your FET will be here in no time and if you want to know anything I am slap bang in the middle of mine now so should be able to help!! :hugs:

Blue, welcome!! :hi: and the best of luck for this cycle!

Hey Mrs JA!! and congratulations on your being PUPO!!! :dance:
My best friend has just found out she's pregnant and her only symptoms are massive boobs and being super tired. Keeping everything crossed for you, not long now!!

Cazd you poor poor thing!! Hope they are treating you nicely. That sounds great about the continued positive tests. Hope they let you get home soon. :hug:

Aclico, woohoo for getting started with the injections!!! :headspin: Everything will start moving soooo quickly now, you'll be at transfer before you know it!

Clussy, you're PUPO!!! Yeeehaaaa!!! and with 2 blastos, that's incredible, hope the next couple of weeks go quickly for you!!

Rosie, congrats on being PUPO too!! Woohooooo!!!
not long for you now either and the pink sounds rather exciting!!

Hi to everyone else!!
ooops sorry Tory, just seen your last post! 4 frozen embies is fantastic!! Hope all goes well at your next appointment, it really helps to keep things moving.
Good to see you back, SB! How was Glastonbury? Apart from being hot... and how are you feeling?

And good news on the 4 frosties, Tory!! Never heard of that grading system before... And July 6th isn't long to wait. It's only a week away. :)

I'm feeling a little more positive this evening. Still feeling tired as usual, but I'm putting that down to it being hot and sitting on my bum 24/7 :haha: I've been on knicker watch and haven't seen any signs of IB but I know not every woman has it. But I have been feeling a little lightheaded and queasy late at night. And I've been getting a lot of twinges in my sides. I wasn't sure it if it was my ovaries shrinking after all the stimms :blush: But they seem to be a little more frequent. Also been getting a weird sort of twinge right where my tummy button is... very weird. Also been going to the bathroom more than usual... but then I've been drinking loads because it's been so hot... ARGH! I refuse to do any more symptom spotting!!! ](*,)

11 days and counting....
Hey guys,

Not doing so great at all today.

DH and I had a big fight last night. Not one but TWO couples who are close friends of ours announced their pregnancies yesterday. I was telling him how I felt about that and he said something I didn't like, so I yelled at him and then he yelled back.

I'm pumped full of IVF drugs which is making me a bi!tch to be around, and I'm so emotional. I cried so much last night I haven't been able to bring myself to go into the office yet because my eyes are all puffy :(

And to top it all off this morning I have started to spot. It's too late for IB so I can only conclude that this is the other kind of spotting.

Sorry about the miserable post, I just have nothing good to say today :sad2:

Tickled, hope you are hanging in there. Summer nice to see you back. Hope everybody else is doing good xx
I'm so sorry to hear you had such a crummy and emotional evening, MrsJA. I know we can all relate to the massive amounts of hormones that have been pumped into us causing us to feel much more sensitive about sore spots than usual, especially at the news of 2 close friends suddenly becoming pregnant. Coming from the perspective of trying for so long and being in such a sensitive spot w/the 2WW, that's kind of devastating. :dohh:

I got totally bummed this evening too after the clinic called to let us know that none of the remaining 7 embies made it to blastocyst stage to freeze so it's these magic embies in me or start from scratch. The Mister suggested it not being a big deal and to just not worry about things that are out of my control but that's just not good enough. Unfortunately, our DH's can try to sympathize but they truly don't understand how hopped up we are from the pills and injections.

I do hope he is able to cool off as well and come back to home base w/a renewed sense of peace for you two to hash it out and be back to right.:hugs2:
Summer Breeze, welcome back! Are you stimming at this point or down regging? How you feeling?
Pink... Cramps and twinges is a good thing. Just 1 week to go xxx
mrs... So sorry about the spotting but it ain't over till it's over. Keep us posted? :hugs:
clussy... It's such a shame that they didn't make it to blast for freezing but... You do have the best chance of all of us with those embryos you're carrying.

Keep going ladies xxxxx
I'm pretty sure it's all over now ladies.. it's more than a bit of spotting at this point.

I can't stop crying, I am absolutely devastated :(

I feel like an idiot for getting my hopes up about this cycle. On the weekend I was about two seconds away from buying this little baby top that says "I love my daddy" to give to my DH in case we got a positive BT on Friday.

What a loser....

Clussy, sorry to hear about your frosties. Really hope you don't need them honey :hugs:

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