Anyone else doing IVF/ISCI in June?

I was only in and out of hospital for 3 days. Since then I have been essentially restricted to my bed lol. But I am feeling much better. I keep thinking I wish I had my little embies now, but I know it was the best and only decision at the time, as my levels were still above 30,000.

I am going to call today to see if I can get an fs appt to talk about fet and to see about possibly starting sooner? fxd.

SO excited for you MrsJA to have your FET - did you see wrighty just got her bfp on her fet? And Clussy starting a new cycle must be so exciting, although it is scary at times, a new protocol seems great.

:hugs: to everyone!
Summer I am having the same thoughts with acupuncture too.

So glad that you are starting! :hugs: and :dust: so sorry sweetie...please find comfort and know you and DH are in all of our thoughts. We are here for you...xoxoxoxo
Hi girls..just checking in to see how everyone is and to tell you I had a very big scare last night while at work. I bartend and it was pretty hot so I kept drinking lots of water..I had a chance to run to the ladies room..after I wiped i still check the TP and it was full of bright red was just flowing out..I thought for sure I lost the baby. So off I was sent to the emergency room...what a horrible scary experience and soo long..they didn't give me an u/s for about 3.5-4 hours..I had to just sit and wait with no answers. The bleeding had stopped but I was a mess..and DB is away in UK...with phone I didn't talk to him till about 4.5 hours after sitting in emergency room..thank god my dad met me there and stayed with me. The u/s showed a heartbeat and the baby is growing on schedule(8weeks2days). I am to take it easy for a few days and go back in on mon for another u/s. They said I have a small subchorionic hemmorage. I did some research but have chosen to stop...I am just too scared and hope it heals and everything is okay. Thanks for listening..thinking of you all and will keep you posted. Sending lots of baby dust, sticky vibes, +++++ thoughts and love! xoxoxo
Blue..sorry to hear about cancelled cycle...hang in there and feel better. xoxo
Evening girls!

Lola, so sorry to hear about your scare, that must have been awful!! Especially with your man not there to hold your hand while you were in the hospital and had to wait.
A friend of mine had a subchrionic haemorrage at 8 weeks, and her little boy is almost two now :)
I hope everything settles down for you this week.

Clussy, I'm with you on the veggie juice thing. I think I'm going to keep eating really well this cycle, and keep taking my vitamins and stuff, because it makes me feel good and it can't hurt! But I'm not giving up the morning coffee or the evening glass of wine this time. And I think I'm going to swap the acupuncture for massage too!

Summer, how good that you get to skip down reg - woo hoo!! How long will the oestrogen bit take? I can't wait to hear how it all goes. You have been so patient, you must surely be our next BFP! :hugs:

Blue, let us know what the clinic said about follow up appointments and dates for your FET and stuff.

As for me, I'm just waiting to hear what the clinic have to say about whether it was Day 1 of my cycle last week or not. I am thinking they should just scan me to see what's happening with my uterine lining. Surely that would answer the question one way or the other!

Anyway, hope everybody is doing good!! xxx
Thank you MrsJA....I am wishing you tons of luck on your next cycle and will keep checking on you (and the other girls) hoping for everyone's BFP!!!! xoxoxo
Lola! OMG - that must've been terrifying. Our dates are pretty much the same and I have no idea how I'd cope with that.
But... so long as the bleedings stopped and you're feeling OK... here's some good news... once you see a heartbeat the risk of miscarriage goes WAY down.
Hope you get lots of rest - just don't move for the next 4 weeks!!!

Its great to hear that you ladies are getting back on track for the next round.
Hope it comes quickly :hugs:
Hi Girls
Lola, crikey you poor thing that must have been dreadful, I can't imagine. Hope you're resting up and everything's ok.

Thanks Mrs JA, you're the best. Yes I'm not the most patient person at heart but we don't have much choice at the mercy of IVF treatment do we. I'm going in for a scan next Monday and so long as I'm up to 6mm they're going to proceed so crossing everything.
Keep us posted on what the clinic says won't you, I'm rooting for you!
Morning girls!

How is everybody doing??

ACLIO, I've been thinking of you, and hope you're doing OK.

Lola, how are things with the bean? Has your subchrionic bleed settled down now?

Clussy, you must be back on the IVF train! What's the latest? Is it injectables at this point or a different type of meds? Anyway, I hope you are feeling side-effect free I'm sending you all my positive uterine thoughts! :hugs:

Summer, no, you are the best!! I'm really crossing my fingers for your scan on Monday. You deserve to have a cycle that works out for you at last!

Blue, tell us what the clinic have said to you about FET. Mine wanted me to have a natural cycle before I tried again, so I'm wondering if yours will say the same...

I haven't had much luck with the clinic this week. They said the little bleed I had 8 days back probably wasn't AF, so I should wait until the end of August (!!) and hope that AF turns up. If she doesn't, they will probably give me some provera to induce a bleed.

I feel like they have been a bit disinterested in the whole thing, but I'm trying to be Zen about it. I figure that I have waited this long, so a bit longer doesn't really matter. I think this baby is going to happen in it's own sweet time :)

Anyway, hope everybody is well and looking forward to the weekend!

Lots of love and babydust xxxxxxx
Hi MrsJA

Originally my fs told me I had to wait a whole cycle... but when I called and spoke to the director of the clinic saying that september isn't a good month for me and that august would be much better (because I am off - being a teacher). They agreed that if my cd 3 scan and blood looked okay - that they would go ahead with a FET. I was thinking because my cycle was cancelled (I didn't even get to transfer) I have had a longer time without drugs in my body. I am really hoping it would be okay. If they absolutely insist that I must wait I will but I just want to get things moving. If it doesn't work, then I want to start planning when I can do my next fresh cycle.

I hope you can get started soon. The bleeding that you had seems so confusing. You are right that after all this waiting - what is a bit more waiting - yet at the same time it is very frustrating! :hugs:
Hi MrsJA
Everything is looking good..went in for scan this week and my bleed has healed..there is no sign of it :)....thank you for checking on me!
I hope AF shows soon for you..and it would be wonderful if you get a BFP on a nautral cycle...I am cheering for you!!
I am also cheering for all you ladies...sending lots of love, baby dust, sticky vibes and +++++ thoughts!! xoxo
Hi girls!

Lola, so glad to hear that your bleed has healed - what a relief! Make sure you take it easy, and do stop by from time to time - I'll be thinking of you! :)

Blue, that is great news about getting to go early in August! :happydance: As far as the drugs are concerned, I think you'll be fine. The clinics here in Australia do back to back cycles all the time. The doc told me he'd prefer I do a full natural cycle before FET, but if I had pushed for it, I think he probably would have brought me forward too. Plus there are heaps of success stories I've read, from women who've gone back to back.

When's your scan??

ACLIO, Clussy and Summer, hope you guys are having a great weekend xxx
When I went for my scan they said there were too many cysts (left over follies) that were there and that is was best to wait. So upsetting - yet so out of my hands. I just absolutely fear the thawing process - if they don't survive the thaw I will have spent 15,000 and will never have even had a "chance" (no transfer at all) in which case I will be devastated - so just have to have tons and tons and tons of hope now.

When are you starting your August FET? Is it a medicated or unmedicated FET?
Hi All
Lola, that's fantastic news, so glad to hear things have sorted themselves out. Like MrsJA says, take things easy wont you.
Blue, I'm so sorry to hear you have to wait, I know it's no comfort right now (I've been through this twice and just wanted to ignore the docs and go ahead regardless at the time) but they have to look at the bigger picture and not risk loosing those precious little embies. Their techniques for thawing out embryos has come on so much now that the success rates are really good, please try not to worry.

MrsJA well done for your 'zeness'!! Your time will be hear in a flash. In the meantime, you are very much treasured here keeping us all sane and we will return the favour very soon!!
Hope you're having a lovely weekend.

Big scan for me tomorrow, yikes!! Pleeeease don't fall through again!!
Evening girls,

Oh Blue, I'm sorry to hear that honey. The hits just keep on coming don't they? :nope:
I know what you mean about the thaw, and I can only imagine how you would feel if you ended up with none after all that money you've outlaid.
I have everything crossed for you and your beautiful snowbabies next cycle, Blue :hugs:

Re my FET, it's unmedicated, so that means we are waiting around for AF to show. It's day 34 of this cycle, if you ignore the weird bit of bleeding that happened at day 19. The longest cycle I've ever had was 56 days, so god knows how long it will take. And if that thing at day 19 was AF, we could be waiting forever! Ah well....

Summer, bless you - you are too sweet! Write back and tell us about that scan lady!! This cycle is the one for you, I know it!!

Hope everything is great with everybody else :hugs::hugs:
Just stopping by to see how everyone is doing!

Lola, glad the bleed has healed :hugs:

Blue, I'm sorry to hear that your cycle was cancelled but good luck for this month!

Summer, how did the scan go today?

MrsJA, hope AF shows up soon so you can get started!

Aclio, how are things going??

Hope I haven't missed anyone out...

Dee :)
Hi Everyone!
I am delighted to report that my lining was a whopping 9.7mm!! Wooooohoooooooo!!!!!!!
Looks like the super strength dose of oestrogen did the trick!! I am soooooo chuffed!
My very first ET is booked in for Friday, I cannot believe it! Still got the feeling that something will happen to cause things to fall through at the last minute again but hopefully I'm wrong!!
Had a bit of a tough decision to make while we were there. We have 5 embryos in the freezer and the embryologists wanted us to thaw out all 5 and let them culture with a view to going to blasto if they were strong enough then picking the best. They want to take advantage of me being in such a good position this time which seems to be a rarity! But I just worry that that could be a waste, I know it's unlikely but what happens if they all did really well and then we'd just have to let them perish, that would be awful. I would much rather be patient and spread them out over two cycles, just incase there's more than one little fighter in there! So we managed to talk them into thawing out 3 this time and 2 next time. Hope we've done the right thing, it doesn't sit very well with me going against the advice of specialists but I just have a gut feeling that this is the right thing to do with our precious little snowbabies.

Hope everyone is doing well and had a lovely weekend?

Mrs JA, 56 days?? Crikey, that's impressive!! Let's hope AF doesn't keep you hanging on this time!

Tickled, lovely to hear from you, hope all is going well for you, love your scan pic!!

Summer, woo hoo!! :happydance::dance::yipee:

I'm so happy for you lady, it's finally your turn! I can of course, understand how you must feel, expecting that something's going to go wrong last minute.

But I'm sure it's all going to work out for you and the frosties this time. It's so exciting!

I also think you did the right thing saving some of your precious frosties for next time. It would be such a shame to have thawed them all this cycle and then miss out. I would have made the same decision you did for sure.

tickled, it's lovely to see you! How many weeks now??

I'm having one of those days today. My ovaries have been twinging, but there's no sign of CM or anything that would lead me to think that I'm ovulating. And no sign of AF of course! Wish she would turn up already. Last cycle feels like it was about a million years ago at this point!

Anyway, hope everybody is good and sending lots of love xxxxx
Hey Mrs JA....I start to feel we're the only ones left??!!

Thanks for your message, it makes such a difference when people support decisions like this! Never mind the 2ww, this 2 day wait until transfer is killing me, I run the risk of going a bit loopy!

Ooh ovary twinges sound promising, could it be AF is on the way? I often get twinges there when she is. I do hope she turns up soon so you can get a plan together. Can you try jumping up and down and jiggling it out? haha

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