Anyone else doing IVF/ISCI in June?

Good luck with ET on Friday, Summer!!!! :hugs:

I'm now 7+1, MrsJA. I thought I was eight - going by the online calculators for IVF'ers. But then I had a scan on the 28th (and saw the heartbeat!!) and going by the size, 4.4mm, I'm a week behind but it's growing fine now! I had a bleed an hour after my scan... it was a collapsed sac from the twin, the second embie took :( Had a check up on Monday and the other is still going strong and has doubled in size but it's still tense times...

Keeping my fingers crossed for you and all the other ladies!!! :hugs:
Summer, LOL about jiggling AF out! :rofl: I read your post this morning, and I have been thinking about that all day and giggling. I tell you what, I bloody well wish I could jiggle her out! ha ha..

And yes I agree, the thread is getting pretty quiet! Just us FET'ers hanging on in there :)

So anyway, I can't wait to hear how your ET goes tomorrow.... I am so excited for you! Write back and tell me how it goes!!!

Tickled, I was sorry to read about the situation with your twin. The bleed much have been really worrying too. I bet you're looking forward to getting to that 12 week milestone. I think all IVF'ers must just hold their breath and hope like crazy that they get there.

Hope everybody else is doing good xxxx
Hi MrsJA and Tickled, and thank you for your messages.

Well I'm back from the clinic, the day hasn't gone quite as well as we'd hoped..

Got the call this morning to say that 2 out of the 3 had survived but one had gone from a 4 cell to a 1 cell and one had gone from a 4 cell to a 2 cell. We had to decide whether we wanted to thaw out the remaining 2 and only had about 20 minutes to decide! It was horrible! How do you make that kind of decision so fast?! In the end we had to go with what they were recommending, they said as the thaw rate wasn't great it would be best all round to thaw them all now. So we did and with the other 2, one went from a 5 cell to a 2 cell and the other from 4 cell to 2 cell.
Soooo we ended up having 2 2 cells put back. I know it's a terrible attitude to have but i just feel like it's game over already and that the next couple of weeks are just an annoying formality to get through. I feel like seen as they weren't strong enough to survive the thawing process very well, what chance do they have of continuing to grow now they've been weakened???

Anyway, sorry, miserable cow rant over.

Tickled, hope you're well. MrsJA, any sign of AF?

Oh honey, I'm so sorry. I know NOTHING about what's normal with FET, but I wish I did, so I could tell your something comforting.

Like, it's perfectly normal for embryo quality to go backwards after thaw, but then come good.

I really hope that's true, I just have no idea whether it is!

You've made me realize I need to do a whole lot more research :dohh:

You know what honey, your two 2 cell'ers could well end up being your beautiful son/s or daughter/s. They really could. The clinic wouldn't have bothered to put them back if that wasn't the case.

So you put your feet up and think positive thoughts, lady. You're pupo! And I'm going to be sending you every bit of positive energy I have!

Lots and lots of love, to you and your marvellous two-celled snowbabies :hugs::hugs:
Thank you my lovely MrsJA!! No this is the problem, I didn't know anything about it so it's all just come as a bit of a shock really. It was so stressful having to make such a big decision in such a short amount of time! However I've had a bit of a nap now and am feeling a little more human.
I might start a new topic and see if anyone's got any experience of this.

Thank you as always for being so ace xxxx
Joining your thread, MrsJA....even though mine isn't scheduled till later in the year :hugs:
Don't give up hope yet, Summer! I was convinced ours hadn't worked but look how it turned out!!! I know the waiting will be awful but just keep thinking positively!! *hugs*
Ahhh summer, it is my absolute pleasure :)

I'm glad you're feeling a bit better now. I'll keep an eye out for your thread too - I'm keen to hear what our fellow IVF'ers have to say about all this thawing business.

I only have two frosties, so I really hope that one of them makes it.

Isi, it is always a delight to see you, and welcome to our little thread!! How's your trip going??

Tickled, hope you and the little one are doing well :hugs:

I'm heading away for the weekend in a couple of mins, so I will check back in with you ladies on Sunday night.

Feet up Summer!! :flower:
Hi lovely girls!

I hope everybody had a great weekend!

Summer, what's the latest with our favourite pupo lady? Still resting up and thinking positive thoughts I hope!

So, finally some news at my end - I managed to meet with our FS (at last) today. I've hardly seen him at all during the IVF process, and certainly not since ET, so we discussed where I'm at. Which is basically NOWHERE! Today is cycle day 41 and still no AF. Which is not unusual for me of course, with my PCO.

Anyway, I tell him it's day 41 and he says "mmm... your cycles are usually quite regular aren't they?" I stared at him for a bit and then I said "um NO, I have polycystic ovaries... my longest cycle this year was actually 56 days.."

What an idiot! He clearly doesn't read his file notes. So at that point he decided it would be a good idea to put me on a medicated cycle instead of trying to go unmedicated. Which I said to the nurses throughout!

But never mind. At least I'm not waiting god knows how many more weeks for AF to show and then another month to ovulate :dohh:

I'm starting provera tonight, which means hopefully AF next week, then it's onto the oestrogen for a couple of weeks. So, transfer maybe end of August if I am REALLY really lucky!

Anyway, the clock is ticking :happydance:

Tickled, hope you're feeling well - when is your next scan??

Clussy and Blue, thinking of you guys :hugs:
Hi All
MrsJA, did you have a lovely weekend away??
Well that is fab news that you now have a plan for you cycle. Can't believe your FS, sounds very similar to my place. I get so frustrated having to explain my situation again and again and having to pull them up on errors! I sometimes wonder if I wasn't so on the ball what the hell they'd do to me!
Woohoo, end of AUgust is soooo close!! Provera worked like a charm for me, I took it for 5 days and then 3 days later AF arrived.
So excited for you hun.

I am doing good, a lot better actually. Managed to get my PMA back so am feeling a lot happier. Although, 4 days in to this 2ww lark and I am starting to go a bit loopy!
How did you cope??!
MrsJA, I can imagine how annoying that must have been!! I changed doctors last year for the same reason. I hate it when they treat patients like a conveyor personal touch at all. I'm so glad you have a plan now, and I pray that you can have the FET by the end of August!! Will be rooting for you, hun :hugs:

Summer.....wishing you all the very best in your 2ww. Regardless of the quality of the eggs, I pray you get a beautiful BFP with a beautiful and healthy baby (or babies :winkwink:)
Great news on the AF front, MrsJA! Even if he can't remember who you are personally, how long would it take him to check his notes before seeing you??

Glad to hear you've got your PMA back, Summer! :D Are you working or have you got some time off? I had a couple of weeks off and put my feet up and watched tonnes of TV and read.

I'm not feeling too bad... MS is kicking in again and I'm getting very picky with food, so I'm eating when I can... and putting on weight :( Next scan will be my 12 week scan on September 7th.

I'll be popping back to see how you're all getting on :D

One question, MrsJA. How many days did you have to take off for the egg collection and the FET? I don't have a lot of holiday days left, and was wondering how many days recovery is needed.
Hey Girls

Thanks Isi. When is your treatment due to start? I didn't have much time off over my treatment but in my fresh cycle I remember wishing that I'd taken the day after egg collection off cause I was still quite sore.

Hey Tickled, well it's worked out quite well really, my ET was Friday so I took the day off, with it being summer I don't work saturdays at the moment and Mondays are my normal day off so in total I'll have had 4 days off which has been nice.
Not long now til your 12 week scan, how exciting!!
Thanks Summer. I pray my FET can fall around the weekend as well. As for egg collection, I might just have to endure the soreness the day after as well, as it's unlikely I'll be able to take the day off. Hopefully, my cycle will begin in October. I'm on holiday now, and will continue discussions with my new FS later in the month.
Hi Chickies! Sorry for the silence on my part for the past couple of weeks. Just had to regroup and take a short break from all things IVF related so that I could balance myself a bit. Am feeling pretty restored and excited to get this show on the road.

Summer, congratulations on being PUPO! Considering the embies made it through the freeze, they have resilience in them so don't go discounting them just yet. This is all part of our adventure. Here's hoping all turns out for this FET and you save me a seat in the expecting threads. :happydance:

MrsJA! Hello Dear Lady! So happy to hear FS finally perked up after you had to remind him of your deets. Ay vey. :dohh: If all goes well, looks like you and I will be going in for transfer at about the same time.

I'm on morning Lupron injections now and go in for my baseline scan on Wednesday, then begin w/my gonalF and Menopur injections on Friday evening. I'm due to go in for retrieval on the week of the 22nd and if my embies hold on for a 5 day transfer then I'm looking at about the 28th for the transfer.

Hugs to all! :hugs:
good luck summer, I really hope you get your bfp this time :)

just thought I'd pop on and wish you luck xxx
MummyIwanabe! Long time no hear! How's it going? Thanks for popping on, lovely to hear from you.

Lovely to hear from you too Clussy! Good for you taking a break from this mad world, think it does wonders every now and again. Glad to hear you're back and raring to go!
That's great that you'll be cycle buddies with MrsJA again! It's so nice having someone along the way.
I love your PMA, I do hope you're right, although I stupidly stupidly made the mistake of just ringing up to find out my embryo grading just now (hoping for a bit of peace of mid) and my PMA has just plummeted.
Apparently they were both a 3/2 grade out of a maximum of 4/4, doesn't sound all that fantastic. Why can't I just accept that ignorance is usually bliss?!!
Isi, hope you're having a lovely holiday!
Evening girls!

Summer, yes I did have a great weekend at the beach thanks! Ate too much food and drank too much wine. I'm trying to enjoy that part as much as I can right now :)

I'm glad your PMA is returning, I think it's important to take a moment every now and then and just enjoy being pupo. It took you so long to get here, you have to enjoy these moments with your snowbabies.

I did almost go nuts during the 2WW - and the second week was much harder than the first I hate to say! You've just got to try and distract yourself as much as you can and try to avoid googling every symptom under the sun, lol!

Clussy, yayyyyy you are back! It's so nice to see you! And I'm excited that we'll be doing transfer around the same time again :)

Isi, re your cycle.. you'll need to take the day of egg collection off for starters. Ideally the day after too, but if you don't have time, you don't have time - I would have been able to go back the next day but I was glad I had the extra time to just chill out.

You'll also be in and out of work quite a bit in the two weeks before, for scans - but hopefully you can manage most of these before and after hours. And then it's a couple of hours on the day of your ET. Has your clinic given you any idea what month you'll be booked??

Tickled, sorry about the MS :dohh: I hope you start to feel better soon honey.

Lots of love, ladies xxxx

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