Anyone else doing IVF/ISCI in June?

Blue, I hate when those darn HPT's glare back at you negatively. I would test the morning of your actual test date to be sure. I wouldn't quite drop out yet. You could find yourself very surprised. :hugs:

Mummy, wow, you're tougher than I am. I needed constant reassurance that things were moving along, though as you pointed out, I also did over analyze every number that came through and even after the 2 scans I've had, I still find myself fearing that my lil bean's going to magically vanish or just throw in the towel on me. I just want to enjoy this but the paranoia is tough for me to overcome at times.

MrsJA, how ya feeling over there, Lady? Still same symptoms? Mine come and go. Today, the only thing that reminds me that I'm still preg is that my bb's are tender and swollen but I sometimes catch myself saying, 'eh, that could just be the progesterone' ((sigh)). I need to work on my current PMA and make it stick.

Summer and Tickled, glad to hear that you're both doing well and in good spirits! Any new symptoms over there? Tickled, so excited for you to hear the heartbeat! That's going to be such a lovely moment.

AFM, I had some light spotting on Friday (after Thursday's ultrasound) that left me reeling with fear. I called the nurse immediately and she said that it's perfectly normal to have some spotting after the ultrasound as the cervix was possibly irritated and the blood flow down there is quite a lot at this point. PLUS, my DH expressed concern over the PIO shots so the Dr. switched me to the crinone inserts and I apparently inserted it w/brute force which also irritated my cervix (or Uterus opening?) so I quickly decided to go back on the PIO shots. I didn't want to risk seeing even another drop of blood because it's way too frightening at this point. I go in for my first prenatal appt. w/my OB today as I've graduated out of my RE's practice and have to get regular care started. Here goes nothing!

Hugs and love to all!:hugs::hugs:
Ah I'm not tough, our clinic doesn't do it as standard and they advised me against it. Now all I have are the pee sticks so I plan to test every other day for a while and then hopefully stop. I don't want to over analyse them either! I am having a hard day today getting that PMA going as I don't know of any progression and could do with some reassurance but don't want to complain, I am fortunate to be in this position and am sooo grateful.

Eek can understand you freaking at seeing the spotting! How stressful! glad you're ok :hugs:
Hi girlies,

Blue, still thinking of you and sending lots of love:hugs: I really hope that you get a happy surprise at the end of this honey.

Clussy, I can imagine the spotting must have freaked you out, you poor thing! :dohh: Even though we all know that spotting can be quite harmless, you still don't want to see it, do you? I hope everything has quietened down for you and that the OB appointment went well :hugs:

PS - re my symptoms, they are in overdrive! My old friend nausea has shown up, just in the last few days. No vomiting yet, but I can no longer face dinner AT ALL, which is so unlike me. There are also some foods I used to love which I can't stand the thought of! The boobs are crazy, stuffy nose continues, and I now have the odd bit of dizziness to boot. But of course I am unbelievably grateful for it all.

Summer, it's good to see you hon, and I'm glad that things are progressing nicely for you! Have you had any morning sickness along the way?

Mummy, hope you're hanging in there! No more peeing on sticks lady - you are pregnant! LOL!

Tickled, 16 weeks already - wow!! Hope your appointment went well and you got to hear the little one's heartbeat!

Sending lots of love to you all xxxx
Thank goodness it was just a scare, Clussy. And congrats on graduating to your OB! Still waiting for that ticker :thumbup:

Mrs JA....I LOVE hearing about symptoms going in overdrive. Soo very happy for you. And happy 6 weeks :hugs:. Oh, not pregnancy related, but I saw on the news a clip from the Australia's Next Top Model finale.....OMG!!!!! That was such a CRAZY mistake to make!!!!

Tickled, Summer and Mummy....sending you loads of hugs!

Blue....still praying for a miracle come Friday.

Back at the hospital tomorrow....for my DH's SA, etc. Can't wait.
Ok, ticker in place. I gotta be honest, I was afraid that putting up a ticker or even saying out loud that I'm pregnancy was jinxing something but I've seen the heartbeat twice now so I have to have faith that this lil blueberry ain't going anywhere. :happydance: I had my first OB appointment yesterday where they drew a ton of blood, did a papsmear and an ultrasound and saw the heartbeat again. the lil bean's measuring perfectly at 7 weeks so we're good.

MrsJA, ack, sorry to hear about the nausea but isn't it nice to have regular reminders that you really are pregnant? Sometimes I almost wish for m/s so that I could have more reminders myself. :wacko:

Isi, good luck at the clinic tomorrow w/your DH's SA!

Blue, thinking of you.

Mummy, any fun new symptoms?
loving the ticker!!

I did a clearblue digital last night for some reassurance and got 3+ weeks! it says on the packet you get that when you're 5 weeks and I'm 5 weeks today :happydance: that was reassuring as last weds I was 1-2 weeks.

This morning my boobs are still not as sore, heart burn has faded but I have a lump in my throat which is like the heart burn I think. I googled it and some ladies say the lump is heartburn. Feels weird having a lump in my throat like I've swallowed a big pill and it's got stuck!

I love the signs though, keep them coming!! 3 weeks until my first scan! will be stir crazy by then! I will be 8 weeks! not sure why clinic leaves it so long?!
Hi All,

Tickled , how did you get on with the midwife today? Any luck with the heartbeat?

Clussy, sorry to hear about your scare, I had something very similar, it’s terrifying isn’t it.
But, fantastic news about your OB appointment and that is such great news that the size is bang on, what a relief that must be.
Loving your blueberry ticker, I’m a prune now which I’m not too impressed with!

No real new symptoms, although my boobs are just getting ridiculous, it’s definitely time to get some new underwear!!

Mrs JA, sorry to hear about the nausea, that sucks, I went off lots of my favourite foods for a while which was tough. I definitely haven’t suffered badly with morning sickness, just waves of nausea here and there and like I say going off certain foods, and them all of a sudden making me queasy.

Isi, best of luck for tomorrow, well that should be sent to your DH really!
Can’t believe it’s only 2 days til you start down regging!!

Mummy, wow that is awesome news! How reassuring! I have to confess that I did a test every day (sometimes like 3 a day) up until my 7 week scan! It nearly bankrupted me but I figured the peace of mind was worth it! And after so so sooo many BFN’s the novelty of a BFP just wouldn’t wear off!

Blue, thinking of you, hope you're ok xxxx
Summer, what a gorgeous wedding pic! Glad to hear that someone else on here isn't having real morning sickness either. It makes me feel like I'm missing something since most women do have m/s. I've only had very faint nausea but nothing that made me feel like I was really going to have to be around a toilet anytime soon.

Mummy, fantastic about the 3+ on the preg test yesterday! Yeah, the symptoms come and go. I feel most symptoms first thing in the morning. My BB's are sooooo tender that the shower actually hurt them this morning. Hope your heartburn isn't a constant through out this pregnancy. can't wait till your scan! :happydance:

ok, off to yawn the rest of my afternoon away and head on home. hugs and love to all! :hugs::hugs:
Morning girls,

Mummy, great news about your latest digi result! PS - I've had that lump in the throat thing from time to time too, not very pleasant!

Clussy, yayyyy for your ticker - and your little blueberry!:happydance:

Isi, good luck at the hospital today with your DH. Re the Australia's Next Top Model thing - I know!!! How embarrassing hey?? The press over here have been having a field day about it - LOL!

Summer, I'm loving the wedding pic - you look beautiful!! LOL, re the prune comment - I always think that when I look at the fruit tickers and somebody is up to the prune stage! ha ha....:haha: I hear you on the bra thing too - I think I've gone up at least a cup size. I might have to hit the shops this weekend....

Blue, still thinking of you lady.

Girls - how many dpo OR dpt were you when you had your betas done?
Hey Blue - it was 14 days past transfer for me.. I guess that made it 17 DPO or thereabouts.

my clinic said if they were to do one it had to be 14 days past transfer so 17dpo

How are you blue?
Hello darling friends.

Just back from the hospital....DH is perfect with a count of about 60 million....great motility I guess the villian remains! I also have my drugs now :happydance:, and was given a class about how to administer the shots. Turns out....not half as bad as I thought. So....we're good and ready to get this party started come Saturday :happydance: are still very much in my prayers :hugs:

Mrs JA....sending you :hugs: as always.....and totally loving that sweet pea! love LOVE that you have a ticker now. You won't believe that's one of the things I'm looking forward to the most :haha:. I already know the exact ones I'll choose :D look gorgeous in your avatar. Really gorgeous. Hope you and your bean are doing great.

Tickled....sending loads of :hugs: glad you got the digi confirmation. I'm sure your scan will be :thumbup:
Blue, I was 14 DPO and 9 DPT when I had my beta, which was rather low at 70.

Isi, glad you're all good to go there! You'll have your ticker in no time. :thumbup:

Much love to all! :hugs:
Isi, yayyyy - that's great news! :happydance:I'm so excited that it's your turn to get started!

I'm glad the injection class went well too. I found them to be quite easy.. the needles are so fine, it doesn't hurt too much at all. The moodiness on the other hand.... (you might want to tell your DH to be on his best behaviour at all times for the next month or so, LOL!)

Hope everybody else is doing good.

Blue must beta day today right? Thinking of you! :hugs:

Beta day is tomorrow - 14dp3dt or 17dpo.

I did a hpt on 14dpo and it was negative which is how I know that it didn't work.

Beta levels at 17 dpo should be about 220 - and that would mean on 15 dpo levels should be 110 and on 13 dpo levels should be 50 - which should show up on a hpt.
I'm sorry too honey. This IVF caper is so hard. Did you get the beta done anyway?

I'm thinking of you. xx
They said I had to do the beta - negative... shit situation to say the least. Dh and I went out to dinner tonight to "uncelebrate"

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