Anyone else doing IVF/ISCI in June?

Hi lovely ladies. It's been quite quiet around here.'s the news of the twins sinking in? Bet you're still over the moon. Your ticker is toooo cute!!

Mrs JA....hope you're not feeling as nauseated anymore. Sending you loads of :hugs: are you and the little one? Hope everything's perrfect as can be.

You know, given the nausea and/or lack of, going by the old wives' tale, you could be on team :blue:, Mrs JA, while you, Clussy, might be on team :pink: :winkwink:

Summer and Tickled....hope you are also doing great and your babies are doing awesome.

Blue....good luck this cycle hun :hugs:

Okay ladies....I have a question....and it's freaking me out. Last night, my period landed exactly when it was expected! Thing is, I'd heard that DR can in fact delay your period :wacko:. Making me worried why my period showed up on time! Last night was my 10th DR shot. Did any of you ladies have your period show exactly when it was supposed to?
OMG girls !!!!!

Look at you guys... all wonderfully pregalicious! :cloud9: Congratulations :happydance:

and congrats Mummy... TWINS... its so exciting... and they're clinging on in there... I agree... sod it... enjoy it... you're a mum of 2 now!

As for the dates... none of my medics agree on the dates.. I've had about 4 different EDD dates. Some insist on working back from your last AF. some go on egg collection, some on transfer. I tried to tell them at the start but now I just let them put down whatever they like.
After the 15 week scan they adjust your EDD anyway - based on the larger twin.

Well I just dropped in to see how you're all doing. IVF is just FAB isn't it!
hey isi - my AF came smack bang on time so don't worry it's a good thing :)

Thanks Cazd! I hope I'm lucky like you and they keep growing but who knows will have to wait and see. I've been having awful m/s dry gagging all day and night it's not nice. Not complaining though, i'm so grateful to be in this position but it is knackering gagging all the time!

Got another scan on thurs to see what the bleed up there is doing. I hope it's starting to heal, fingers crossed.
Great to see you back here here, Caz! Saw your bump the other day and you're huge but look great!!!!

Hope the scan goes smoothly Mummy. As long as you're not overdoing it, I don't see why it shouldn't heal :)

AFM... no more MS but feeling mega tired and back to the wonderful loo trips every half hour *sigh*

Hope you're all keeping well!!!!
Isi, I think my period showed up a day or so later than expected but I distinctly remember them telling me that they couldn't really care less when it came about since they put me on the protocol already and they'd start my baseline scan at the scheduled date regardless. So, I wouldn't worry at all.

cazd, good to see you peek back in here! So happy to see your pregnancy's coming along healthy and happy!

Mummy, lucky you to get another scan. I'd sell a kidney right about now to get a scan this week. I keep wondering what's going on in my body and hate the waiting but just need to get used to it.

tickled, glad to hear your m/s is gone. that's *something* right? Yeah, the bathroom trips are just a given for me. My DH keeps asking me in the middle of the night if I'm ok as I'm getting up to go tinkle again and I irritably respond "yes, I'm just peeing.... again. the usual". :haha:

MrsJA, how you feeling over there? Hugs to you! :hugs:

Blue, have you had your WTF appointment with your RE to review your next protocol and any changes they may want to make? Any idea when you'll be ready to move forward with the next cycle?

Summer, you're just a couple week away from wrapping up your first trimester! How exciting and what a relief!

Hope all are well!

I wish I didn't have to go cos of the bleed up there but fingers crossed I get to see my beans doing ok.

I hope the ms all day means things are good otherwise it'll be for nothing!
My follow up appt is Oct 21st.

I have already had my baseline scan - and I got the go ahead to start again.

DR begins Oct 25 - cd21
Stims start approx ~ nov5/7
EC approx Nov 18/20

Still putting together my list of questions - but I think I will likely have a very similar protocol.
Wow that's great you can get started again soon. I have my fingers crossed for you blue xx
I've been having awful m/s dry gagging all day and night it's not nice. Not complaining though, i'm so grateful to be in this position but it is knackering gagging all the time!

I had the same thing for a short while... gagging and dry-heaving. I was only actually sick once. but OMG - I couldn't brush my teeth properly without wretching all the way through it. And I couldn't bear to go to supermarkets 'cos the smell of the dairy aisle had me worried I'd throw up there and then!

Pink... I've learned to ignore my bladder - I read somewhere to only go when your bladders full or it shrinks?. Such a weird sensation though - needing the loo but nothing much coming out.... So I just ignore it now till I definitely have to go - and I'm only getting up once a night. but my man does the same... asks me if I'm OK...

Clussy - waiting for scans is such a killer. I had loads at the start through the clinic and now I'm back to NHS - this past 5 weeks has been LOOOONG. I'm most proud I resisted the urge to get a private one done :smug:
But... I've got my 20 week scan tomorrow... and hopefully we'll be finding out the sexes. I'm so glad I've got a doppler though - totally puts my mind at rest.

How's Blue doing? xxx
Hi ladies!

Isi, I wouldn't worry about when AF has shown. It's great that she's here! Now you can get cracking on the next bit!:happydance:

Cazd, OMG - I didn't know you were having twins! Congratulations!! It's great to see you here and 19 weeks already!!

Blue, so happy you are gearing up to start again. We will be here cheering you on honey:hugs:

Mummy, looking forward to hearing how your scan goes on Thursday. I bet the beans are doing just great :)

Clussy, I hear you on the peeing, it's the worst! Between that and the morning sickness...these things were definitely not in the brochure hey? ha ha...

Tickled, glad to hear you are keeping well honey and that the MS has abated. I'm not there yet, but I really wish I was! It's annoying feeling hungry and yet queasy at the same time. Makes eating a total chore!

Sending lots of love to you all xxxxxx
I have just started bleeding red blood again. I know they said to expect it but a week down the line I thought it was ok. Got scan tomorrow. I am worried.
I'm frustrated for you. I know you have an explanation for possible bleeding at this point but that's not enough to make anyone completely comfortable about bleeding. Hold tight and try to stay off your feet as much as possible.
Hi Everyone
Back from hols and just catching up with everyone's news.
Crikey Mummy, what a scare you've had, hope everything goes ok today. Huge congratulations on the twins!

Isi, hope all is going well, what stage are you at now that AF has arrived??

Blue, fantastic news you're on the move again so quickly, looking forward t following & supporting you on your journey.

Clussy, hope all is well with you, peeing is driving me insane! I heat it gets easier briefly after your 12th week as your womb moves but I'm still waiting!

Tickled, hope all is well, cant believe how the weeks are flying by for you! But strangely they drag for me, how can that be??!!

MrsJA sorry to hear about the MS, hopefully not much longer now til things settle down.

Cazd, glad to hear all is going well for you.

AFM, just had my 12 week scan - on the NHS, they came through in the end! I nearly had a heart attack at first, when they first zoomed in on the baby it was completely motionless, I of course thought the worst but then all of a sudden it started flipping about!! Oh the relief!!
And most excitingly, my EDD has been brought forward, I am now due the day before my birthday!!

Hope everyone is well xx
Thanks Summer. My next scan is scheduled for Tuesday morning....and I suspect I culd start stimming the same day. Aww, so lovely you had the scan....and even more so about a nearer due date. You must be soooo excited :flower:

Mummy....I was so worried about you but am so relieved to read on another thread that all is well with the babies :hugs:

Mrs JA, Clussy and are our pregnant Mamas doing? :hugs:

Hi Caz.....soooooo excited for today :yipee:

Good luck this cycle, Blue!!!
Hi girls,

Scan went ok, bleed has halved. It was 30mm now 14mm which is gd. Last week they didn't tell me but I had 50% chance of miscarriage. Now they reckon 1 out of 20 but I not out of woods yet. Only time will tell. Saw 2 heart beats and they're measuring on track at mo.

Thanks for your support girlies fingers crossed.

Has anyone told their close friends yet?

Summer - glad scan went well!

Isi - gd luck with scan :)
Summer, wonderful to hear that you had your 12 week scan and that all was well! that truly lifted my lil heart to read this morning. :thumbup:

Mummy, thrilled to hear that the lil ones are doing fine and you got to see that all is getting better. Still feel for you that you have to go through this. It's so very tough on the nerves. Keep holding tight and sending your lil nuggets your love and faith. :kiss:

I told my closest friends only and that's because they knew I was going through IVF. It's so hard to hide when you hang out a lot and suddenly the group bartender (me) is not drinking and cutting out caffiene and such. They've all been very supportive and I've warned them not to get all giddy and excitable on me yet as we're so not out of the woods and I'll be able to be more fun in the celebrating once I get through this first trimester. Everyone's been amazing. I blog about it (though only the close friends have access to this blog and I never mention my actual name on the blog in case anyone stumbles upon it) and say in there to not repeat what I'm sharing out loud. :)

Isi, so glad you're starting your stims next week. ((SQUEE!!!)) Am looking forward to following along with you on your IVF journey and support you along the way. You're such a sweet and positive one and I'm sending you loads of positive vibes and willing this cycle to be a successful one for you. :hugs:

Nothing too new on my end. Though I have developed a lower back pain which has been a bit brutal at nights. My hubby suggested sleeping w/a pillow between my legs and laying on my side and that did wonders for me last night! All his reading up on pregnancy and solutions is suiting me like a charm. It's such a joy to have that support and empathy from him and I know I'm lucky to have it. On that note, have any of you ladies who are further along, invested in one of those pregnancy body pillows? They're supposed to really be helpful for more comfortable sleeping positions. thoughts? is it worth it?

Eep, that was a long post. Sorry on your eyes Ladies! :wacko:

Hugs and love to all! :hugs::hugs:
Hi girls!

Here you are!! I got lost when they moved us to the new AC section because I had the LTTTC page bookmarked!!

Mummy, what a rollercoaster you have had - I hope your latest bleed is the last of it for you. You deserve a nice restful pregnancy after all of this! I'm so glad the twins are doing well though :)

Isi, you are getting so close now - nearly up to the stim phase! I can't wait to hear how it all goes for you honey. I'm sending you all my positive vibes and I hope some of the good luck on this thread rubs off on you! :flower:

Clussy, your DH sounds like an angel! Sorry about the back pain though, that must be really unpleasant. I love the sound of those pregnancy pillows, I have seen them online and I am getting one for sure! We have told our family and close friends about the pregnancy too. A lot of the people close to us know about the IVF thing anyway, so we wanted to share this. That part has been really nice...

Summer, how awesome you got to see the little one flipping around! I can't wait for my 12 weks scan, I'm so excited about seeing the baby and having it look like a little person!

All's great with me. Still nauseated but I'm kinda getting used to it now and it doesn't bother me so much. My biggest issue at the moment is work stress and trying to keep that under control. I wish I could be doing a more chilled out job now that I'm pregnant!

Still, as long as littel bean is well there is not too much wrong with the world :)

Sending lots of love xxxx
Mummy... I know it won't help much but it turns out I Mustve bled quite a bit earlier on... Loads of debris floating around both babies. But they're still alive & kicking.
Hang in there!
Thanks for letting me know caz. The bleed has gone from 30mm to 14mm so fingers crossed it will keep reducing. Had to work today on my feet all day doing a hard job was nervous to say the least but I've just been releasing dark brown today. Yesterday I bled a bit more red. Think it gona be a rocky ride. Gota work again tomo but it a shorter day so I'm relieved about that. I've been much better with my ms which is great but secretly I worry. It's weird it's suddenly died right down. Maybe my body is getting used to it. Got a real sense of smell tho and I still gag at perfume and certain smells!!!

Hope you lovely ladies are ok xxx
I thought I had gone mad, not being able to find this thread and they've gone and moved it!!!!! Just a quick message from me as it's just gone 1am and I've not long been home from work...

I'm so relieved to hear that the bleed is healing Mummy! Have you got another check up soon?

Summer!!! Did you manage to get a pic of your twelve week scan?

Hope all goes well tomorrow, Isi so you can start stimms!!

How are you doing, Clussy and MrsJA?

Great to see you here, Caz!

I'm doing just fine! Got an appointment with my consultant at the hospital (who is actually from the private clinic where we did IVF) next Wednesday and then our 20 week scan on Thursday. We can't wait to see how big bubs has got! Had some serious movement last week and lots of fluttering and 'muscle twitching' but now just the odd flutter. DH is dying to feel them move but I've been told that could be another 3 or 4 weeks away. I think the morning sickness has finally cleared up but every now and then i get back cramps as if AF is due and I can't help getting a little worried. The only complaint I have for now is needing to pee every hour... or less. GRRR! I'm getting up two or three times a night for a damn pee which leaves me feeling tired and groggy. Oh well, time for sleep now.

Sorry if I've missed anyone out, my brain is starting to shut down.


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