Anyone else doing IVF/ISCI in June?

Doing ICSI in June. On DHEA right now for 10 weeks. You all, see ahead of me in the June process.

Hey there

This was June last year! We have managed to keep thread going! :)

Good luck with your cycle :)
Wow congratulations Isi, what wonderful wonderful news!! Please do keep us posted!
Best of luck with your cycle Karen, if you need any advice we've all been there!!

Mummy, hope you are your precious little ones are doing well?

How's everyone else, I can now say I'm due "A week on Sunday" can't believe it!!!
they are doing well so far thanks summer :)

They are 4 weeks old today. Max is now 3lb 6oz and isla 2lb 14oz. They both managed some milk through a bottle yesterday! up until now it had been through a tube in their tummies! Now they are going to do 1 bottle to 2 tube feeds so it's good progress :)

Ooo wow a week on sunday how exciting!!!!! Keep us posted :)
Been a while since I've been here but how's everyone doing?

Great to hear your little ones are doing well, Mummy!

Summer, any news yet? You're past your EDD now!

Isi, Clussy... how are things going?

Hugs to all xx
Hello Ladies!
Pink your little Zachary is beauuuuuutiful!! What a gorgeous pic! How is it all going??

Mummy how our your little ones? Hope all is well and hope it isn't long before you can take them home.

Isi how is pregnancy treating you??!!

Clussy not long for you now, how are you feeling?

MrsJA, long time no hear!! Hope all is good with you!

AFM i am now 4 days overdue :( Trying my best to be patient but its getting tough!
Keep in touch girls xx
oo summer keep us posted! Must be any day now! Hope you can stay patient ;) it's soooo hard wondering when it might happen!!!

AFM - we are "hoping" our babies will be home on Monday!!! :happydance: fingers crossed! Long as all goes to plan they will be home with us finally after 7 long weeks xxx
Hi Summer! So... you must be a mummy by now, surely!!!!!!????? AFM. We have our good days and our bad days... and then our very bad days :( Little Zachary has colic and we now think he's constipated and has trapped wind. The doctor is reluctant to give him anything as he's only 9 weeks old but has suggested Aptamil Comfort formula which is supposed to help with both issues. Not sure it's working but it's only been a couple of days. He cried near enough constantly for 12 hours on Wednesday with only a couple of half hours naps. I'm dead on my feet and can't believe I'm managing to stay awake. My milk supply is getting very low though and I can't express much. The HV seems to think it could be poor diet (because I'm constantly snacking, as I don't get a minute to myself for meals when hubby's at work) and because I'm so tired and stressed out. She's told me to try and breastfeed every two hours and to do night feeds (which hubby has been doing because he works a late shift) as the hormones are at their highest and help with my milk supply. I've been told things will get better in the next two or three months... Apart from that, everything is fine. He had his post natal check up and weighs a healthy 10lb 3oz. Bang on target for his age :) And we're getting lots of smiles and cooing from him. Really does make your heart melt :)

Mummy, are your little ones home now? I sure hope so!

MrsJA, Clussy, Isi, how are you doing?
awww tickled sorry to hear your poor boy is suffering that must be awful to hear him crying for so long :( hope he feels better soon.

I'm am so happy to report our twins came home this week! it's not been plain sailing as Isla had to go back into hospital to have a blood transfusion and ended up staying the night. was hard to leave her when we'd only got her home for 2 days but she's now back with us and it's great!
Trying to get used to the lack of sleep though! Nothing quite prepares you hehe!

Hope everyone is well xxx
Hello Ladies!!!
Well I am giddy to announce that our baby has arrived!!!! And I got my home water birth, so we are over the moon. She was exactly a week late but so worth waiting for. We have named her Summer, after 'our song' 'Summer Breeze' (hence the user name - so maybe you'll have to start calling me "Breeze"!) She weighed in at a healthy 7lb 12oz and is just perfect.
The labour turned out to be rather more gruelling than expected, we discovered after 9 hours that she was back to back and so I was making really slow progress, I ended up in labour for 25 hours but I wouldn't change a thing, she is just beautiful and we're sooo in love.
Pink I'm so sorry to hear about the tough time, I get myself in knots just listening to her cry over a changed nappy for 5 minutes so I cannot imagine how hard colic is to deal with. I do hope things get easier, he looks absolutely beautiful :)
Mummy, I am so so pleased to hear your babies are home with you now, that must be the most wonderful feeling. You've been through so much, you must be a very strong lady. I hope your Mum is doing ok.
Isi, how is pregnancy treating you?
Mrs JA, hope all is well with you??
Clussy, how's everything with you? has your little bundle of magic arrived??!!
Much Love Ladies xxxx
Awww congrats Summer!!! She is so BEAUTIFUL!!! You must be so thrilled :hugs:. And you got the water birth too!!! Fantastic!!!

Tickled, sorry to hear Zach has been poorly. Sending you both loads of :hugs:. But he is such a gorgeous baby!!! My heart melts whenever I see your avatar....bless!!

That's great the twins are home, Mummy!!!

As for me, I've been fair. Very bad MS (but no throwing up) and loads of fatigue....combined with unpleasant work conditions (my bosses are great, but my colleagues are so competitive and as I haven't been at my best, I have been lagging behind and not feeling great about it), it hasn't been an easy ride.....but I'm so so grateful for our blessings!!

We had our nuchal scan on Tuesday and it went great. Both babies were measuring well. One was chilled and sucking his/her thumb, while the other was jumping all over the place. DH and I were so enchanted and fell even harder in love with them.

Clussy, Mrs J.....I'm sure your babies are almost here. Please keep us updated!

Hey Ladies,
Just bumping up this thread, would hate to lose touch!
How is everyone? There must be lots of news to catch up on!!

xx gorgeous is your daughter, Summer :cloud9:

I'm okay-ish. Had to have a cerclage stitch put in 2 weeks ago....and have been having some discomfort with the stretching, the twinnies and a pesky fibroid :dohh:. But everything else is great.

Clussy and Mrs JA.....I'm sure they've had their babies now. Would love to get in touch with them.

Mummy, Tickled.....hope your babies are doing great :flower:
Hey Summer! I love your avi! She's absolutely adorable!! She looks quite happy there fast asleep :p

Isi, the fibroid and stitch...nothing serious I hope? Will you be finding out the sex of the twins? :)

Everything's going great here. We put Zachary on Aptamil Comfort - just like the doctor suggested - and his colic and constipation seems to have disappeared. We have a routine now and he knows that after a bath, it's bedtime not nap time. So he now sleeps through from about 11pm until 7am... absolute bliss lol. He's also started teething so we have a few tantrums when he's feeling a little rough. Lots of rosy cheeks, drooling, crying and chewing hands. He's also started doing 'baby talk' which is just adorable to listen to <3 Here's a couple of recent pics - and one pic from a photoshoot a couple of weeks ago :cloud9:


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Aww Tickled, Zachary is GORGEOUS :cloud9:

I'm okay now, thanks. The stitch was mainly preventive....but the fibroid...a flaming nuisance :dohh:. But we're fine :flower:. Definitely checking the sex....hopefully in another 2 weeks or so.
Hi Ladies! Goodness, I've been way out of the loop for a while now!

Isi, so great to hear things are coming along greatly for you! When do you find out the genders?

Mummy, how are the twins doing?

Breeze :)flower:), congrats on the arrival of lil Summer! How wonderful that you got the water birth that you wanted w/out intervention! Much respect to you for toughing it out on a long labor, Lady! How's the sleep coming along?

Tickled, so glad to read the colicky phase has subsided and all's well in your happy family. They say that by 10 weeks, most babies' colic will have subsided. We haven't had too much of that on our hands so far, just short stints of loud cries at times, which are so painful to hear when we can't make it better. :nope:Your Zachary is absolutely precious! Great pics!

AFM, our lil Isabella Anne was born at 4:26AM on May 17th (her due date, as it were) after an induction (due to consistently measuring rather large and the OB worrying about delivery) and a 21 hour labor (back labor at that...). As it turns out, our lil Izzy was an average weight/size after all so I wish we hadn't induced but all turned out well. In love with her but oy vey, am learning that newborns require every last morsel of energy you have. :haha: She's now getting over a growth spurt and giving us 6 hours of sleep at a time, which is a blessing! She really doesn't like to be put down much at ALL though, so I'm getting a lovely arm work out but the days are going by so quickly. She's now smiling back at us and trying to imitate us when we stick our tongue out at her. It's so awesome! I've also learned that there's no meltdown (of hers) that the Moby wrap can't put the kibosh on. It's heaven sent! I'd highly recommend it!

How's MrsJA doing? Going to go see if I can't send her a quick note to see how her sweet one is doing.

Much love and hugs to all! So happy to hear that we're all are doing so well!

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