Anyone else in the 2ww as of today??

Isi- i am too squeamish to check my cervix too! lol.

well ladies its going sloooow as i knew it would. I am still quite damp down there and have had a upset stomick today. But think thats a bit of a bug going round :-(

Hope everyone else is surviving the 2ww! xxx
How r we all feeling today?
I had a little lower back ache this morning but nothing major and probs down to all the BD'ing! lol.

I keep having crampy moments in my ab but I don't think it means anything really. If my dates etc are right and things went well over ov, I'd like to think implantation will happen this weekend so I don't think I should really be having any real symptoms yet anyway.

I'm a bloody nightmare with those tests though! This is the first time I've had a stash of IC HPK's and I don't seem to be able to keep away from them even though I know I can't get a BFP yet - have some self control woman!!
I keep having crampy moments in my ab but I don't think it means anything really. If my dates etc are right and things went well over ov, I'd like to think implantation will happen this weekend so I don't think I should really be having any real symptoms yet anyway.

I'm a bloody nightmare with those tests though! This is the first time I've had a stash of IC HPK's and I don't seem to be able to keep away from them even though I know I can't get a BFP yet - have some self control woman!!

Lol. Self control looong went out the window for most of us ;-)
Luckily i have no hpts at home and i wont be buying one intill the 18th may and then using it on the 19th :) Il still be only about 10dpo so early days but u can hope right? Good luck! xxx
I've been having this dull lower back ache as well....but it seems localised on the left side. The last time I had this was the one cycle I tried clomid and over stimulated. So who knows what it is :shrug:

:dust: to all and good luck :D
TMI I'm sure, but I was walking up the stairs this morning, and got a tingly let down sensation in my breasts. Then thought to myself, No symptom spotting! It's too soon!
I don't think I can help myself though. I am staying well away from the tests at the store for the next week. (I hope)
Jaymes, if it only it was that easy for me....not to symptom spot :haha:. Tingly sensation just the one time, or a number of times? I've had some fleeting stabbing ones, but not sure if they're all in my mind

But one thing that IS easy for me.....not testing!!! I can't bear the site of a :bfn:. Last cycle, I caved and tested and was shattered for almost a week. I think it's a milder slap in the face when AF I'll most likely wait for her to NOT show.
have some tendrness in my breasts areola darker plus tummy tender and swollen looking. Could it be bfp this mth? opk still positive
Hope you're feeling better today, africa, and the bug is gone?

My tummy still does not feel "right" but not as bad as yesterday. I have little cramps very low down too. Oooh hope its something happening!:blush:

Alisa- Good luck! sounds good symptoms!


i'm feeling poo......... I feel normal!!!!!! thats why i feel poo!!! lol.

last time i was pregnant i felt really.... different. it's hard to explain but i couldnt work out what that 'weird' feeling was... then i dreamt i was pregnant and woke up and was like OMG so THATS what that weird feeling is........ im pregnant!!!!!!!!!! and i just knew

but now,....... i feel nada. the same as i feel every month :( xx
i'm feeling poo......... I feel normal!!!!!! thats why i feel poo!!! lol.

last time i was pregnant i felt really.... different. it's hard to explain but i couldnt work out what that 'weird' feeling was... then i dreamt i was pregnant and woke up and was like OMG so THATS what that weird feeling is........ im pregnant!!!!!!!!!! and i just knew

but now,....... i feel nada. the same as i feel every month :( xx

Same here winegums. I'm 11dpo and usually have a day or 2 of spotting right around now and then get AF. No spotting today which is great, BUT, no symptoms like my other 2 pregnancies. Nothing. I feel poo too!!
winegums, I'm testing on Sunday, 5/16, if the witch doesn't get me tomorrow. It's only 10:30am on Friday here in California, so I have a bit more of a wait! How about you?

lol it's 7.30pm here!! i'm not testing till tuesday BUT i will probably end up testing again before that... i've already tested twice lol and i know it would be bfn still!!!!!! xx
Good luck heart tree and winegums! Maybe u will get that sticky bfp this cycle as u are not having any symptoms ;-) they say every pregnancy is different dnt they?

Iv still got 5 days to go intill testing an even then its quite early but hey ho. We shall see :)

winegums, I just peed on an OPK because it is all I have in the house, dumb, I know. It was negative. I am not letting myself spend money on a HPT until Saturday night.

Africaqueen, I love the PMA! I do hope you get your birthday BFP hon!
i know i peed on one yesterday lol i really dont know why i bothered at 4dpo but nevermind at least i wasnt too dissapointed to see no line :/ lol xx
I wanna test :( I'm 7dpo and finding it hard not to POAS!! My boobs are killing and I've been going to the toilet a lot...
Well i will be 6dpo tomorrow and i had the oddest pain tonight!
I was watching a movie with DH and the pain took my breath away for 10 mins. I can only liken it to the pain i felt when i had the catheter inserted for my hsg a few years ago... very low stabbing/crampy/stretchy pain. Hard to explain unless u have had a hsg really... Well it was quite severe for 10 mins and now its like a very dull cramp and stretching feeling. Very odd. I would not of thought if it was implantation that it would hurt that much surely??


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