Anyone else recently miscarried...waiting to try again a month or two....JOIN ME!!!

I'm def not waiting 3 months to ttc... To me, I'm healthy and young, and aside from this surgery there is no reason to have any concern. I called my doc today and they told me that I can't have a follow up til next Tuesday which is driving me crazy. Gosh who would wait 6 months to ttc?? That's just crazy!! I think every doctor has different outlooks, which I have no clue what they base it off of. I think when you feel you are ready to ttc then you should, no one knows your body better than you. I feel for all of you girls, it's one of the hardest things to go through, in just so so thankful I have found this site and all of you to help me through this :)
I'm so annoyed that the Dollar Store nearest me doesn't sell pregnancy tests. I want to know if I could get a bfn yet. It's been over a week since the bleeding stopped. I'm still not allowed to TTC but I need to know that I can by the end of next month. I know I should just relax and enjoy the Holidays without the stress of TTC or early pregnancy. But still...
ya same here starry. I never saw prego test in the dollar store.
The frustrating thing is the Dollar Store in my old city DID carry them. We're going to the big city this week so maybe I'll take a peek there. I'm not spending $20 for FRER. Well...I would...I am pretty desperate but money is tight and we still have Christmas shopping to do. So I am pinching pennies where I can.
@hopefulrogand babydoodle- I'm sorry you both have had a rough time with other ppl's insensitivity. But again,I don't think a person can fathom the pain of a loss until they've gone through one. It is horrible, and I don't think you ever truly get over it

In regards to the waiting period, my doc with my 1st mc said 3-6 months (I got pregnant at 4 post mc). This time my new doc said 2-3 months. I know they typically say to wait so your uterus can recover and you can build back folic acid levels. I'm obviously not waiting, and supplementing with more folic acid. I feel like a disobedient child, but seriously?!? Who waits 6 months?
I agree with Sophia's mom. I am not waiting. My reproductive endocrinologist said once my level is below 5 then we wait till I get my menses then the next cycle to start. I have fertility issues so either way that is what I have to go with.

Has for people and understanding. People are horrible. Unless they have had this loss in their life they dont know. I have not told people (friends) the trouble my husband and i have been through (a year with going to a specialist) trying to get pregnant and so we havent told them about the miscarraige either. Its crazy when my friend after trying for only one month to get pregnant says "wow this is really hard" seriously if I could fill her in on what we have been through.

when we had the miscarriage we did tell our parents/brother/sisters that we had a miscarriage and they have been a great support to us. My mother and two of sisters along with my mother in law and sister in law have all had miscarraiges so i do have a good support there. Everyone says how much fertile you are after a miscarriage but they just dont understand the magnitude of what it took to get pregnant needles everyday etc. ugh its hard. I am scared to start again but in the same breath so anxious to get the process going again.

I had Bl Work today Beta down to 24.5 from 113 last week this is a really slow process gotta go back next Tuesday for more bl work. I was really hoping it would have been <5 today. Owell until next week...

I was told once it is below 5 then i should expect AF in 3-4 weeks. after that we will start on a new cycle of trying to get prego.
Not sure if you are all State side or over in the UK (like me) but when I had my post-miscarriage check up, I was told I only needed to wait one cycle before TTC. And the main reason for that wasn't to let you womb recover or any other similar reason but because they need to be able to date your pregnancy accurately.

Although my local GP, who is really lovely, said to wait 2 cycle to let my system recover so I think everyone has a different opinion.

I feel ready both emotionally and physically but I know one of my friends (who incidentally is due to pop with her baby any day soon!) had a miscarriage a couple years ago and couldn't even think about TTC for ages afterwards.

Go with whatever feels right for you girls!! :)
ya same here starry. I never saw prego test in the dollar store.

I think ALL of the dollar stores DO sell them....but you have to ask for them at the register...thats what its like here in PA...i think its because ppl steal them...
Ooo good point. Okay so how much does the dollar store sell them for? Lol
I'd be too embarrassed to ask. This is SO silly but I get so self-concious every time I buy a pregnancy test. I feel like I have to show off my wedding ring to make it obvious that I'm married. As if it's the cashier's business or that they even care! Or, I get embarrassed that they'll figure out that I'm a rabid TTC'er and will think I'm dumb for being so overly hopeful every cycle.

I'm the same way with condoms. ha ha
When i bought the pregnancy test in August when I found out i was pregnant, I went to the dollar store and when I asked for one, the lady said something like "uh-oh pregnancy scare?" I wanted to be like "Actually no-we are actively trying" LOL but it didnt seem like it was appropriate to let her in on my intimate baby making was just like "Im pretty sure its a positve i just need to confirm it..." I felt so 'on the spot!"
Lol starry, when I bought my last pregnancy test I was home sick and I wasn't wearing any jewelry. Didn't realize it until I was standing there in line with my test!
Haha! I'm SO relieved that I'm not the only one!! I get so shy buying HPT's! I blush like a school girl :) Especially the time that I bought OPKs, HPT's, preseed, and instead cups. I kept changing registers to avoid men, figuring a woman may understand. The whole time I'm thinking, "please don't look at me or ask me about any of it!!" Buying online is SO much better!
Sophias mom - I usually stand in the guys lines on purpose whenever I buy any girly items. They blush and they never ask a thing!
Does anyone here have any experience with royal jelly for fertility? I was just looking at and a lady had taken that. I'm curious now. Good, bad? Know anyone who used it?
Sorry Sophia NO clue what that jelly is.
Baby doodle- I am cracking up hahaha
Oh my goodness! I thought I was the only neurotic one and I felt so immature. LOL

I never use lubricants anymore. My body doesn't really need them and adding them would make a bigger mess (tmi:blush:). Right now fertility isn't really my problem. It's holding on to pregnancies that is the issue. :?

I think a pregnancy scare would be more obvious: arm loads of hpts of all different brands. At least, that's how I'd do it.

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