Anyone else recently miscarried...waiting to try again a month or two....JOIN ME!!!

I'm not sure but I think you have to have hcg <5 to ovulate and I think you can stop bleeding before it's down to zero. Not sure if it can be zero while there is still bleeding. I really don't know...

AFM - finally heard back from the hospital about my follow-up u/s. It's not until December 10th!!! Grrrr......It's such a long wait especially as my doctor will not go over my hcg results until after my u/s. I understand as it makes everything in one visit and I don't have to drive there over and over. It's bad enough that I make the 40 minute (each way) drive twice a week for the blood work. (I live in the middle of nowhere).

The worst part though is it's the due date/birthday of my first angel. She should be two this year and I get to spend the sad day making sure my 3rd angel is all gone. :(:(:(
So I have a question... With my miscarriage it I found out nov 8th there was no heart beat my hcg was 22,000 and had I to take a medicine called misoprastol(sp) via my vagina to expel the pregancy. I started bleeding the early morning on the 9th. My blood today showed my Hcg dropped to 113 it was 1,500 last week. I am now having spotting does this sporting last as long has my Hcg is dropping? Anyone know how long it will take fOr the Hcg to drop? And then I guess once it hits <5 I should start keeping track for ovulation? Or can I still ovulate even with a Hcg above 5?

Ugh this is confusing
Your hcg will continue to drop even if you stop bleeding, well, that happened to me I was bleeding on and off after my dnc but the levels keep dropping even tho u may stop bleeding. My thought about ovulation is that a women probably wont ovulate if their body still thinks its pregnant (Hcg over 5) but im no doctor..
So I have a question... With my miscarriage it I found out nov 8th there was no heart beat my hcg was 22,000 and had I to take a medicine called misoprastol(sp) via my vagina to expel the pregancy. I started bleeding the early morning on the 9th. My blood today showed my Hcg dropped to 113 it was 1,500 last week. I am now having spotting does this sporting last as long has my Hcg is dropping? Anyone know how long it will take fOr the Hcg to drop? And then I guess once it hits <5 I should start keeping track for ovulation? Or can I still ovulate even with a Hcg above 5?

Ugh this is confusing
Your hcg will continue to drop even if you stop bleeding, well, that happened to me I was bleeding on and off after my dnc but the levels keep dropping even tho u may stop bleeding. My thought about ovulation is that a women probably wont ovulate if their body still thinks its pregnant (Hcg over 5) but im no doctor..

Hi I can't be too definite but my HCG 13 days ago was 11.5 and I'm ovulating today, got my bbt dip this morning and pos opk yesterday. So I don't know when I reached zero hcg exactly but maybe this helps a little
Wow i cant wait to get my bloodwork on friday...after getting my period i feel it should definately be at zero by now!!! Happy thanksgiving to all!!! Lets all relax and enjoy our families!!! Talk to you soon!
Hi everyone,
I had my d and c yesterday 11/20. I was 12 wks and had a missed miscarriage and the baby passed at 10 wks. I found out on my very first OB appt that there was no HB. I was devastated. Me and DH want to try again as soon as possible, but my OB says wait 3 cycles. I don't think we can wait that long. I have close to no bleeding, and pain. Hoping to get some good advice on here :)
Hello Zma-did your doc give you a reason for waiting 3 months? Its been a little over a month for me since my mmc at 12 weeks 3 days and i just got my first period since my DnC on Tuesday morning. Im glad i didnt start trying right away cause this period makes me think my uterus needed 'to clean itself out' more...lots of little and one large clot...its been more normal today...but im assuming that my next period will be normal and then for sure we will begin to ttc again...a lot of women seem to try straight away and it CAN work, but i think its best for MYSELF to let my uterus heal itself for a couple of a worrier i guess and i dont want to take any chances of it not being 'ready' to support another baby...usually there is no real reason to wait 3 months so ive heard...but id at least try to wait until you get a period...just to be on the safe side...
I had a bit of an extra sad day yesterday...and the response i got from someone I always talk to about it was "well i can't be the only person you talk to about it." Like im a i will put on a happy face when im feeling down and thinking about the baby...kind of made me extra sad when that was said to me..i mean i feel i have dealt with this pretty well but everyones entitled to a hard day right? Made me feel lonely inside.
babydoodle I'm sorry. I think ppl who haven't gone through this have NO CLUE what it's like. That was so insensitive of your friend. And at a time when we need the most support.

One of my best friends is pregnant, and it's tough enough to slap on a smile and be supportive while she's complaining daily about being pregnant. I tried to nicely explain it to her last week, and it helped for about a day, but now back to the usual. And, to top it off, she feels the need to inform me of everyone she knows that's pregnant. I received a pic of her niece wearing a "i'm going to be a big sis" shirt. And she then wonders why I don't respond to her texts.

I'm fortunate I have my husband to talk to. Even my sis isn't very helpful bc she has one of those fix-it mentalities, and when I call upset, she always says, well you have Sophia. I love DD, but that doesn't take away the pain of having two angels.

Sorry to vent like that. I guess I've had a little pent-up.:blush: I'm glad to know that we're all here for each other. And if you ever need to vent, I'm here for all of you girls!
Sophiasmom and babydoodle, I completely get where you're coming from. I manage a team of 6 and 3 of the girls are currently pregnant! One is now off on maternity and it may sound horrible but I feel relieved that there's one less pregnancy to deal with.

One is off on matenity from Christmas and it's her first baby - as awful as it sounds I find myself avoiding talking to her just because she's so excited (understandably) and we are usually really close.

My sister is also due to have her first baby in December. It's a really tough balance seeing someone going through that experience you thought you'd be having together but at the same time being happy for them. I guess we just need to make sure we're not too hard on ourselves. We're only human after all!

As for me, I'm in the 2WW and have a stinking cold and cough so not holding out much hope as don't feel my body is 100% at the moment. Necking vitamin C like there's no tomorrow! Hope everyone is doing ok :) xx
babydoodle I'm sorry. I think ppl who haven't gone through this have NO CLUE what it's like. That was so insensitive of your friend. And at a time when we need the most support.

One of my best friends is pregnant, and it's tough enough to slap on a smile and be supportive while she's complaining daily about being pregnant. I tried to nicely explain it to her last week, and it helped for about a day, but now back to the usual. And, to top it off, she feels the need to inform me of everyone she knows that's pregnant. I received a pic of her niece wearing a "i'm going to be a big sis" shirt. And she then wonders why I don't respond to her texts.

I'm fortunate I have my husband to talk to. Even my sis isn't very helpful bc she has one of those fix-it mentalities, and when I call upset, she always says, well you have Sophia. I love DD, but that doesn't take away the pain of having two angels.

Sorry to vent like that. I guess I've had a little pent-up.:blush: I'm glad to know that we're all here for each other. And if you ever need to vent, I'm here for all of you girls!

Its extremely frustrating to deal with certain people, some people just dont boyfriends sister is also pregnant actually we were just a few weeks apart and it has been sooo hard dealing with being around her...i havent felt like that about all pregnant people but she just really gets on my nerves and doesnt think before she speaks...has never really acknowledged my loss...and boasts about her pregnancy...its like when she was telling me about her sono she kept repeating things like "They said she is healthy....she is comletely healthy...the doctor said everything is PERFECT." Like, she doesnt even think that its been only a month since my loss, stop showing me all your tiny little baby clothes...and its diifferent with her becasue she never planned this pregnancy, isnt with the father, wasnt taking care of herself, is constantly smoking, etc..etc...etc... and i totally get it that its frustrating when ppl say "well at least you have one" ii cannot agree more..its like if you dont go through the loss like we have, theyll never totally understand the sensitivity of these subjects....AAAHHHHH!!!
Sophiasmom and babydoodle, I completely get where you're coming from. I manage a team of 6 and 3 of the girls are currently pregnant! One is now off on maternity and it may sound horrible but I feel relieved that there's one less pregnancy to deal with.

One is off on matenity from Christmas and it's her first baby - as awful as it sounds I find myself avoiding talking to her just because she's so excited (understandably) and we are usually really close.

My sister is also due to have her first baby in December. It's a really tough balance seeing someone going through that experience you thought you'd be having together but at the same time being happy for them. I guess we just need to make sure we're not too hard on ourselves. We're only human after all!

As for me, I'm in the 2WW and have a stinking cold and cough so not holding out much hope as don't feel my body is 100% at the moment. Necking vitamin C like there's no tomorrow! Hope everyone is doing ok :) xx

Oh goodness..that IS alot to deal must be difficult for you to be around all of that..and isnt it so hard to 'fake' being happy when your not?? I would be the same way at work avoiding ppl if i had to be around about this one...when i was pregnant, one girl at work actually made a comment about how the baby wasnt even considered a baby yet and that it was 'just a blob' PEOPLE ARE SERIOUSLY SCREWED UP...i just shrugged it off until i lost mine at 12+3 and now when i think about her or see her, THATS WHAT I REMEMBER!
Hello Zma-did your doc give you a reason for waiting 3 months? Its been a little over a month for me since my mmc at 12 weeks 3 days and i just got my first period since my DnC on Tuesday morning. Im glad i didnt start trying right away cause this period makes me think my uterus needed 'to clean itself out' more...lots of little and one large clot...its been more normal today...but im assuming that my next period will be normal and then for sure we will begin to ttc again...a lot of women seem to try straight away and it CAN work, but i think its best for MYSELF to let my uterus heal itself for a couple of a worrier i guess and i dont want to take any chances of it not being 'ready' to support another baby...usually there is no real reason to wait 3 months so ive heard...but id at least try to wait until you get a period...just to be on the safe side...

Hi babydoodle, thanks for the advice. My doc didn't specify why to wait so long. But I'm still having some pain a week after the procedure and I'm super nervous. Not much bleeding at all though. I'm afraid ill never be able to conceive with the pain I have I feel something may be wrong. :( I keep telling myself I want to ttc again but then again I don't. I'm also a big worrier! Thanks for the reply and advice :)
I actually may not have gotten my period my nurse called today said the levels are still above 5 and need repeated...again. She said it may have been a period last week but may have just been 'abnormal'bleeding from the mc and dnc. She said to expect abnormal bleeding until my hormones regulate what a process im so tired of all this...its been over a month since my dnc and 5 weeks since mc started...pain and cramping a week after the procedure, i had that too, random cramping and uterus your definately not alone...oh yeah, and the worrier thing...i get it... im a worrier too...if the pain is extreme or isnt manageable, or is getting worse, then i would definately call your doctor casue something could be wrong..i cant tell u how many times ive called with questions about if what im experincing is normal or not because this is my only miscarriage and i DONT KNOW what was i would not hesitate to call if i were u...after all thats what doctors are there for....good luck let me know what happens...oh yeah...i go back and forth worrying about what ifs about conceiving again...but when i get to hold a little one will be totally worth it!
How frustrating!!! That's such a long time to wait. You would think have a d and c and before you know it , back to normal. But no. I'm confuses because my doctors never told me anything about my levels. Is that something I should ask or just be told? This is my second miscarriage, the first I went naturally very early and didn't ttc again for a couple years. I call my ob all the time, I think they get sick of hearing my name, lol but your right it's what they get paid for. Random abnormal bleeding and all these other things are nothing I was told before I had the d and c, or after. From what I was told there would be period cramping minor bleeding, and after 2 weeks i should be good, except dont ttc for 3 cycles. It's only been a week tomorrow and I'm already sick of it so I can't imagine how you feel. I hope you get back to normal soon and can ttc soon. Keep me posted :) I look forward to hearing positive things from everyone, it makes me feel that much better!!
I dont know why they arent checking your levels, I was pretty far along 12+3 so I dont know if that has anything to do with it...i have heard of ladies that purchase weekly pregnancy tests after a mc or dnc to see if hormone is still left in their body...i did take one a couple weeks ago when i was hoping it was back to zero and still got a faint positive...some women use that method when their doc doesnt test hcg levels...all i know is that you wont ovulate with hcg in your system cause your body still 'thinks' your pregnant
I think there is a lot of disagreement between doctors on when to TTC again. On the American Obstetrics website I'm sure I read that they say to wait 6 months!! Yeah right. As if anyone is going to wait half a year to even start TTC when every month is precious especially as we get older.

I'm sorry you ladies are still in pain. Occasionally I get the odd cramp or two and my hcg is still over 5 as well but the pains are minimal -- even less than AF.

Zma - definitely check back with your doctor if you're not getting any sort of follow-up. It really helps with the reassurance. I'd even ask for an ultrasound to make sure everything is all gone -- especially if you're feeling pain.
YOUR SOOO RIGHT!!! Whose gonna wait 6 months...couldnt have said it better myself!

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