Anyone else recently miscarried...waiting to try again a month or two....JOIN ME!!!

Kubbaby, I'm so sorry. God, I know it is a very painful thing to endure. We all know. I'm keeping everyone in my prayers. It just saddens me how common this is. I wonder if it was always this common, and our technology today just makes us more aware?

I read a thing from some superstitious lady on another site. She was dead set against early/transvag u/s.
Said she m/c'd twice, and had 2 or more early scans. Said she had 3 sisters who already believed in no early scans, they each had 2 or more children.

Now I'm not saying this is medically accurate, but I myself had 2 perfectly normal pregnancies, no vaginal scans...
Yet ally m/c I did. Can't help but wonder. They say the radiation is no different than a tv...

I'm sure it's nothing, but I already promised myself that if I got pregnant again, and had no bad symptoms, that I would flat out refuse a scan till the nt scan at 12 wks.

I know, I know. Sounds crazy. But have enough m/c's with the same common denominator, and you can't help but wonder...

Sigh. Sorry. My hormones are really talking for me today.

I'm so sorry to all the new posters. We all know how painful this is to go through. I never realized how common m/c are, but I also think people don't tend to talk about them. I know I still hesitate when people ask me about DD being my first born. I have that moment where I think, I delivered another child, so she is really my second child. But I also know that ppl don't want to hear the sad story. They only want the happy simple answer. In my heart I have three children. Only one is living. Does anyone else feel the same way?

@Angel- I had early scans with DD and she was ok throughout the pregnancy. I'm high-risk to begin with, so I really don't have a choice with the next pregancy either.

AFM- I got the results of my beta yesterday and it is <5. So doc says essentially 0. It put me in such a sad mood. I should be excited that my body is moving on and there's potential to get pregnant in the next few weeks, but at the same time it means my pregnancy is really over. I really think that with next pregnancy, I'm not testing until I'm puking. Or showing. Whichever is more obvious :p (I say this now, but I'm a closet poas'aholic!)
Sophiasmom - I agree with you about having a hard time answering the question "is he your only child?" when people ask about DS. In my heart I have four children but three of them are in heaven. I will say that DS is my only child just to keep it simple--especially with strangers. I guess I'm scared of them mocking me as counting miscarried babies as children. I feel like if they had been stillborn or died after birth then people will let me 'count' them. I hate that m/c feels like a dirty little secret. Though around friends and acquaintances I am very open about my losses. I don't care if it makes them uncomfortable.

And I'm sorry that your blood results are making things hurt a little more right now. Take the time you need to say good-bye. Your angel knows you love him/her.
Starry, I hope you get the answers you need, and hopefully it's just one of those things- what I mean is I read that just under 1% of couples will have 3+ consecutive m/c's. I fall in that 1% too. Sometimes it's just chronic bad luck.

My heart goes out to you.

I'm truly hoping that my last mc was caused by something unrelated to the other 3....
My insurance didn't cover getting the fetus tested, but my doc is almost positive that it was random chromosomal defects, especially since I had the large yolk sac.
Or maybe you'll find out it's a problem that can be fixed. I know someone who ha as had 2 mc, and ttc for 2yrs. She just found out she had uterine polyps. They removed them 2 wks ago.


Hopefully your problem, as nd mine, can be resolved, and quickly

With my son's pregnancy it was discovered that I have uterine notching which basically means that there is improper blood flow coming through the arteries in my uterus and there is even some reversal of flow (going backwards through the arteries). This was only found on the left side and the right side is normal. I have seen all my babies on ultrasound and all 3 of the ones I lost were on the left and DS was on the right. It makes me wonder if there is a connection as I was told notching can affect a baby's growth and cause other issues. Might explain why my 3 angels had growth and viability issues.
Sophiasmom and Starry - I've been really surprised by how open people have been about their own experiences of miscarriage since I had my own miscarriage recently. I'm not sure if I'm lucky that those I know are open, or if it's sharing my story that has made them open up? And it's not just friends, my mum has told me about so many sad stories of miscarriage in my family which I would never have known about.

As for how you feel about your children, my mum said the most wonderful thing to me. We nicknamed our bean Pip and she said Pip has realised he/she wasn't strong enough and has gone off to get stronger before coming back. People might mock me for thinking it'll be the same baby coming back but you know what, it's my body and my business and frankly I couldn't give two hoots :)

Am now CD15 - phew. Here's hoping for BFPs and sticky beans for us all!!

I don't know anyone's religious affiliations, but I just read this and it finally made me smile today. I've been in a bit of a funk today. I hope it makes you smile too.

Whatever your cross, whatever your pain,
There will always be sunshine after the rain.
Perhaps you may stumble, perhaps even fall,
But God's always ready to answer your call.
He knows every heartache, sees every tear,
A word from His lips can calm every fear.
Your sorrows may linger throughout the night,
But suddenly vanish at dawn's early light.
The Savior is waiting somewhere above,
To give you His grace and send you His love.
Whatever your cross, whatever your pain,
God always sends rainbows after the rain.

Author Unknown

That is sooo beautiful!!
Well, i have not yet ovulated this month but i dont think i will because my levels are STILL not to zero...i just went to get bloodwork again yesterday so cross your fingers for me this is just ridiculous!!! I never thought id actually want my period so bad but i do!! At least then i will be able to track my ovulation again! Welcome to all the new ladies!! Such sad stories sorry for your losses.

Starry night, it does seem like the problems could have something to do with the miscarriages...are any doctors looking into that? I heard that after 3 losses they start to look into any problems...

Since my miscarriage it does seem like ive met so many women who have had losses is scary i had no idea how common this was...but its so nice to have people to turn to that have been through it and understand how you feel...

My fx'd for all of us!
Baby dust to all!
Yeah, my doctor said he'd refer me to a specialist once we sort out this current miscarriage. Still having brown spotting. It seems to be lightening but you can never tell until it's been over for a few days. I'm getting sooo impatient as this m/c is taking longer than my other ones.
I wish you luck and i hope you get some answers...hopefully the doctors will be able to help you to have a healthy pregnancy next time...i had a rough day today...just hearing certain songs on the radio and tearing up when i drove...its been almost a month since my still waiting for a period which i know can be a couple more weeks just becoming impatient...
So hubby and I dtd last night and we forgot to use protection. :dohh: I really should not get pregnant as I have putting off my procedure for YEARS. I'm getting some big moles removed from my back and I just want them gone! I started getting ov signs yesterday too with the one-sided pinching and some achey boobs and ewcm. Is it possible to ov so soon after the spotting ends (just the day before)? I have no idea what my current hcg levels are as I haven't gotten the results yet. Last time it took me several cycles to ov so I know my body could just be messing with me at the moment...
Blood work from last friday results are in and still showing a 10hcg so they want me to go back in this week on friday...i pray they are finally back to zero!!! So at this not having a period...i guess for obvious reasons since my body still thinks its pregnant! I probably wont be trying until january at the earliest!!!!
Blood work from last friday results are in and still showing a 10hcg so they want me to go back in this week on friday...i pray they are finally back to zero!!! So at this not having a period...i guess for obvious reasons since my body still thinks its pregnant! I probably wont be trying until january at the earliest!!!!

10!! You are so close!! Fx when you go back they are close to zero or you get AF even sooner. You could still be in the running to OV in December. I read on another thread that ladies that aren't prego yet are going to have a couple drinks or ice skate or do something fun that they wouldn't be able to do if they were expecting. I thought that seemed like a fun idea.
babydoodle - you are so close! Hope it drops off in the next day or two for you. I think you still have a chance to ovulate before the year is out.

Waiting is hard. Now that my spotting is over I want to TTC so badly! But I need to be responsible and wait until the end of December at least. Meh.
Hi Ladies, just checking in to see how everyone is.

Im a bit confused and grumpy today!! I had some light brown bleeding yesterday (32 days post d&c) and i was really happy- thinking af was about to arrive. But, since then...nothing! Its totally gone away. Hpt and opk both very negative today so i've no idea whats happening. I hope its my body gearing up to start af- im sooooooo impatient to put all this behind me and start ttc again. I hate not knowing whats happening down there!!

Ok, rant over! :winkwink:
Hi Ladies, just checking in to see how everyone is.

Im a bit confused and grumpy today!! I had some light brown bleeding yesterday (32 days post d&c) and i was really happy- thinking af was about to arrive. But, since then...nothing! Its totally gone away. Hpt and opk both very negative today so i've no idea whats happening. I hope its my body gearing up to start af- im sooooooo impatient to put all this behind me and start ttc again. I hate not knowing whats happening down there!!

Ok, rant over! :winkwink:

Don't worry Johnsongirl! I have also had brown spotting yesterday and today, more like brown discharge really and after a bit of reading, it seems to happen before ovulation. I did an opk this morning and it was definitely on it's way. So keep trying the opks. Poor DH on call today and tomorrow, wonder if he'll have the energy to give it a shot....strong coffee coming up!
Hi Ladies, just checking in to see how everyone is.

Im a bit confused and grumpy today!! I had some light brown bleeding yesterday (32 days post d&c) and i was really happy- thinking af was about to arrive. But, since then...nothing! Its totally gone away. Hpt and opk both very negative today so i've no idea whats happening. I hope its my body gearing up to start af- im sooooooo impatient to put all this behind me and start ttc again. I hate not knowing whats happening down there!!

Ok, rant over! :winkwink:

Don't worry Johnsongirl! I have also had brown spotting yesterday and today, more like brown discharge really and after a bit of reading, it seems to happen before ovulation. I did an opk this morning and it was definitely on it's way. So keep trying the opks. Poor DH on call today and tomorrow, wonder if he'll have the energy to give it a shot....strong coffee coming up!

Thanks Mrs Phez- would be great if it was ovulation because DH home this week then he's working away until 15th december- rubbish!!
Hope you are doing ok. Get the coffee brewing and some bd'ing in!! :thumbup:
Blood work from last friday results are in and still showing a 10hcg so they want me to go back in this week on friday...i pray they are finally back to zero!!! So at this not having a period...i guess for obvious reasons since my body still thinks its pregnant! I probably wont be trying until january at the earliest!!!!

I'm not sure if this is true for everyone, but I think what happens is that your levels get to zero or near zero, then your body will ovulate (this can take a couple of weeks for some people) and AF comes the usual two weeks later. That was what happened for me. You can see my process on the second chart in the link below.

:hugs: The limbo is the worst, isn't it?
Is anyone else still actually waiting a month or two to TTC (like the thread title says)? I am finding it sooo hard to wait now that my bleeding stopped. I need people to keep me strong. lol It's just a month, right?

Good luck with the BD'ing, Mrs Phez and Johnson Girl! Hopefully you get your sticky rainbows soon!
Johnson girl, my first af after my mc was only about 36 hours of brown spotting, barely needed panty liners. I think there just wasn't much in there after the mc so it was very light. I know that it was af because I used opks to confirm I ovulated a 14 days after my mc.
Late last night i went to use the bathroom and noticed a little bit of brown blood in my undies....didnt think much of it but was a little excited it might be my period...i used a pad just in case before bed and boy im glad i did! Definately got my period, cramps and the whole bit..seems like a lot more clotting than usual small and one pretty large..i hope this is normal for a first AF!! So...I am super excited and suprised! It has been exactly 28 days since my DnC...crazy! So Mackjess-i guess i will ovulate before the year is over!! Weve been talking so much about trying again in january that we might just stick with that!!! Well have to see I know im going to be itchin to try!!!
So I have a question... With my miscarriage it I found out nov 8th there was no heart beat my hcg was 22,000 and had I to take a medicine called misoprastol(sp) via my vagina to expel the pregancy. I started bleeding the early morning on the 9th. My blood today showed my Hcg dropped to 113 it was 1,500 last week. I am now having spotting does this sporting last as long has my Hcg is dropping? Anyone know how long it will take fOr the Hcg to drop? And then I guess once it hits <5 I should start keeping track for ovulation? Or can I still ovulate even with a Hcg above 5?

Ugh this is confusing

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