Anyone else recently miscarried...waiting to try again a month or two....JOIN ME!!!

Sad day for me today.

So I decided to pick up hours at work for overtime today and my husband just texts me that his friends are prego due in July. They just started trying and got prego real fast.

Im really bummed. I feel like its never going to happen.

Its so easy for some people to get pregnant and here I am needles after needles and finally get prego and have a miscarriage. :(
So I feel bad for them. Our friends went in for ultra sound today there was no heartbeat :-(

I'm so sorry for your friends' loss. :( And try not to feel guilty for feeling jealous when they were pregnant. It was a natural reaction. I don't know how close you are to these people but maybe you can be a support for one another. This forum is awesome but it also helps to have someone in real life to lean on.

calliebaby - good luck! I hope this tww ends with your BFP!

AFM - getting more and more ovulation signs so it's annoying that I can't BD. My unrelated minor surgery is next week so I have to be good. Also, this m/c was hard on my body so I know I should wait for my first real AF. But I am feeling encouraged that my body is getting back to normal. Hope no more curve balls come my way.
Hi there,

I want to join you guys. I had my mc 3 months ago. At first I thought I was ready to try right away but it turned out that I was not emotionally ready. I have had two normal cycles since then and we are gonna start trying after this cycle (currently cd 24). I'm actually really looking forward to it and I'm gonna try to not be too obsessed about it! ;)
Hi Daisy!! I was waiting until i had another period and I actually got it today!!! So cd1 for me and im super excited!! Last time i bled i thought it might be my period and the nurse 'couldnt be sure' but i was pretty sure i had the cramps and all...and so i am counting back to that date... it was exactly 28 days ago so hoping and have my fingers crossed that im back on a normal 28 day cycle again!!! Im going with it!!! So this will be my first month ttc again i hope!!! (I had my mc in October at 12w3d) Good luck to you I totally know what u mean try to not be obsessed but u kno we will be anyways!!! So how many days until AF arrives for you??
Welcome Daisy, sorry for your loss but congrats about being back to TTC. I hope you do good at not stressing, I did a lot but I probably should have taken a little break like you did. Good Luck.

And yay babydoodle!! That's great you got your cycle back!
Welcome, Daisy. Love the enthusiasm as you start to TTC. Good luck as you shoot for your sticky rainbow!

babydoodle - hooray to cycles being back! I hope your TTC journey is nice and short!!

:dust: to both you ladies.
Hi Daisy!! I was waiting until i had another period and I actually got it today!!! So cd1 for me and im super excited!! Last time i bled i thought it might be my period and the nurse 'couldnt be sure' but i was pretty sure i had the cramps and all...and so i am counting back to that date... it was exactly 28 days ago so hoping and have my fingers crossed that im back on a normal 28 day cycle again!!! Im going with it!!! So this will be my first month ttc again i hope!!! (I had my mc in October at 12w3d) Good luck to you I totally know what u mean try to not be obsessed but u kno we will be anyways!!! So how many days until AF arrives for you??

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!! My last two cycles have been 32 days cycles so I still got about a week before I see AF. But let me tell you my PMS is in full swing, my hormones are raging. The thought has crossed my mind that maybe I can be pregnant since my only contraception method this cycle was using a condom of on the one day I was 95% sure that I was ovulating, but I'm leaning more towards no.

The last three months had its ups and downs, like 5 people got pregnant, including a cousin in law and sister in law:cry: I just like to think that our baby decided to come back later and make room for others lol.

In November I actually went and got certified to teach ZUMBA! I am starting classes the first weekend of January, so I'm hoping that will keep my mind off obsessing with my rainbow baby.

By the way is anyone taking prenatals or supplements?? I'm thinking of taking folic acid only.

Can't wait for all of us to get our BFPs!!!
Yeah ive had a hard time with one particular person who is pregnant right now...but others im totally fine with...i dont know if this will be our month to try or wait until next period is very heavy and clotty again...i dont know if my uterus is ready or not...its only my second period since the miscarriage and im kind of nervous to try and risk another mc if my uterus is not ready....i dont know but were trying to not get too stressed out about very happy to be back on a normal 28day cycle and grateful to feel ready emotionally!!! Good luck! Im getting excited about trying again!
Ok so let the obssesion begin and I'm not even officially TTC LOL! So like I mentioned before, we haven't been using any protection except on my fertile days. I use cm and ovulation pain as my clues. I'm on cd 27. On cd 12 DH and I dtd. The next day when I wiped after going to the bathroom I noticed some clear ewcm with a little bit of brown tinge to it. My first thought was ok, so I'm starting my fertile window and maybe the brown tinge is just from the previous night. The next day after that I spotted a lot of ewcm so I figured that that night and the next night, if we dtd we would need to use protection, which we did use. Now here I am and according to my calculations I am 13dpo. I had been feeling perfectly normal up until this past Monday. My enery level plummeted, my mood is so down, my boobs really aren't that sore but the thing that is making rethink my dates is that since Monday I noticed cm that had sort off like a ew texture, tinged a little greenish (which is normal color for me). By this time in the cycle my cm is creamy and sticky and this is exactly what I was posting on here a couple of days before I found out I was pregnant in July. Could the brown tinge I saw on my ewcm be due to the fact that I had just ovulated?? Oh this could be interesting.

Other possible symptoms:

nausea- but I get that every cycle

sleepy-very, very sleepy

headache-not unusual

ugly taste in mouth

libido is up, which by this time is usually down

I don't know...:shrug:
What cycle is this after your m/c? I ask simply because my first few cycles after both my m/c and pregnancy with DS were really messed up in that my PMS signs really closely mirrored my pregnant signs. Always threw me for a loop--especially since we had been using protection those times.

I also track my cycles just by ov and cm and that is not always accurate. With my DS I did the math and figured out that I conceived him the week AFTER I got ewcm and cramps.

If you don't get AF within the week I'd say it's definitely worth taking a hpt.
This is my 3rd cycle after my mc. The only other time that I have seen brown tinged ewcm was last march and it was while I was ovulating. I don't know, I hadn't had PMS this bad in awhile, so its probably just that that is throwing me for a loop. But at the same time, I keep thinking wouldn't it be funny that it happens when we haven't thought about it, when I am working on other things? It usually happens like that right, when you least think about it is when you get it
Good luck id def say theres a chance...your cm can change in color when you conceive mine did only a couple days after i concieved...i thought it was wierd but i did end up maybe its a sign!!!
As long as AF stays away there is always the chance! Good luck!

AFM - my first AF appears to be arriving. Had some pink spotting last night and have been cramping today. Now I have some brown icky stuff. I got ovulation signs about two weekends ago so it's arriving right on time. Guess my body is almost back to normal now! :thumbup: It's being a bit weird with all of this pre-spotting stuff but it did that after my son was born too.

It sucks to have AF over Christmas but I'm trying to see it more as finally being able to properly TTC.
Thanks girls!! I'm kind of getting giddy about it without thinking about it too much because I know that if its just my body going hormonally bezerk, there is always next month
How you doing, daisy? Is AF still staying away?

AFM - AF is definitely here now. I've had spotting for a few days so was wondering if I should count it or not. I'm pretty sure I ovulated two weeks ago but I'm not sure of the exact date so it's hard to say what CD1 is especially since first AFs can be really wonky. My first AF after DS was starting and stopping the whole week. Today is acting like CD2 though it's still lighter than normal.
Merry Christmas!! and my gift was AF buuu. oh well, officially starting in a week :)
That's a good way to look at it. My first AF has been so start and stop so I don't know what to count as CD1. But it seems I have another week as well and then we can start TTC for real.

I hope we get our sticky rainbows this month!
I'm joining a couple months after you have started but i just recently had a miscarriage; in fact on Christmas day. It's been rough. We are going to wait a couple months before we try again. I really want my body to heal before we get back to the swing of things. I'm afraid that if it does not get the time it needs, i will end up with another heartache. I never knew how difficult ttc could be
I'm joining a couple months after you have started but i just recently had a miscarriage; in fact on Christmas day. It's been rough. We are going to wait a couple months before we try again. I really want my body to heal before we get back to the swing of things. I'm afraid that if it does not get the time it needs, i will end up with another heartache. I never knew how difficult ttc could be

So sorry for your loss. If you feel you need to take your time to begin again then that's what you should do. I had my mc almost 4 months ago and I thought I was ready to try right away but the reality was that I was not emotionally ready. Hang in there
I'm joining a couple months after you have started but i just recently had a miscarriage; in fact on Christmas day. It's been rough. We are going to wait a couple months before we try again. I really want my body to heal before we get back to the swing of things. I'm afraid that if it does not get the time it needs, i will end up with another heartache. I never knew how difficult ttc could be


I'm so sorry for your loss. I can only imagine how rough your holidays have been. I think it's good to let your mind and body heal before you start TTC again. You need to do what is right for you.

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