Anyone else recently miscarried...waiting to try again a month or two....JOIN ME!!!

Welcome gods child so sorry for your loss around the holiday. This is a wonderful board to join the ladies have been real supportive.

As for me I am waiting for AF hopefully soon. I had to take a medication called provera to bring on mine as I have ovulartory issues. Once AF comes I will be having a hysteroscopy to see the inside of my uterus as i know it is abnormal I believe almost arcuate. Anyway the dr is gonna check it out to make sure there wouldn't be a problem carrying a child. This miscarriage was/is so hard on me and the Dh. So ready to get started just waiting on AF
Hello Lovely ladies,
I got my miscarriage news on 26th dec.I was diagnosed with a blighted ovum.
I am taking cytotec in order to miscarry, bleeding now.
I wish to TTC asap.Please count me in!!
Best of luck to all
Welcome all the lovely new sorry for you to be experiencing these losses...know that we are here for support!!!
Welcome, ttcmoon. So sorry about your loss. :( I wish you a speedy recovery so you can start trying for your rainbow soon.
How is everyone doing? We are finally back to normal, kids back in shcool and I started teaching my Zumba classes. As far as TTC, I'm pretty sure I'm right smack in the middle of my fertile window. I'm trying to be relaxed about it, which can be a little hard, but I'm taking it as it comes and letting my body do the talking and not push myself to dtd, if I don't really feel like it. I'm really trying to take a relaxed approach to this, so I guess in about two weeks or so we should know :)
I am doing alright. Ovulated either yesterday or today. Trying I get in one more bd session in tonight to cover my bases. Then it's wait time.
This is my first full cycle since my miscarriage at the beginning of November so, as expected, things are not quite normal yet. Normally, I am rather in tune with my body and know when I'm ovulating and when to expect AF even though I have fairly irregular cycles. But miscarriage and pregnancy really messes up my "system" for a month or two. This time I'm getting almost constant ovulation signs which makes it confusing to know when to BD or when I'm in my tww. I'm considering this cycle a toss but a part of me is still hoping I'm in it!
Hi all , I am two weeks 4 days after d&c . Waiting for af and first cycle to ttc again . Have stopped bleeding and cm is clear and kinda like as if I'm ovulating . Anyway here is hoping that in two weeks af will arrive ( weird wanting to see it ) and then we can start our monthly journey again . Good luck to all of us , here is to a baby boom on this thread ;)
Welcome left wondering sorry for you loss. A baby boom on this thread would be wonderful :) hope for the best 2013 for all of us
This is our first month back on the TTC wagon, since our mc 4 months ago (its actually 4 months tomorrow on the 10th) and my body is already getting on my nerves haha! My last 3 cycles have been pretty predictable and even regular, avg 32 days. I got really good ewcm and obvious ovulation pains, but now of course when I actually need bright neon signs, my body is playing games! The last 3 cycles, around this time cd 11-15 has been my fertile window but this time around I have only seen ewcm once and this was two days ago. My boobs are a little tender and I'm just feeling really blah, which I'm guessing could be the hormonal changes of ovulation. I'm just annoyed that it isn't like it was the last 3 months. I know this journey is about patience and I'm really enjoying it more than I thought I would, I really thought I was going to be more antsy, but it is still annoying to not get the clear green light. Sorry for the rant
Yeah, it's frustrating when our bodies starting toying with us. I think I got more of my usual ov signs last night but for several days now I've also been getting some of my regular preggo signs. It's just all over the place so I don't trust anything.

Doesn't stop me from hoping though.
Ok, I guess my calendar was right. It said today was ovulation day and I'm either ovulating as I write this lol, or I just did. I'm having the worse ovulation pain on my left side. I think the pain for me comes after ovulation, so I guess it might it happened sometime in the last 48 hours
You know what you have to do! :sex:

Still no clue where I am in my cycle so I am free to imagine all sorts of things. It's a form of mental torture but I can't help myself from looking for preggo signs.
I'm counting myself officially in the TWW! And I'm so excited!!!!! :happydance: It feels a little bit bittersweet that we are in this journey again, since I can't help but think that I would have been almost 7 months pregnant. Regardless, I'm trying to focus on the good and the fact that we can even have this journey again :)

No idea if we caught the eggy but I think we gave ourselves a pretty good chance since Friday I started getting ovulation pain and yesterday it was pretty bad, along with very sore boobs and painful nipples and high libido. So I got busy lol!!!
Hi everyone. I have not been on here in so long, we have had so much bad luck since our miscarriage. My grandma recently passed which I had a very hard time with since i did not get to say goodbye, and we recently found out my husbands father who has also been battling cancer, is close to then end of his fight. Which has been extremely rough. But on a lighter note, after our miscarriage in November ( i was 12 weeks along, and the baby actually passed at 9 weeks) I had a D and C on November 20th. After that my doctor gave me strict instructions to not try again for at least two cycles. Well, not trying exactly, i started feeling sick. Nauseous 24/7, but wanting to eat everything in sight. But at the same time nothing tasted right at all, things i loved, yuck! So i decided to take a pregnancy test, and it came back positive 2 days before Christmas Eve. I know it is possible it is just my hormone levels may not have gone down all the way, but my doctors office never really took time to check all that with me. I had blood tests done today, and I am super anxious for tomorrow for the results. It seemed the office was not too happy with me for not listening to my doc and waiting, but its my life and I want to do what I think is best. I am sure some of you ladies are going through this same thing right now, so I hope you can give me some good advice, and help me not be so nervous. :) I hope all is well for everyone and I look forward to hearing from everyone!!
Good luck Zma - keep us posted! Really hope it's good news, you definitely deserve some!
Thank you ladies!! All the good luck helped! I am about 6 weeks pregnant and my blood work showed my levels are good!I can't tell you all how much I love this site! It is so nice to have other women who have gone through what I am, and be so positive! I am super excited and but also nervous. I just hope this will be it for us!! :) I am always here for any of you who may need to talk about anything. I have my first appointment Feb 4 th and I cant wait to update all of you. I really believe my grandma and father in law have a hand in this. :)
What a lovely thing to say, and I'm sure they are looking over you! Really hope this is your sticky bean! Keep us posted on your progress!
Try and enjoy it as much as you can, and I know nervous and anxiety take over upto 12 weeks, but try and stay positive!

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