Anyone else recently miscarried...waiting to try again a month or two....JOIN ME!!!

Hello ladies. Well I am cd13 and still no pos opk or temp spike. However, I did have pain in my ovary, followed by a full ache-y feeling in my uterus. I also had the smallest amount of a pinkish color once when I wiped. I have never ever had ov spotting.... I also have never had IB....

Thoughts? My first af was 19dpo! Although that was after my miscarriage.
TY babydoodle. I've been looking for you on here!

Just got a BFP on a home test Thursday and had it confirmed on Friday because I could *barely* see the lines Thursday. Got betas done and they went from 30 on Friday to 232 on Monday, so it's doubling every 25 hours. Haven't heard from my OB yet about if they are going to keep doing my follow ups with blood tests or if they are going to make my first appt the scan appt at 6 weeks. Really hoping they keep checking my blood, but I'll be OK if they don't.

Glad they are monitoring your numbers so closely. If they don't drop as fast as they like they can give you something to help.

hopful-my AF after my m/c was totally crazy. I had spotting at random times then cramps came AFTER the bleeding was over. It was totally backwards and just weird. Your body is adjusting back to normal especially with that first cycle.

Congrats! That's great news about your beta levels :happydance:
So sorry for everyones losses.

Mackjess congratulations.i can imagine what a worrying time this must be.

Afm i went back to work today.tmi alert-have only got brown on my towel-is this normal?am on day 12 of miscarriage bleeding now.

Completely with you when u say about kissing/cuddling but no more with oh.think i really need that closeness now.

Hope everyone is doing vx

I'm on Day 11 of bleeding (since the baby's passing, I was bleeding for a week before as well) and today it has gone brown and gooky for the second time. It did that a few days ago and then went red again as I passed some more small tissuey things. It kind of goes back and forth like that. It did that with my first loss and, on a smaller scale, when I lost my son's twin. I figure it's pretty normal. :shrug:

angelwings - how many cycles are you post your m/c? I had weird, spotty AFs for 3 months after my 1st m/c so I started to not rely on any apparent pregnancy signs (I had had IB with my first baby). It can be difficult to say what's going on. In a few days if there is no AF try a hpt and hopefully you get your BFP!!
So sorry for everyones losses.

Mackjess congratulations.i can imagine what a worrying time this must be.

I'm on Day 11 of bleeding (since the baby's passing, I was bleeding for a week before as well) and today it has gone brown and gooky for the second time. It did that a few days ago and then went red again as I passed some more small tissuey things. It kind of goes back and forth like that. It did that with my first loss and, on a smaller scale, when I lost my son's twin. I figure it's pretty normal. :shrug:

angelwings - how many cycles are you post your m/c? I had weird, spotty AFs for 3 months after my 1st m/c so I started to not rely on any apparent pregnancy signs (I had had IB with my first baby). It can be difficult to say what's going on. In a few days if there is no AF try a hpt and hopefully you get your BFP!!
I was told on sep 12th "fetal demise". I went into total denial, googled everything imaginable, found stories where women were mis-dated , told no hb, then boom! Just before a d&c, there it was! So I went to the ER, I had some very light spotting, mild cramping. on sep14th, they found the hb, said I measured 6wk2days, but I should have been 8wks. I also had a sch, and an enlarged yolk sac. "threatened miscarriage" I googled my butt off for 2 days, went in on the 17th for follow up. My hcg dropped from 35k to 28k in 3 days. The spotting had stopped. Still in denial. They said if I didn't miscarry on my own in a week, they would do ad&c. That night I bled a little, spotted for 4 days, then whoosh! Day 5 was the worst day of my life. Ended up with a class one hemorrhage, I literally was.screaming in pain, the contractions were INTENSE. Tmi: I soaked pads 30 minutes max. Sorry if I already told this story on this thread ..i don't recall where I posted it. Went to the ER again, passed the surprise second baby while there. The er doc did a pelvic exam on me, must have been his first one, I swear. He literally scraped my cervix with that really hard plastic while "opening me". I screamed it hurt so bad. Blood was everywhere, idk why he bothered doing that. They did a scan and said conceptus tissue had passed, and that I was empty. Only shedding lining. I continued to bled heavily for 5 days, spotted another 7... AF arrived on nov 2, I had o'd on oct 14th. I became a POASaholic from the 24th af on the 2nd was very heavy, lasted 5 days.
So I am on the evening of cd13.
I want to get pregnant so bad, I am going nuts over my symptoms today. Ovary pain is normal for me, I usually get it off and on for 2 days. I guess I hurt before, during, and after release :shrug:

But I have never been crampy, bloated, "full"uterus feeling, plus that ever so slight pink spot, mid cycle. This is how I would be just before AF. But no temp spike, no pos opk... I don't know wth is going on.... I used to be SO regular. Even after my other m/c's, although those were only chemical, and this time I passed twins that stopped growing at 6wk3days...

So technically this is my first cycle, post m/c. Some people say to count from the day you m/c'd, but I wouldn't be sure what day to choose...when the hearts stopped? When I spotted? The day it REALLY started?

Well I tracked myself anyway, keep a journal and had 3 different cycle days I used ...

But I definitely o'd on oct 14th...had temp spike , ewcm, o pain/pinch,etc. Yet af came 19 days later, which from what I've read is almost impossible...that o date can change, but luteal phase is consistent, 14dpo, sometimes 12-16... ????
I mean if I do have a long luteal phase now, I suppose IB is possible, just seems to o crazy, at cd13.... At this point I'm clinging onto anything.

I still cry, but not as much. Out of the 3 of us at work that got pregnant at the same time, only one still has her baby. My first day back at work, she came in (not knowing why I had been gone, I also dislocated my knee right before this and couldn't work much) and yelled " it's a boy!", I cried. I saw a newborn, I cried. Still do sometimes during baby commercials. My fiance was so happy about the pregnancy, and devastated too. Now he seems grumpy lately. Idk, my hormones are wacky. Thanks for letting me write my novel,lol.

Congrats to anyone with a bfp! And for all the losses, I am so sorry. Each story may be different, but it's so hard no matter what.

Sorry to you too starry, and thanks for reaching out to me
Angel, I read your story (in this thread or another, cant remember) and it just hurts my heart. I am so sorry about your losses, and the last one is just especially sad. You are so brave to be trying again. I hope you get your rainbow baby soon.

I don't know about OV pain, my first cycle after my first AF from the m/c, I felt lots of weird cramps and was bloated. The OB said my uterus had to shrink back to normal because it starts loosening and expanding even while the baby and sack are just the size of a penny. Could that be what you're feeling and not OV yet? Not sure which CD you normally do.
I have never posted on this site - just looked for great advice from insightful ladies!

Unfortunately, now I have a reason to post. I was diagnosed with PCOS last January and had surgery to remove a Uterine polyp. I then was sent to an RE and started metformin and femora. After three cycles I was shocked to receive a BFP (through blood test). The starting HCG was low (19) and the doctor said she was "cautiously optimistic". However, my little jelly can continued to beat the odds and grew. At 7 weeks I saw the heartbeat. At 8 weeks I saw it again and was released to an OB-GYN. At 9 weeks 3 days I saw the heartbeat and watched it's little hands move across the screen.

Then at 9 weeks 6 days I had my husband take off of work and come to see our little jelly bean. The moment the ultrasound came on I knew ....I had seen many since the BFP and no heartbeat - no movement. I just cried - my husband cried. We were sent to a radiologist for a second scan - same thing no heartbeat. I rushed over to my RE for a third scan. She was in disbelief and confirmed again no heartbeat. I was scheduled for a D&C the next day.

The D&C was yesterday. My first baby gone. I'm trying to deal with this all, but am just in shock. I thought we were past the hurdles and am terrified to try again.

Thank you all for sharing your stories - this is truly a silent struggle.
Kubbaby, I'm so sorry. God, I know it is a very painful thing to endure. We all know. I'm keeping everyone in my prayers. It just saddens me how common this is. I wonder if it was always this common, and our technology today just makes us more aware?

I read a thing from some superstitious lady on another site. She was dead set against early/transvag u/s.
Said she m/c'd twice, and had 2 or more early scans. Said she had 3 sisters who already believed in no early scans, they each had 2 or more children.

Now I'm not saying this is medically accurate, but I myself had 2 perfectly normal pregnancies, no vaginal scans...
Yet ally m/c I did. Can't help but wonder. They say the radiation is no different than a tv...

I'm sure it's nothing, but I already promised myself that if I got pregnant again, and had no bad symptoms, that I would flat out refuse a scan till the nt scan at 12 wks.

I know, I know. Sounds crazy. But have enough m/c's with the same common denominator, and you can't help but wonder...

Sigh. Sorry. My hormones are really talking for me today.
So sorry for everyones losses.

Mackjess congratulations.i can imagine what a worrying time this must be.

I'm on Day 11 of bleeding (since the baby's passing, I was bleeding for a week before as well) and today it has gone brown and gooky for the second time. It did that a few days ago and then went red again as I passed some more small tissuey things. It kind of goes back and forth like that. It did that with my first loss and, on a smaller scale, when I lost my son's twin. I figure it's pretty normal. :shrug:

angelwings - how many cycles are you post your m/c? I had weird, spotty AFs for 3 months after my 1st m/c so I started to not rely on any apparent pregnancy signs (I had had IB with my first baby). It can be difficult to say what's going on. In a few days if there is no AF try a hpt and hopefully you get your BFP!!
I was told on sep 12th "fetal demise". I went into total denial, googled everything imaginable, found stories where women were mis-dated , told no hb, then boom! Just before a d&c, there it was! So I went to the ER, I had some very light spotting, mild cramping. on sep14th, they found the hb, said I measured 6wk2days, but I should have been 8wks. I also had a sch, and an enlarged yolk sac. "threatened miscarriage" I googled my butt off for 2 days, went in on the 17th for follow up. My hcg dropped from 35k to 28k in 3 days. The spotting had stopped. Still in denial. They said if I didn't miscarry on my own in a week, they would do ad&c. That night I bled a little, spotted for 4 days, then whoosh! Day 5 was the worst day of my life. Ended up with a class one hemorrhage, I literally was.screaming in pain, the contractions were INTENSE. Tmi: I soaked pads 30 minutes max. Sorry if I already told this story on this thread ..i don't recall where I posted it. Went to the ER again, passed the surprise second baby while there. The er doc did a pelvic exam on me, must have been his first one, I swear. He literally scraped my cervix with that really hard plastic while "opening me". I screamed it hurt so bad. Blood was everywhere, idk why he bothered doing that. They did a scan and said conceptus tissue had passed, and that I was empty. Only shedding lining. I continued to bled heavily for 5 days, spotted another 7... AF arrived on nov 2, I had o'd on oct 14th. I became a POASaholic from the 24th af on the 2nd was very heavy, lasted 5 days.
So I am on the evening of cd13.
I want to get pregnant so bad, I am going nuts over my symptoms today. Ovary pain is normal for me, I usually get it off and on for 2 days. I guess I hurt before, during, and after release :shrug:

But I have never been crampy, bloated, "full"uterus feeling, plus that ever so slight pink spot, mid cycle. This is how I would be just before AF. But no temp spike, no pos opk... I don't know wth is going on.... I used to be SO regular. Even after my other m/c's, although those were only chemical, and this time I passed twins that stopped growing at 6wk3days...

So technically this is my first cycle, post m/c. Some people say to count from the day you m/c'd, but I wouldn't be sure what day to choose...when the hearts stopped? When I spotted? The day it REALLY started?

Well I tracked myself anyway, keep a journal and had 3 different cycle days I used ...

But I definitely o'd on oct 14th...had temp spike , ewcm, o pain/pinch,etc. Yet af came 19 days later, which from what I've read is almost impossible...that o date can change, but luteal phase is consistent, 14dpo, sometimes 12-16... ????
I mean if I do have a long luteal phase now, I suppose IB is possible, just seems to o crazy, at cd13.... At this point I'm clinging onto anything.

I still cry, but not as much. Out of the 3 of us at work that got pregnant at the same time, only one still has her baby. My first day back at work, she came in (not knowing why I had been gone, I also dislocated my knee right before this and couldn't work much) and yelled " it's a boy!", I cried. I saw a newborn, I cried. Still do sometimes during baby commercials. My fiance was so happy about the pregnancy, and devastated too. Now he seems grumpy lately. Idk, my hormones are wacky. Thanks for letting me write my novel,lol.

Congrats to anyone with a bfp! And for all the losses, I am so sorry. Each story may be different, but it's so hard no matter what.

Sorry to you too starry, and thanks for reaching out to me

So sorry for your loss, such a painful experience in more ways than one. My M/C ended 10 days ago and I was also wondering when to start CD1. My M?W told me start from the last day of your m/c but I decided to start when my HCG was down to near negative (11.5 when it was last measiured) and my bBT which was back down to normal pre-ov temps (which was about 5 days after m/c ended). I think starting at the beginning of M/C is a bit misleading as you're still full of HCG. I'm off to the gp shortly to get some medical advice about all this stuff. Also been taking agnus castus to regulate my cycles (normally 5 1/2 weeks long) and doing opks, no pos yet. Hope you get your rainbow baby soon :hugs:
Hello ladies,

Firstly I just wanted to say this is the first time I've written more than one post in a forum and it's really lovely to come home and check in on how everyone's doing and have some support!

Secondly, I had a question for you all. I had my first AF post miscarriage on 3rd November so am now on CD10. I stopped bleeding on Friday but then got some random spotting on Sunday and then again this morning.

I think it may have been down to a pretty tough zumba class (I seriously need to get back in shape...) but it doesn't usually happen to me with AF, and it's weird that there's been no spotting days in between.

Anyone else had a funny AF after a miscarriage?

I'm 10 dp mc and I guess AF has decided to rear her head today. I spoke w my MD and he said I should be done w mc bleeding, so I guess it's an ill-timed AF and not residual bleeding. I give up. I don't know what my body is doing anymore.
TY babydoodle. I've been looking for you on here!

Just got a BFP on a home test Thursday and had it confirmed on Friday because I could *barely* see the lines Thursday. Got betas done and they went from 30 on Friday to 232 on Monday, so it's doubling every 25 hours. Haven't heard from my OB yet about if they are going to keep doing my follow ups with blood tests or if they are going to make my first appt the scan appt at 6 weeks. Really hoping they keep checking my blood, but I'll be OK if they don't.

Glad they are monitoring your numbers so closely. If they don't drop as fast as they like they can give you something to help.

hopful-my AF after my m/c was totally crazy. I had spotting at random times then cramps came AFTER the bleeding was over. It was totally backwards and just weird. Your body is adjusting back to normal especially with that first cycle.

Congrats!! That's so great!! I'll be praying for your sticky bean!
Think i need to get round to writing down some dates and notes about miscarriage/bleeding etc else i won't remember by the time af shows up again!

Hi to the new ladies and so sorry for ur dust to us all.x
I'm officially 6dpo. I have decided to test next Wednesday or Thursday. Possible Thanksgiving day bfp!!! At least I hope!
I don't know anyone's religious affiliations, but I just read this and it finally made me smile today. I've been in a bit of a funk today. I hope it makes you smile too.

Whatever your cross, whatever your pain,
There will always be sunshine after the rain.
Perhaps you may stumble, perhaps even fall,
But God's always ready to answer your call.
He knows every heartache, sees every tear,
A word from His lips can calm every fear.
Your sorrows may linger throughout the night,
But suddenly vanish at dawn's early light.
The Savior is waiting somewhere above,
To give you His grace and send you His love.
Whatever your cross, whatever your pain,
God always sends rainbows after the rain.

Author Unknown
Good luck! :dust:

Finally started tracking my hcg today. I go twice a week until it reaches zero. Also waiting to hear when my u/s is scheduled. I really hope everything is on track and I won't need further medical intervention. Getting antsy to TTC again!

Also asked the doctor about testing into my m/c's. Though my second pregnancy did technically end with a live baby I did miscarry a twin so that also TECHNICALLY makes it 3 losses in a row. So he said he'll refer me to a specialist once we take care of the current loss. He said he wants to refer me even if I get pregnant right away again.
Starry, I hope you get the answers you need, and hopefully it's just one of those things- what I mean is I read that just under 1% of couples will have 3+ consecutive m/c's. I fall in that 1% too. Sometimes it's just chronic bad luck.

My heart goes out to you.

I'm truly hoping that my last mc was caused by something unrelated to the other 3....
My insurance didn't cover getting the fetus tested, but my doc is almost positive that it was random chromosomal defects, especially since I had the large yolk sac.
Or maybe you'll find out it's a problem that can be fixed. I know someone who ha as had 2 mc, and ttc for 2yrs. She just found out she had uterine polyps. They removed them 2 wks ago.


Hopefully your problem, as nd mine, can be resolved, and quickly
Hi, hope you don't mind me joining here too, I've had 2 ectopic's & a chemical, but I hope to start TTC again after my next cycle so will be December sometime! Will be nice to follow this journey with you all & hopefully we'll all have our BFP's sometime soon!!

Rainbows always follow after the rain - love that sophiasmom!

Here's to :xmas16: BFP's!!
" Rainbows always follow after the rain " - love it too.
The day after my miscarriage I got out of my car and saw the most amazing rainbow right over my house.. was kind of comforting if that makes sense.
baby doodle! what an awesome turkey day that would be! fx for you.

gl to everyone else, rather be bd'ing or getting that hcg to zero.
I would like to have some buddies who have recently experienced a loss and are wanting to try again in the next few months..i have to wait a month at least as i am just recovering from my d&c...but i hope to try again in january...i cant say that i havent thought about trying earlier...i heard that women are more fertile after a mc but im not sure if that has truth or not...i was ss sick while taking prenatals during these past 3 months of pregnancy so i am hoping to just take folic acid supplements im not sure...let me know if you suggest anything...i have heard that some women take a flinstone with some additional supplement...ive also heard of taking baby aspirin but dont really understand why...also heard of robitussin but again not quite sure why...JOIN ME!!!
HI ladies can I join this thread? Just had a miscarriage on Thursday 8w6days they couldnt find a heartbeat. I had to take misoprostal instead of a D&C. Currently still bleeding, and having mixed feeling about starting right back up. So afraid for a BFN or another miscarriage.

Background on me and DH. He is fine me...I dont really ovulate. I have been seeing a reproductive endocrinologist for a yr now. I was on injections to make me ovulate and it FINALLY worked after almost 10mths of needles and here I am now :-(

I have also read somwhere for women with infertility issues sometimes after being pregnant that your body will kick back into reality and start ovulating on its own. I am really hoping for this but its seems doubtful.

Anyway still one page one of this thread so going to try and catch up :)
Congratulations mackjess, hope this one's sticky!
And good luck Calliebaby, hope you get a bfp.
Hi to all newcomers, sorry you're on this thread but you will find great support.
Now 7 days since my HCG was neg, no pos OPK yet. Started taking the Fertility Blend this week which promptly went in the bin today as my body temp was going crazy. Was absolutely frozen when I went to bed last night, then my heart was racing, hand was tingling and had a horrific headache. Like your worst hangover ever. Very scary.
So I'll jsut continue with BBT and OPK then....will let you know how long it takes to O.
Look after yourselves x

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