Anyone else starting IVF October/November 2015?

Here's hoping Unlucky:thumbup:

It would be nice to get my BFP before Christmas so I can have good news to tell DH's family (since my own won't care much, especially at this point). Have to admit I'm feeling nervous if IVF will work for us, especially since we're LTTTC #1, and I wonder sometimes if I'll ever get to be a mother:nope:

If it's my eggs, we may look into egg donation although I don't think DH is much for that option since he'd much prefer the child to be mine biologically/genetically (very brave of him, especially since NPD "runs" in my family:wacko:). We'll see, the clinic where we had our IUIs done didn't mention any concerns with my egg quality at all but it's still in the back of my mind that something could be wrong :( :shrug:
Here's hoping Unlucky:thumbup:

It would be nice to get my BFP before Christmas so I can have good news to tell DH's family (since my own won't care much, especially at this point). Have to admit I'm feeling nervous if IVF will work for us, especially since we're LTTTC #1, and I wonder sometimes if I'll ever get to be a mother:nope:

If it's my eggs, we may look into egg donation although I don't think DH is much for that option since he'd much prefer the child to be mine biologically/genetically (very brave of him, especially since NPD "runs" in my family:wacko:). We'll see, the clinic where we had our IUIs done didn't mention any concerns with my egg quality at all but it's still in the back of my mind that something could be wrong :( :shrug:

I think those feelings are completely normal! :hugs::hugs: I had those same exact thoughts before my IVF cycle! :hugs: After LTTC for so long it is hard not to have some doubts. However just remember you have as good of a chance as anyone! The only things you can control is your thoughts, emotions, and health going into it, so try to stay positive, take really good care of yourself and try to surround yourself with people that will only love and support you through the process. I am hoping, praying, sending tons of baby dust and good luck at you for success with your first IVF cycle! Come on BFP! :hugs::hugs: :dust::dust:
just to add to my last post, I remember that eating a lot of protein was good during your IVF cycle to help make lots of healthy eggs! I remember eating lots of greek yogurt! You also want to drink lots of fluids to prevent over stimulation of your ovaries. I need to find my journal from when I was doing my IVF cycle so I can remember more details of what I went through and any other tips I can offer. I will share the link for it once I find it. Hopefully it can be helpful! :thumbup:
ok so here is my lttc journal with my IVF cycle details. I have a summary on pg 1 with the page numbers of the
Hi Ladies! I hope you don't mind if I join. I just went through my first FET transfer August 10th which was a BFN :( I'm seriously crushed. I know my age is not on my side (39) but we did ICSI and PGD and transfered 1 hatching embryo that didn't want to stick. ( more in my journal)

My nurse said I can start BCP when AF shows to prep for my next FET which would be in October. This will be our 2nd and last attempt as we don't have any more frosties and we won't be doing another fresh cycle due to finances.

I have a follow up appointment with my RE in September, so we will see what he has to say. Just want to wish everyone good luck.
Here's hoping Unlucky:thumbup:

It would be nice to get my BFP before Christmas so I can have good news to tell DH's family (since my own won't care much, especially at this point). Have to admit I'm feeling nervous if IVF will work for us, especially since we're LTTTC #1, and I wonder sometimes if I'll ever get to be a mother:nope:

If it's my eggs, we may look into egg donation although I don't think DH is much for that option since he'd much prefer the child to be mine biologically/genetically (very brave of him, especially since NPD "runs" in my family:wacko:). We'll see, the clinic where we had our IUIs done didn't mention any concerns with my egg quality at all but it's still in the back of my mind that something could be wrong :( :shrug:

I think those feelings are completely normal! :hugs::hugs: I had those same exact thoughts before my IVF cycle! :hugs: After LTTC for so long it is hard not to have some doubts. However just remember you have as good of a chance as anyone! The only things you can control is your thoughts, emotions, and health going into it, so try to stay positive, take really good care of yourself and try to surround yourself with people that will only love and support you through the process. I am hoping, praying, sending tons of baby dust and good luck at you for success with your first IVF cycle! Come on BFP! :hugs::hugs: :dust::dust:

Thanks wanna:hugs: I think I'm just nervous if whatever is wrong might not be helped by IVF.

Yeah, that's what I'm trying to do. However, we have no one that truely understands it. My narcissistic mother just says things like "I can't understand you can't get pregnant, I had no problems getting pregnant with all 6 of my children (whom I regret having BTW and I don't think you should have children either as they're the biggest mistake of my life!)." My MIL/FIL don't understand either and have said things like "Just relax and it'll happen" or "Think positive and it'll happen" which is only slightly less hurtful than my mother's comments. One of our friends who knows (who's extremely insecure and kinda childish for a 33 year old) told me last year when I mentioned we'd need IUI/IVF "Why don't you adopt?" because she's adopted (from India, her parents abandoned her on the side of a road at age 3). All of DH's friends have abandoned us completely (except for 1 couple that we see 1-2 every year) because they all have kids and we don't (so they're in "another place in their lives" than us although they don't know we're suffering from infertility). My narcissistic siblings you can see how they are:nope: I still remember my narcissistic sister's reaction when I told her we were TTCing almost 2 years ago: "Yay, more cousins for my 2 kids to play with!":saywhat: Not to mention all the selfish and passive-aggressive stuff her and my narcissistic brother have said and done in the last 2 years. My enabler cousin (she's very enmeshed with my brother and sister) used to be supportive but she's checked out fairly recently (thinking my brother and sister are bad-mouthing me to her because I won't put up with their abusive and selfish behavior anymore) so I don't really hear from her, other than that one FB message she sent complaining about how my narcissistic mother treated her husband so badly a couple of years ago and she went on and on before saying she hopes my mother is nice to me (despite the fact I've told her a number of times that she's not):dohh:

So yeah, no one gets it so not much support other than what we find in each other or the ladies on BnB:nope:

Thank you so much wanna:hugs: It's always nice to know I'll always find support and understanding on this board:flower:

just to add to my last post, I remember that eating a lot of protein was good during your IVF cycle to help make lots of healthy eggs! I remember eating lots of greek yogurt! You also want to drink lots of fluids to prevent over stimulation of your ovaries. I need to find my journal from when I was doing my IVF cycle so I can remember more details of what I went through and any other tips I can offer. I will share the link for it once I find it. Hopefully it can be helpful! :thumbup:


Hmmm thing is I'm a pescetarian (don't eat anything with feathers or fur/hooves so only fish and shellfish) so protein can be a bit hard. I try to eat fish and beans but don't know what else could be good, I'll check out your journal and see if you've mentioned anything else.

Welcome Hopethisyear:flower: So sorry this FET was a BFN :( I hope your next FET gives you your BFP :dust:
Hi Ladies! I hope you don't mind if I join. I just went through my first FET transfer August 10th which was a BFN :( I'm seriously crushed. I know my age is not on my side (39) but we did ICSI and PGD and transfered 1 hatching embryo that didn't want to stick. ( more in my journal)

My nurse said I can start BCP when AF shows to prep for my next FET which would be in October. This will be our 2nd and last attempt as we don't have any more frosties and we won't be doing another fresh cycle due to finances.

I have a follow up appointment with my RE in September, so we will see what he has to say. Just want to wish everyone good luck.

Welcome to the group! :flower: Good luck and baby dust to you for your upcoming FET! I have everything crossed and I am sending you lots of good luck your way for October! I hope you get your BFP! :dust::dust::dust:
AFM tomorrow is my consultation for my FET with the new RE! I spent the weekend filling out all of the online medical forms for DH & I. I had to print out and sign papers too. I have to bring all of my medical records from my old clinic also. I really hope I like the new RE. The girls in the office that I have spoken to have been very nice and helpful so far so I think that is a good sign. I will do an update after and let you girls know how it went. :thumbup:
Welcome hopethisyear. Really hope this last embryo gives you a bfp. Sounds promising since you have done pgd. Have everything cross for you.

Wanna hope your consultation goes well and yes do keep us updated.

Kat really hope ivf is your answer so you can prove to your mum that children are a precious gift not a waste of time.

Afm got our referral today hence need to book an appointment next month. Tomorrow our daughter is turning one hence starting to feel that we are ready to go down another emotional ride
Good luck wanna, hope the RE turns out to be nice:flower: I know how important that is, hoping the same about my RE at the hospital (first will find out September 28th).

Unlucky, let us know when you'll be going in and keep us updated. As to my mom, don't think I can prove anything at this point. People with NPD never change their minds, they'll even go against professional opinion because they believe they're ALWAYS right. This woman had 6 kids and regrets them all because we're not slaves to her so now we're all selfish, horrible people for not caving in to her every whim and want. Here are some articles on NPD mothers:

AFM nothing much. I'm 6 dpo today but of course I'm thinking there's only a 2-3% chance of me getting pregnant naturally after almost 2 years TTC and 6 failed IUIs so only keeping track to see if the royal jelly delays AF like it did last cycle (but maybe it was because the royal jelly I took last cycle had vitamins in them so was getting double vitamins:shrug:). If it does, I'll stop and then maybe start taking them again around CD 3-4 when AF turns into brown spotting. Or should I start taking them before then in that case?
Thanks for the good luCk wishes girls. :hugs: I am going to Copy and paste my journal entry to save some time sinCe I wrote a long story on how my appointment went this morning.

@unluCky, happy 1st birthday to your daughter! :flower: Good luCk and tons of baby dust to you for your upComing CyCle! :dust::dust:

@Kat, I am sorry but I have no idea how royal jelly would affeCt your AF. Maybe some of the other girls would know. I do know that the first day of bleeding is Considered CD1 though. Good luCk to you, it would be niCe if you got a surprise BFP this CyCle! :dust::dust:
Okay, so this is the Copy and paste from my journal entry, sorry I wrote a book! LOL! :wacko:

"Okay so it was a small traditional Dr offiCe setting. The waiting room was Crowded so there wasn't many plaCes to sit. There was no bells or whistles or extra frills. They did have a sign in the waiting room asking for patients to not have any Children with them due to the sensitive nature of fertility treatments so I thought that was really great. :thumbup: My old fertility offiCe is a muCh niCer faCility with a larger overall offiCe with a spa, and massage building where patients Can do aCCupunCture before treatment. They have a large impressive lab that they let you tour and a more high end feel to the deCor and everything. It is a bigger offiCe in general.

The dr himself was overall niCe. He was older, I would guess about 50's or maybe even 60's. He answered all of my questions and explained the general proCess. I will only need 2 drugs but one of them is an injeCtable so I wasn't thrilled with that. :wacko: I asked him about 1 embryo vrs 2 being transferred and he thinks I should do 1 first and than try 2 the next time if it didn't work, but he is okay with doing 2 if I wanted him to. He said that sinCe I had twins the 1st time.

So the problem Came in beCause there was some additional testing that I didn't know about, but the DR wants me to do this test where they insert a mirsCope into my uterus and look in there. The problem is that the billing department didn't think it would be Covered by insuranCe so it Costs about 1,000.00 buCks, this is in addition to an ultrasound to look at my uterus, so this was news to me. They also Charge this $250.00 admin fee to start the FET Cyle with them. This was inCreasing the Costs from about 4,500 to over 5,500 and getting into a priCe into an area where I am not Comfortable anymore. I spoke to the billing department well I was there and I thought my insuranCe was going to Cover this testing but now it is looking like they will not. I am not totally sure but when I went through this testing with another fertility offiCe b4 my insuranCe did Cover it. Overall even though this fertility offiCe is the most affordable in my state, the additional testing and hidden fees they Charge have made me deCide to do the FET at my first CliniC and just do the drive.

I also met with the IVF Coordinator well I was there, and I didn't Care for her, she talked really fast and was Confusing as a result of it. She was saying she wanted my DH to provide an STD blood panel even though he won't even be involved with the Cyle this time at all, sinCe the embryos are already made. That makes no sense to me. They also wanted me to do additional testing that is not part of the normal routine OBGYN exam and STD panel that you would get when you go for your well women exam, so I have no idea if that stuff would be Covered or not. Long story short by the time I was done my head was spinning and I felt overwhelmed.

So I spoke to my old CliniC on the phone and asked how the FET would work if I do it out of state and I Can just do my monitoring out of town, and just go up there for the transfer itself. I CheCked with a fertility CliniC near my home to ask about monitoring me for the FET and they Charge 175.00 for an ultrasound, whiCh I would need a few but that is still Cheaper than all of the other testing Costs I would raCk up with the new CliniC. My old CliniC Charges $1650.00 for the transfer and than I would have to pay for the meds whiCh range from about 500 to 1k, so $2,650 is a hell of alot more affordable in the long run. So that is our new plan and I am more Comfortable with that. I already know and like the other DR, and had suCCess with them, so I feel better about it. We would just drive right to the City where the fertilty offiCe is, so it would only be a 4.5 hour drive this way. I might just go by myself and leave DH at home with the kids or if he is nervous about having them alone we might all go together, we haven't made up our minds yet, but I am leaning towards Otober to do it now to avoid the winter weather that happens up north, but I would for sure do it by November. I Can drive to my hometown that is about 45 minutes away from my fertility CliniC and visit with family well I am there if I have the time.

So that is the new plan and I feel muCh better about the overall Cost and proCess, sinCe I found out today that I Can do out of town monitoring and only have to be out of town for a day for the transfer. Of Course with the Commute I would have to spend the night, so I would be there 2 nights and 3 days at a minimum.

The new CliniC was really going to extremes with the testing and going beyond what I feel should be neCessary for me to do the FET. The thought of jumping through all of these hoops for the FET is Crazy to me. I am already annoyed that I have to go through so muh to get pregnant in the first plaCe but adding in extra Costs and extra testing has made me think driving long distanCe is the lesser of the 2 evils, so i Can have some $$ left in savings at the end of the day!"
Thanks wanna:flower: Yeah it would be but after having tried for this long (with 6 failed IUIs to boot), I'm not holding out much hope for it happening naturally:nope: DH and I are just trying to take things easy until we can start IVF. It's been kinda good for us I think since we're not trying to BD to make a baby, we're just BDing and seeing what happens:thumbup:

As for the royal jelly, it delayed my AF last cycle but I don't know if it was because I started taking them around 6-7 dpo or if it was because they contained extra vitamins (while the new ones I'm now taking don't):shrug: We'll see what happens. Actually I'm almost hoping it delays AF by a couple of days since that'd make my cycle fit better for starting IVF very shortly after that appointment. But if AF hasn't started by around 3 days after I expect it to, I'll stop taking them.

Glad to hear that the people at the other clinic were, for the most part, nice and helpful. But it stinks they wanted you to do all those extra tests. I don't know if they wanted your DH checked out in case the FET fails and you want to do 1 fresh IVF cycle:shrug: But if you feel most comfortable going back to your previous clinic, that may be the best choice. Will you need to have an appointment with the old clinic now to discuss things with them or can you just call them when you want to start?
Hi ladies,

I have been briefly chatting to Kat on a thread I had started for those starting IVF in Oct and she said that you guys were chatting on here, so thought I would come and say Hi and join your journies.

A little background about us.... Me and OH are 31, we have been trying to conceive since December 2011. After thinking it would happen easily, it soon became clear that it wouldn't. After a year of trying and not a hint of a BFP we visited out Dr who referred us to our local Fertility clinic. Many tests later they discovered I suffer from late on-set congenital adrenal hyperplasia and was perscribed dexamethason (steroid) to lower some very high hormone levels that they believed was stopping me get pregnant. I also did 3 rounds of clomid. Still no BFP.

We went for our initial appointment for IVF on 11.08.2015 and will be looking to start out first round in Oct. We need to go back in Sept to see a nurse to discuss the drugs I will be using and when and then full steam ahead in Oct. I was a little disappointed as wanted to start in Sept but was too close, I supose one more month won't hurt when we've been trying for nearly 4 years.

I have been a member on this site for over 3 years now and is so lovely to meet new people who are going through the same / similar things as you. I haven't had a chance to read all of the posts yet, but I will do over time and look forward to hearing many BFPs over the next few months xx
Welcome zelly1:flower: Nice to see you here:happydance:

So sorry you've been having problems conceiving as well. I know what you mean about wanting to start sooner, I was hoping we'd get an appointment with our hospital sooner but no such luck:nope: I was ready to go after IUI #6 failed:haha:

Yeah I know what you mean, it's so wonderful to talk to others on this board that understand what it's like, especially if you don't know anyone that has been through similar fertility issues themselves.

Here's hoping we all get BFPs before Christmas:happydance:
Thanks wanna:flower: Yeah it would be but after having tried for this long (with 6 failed IUIs to boot), I'm not holding out much hope for it happening naturally:nope: DH and I are just trying to take things easy until we can start IVF. It's been kinda good for us I think since we're not trying to BD to make a baby, we're just BDing and seeing what happens:thumbup:

As for the royal jelly, it delayed my AF last cycle but I don't know if it was because I started taking them around 6-7 dpo or if it was because they contained extra vitamins (while the new ones I'm now taking don't):shrug: We'll see what happens. Actually I'm almost hoping it delays AF by a couple of days since that'd make my cycle fit better for starting IVF very shortly after that appointment. But if AF hasn't started by around 3 days after I expect it to, I'll stop taking them.

Glad to hear that the people at the other clinic were, for the most part, nice and helpful. But it stinks they wanted you to do all those extra tests. I don't know if they wanted your DH checked out in case the FET fails and you want to do 1 fresh IVF cycle:shrug: But if you feel most comfortable going back to your previous clinic, that may be the best choice. Will you need to have an appointment with the old clinic now to discuss things with them or can you just call them when you want to start?

I contacted my old clinic and I have a phone consultation this Saturday 08/29 in the early morning with the DR that did my transfer for my first IVF cycle that resulted in my twins, so it will be really awesome to talk to him and be able to say thank you. I am hoping he can do my FET transfer also since I had success with him before. I will find out from him what the next steps will be. I already talked to the billing department there and I also found a fertility clinic near my home to do the out of town monitoring and blood draws for the actual FET cycle. I got all of the costs from them also for the ultrasounds and blood work that I would need so I am looking at a grand total of about $3,500 to 4k or so depending on how much monitoring I need and how much the meds will cost me. Once I am ready to go on with the FET cycle I need to contact my fertility clinic about 3 weeks before my AF starts so they can get me RX's written so I can get those filled and ordered in time to start. :thumbup: I am thinking about doing it in October but no later than November. :thumbup:

Hi ladies,

I have been briefly chatting to Kat on a thread I had started for those starting IVF in Oct and she said that you guys were chatting on here, so thought I would come and say Hi and join your journies.

A little background about us.... Me and OH are 31, we have been trying to conceive since December 2011. After thinking it would happen easily, it soon became clear that it wouldn't. After a year of trying and not a hint of a BFP we visited out Dr who referred us to our local Fertility clinic. Many tests later they discovered I suffer from late on-set congenital adrenal hyperplasia and was perscribed dexamethason (steroid) to lower some very high hormone levels that they believed was stopping me get pregnant. I also did 3 rounds of clomid. Still no BFP.

We went for our initial appointment for IVF on 11.08.2015 and will be looking to start out first round in Oct. We need to go back in Sept to see a nurse to discuss the drugs I will be using and when and then full steam ahead in Oct. I was a little disappointed as wanted to start in Sept but was too close, I supose one more month won't hurt when we've been trying for nearly 4 years.

I have been a member on this site for over 3 years now and is so lovely to meet new people who are going through the same / similar things as you. I haven't had a chance to read all of the posts yet, but I will do over time and look forward to hearing many BFPs over the next few months xx

Welcome to the group! :flower: This is a very lovely, supportive and friendly group of ladies!:thumbup: It is nice to have some girlfriends to go through this process with! I must admit without you girls to chat with I would be feeling very lonely at times. I am sorry that you are battling infertility, it can be a very painful journey, and I hope your IVF cycle results in a BFP! :hugs: I wish you lots of good luck and sticky baby dust vibes for your IVF cycle! :dust::dust:
Hi Zelly welcome to this thread. Infertility is something so hard to share with others that haven't gone through it. Caught up with some mothers today and they asked whether I am going to try for another one.

I wish I could but I can't try naturally so it made me a bit upset. Thank goodness for this board.

Zelly Oct is around the corner very excited for you.

Wanna sorry that your local clinic didn't work out for you but it is great that you can now thank your doctor.

Afm I called today to make an appointment 23 sept. They want to do a few blood test etc hope everything is fine. Don't think I will start my cycle until November. Another problem is my period hasn't came since 20 July very late due to the mini pill. I stopped taking it now but hoping I don't get a painful heavy period due to my endometriosis!

Can't wait to hear about everyone's cycles.
Infertility is something so hard to share with others that haven't gone through it. Caught up with some mothers today and they asked whether I am going to try for another one.

I wish I could but I can't try naturally so it made me a bit upset. Thank goodness for this board.

Ain't that the truth:nope: I'm sorry that they upset you, women that had a reasonably easy time of getting pregnant just don't get it, they think you just need to BD a couple of months or so and whupti, you're pregnant. I actually fear getting a similar question from people who don't know my fertility issues when we actually succeed in having a baby:wacko: Makes me hope extra for twins because then I'd think that question would less likely come up :haha: DH would preferably like to only have 1 child but is perfectly fine with 2 if I get pregnant with twins from our IVF.

Afm I called today to make an appointment 23 sept. They want to do a few blood test etc hope everything is fine. Don't think I will start my cycle until November. Another problem is my period hasn't came since 20 July very late due to the mini pill. I stopped taking it now but hoping I don't get a painful heavy period due to my endometriosis!

Can't wait to hear about everyone's cycles.

Hope the appointment goes well:flower: What kind of blood tests do they want you to do? I hope your AF won't be so bad :(
Hey, can I join you? We are looking to start our process at the end of November. We have had three failed iuis, dh has severely low sperm count. He has tried many things to help it, clomid for 6 months, supplements, and varicocele repair. I have "weak ovulation " but responded extremely well to letrozole. We have waited a long time before deciding on ivf because of the money. Our re told us that she thinks that we have really high chances since I have no real issues, especially if we do icsi. We have come to an idea to help out a little. We already have almost everything we need as far as baby items go, so we will not have a baby shower after I'm expecting. Instead we will have a help us have a baby shower. I will have all of our family and friends donate whatever amount they would spend on a gift to our ivf. And whatever is left we will take out a loan. I'm super excited!

Hope I can join in too! My DH also has low sperm ct and quality. Md said we should go straight to IVF and we just had our retrieval this morning. Hope to transfer in Oct depending on how many embryos we have!!! Praying hard for those little eggs! It took us a while to decide on IVF also bc of cost and ultimately decided on taking out a loan. We did ICSI bc they said d/t DH counts it would be the only option! He also did cloud, supplements and varicocele repair which made the latter made all his counts etc worse so that was a HUGE disappointment! And the fact that you have to wait for at least 3 to 5 months after sx. Hope all works out for you guys!!!! Let me know if u need someone to talk to!
Hi ladies, can I join? I went for my baseline scan today and they found a cyst. They want me to wait until October to check if it is gone. If it goes I will start in October, so fingers crossed.

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