Lol awh, at least your last tri is going smoothThanks abii! I'm feeling really good actually!i wish i felt shittier lol.
don't feel like i am any where near labor time.
i am starting to feel nervous. Last night while laying in bed, i thought to myself my days of sleeping through the night are almost over
and also i've been a sahm for so long, those days are almost over tooi need to get a part time job asap once LO is born to help finances.
lots of dust for next cycle if af comeswhats your strategy for next cycle?
more cramps and tons of creamy ewcm!!neg opk today though. since starting my job ive lost 22 lbs! so im hoping that weight shift will boost my fertility abit! lol if i dont concieve this cycle, then next cycle id be due around jamies 2nd birthday! same ish due date i bet!
i love the gown but here we dont wear what the docs give u unless u have surgery, i brought in a cheap nighty which i gave birth in, then changed into my maternity pj's which were a handy black in colour!
Lol awh, at least your last tri is going smoothThanks abii! I'm feeling really good actually!i wish i felt shittier lol.
don't feel like i am any where near labor time.
i am starting to feel nervous. Last night while laying in bed, i thought to myself my days of sleeping through the night are almost over
and also i've been a sahm for so long, those days are almost over tooi need to get a part time job asap once LO is born to help finances.
lots of dust for next cycle if af comeswhats your strategy for next cycle?
mine sucked! completley sucked lol, my uterus just never stopped hurting so I was always limping around along with my back and my boobs, and to top it off I got a bad cold right before I went into labor with her lol it was just all bad, but I cant wait for it to happen again
Awh yeah, that is kind of sucky but at least you have a few weeks before you have to start looking for work, let yourself heal and take your time. You should definitely wait until your at least 4-6 weeks pp(or until you feel you are able to handle it) do you think your going to be overdue?
And thanks hunI'm pretty sure she will which is why I bought my bbt but who knows lol. Next cycle we go full force and try but if we dont get it we will go back to ntnp. I will use bbt, opks, pre-seed, softcups and maybe my clearblue monitor but since Ill be using opks and bbt I might just save myself from the stress and not use it lol
Yeah I walked and bounced on a ball too with dd haha, the night we had sex after not doing it for like a week, bam I went into laborLol awh, at least your last tri is going smoothThanks abii! I'm feeling really good actually!i wish i felt shittier lol.
don't feel like i am any where near labor time.
i am starting to feel nervous. Last night while laying in bed, i thought to myself my days of sleeping through the night are almost over
and also i've been a sahm for so long, those days are almost over tooi need to get a part time job asap once LO is born to help finances.
lots of dust for next cycle if af comeswhats your strategy for next cycle?
mine sucked! completley sucked lol, my uterus just never stopped hurting so I was always limping around along with my back and my boobs, and to top it off I got a bad cold right before I went into labor with her lol it was just all bad, but I cant wait for it to happen again
Awh yeah, that is kind of sucky but at least you have a few weeks before you have to start looking for work, let yourself heal and take your time. You should definitely wait until your at least 4-6 weeks pp(or until you feel you are able to handle it) do you think your going to be overdue?
And thanks hunI'm pretty sure she will which is why I bought my bbt but who knows lol. Next cycle we go full force and try but if we dont get it we will go back to ntnp. I will use bbt, opks, pre-seed, softcups and maybe my clearblue monitor but since Ill be using opks and bbt I might just save myself from the stress and not use it lol
Aww your 3rd tri sounds miserable. But i know what you mean., you do miss it and can't wait to go through it again!
I am pretty sure i'll go over again..probably the same. A couple days over. I did start trying to evict the baby. I bounced on a ball and did some power walking.
Ya i'd probably skip the clear blue if you're doing the opks already. Sounds like a good plan of attack though!