I didn't care about wearing the hospital gowns no one was going to see me in it and I wasn't in it long enough to care lol. About an hour after labor I had a shower and got dressed in my own clothes anyway.
Abii: what do you mean by no? Birth plan lol I'm not to sure what that stands for.
Afm: I think I am getting sick. For some reason everyone I have been catching up with has had sick kids and not told me! Yesterday the friend I caught up with her kid has croop I am sooooo angry! My sister also didn't tell me her son had conjunctivitis and the flu and hunter got sick. I don't understand those kinds of things I never ever take my child out when he is sick and if I think he is getting sick I always make sure I tell who ever I am catching up with that either I prefer not to go or that it's up to them and what they are comfortable with it just really infuriates me how inconsiderate people are.
I have had a bad fever all night and this morning so not a good sign

Other than that I am feeling pretty good ms is pretty much gone I only have probably 1 bad day for the whole week. My belly is growing at what feels like a rapid rate! But I have been eating so bad since I've been here so as of today I am straightening that up! Only another week and I get to see my husband again thank god I can't wait I have missed him so much! And so has hunter.
Army: omg not long at all now! How exciting I can't believe he is almost here! Hopefully you don't go over but if you do all that matters is he arrives safely and you are well! It's good that your not feeling crappy. I felt great when I had hunter even though I was 6 days over due people kept asking me I bet your over it I bet you are so uncomfortable but other than the day before I had him I felt great!
Darlin: how's everything going with dh? I saw your thread on the pregnancy club and just wish I could reach over there and give you a big hug!
Red rose: fx for this cycle!! My due date is only 4 days before hunters birthday which really sucks

I got my bfp a day apart in dates lol I wish there birthdays were further apart but oh well it happens I guess.