Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

I saw your nursery on your other thread it looks great and we'll done on the sewing part!! I love that it's set around dh guitar! And you look lovely in your photo!
I was well and truely over the false labor by the end also. They won't even let you go a few days over being a hospital vbac will they? :( it sucks if so because it could only be that a very needs 2 ot 3 more days to cook and go on his own, is there anyway you can ask to go say 4-5 days over with lots of monitoring or thats not something you want or are willing to do? I think it's the rlt that does this I stopped taking mine at the end and it helped alot. But in saying that it did help me dilate to 5 before I even went into labor so hopefully your contractions are doing the same
I'm allowed to go to a full 42wks as long as he is staying healthy. My edd is May 2nd and out cs is scheduled for May 16th. I'm not allowed to be induced at all. Either he comes on his own terms or we have a cs. Kind of sucks but oh well. She will start considering stripping my membranes at 39wks.
Aw thats excellent they will pet you go over! I think he will come on his own hun your uterus is already doing all the right things.
Not long till your sweep then I home he comes soon for you
Water broke at about 2am. I have until 2pm for contractions to pick up and get regular. Then I have to go into the hospital regardless. My water was nice and clear and I am gbs negative so now it's just a waiting game. We might have an Easter baby after all! :bunny:
Yayyyyy how unbelievably exciting!!!! Only 1 2hrs though :( what will happen if he doesn't show will they use pitocin or will you have to have a c section?
I just have to be there for monitoring in 12hrs. He doesn't have to be here by then. I can't receive any drugs to speed up labor because I'm a vbac
Right thats ok then and yeah I thought so about the no drugs for vbac. How are you feeling?
Ok. The most frustrating thing is I keep gushing fluid :(contractions are just like intense af cramps but I'm dealing ok for right now because I used to get rly bad ones each month. I just feel the contractions more in my bottom is all.
Yeah its not a great feeling lol.
That's where I felt this contractions this time with phoenix it was the way he was facing.
Hopefully your contractions pick up soon. You will have to keep us updated I think he with arrive before easter. Is easter tomorrow for you guys?
So I gave up on the drug free approach because of he crazy intense back labor. I wasn't able to get up and move around anyway was feeling sick and dizzy sitting in bed on top of the pain. I gave into some IV drugs and I am so so so happy! Doesn't get rid of the contractions but cuts out the back pan which was my real problem. Epi at 7cm. I was 3cm 80% at check in at 930. It's now 130 and no check yet.
Avery James Householder was born April 19th, 2014 at 8:20pm. He weighs 5lbs 14oz and is 19inches. He arrived via c-section but will be in NICU overnight. Momma had an infection so we are being monitored closely but are doing fine. He is such a happy boy that smiles a lot. Big brother Logan ADORES him already.


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What a cutie! I hope you and baby are doing well! I hope you were ready for his early arrival! :baby:

Rest up momma! Lots of hugs!! :hugs: :hugs:
Just caught up on previous posts. The room looks great! Beautiful baby bump pic! Looks like avery was ready for the easter bunny!
Yay congrats hun how did it all go down? Can't wait to hear the birth story :)
Are you able to breastfeed while he is in the nicu or are you ff? I hope you get him back in your arms ASAP and I hope you are feeling ok with the infection and all you poor thing!
So so tiny little bubba but looks so happy in the photo well done mumma xx
Eekk I'm so nervous I am going to try hunter out in his own room tonight and really stick to it this time! I've been talking to him about going in his big boy bed now that he is toilet trained and that he is a big boy now and big boys sleep in the big boy beds and today he actually said yep he wanted to sleep in there tonight so fingers crossed it goes well!
I have been pretty soft on phoenix lately as well and he is sleeping like crap! 3 out of the last 5 nights I have brought him into our bed at some point and I don't want to go backwards but it's so hard sometimes when your exhausted to just do what's easier rather than what's better for them :( I hope I can stick to my guns and stop bringing him into our room and get hunter finally in his!

How is everyone else going?
Hope it goes well with hunter! We tried once to get him to sleep in his big boy bed we bought, a twin bed. He was fine for like a half hour then he cried and cried, so we put him back in his crib. I was actually just googling about this. Trying to see what ideas other mommas have to transition. My mom said maybe i need to some body pillows so he feels more secure....idk..... I may just wait until he can decide to switch for himself. Are you guys still thinking about baby #3?
I know what you mean about just doing whats easier in the moment... im guilty too. I'm sure alot of us are lol. my husband always gave me a look when i brought zach into bed with us, but it was easier than him crying in his crib.

Other than that the boys are great. Zach sleeps from about 7 until 8am. Wakes up once a night for a bottle. Its so nice now too because he can hold his own bottle so i just change his diaper give him a bottle, and im back to bed.

Stephen did so well yesterday for easter! I didnt think he would understand the concept, but once we pointed out eggs he would run to the next one, it was so cute.


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He had a little formula, I pumped a little and BFd. He got to come back to our room yesterday morning for good. They just took him for his circumcision and his last antibiotic treatment and to remove his iv. When he comes back I can finally put hi in his own clothes. His iv was too bulky for them before.


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Glad Avery is doing so well!!!!!!!!!!! He looks nice and healthy!
I bet you were surprised to be giving birth easter weekend!!

so happy for you! :bunny:
I cannot get any help from DH. I wish he'd just go home :( I haven't been sleeping from the pain and discomfort and all he is doing is sleeping on the little couch and watching movies on the laptop. I even tried to get him to walk over to the little dad's buffet down the hall a few min ago to get me some more sugar because they didn't bring me enough with my breakfast and he just says it's not open, rolls over and goes back to sleep. I didn't even get a break tonight with LO. I was supposed to. He was next to the couch next to him but after we gave him the little bit of formula I'd allow (he wanted to give him tho whole bottle!) he set it in front of me said "it's good til X time" and then ignored little ones cries when he woke back up.
aww so sorry darlin :hugs: keep on trying to talk to him and tell him how exhausted and sore you are and tell him you"d appreciate soo much if he would help out.

hopefully he starts pitching in.
I know I had issues with this too, I would lay in the guilt trip to him like, "wow that 6 hours of sleep you just got must be real nice, i wonder what that feels like you ass hole" lol I remember saying that

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