Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

I always get v confused with the difference between currency, dollar being one. We have euro here in ireland but I must say I hate it lol. I must prefer the pound we had. Cost of living here can be expensive. But houses you could get from 50,000 here not great condition but you could lol. The average being 100,000 to 120,000 but it cant be as much as 750,000 in some areas and sizes! We reckon we will be buying our first house in the next 3 to 4 years, once david gets a job after his phd we can save for a deposit! At the moment david works 2 jobs on top of his phd! People call him crazy or feel sorry for him but he loves it, ever since we dated at 16 hes always enjoyed a full work hours. :)
Paging Dr. Logan! :haha: He was helping me check on Avery because he wasn't moving much. Boy he sure is now tho!


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As far as medical goes its all free and it doesn't get taken out of our wage at all. You van pay private if you like so you get a seperate room and bathroom in a hospital and you see the same drs and specialists every time where as public (free) you get who ever is on. As for dental and vision we have to pay and for where I live to have 1 tooth removed is between 300-400. Drs is 78 but you get 40 back usually so its 38 out of pocket.
The wages are very very different! But compared to the price of houses and cars its not bad.

Loaf of bread $2-$8
Milk $2-$8
Eggs $3-$10
Formula $15-$24
All of these depend on the brand you buy.
I do know that the car we bought was $38000 here and over there it would be about $25000 I'm pretty sure mick said.

750000 euro is 1.14mil aud lol we have alot of houses for that and plus but your normal family home is up 450000 which would be like 350000 euro I think and that's like 4 bed 3 bath one huge land
Bread here is 80.c to 5 euro
Milk 60.c to 3 euro
Eggs 1 to 5 euro
Formula is 9 to 15 euro a can

This all depends on brand and size etc. It doesnt seem alot but minimum wage is like 8 euro so for people earning the least amount or on the dole it would be hard. Here if u have a medical card its free, kids til 5 are free for everything, and pregnancy is free. Luckily ive a medical card as do dh and jamie but prob get them taken off us when david qualifys
Yeah we have health care cards for people of pensions and what not or low income earners and they get dental, medication and eyes cheaper and drs for free.

Do you guys have like a baby payment from the government? We have 2 different ones. The baby bonus which is what I get and its not income tested for your first child its 350 a fortnight but as phoenix is my second its 198 a fortnight or there is paid parental leave which is up to 950 a fortnight and both are for 18 weeks. We also have maternity leave if you are working when pregnant and plan on going back.
Yeah we get child benefit each month, we get 130 per child, if u have multiples u get double lol. If your single parent u get more. Every one gets it regardless of wage. It used to be 160 per child but it went down 10 euroeach year the last 3 budgets here. We are still in recession! Hopefully if the economy gets better it m7ght go up.
Hey ladies, thanks for asking:hugs: everything is going well(for now) if you want an update about yesterday when I went to hospital you guys can follow my pregnancy journal, it wasn't anything too serious I dont want to freak any of you out lol but its all explained in my journal(in my siggy):flower:

Army- Yes I have told 4 people my 2 best friends, my brother and another friend but we are not telling anyone else until after we tell mil and my dad which will be around 10 weeks then we are doing a facebook announcement at 12 weeks:)
I honestly dont mind either gender, I imagine myself having all girls anyway lol but my husband wants a boy. He's no fun though lol I wanted to do a gender reveal and hes all "I want to know right away" then I said "well what if its a boy, it will be really exciting for you" but he said its probably a girl:dohh: psh, men:roll: haha.
And I like alot of names for both genders so thats going to be the hardest part lol. I thought I didn't like any boy names until I actually looked, now I have a list thats longer then my girl names:haha:

Darlin- Awh that picture is adorable:)
darlin: that picture is soooooo cute!!!

Abii: You should do a gender reveal! you guys can know right away but make everyone else wait for the reveal! I did that with my first with chocolate cupcakes! 2nd one hubby didnt wanna do a reveal, so I sent a mass text message with blue hersey kisses around the ultrasound.
So happy you finally got your bfp! it was breaking my heart hearing how sad you were. So many times I wished I coulda reached across the computer and gave you a real hug. Again So happy for you!!!! :hugs:
Abii: You should do a gender reveal! you guys can know right away but make everyone else wait for the reveal! I did that with my first with chocolate cupcakes! 2nd one hubby didnt wanna do a reveal, so I sent a mass text message with blue hersey kisses around the ultrasound.
So happy you finally got your bfp! it was breaking my heart hearing how sad you were. So many times I wished I coulda reached across the computer and gave you a real hug. Again So happy for you!!!! :hugs:
I really wanted to do a gender reveal party for this one so I might convince hubby to just go along with it lol, I mean he can know the gender if he wants but he should still be apart of the reveal(thats the guilt trip Ill use on him:winkwink::haha:) I want to do a cake with blue or pink m&m's in the middle so we'll see how it works out. I might just have to stick with the gender reveal pictures instead of a party, but I really wanted to go all out for it:dohh: Your reveal sounds super cute, do you still have any pictures? I'd love to see:)
And awh thank you hun:hugs:
Just got back from the mw ladies and it feels great to know we are progressing! :happydance:
50% effaced
and baby is in a -2 station!

She was super excited she could feel the babies head when she checked me. Said whatever I am doing to keep it up because it's working. She doesn't know if I will make to our edd :D
Wow thats great darlin! Hope you have your bags packed! I had absolutely nothing until like 40wks so thats great your progressing! Going overdue stinks!

Abii: never heard of m&ms in a cake, sounds cute! And makes me hungry lol. I do have pictures! I'm on my phone right now, but ill try to post some today
Cd 12 here and waiting to ovulate, we are doing the smep but we didnt start til cd 9 oops oh well. Im also using concieve plus each time! Opk neg this morning, im hoping I get a positive tomorrow like last cycle
Aww abii I wish you were closer. I'd totally make an m&m cake for you! I know exactly what you are talking about :)

I wanted a gender reveal but there was too much going on with the holidays.
Got up to do some laundry. Started cramping and had to pee. Lost a bunch more of what I think was plug.
Feeling so down right now, my grandad is in surgery right now, they are trying to save his legs but they reckon most likely he will have to have both legs removed! They found two anerisims :( praying hard right now he will be ok
Darlin: how exciting shouldn't be long for you! Did she do a sweep or just check you?

Redrose: how scary for you and your family! Big big :hugs: hun it must be a hard time for you all.

Abii: I have been reading your pregnancy journal I think I will stalk throughout your pregnancy! I have never followed anyone's journal before but I have found it interesting and it may help me keep my pregnancy envy under wraps lol.

Afm: hunter decided today it was time to use the toilet!!! I am so fricken excited and proud! We were sitting on the couch and he had no nappy on and did a tiny trickle then just said mum mum wee wee so I asked if he needed to go and his reply yep yep so he rode his bike to the toilet lol and went and has been in jocks all day with only one little dribble accident I error sly almost cried the first time he went I have been so stressed about him not toilet training and it came so unexpectedly! He is so cute he says hi 5 after every toilet trip lol and has only fallen in twice. It will be interesting to see how he goes at day care tomorrow I hope he does just as well there.
On another note I am having such a hard time with hunter and the nasty things he does to phoenix :( today I am not to sure whether he rimmed the car into his head or if it was an accident but phoenix has 2 big lumps and bruising on the side of his head now :( about half hr after he did that he then ran phoenix's walker into his head! I have tried to talk to him about gentle play and tonight after he did it and I sent him to his room he said it was naughty and said sorry and gave phoenix a kiss on the head and said ooo sore but I just don't understand why he does it. How are your boys together army?

We are also having to get rid of our dogs as when we move back to melbourne we will be living with micks parents and they already have 2 dogs and you need an acre or more to keep more than 2 dogs on a property. So I have put them up on a Facebook page for my town looking for a good home for them and people are leaving awful comments :( it is hard enough knowing we have to get rid of our dogs let alone people being awful about it. I wish we could keep them but we are not rich and to rent a place big enough for the dogs would be about 700 a week and to buy would be like 600000 and we can not afford that af all. In the town I am currently in you just have to apply for a permit no matter how big the land. I am just sad that people can judge when they don't know the reason ans are now making me feel like an awful person.

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