Darlin: how exciting shouldn't be long for you! Did she do a sweep or just check you?
Redrose: how scary for you and your family! Big big

hun it must be a hard time for you all.
Abii: I have been reading your pregnancy journal I think I will stalk throughout your pregnancy! I have never followed anyone's journal before but I have found it interesting and it may help me keep my pregnancy envy under wraps lol.
Afm: hunter decided today it was time to use the toilet!!! I am so fricken excited and proud! We were sitting on the couch and he had no nappy on and did a tiny trickle then just said mum mum wee wee so I asked if he needed to go and his reply yep yep so he rode his bike to the toilet lol and went and has been in jocks all day with only one little dribble accident I error sly almost cried the first time he went I have been so stressed about him not toilet training and it came so unexpectedly! He is so cute he says hi 5 after every toilet trip lol and has only fallen in twice. It will be interesting to see how he goes at day care tomorrow I hope he does just as well there.
On another note I am having such a hard time with hunter and the nasty things he does to phoenix

today I am not to sure whether he rimmed the car into his head or if it was an accident but phoenix has 2 big lumps and bruising on the side of his head now

about half hr after he did that he then ran phoenix's walker into his head! I have tried to talk to him about gentle play and tonight after he did it and I sent him to his room he said it was naughty and said sorry and gave phoenix a kiss on the head and said ooo sore but I just don't understand why he does it. How are your boys together army?
We are also having to get rid of our dogs as when we move back to melbourne we will be living with micks parents and they already have 2 dogs and you need an acre or more to keep more than 2 dogs on a property. So I have put them up on a Facebook page for my town looking for a good home for them and people are leaving awful comments

it is hard enough knowing we have to get rid of our dogs let alone people being awful about it. I wish we could keep them but we are not rich and to rent a place big enough for the dogs would be about 700 a week and to buy would be like 600000 and we can not afford that af all. In the town I am currently in you just have to apply for a permit no matter how big the land. I am just sad that people can judge when they don't know the reason ans are now making me feel like an awful person.