Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

Well we didn't end up getting hunter in his bed as we are all really sick :( I ended up having to call mick home from work on Monday night at midnight because both the boys and myself were sick but also hunters asthma was really bad and we were close to having to take him to hospital, I didn't end up getting to sleep till 3 am after cleaning up vomit and snot and what nor and mick didn't fall asleep till 5 as he sad he was to scared hunter would stop breathing :(
We are both on antibiotics now so feeling much better but now phoenix is really sick! Mick said he doesn't want hunter to go to daycare because 3 out of the 5 times he's been there he has gotten sick it makes me so angry that parents still send there kids when sick!
Wellll speaking of number 3! I had a scan done yesterday just to make sure there was no 10 week old baby in there which there wasn't lol but she did say it looks like I am 4 weeks pregnant!!!! I have to go for bloods tomorrow to confirm as she said she could be wrong which I personally think she is there is no way that I have fallen pregnant for the second time using the pull out method!! She did show me the screen and I could see what she was talking about but I think it's just a glitch as its an oldish machine. So hmmm we will see next week I guess. But if I am not pregnant we definitely won't try till the end of next year I don't think as we move back home in september and then hopefully if all goes to plan be in our own home by the time I'm due so I can have another homebirth. And omg just calculated and I would be due December 31st another December baby!!! If I am pregnant I really hope it's late otherwise that would be 3 December babies! That would mean there would mine, micks, my dad's, micks uncle, My sister, our two and a third baby birthdays and christmas all within just over month of each other that is ridiculous!!!

That's great about the sleeping! And cute that he can hold his own bottle, I haven't given phoenix a bottle of bm for a while but tried today to make sure he would still take one and he was grabbing onto the bottle, he wouldn't be able to hold it up but it was cute that he grabbed hold of it :)

I love watching the kids do the easter egg hunt its so great seeing how excited they get! And love the photo!

Darlin: so sorry your having a hard time especially as you have had a section :( I think it's all men! I remember phoenix was like 5 days old and I had pulled a stomach muscle and mick cracked it so bad when I would wake him to get phoenix out of the cot because I couldn't I just cried lol post pregnancy emotions when he saw that it was enough to stop him whinging. I hope he starts helping soon hun and don't let him be unsupportive of your breastfeeding you need all the encouragement abd support you can get as it can be a difficult thing and he should be your number 1 on your cheer squad!
What's the reason you are having to supplement?
Omg wow thats amazing! Can u imagine! Congratulations if u r hun.

Im 11 dpo not tested yet, no symptoms but not of my usual pms pre af either
Ill test Saturday if no af or spotting
It would be ridiculous if I really am! And to be honest after it all I am really not ready right especially after having both boys sick as well as myself I couldn't imagine that happening with 3 kids on my own with the 2 being so young at least if we don't start trying till the end of this yr early next yr phoenix will most likely be 2 and hunter will be 4 so it will be alot more manageable.

Yay no af signs is a great positive sign lol hopefully saturday brings you 2 nice pink lines!
Kristie!! Wow!!! Seems likke the real deal since it was on a scan! Wow! That must of been surprising! From pull out method too! The odds!
Iff you are, you'll be just fine. Sometimes we all feel overwhelmed, but we pull through it. Day by day.
Yah! Congrats?! Lol just a lil earlier than you wanted.
I'm still not holding my breathe though as the scanner is not exactly up to date it could very well be nothing. I was going to go get bloods today but the boys and I are to sick I don't think we will be leaving the bed most of the day lol. And army I know seriously what are the odds! I go from trying for over 3 yrs for our first and then to 1 possibly 2 pull out method babies! Ridiculous!!
Darlin hope you and avery are doing well! :hugs: Hopefully you are in the comfort of your own home now and enjoying some bonding time. :)

Krisitie when do you find out if you are knocked up!?!?!?! lol

abii hope you are doing well!!!!!!!

Lots and lots of baby dust redrose!

Nothing new here. Zach is crawling and pulling himself up! I think i may have another early walker on my hands.
I've been lurking but things have just been crazy. We got home Tuesday. Already had his 1st pediatrician appt. and he is 5lbs 15oz so 1oz more than at birth! :D He's doing great. Breastfeeding is going good. I've already got like 15oz stored in the freezer. Luckily he can't have formula so I can't cave and screw up. It upsets his tummy. He's so cute tho. Smiles all the time. Logan loves him. He likes to pet his head, hold him and give him kisses.

Really looking forward to next month! I get to go get my hair done. Getting it dyed, bangs trimmed and eyebrows done. I can't wait to feel normal again. Mentally feeling better and more like myself again. Feeling closer to DH. Things are pretty good. Kind of bummed tho because I have gained more weight than what I went in weighing :( I can't wait to start working out.

Kristie can't wait to hear how it goes! Think we decided to wait until Logan is in Kindergarten for the next one. Which is another thing... I can't wait for :sex: Idk why but my libido is through the roof! :haha:
Haha Darlin mine was as well after having phoenix and then as soon as we could have sex again it all went down hill I feel so sorry my dh as he constantly wants it and I am so not interested but no af and still breastfeeding will do that.
I still haven't been to the drs yet for my bloods I have been putting it off so by the time I go if I am the bloods will be up high enough for a good answer.
Darlin so glad things are better with you and dh now it can be difficult in those early days when you are exhausted and they are unsympathetic! They just don't and will never understand d what we go through. That's great that breastfeeding is going well and in a few months time it will be like second nature (I am actually feeding phoenix as I type this lol) its midnight here and I have been having alot of trouble sleeping so thought ide give him a dream feed now so hopefully he won't wake till 5 now and I will at least get some decent sleep!

Redrose: how's your cycle going? Have you tested yet?

Army: yay how exciting I bet he will be up and about in no time.

Me and the boys are finally getting better after a horrible might last night with little to no sleep! But dh is sick the poor bugger. Phoenix is rolling all the time now he has been able to for 2 months but didn't do it regularly until now I can't leave him on his own he ends up half way across the room lol and I have found him a few times up the other end of the cot sideways haha and he is so much more interactive now and will try and grab for things whilst on his belly. I don't think he will walk as early as hunter though as hunter was on the verge of commando at this age but I don't mind each kid is different. Hunter never really babbled at this age but phoenix talks to you none stop he is such a chatterbox. I love how different they are and phoenix adores hunter so much he watches have everything he does and hunter constantly makes him laugh its great there is very few days where hunter is nasty to him now so it's much nicer
i know what you mean. Its amazing how you can see differences in your children early on.
Finally in normal clothes! Lol okay I wore them Friday to pedi but not my reg normal clothes. I've been showering but finally worked up the guts to wash my hair. I've been afraid to keep my hands above my head but today I haven't had hardly any pain so I decided to just do it.

Not been feeling too well :( nausea, headache and diarrhea. I haven't been able to eat hardly anything because of it. And dare I say I'm pretty sure I have my first ever hemorrhoid :blush: :dohh: recovery this time has been so much harder. On the plus side of everyone I guess I am 4-5 lbs from my pre pregnancy weight. I'm cut ally really missing my bump :cry: as uncomfortable and impatient as I was I really enjoy being pregnant. Idk I think in a way I sort of hind behind my belly. It gives me purpose. Like being a mom in General does too but when you have that belly it's different.
I know exactly what you mean Darlin I really missed my belly and missed feeling phoenix kick. I love the feeling off just you and baby and no one will ever get as close to them as you at that point in time :( I am almost 5 months pp and I still miss him being in there at times!
How's everything going? Are you all settled in? Hows breastfeeding going?

Redrose how is your cycle going?

Afm: my sister is here at the moment with one of my nephews and my nephew and hunter have been having a ball. It was so cute last night clay was going to bed and was in the bedroom with my sister with the door shut and he was calling out hunter so hunter went to the door they were both layer down either side of the door putting there fingers under the door trying to hold hands so bloody adorable!!!
Hunter has been going to bed in his own room now for almost a week, he always ends up in our bed but he goes down in his bed at least and has lasted till 4 in the morning one night which I think is pretty damn successful!
I haven't been for my blood test but I took a test today and I was negative so I highly doubt I am pregnant. I think i have finally decided that if I aren't I really want to wait another year before we start even thinking about trying. I am really enjoying phoenix and breastfeeding and I don't want to loose that in case I have severe ms again I will miss out on enjoying him so much and I don't want that. He is still so young and I would rather watch him grow and give him the attention j got to give hunter. But if the blood test comes back positive we will fund a way to make it work as best we can.
Well just wanted to check in as its so quiet here these days!
Hope all you ladies are doing well!
Last night was the hardest night yet. Thankfully was a Friday and dh was here I to help today so I could sleep in.

I really don't want another for a while. I know I just can't do it. We decided to wait until Logan starts kindergarten. At least then the days should be a little easier with just Avery to chase after if I get ms again. Also not sure how I feel about a 3rd cs since I guess recovery gets harder each time.
Hey ladies, ugh Im so behind but I caught up and glad to hear your all doing well.

Darlin- Avery is absolutely adorable, congrats:) and Im glad to hear that you and your dh worked out whatever was going on, glad he's helping you now. I hope your recovery is fast and gets easier on you.

Army- Thanks for asking hun, I am doing alright. Glad to hear you and the boys are doing well, that picture of your son doing the egg hunt is really cute, we didn't take Zoai this year because we thought she was still too young and wouldn't really understand what to do lol. She did get a nice basket though with a bunch of toys and a little bit of candy. How is your weight loss coming along? I see from your ticker you only have 5lbs to go! congrats:happydance:

Kirstie- Congrats on bed training Hunter:) I hope I can bed train Zoai before the new baby comes, do you have any tips for me? lol and glad to hear that your pregnancy scare was just that(that you know of), when are you going for you blood test? are you planning on looking into a bc or anything? I know that after this baby I will be getting some form of bc just not sure what yet, Im thinking the nuvaring because alot of people swear by it, I just hope I can get it while breastfeeding if not I have no idea what we will do other then condoms, but they irritate me down there so I'd rather not use them if I can avoid it.

Afm- I am 9 weeks today and this pregnancy has been alot more difficult on me then my last. I was diagnosed with HG so I have to take zofran for it, the problem is that it causes me to have really bad headaches and battle with constipation. I had to use a fleet enema(gross I know lol) a few days ago because I was getting such bad cramps from being so constipated and now I take benefiber 3x a day just so I can have regular bm's. I hate that I have to take zofran and benefiber so I try to stay away from taking tylenol or anything else unless I absolutely need it so sometimes my headaches get bad but I'd rather have that then the whole throwing up 7+ times a day thing. I had no idea what hg was until I looked it up but it was bad. I had an ultrasound last month at 6 weeks I believe and saw babybean but we didn't get to hear the heartbeat so I have another u/s scheduled for the 15th of this month and Im pretty nervous but excited. We will be announcing our pregnancy on facebook within that week and we have already announced to everyone close to us so its starting to feel real now:)
Here is a pic of my ultrasound:thumbup:
I will try to keep up but Im horrible at it now a days:dohh: Im sorry about that.
I haven't gone for bloods yet but I did take another test yesterday and it was negative but I will make an appointment this week and go for the blood test. I have kinda been putting it off because I am nervous of the outcome, I know I would be ok if I was but the thought of it really scares me!
Abi: he is awful!! I threw up all day every day with both my pregnancies almost right up till 3rd tri and even in 3rd tri I still got it sometimes. When I was pregnancy with hunter I lost 7 kgs in a week and was given a shot to stop it so I could try and gain back some weight which worked for 2 days and that's it! This time I think I lost 5kgs but put it back on and then lost 4kgs in the end. We're you throwing up or did they just test for the imbalance? A friend of mine has it really bad when she is pregnant and has to take the same stuff they give chemo patients and its $50 a box which only lasts 10 days!
I can't take any form of bc because of my progesterone levels it makes me really sick so we can only use condoms but like yourself they irritate me down stairs as well as my husband can't stay hard :haha: when wearing them so we are kinda at a loss.

Darlin: It's great dh was there to let you get some rest! It really is a shock how different it is with 2 hey! I have always wanted my kids close together but there are days where both kids are sick or haven't slept well the night before so there a mess and I am just sat on the couch with both of them crying for like an hr! Or we have to watch the same movie over and over again and I sometimes don't even get to go to the toilet for half the day! How is a very sleeping and feeding? How has Logan taken to him?
Kristie I can't wait to know if you are!

How exciting Abii. I feel like the beginning with the second drug on but the second half flew by!

Avery's sleeping is hit or miss. I know if I really am desperate I can sit up and hold him to get a little. Otherwise he sleeps in like 2hr stretches. He's eating well but so frequently my nipples are paying for it :(

Today is our first day without help just me and the boys. It's been a little rough but we're doing ok. So far we've all had breakfast, Logan's had a bath (he leaked over night) and I just got Avery to take a little nap in his seat and give me a mini break. He's been insisting on being held all night/morning because he's gassy and cluster feeding.

Left Avery on the couch for a min after changing him and Logan tried to pick him up, make him clap his hands and then fist bump him :haha: I was still right there and got a picture of it


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I still haven't gone for my bloods lol I think I am putting it off because I am so nervous of the outcome!
I am going to go tomorrow though ad phoenix needs his vaccinations and I think hunter has a urine infection so I may as well have my bloods done then. I would be 6 weeks this week if I am, I am really really bloated so I am either pregnant or I am getting af back I think it is really awful my belly feels really uncomfortable!

I am feeling your pain on the 2hrs in between feeds. Phoenix is going through another growth spurt and was feeding every 2hrs up until yesterday so sleep was not so great here either. One of the best things my midwife told me was to try extending the feeds by 15 minutes each day until you are able to push them out another hr that is of course if they are not going through a growth spurt or something else. Phoenix was doing I think every 1.5-2hrs at first and when I did that he stretched to 2.5-3 and 3-4 during the night it was great. But we'll done for you breastfeeding you have done so well already so keep it up. As for the sore nipples I actually just saw on the net these new nipple healing she shields apparently they are incredible! They are $50 but are obviously reusable and the women that have used them have swore by them so maybe give that a go.
That photo is so cute of avery and Logan its so nice watching the bond between siblings!
Wow abii! you are getting so far along already! Have you guys decided on finding out the gender ? I know you guys were tossing back n forth on that with having a party and all.

Glad things are going as good as they can darlin! nipple shields saved my nipples too!

If the test was neg. kristie I'm sure you're not too.

afm just busy busy busy. Stephen has been super needy and whiny lately. I dont know if he is starting to get more and more jealous of zach...??
They get along so well though. They take baths together and play on the floor with toys together.
zach has become much more manageable now that he can crawl everywhere and get into everything. i just set him on the floor and he is happy for hours.
work is getting exhausting. I dont get home until 12:30am. and then stephen is up at 5:30-6am. so I have been taking cat naps on the couch while stephen watches tv and zach is napping.

my lil zach isn't a baby anymore :happydance: lol i dislike the newborn stage


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Wow look how big he is my gosh! You super mum that is very little sleep for A mumma who works and takes care of her bubbas!

I have my blood test friday to see if I'm pregnant but I feel like I'm wasting my time I don't think I am but I will let you all know when I get the results
My mum is here at the moment which is good we got to spend mothers day together yesterday for the first time in 3 yrs! Phoenix has his immunisations today :( poor bubba is going to be so upset!! I don't really have much other news on my end.

I hope all you ladies are doing well
oh ya!!!!! happy belated mothers day to you all!!!!!!!! :flower:

Hope you all had a good day!
Yes happy belated mothers to all you lovely ladies!!
What did you all get and what did you all do?
I got a scrapbook kit and a mum mug which the mug is exactly what I wanted lol I didn't want no big presents this year so I was very pleased with what I got. We had a big morning breakfast as mick was on nights so we didn't see him for the rest of the day. But I think the best present of all was that my mum was here :) it was so nice to be able to spend it with her. And then we went for lunch the next day and the boys were so well behaved we got to enjoy a great afternoon together.
She flew home today and I was so sad as we had such a great time but won't be long and I will be there.

I never went for my blood test I am just going to leave it. I don't feel pregnant and even if I am I eat healthy I don't drink and I don't smoke so there is nothing that would harm bubs. If I so happen to get a belly in a few weeks then so be it lol I don't really have any nausea anymore so that is also telling me no. It may be a bit irresponsible of me but I am happy with the decision. I wouldn't be doing anything different if I found out I was but I really just don't feel pregnant!

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