Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

Mothers day was in march here lol. But glad to hear you ladies had a good mothers day.
Kirstie im sure your not pregnant since your test was neg anyway. But if no af in 2 weeks maybe consider it just so you know. Or retest yourself :)
Im onto my 3rd cycle of clomid and my final! After this im going back to ntnp! Ive lost some weoght cutting out sugar and carbohydrates last time I did it, I got pregnant with jamie, ive read loads about how pcos is worse if eating sugar so I think its true for me. But I feel good and happy, im really enjoying my little family of 3 david got a raise at work and some good summer pay so were gonna celebrate jamies birthday in june and enjoy our summer. Also our wedding anniversary is in july. Next week ive my brothers wedding so lots to distract me
Unfortunately I won't get af in 2 weeks as I'm breastfeeding so it could be months before I can expect for :witch: to show which is really annoying I hate waiting wondering when is it going to come. If I was pregnant though in 3 weeks there would be a definite bump so we shall see but as far as I think there is no bean in there.

Fingers crossed for this cycle hun ttc can be so taxing on you emotionally, who knows maybe non might be just what you need!

Poor hunter is covered in eczema :( both boys actually have it at the moment but hunters belly is just smothered with it and parts of it is so red raw he keeps lifting up his top sobbing says belly hurts mum :( poor kid. When he had his day nap today it was hot so the sweat flared it and he woke up hysterical I hate seeing him in pain!
On a brighter note he went for a poo on the toilet today! Haha so gross that I am excited about that but he has being doing wees on there for ages but this is only the second poo he has done on the toilet and we have had countless pooey accidents in his jocks which is so not fun to clean!
Yaaaa poo in the potty! :happydance: i put stephen in pull ups aand tried for like an hr then gave up. Every 15min i said lets go potty and when we went into the bathroom he refused to sit on the potty chair. So i gave up.
I was literally trying to get him to sit on it and he was resisting.

Mothers day was ok. Both kids slept crappy so i wokke up exhausted, then we spent the day on the road trucck shopping. No gifts no nothing :(

Awww poor hunter! Ezcema is no fun!

Redrose: so happy to hear your doing good and happy. Sounds like a good plan to ntnp and enjoy your family.. :)
Kirstie- I was throwing up alot like 7+ times a day, and I couldn't eat anything because any food I smelt or even thought about made me nauseous it was horrible. I was prescribed zofran which is what I think your friend was taking, it causes me to had bad constipation and headaches but I would rather have those then that m/s I was having, my gosh I thought I was dying lol. I lost about 7lbs in those 3 weeks of dealing with the hg, and I still haven't gained any weight yet(which I am actually happy about):haha:
I think I decided down to 2 birth controls after this baby either the paraguard or the implanon, we don't want kids for a long while after this so I know for sure I have to get on bc and I've heard good things about both of those. I might go with the iud since it has no hormones and I can get it while breastfeeding.

Darlin- Yes it is pretty exciting:) I cant believe in just a few weeks I will be in 2nd tri already, I feel like this pregnancy is flying by even with the HG and all lol. How is Avery? Im dying to see more pictures of him, even though I'm pregnant I still have baby fever like a mofo:haha:

Army- Well I finally convinced hubby to go along with the reveal idea but were still on debating weather we are going to do the party or just a photo shoot, we had our pregnancy announcement pictures taken today and I really liked our photographer so I may just invite her to go:) I really wanted to do a party so hopefully it will work out.

I had my ultrasound today and its amazing how much our little jelly bean grew in just 4 weeks<3 bubs was squirming alot on the u/s, and we got to hear the heartbeat but I forgot to ask what the hr was:dohh: but we are so in love already and I can't wait to start feeling him/her move and kick.
Here is a pic of my ultrasound:)

Hope you all are doing well:flower: I am horrible at keeping up on here but if you guys would like to add me on facebook I am always on there haha
Been quiet around here. Hope everyone is doing well.

I dont facebook. My husband and i don't like all the drama that seems to come from it :wacko:
This is my faccebook fix lol.

Nothing new here. Zach is standing on his own! Cant wait for his steps!
stephen and zach play all the time now, its nice.

Thinking of getting the depo sho instead of pills. Im having a hard time remembering even with a pill reminder on my phone! Just hope it doesnt hinder all my weight loss!
I can't type much but wanted to say I'm getting the depo shot next month. That way it's taken on time and it helps us stick to waiting for another because I can't just not take my pill and be pulled back into the madness lol
Lol yes totally understand. Does anyone know how often u have to get the shot, and is it just in the arm?
Thank you darlin! Hope you and the boys are doing well!
we are surrounded by testerone! Lol :haha:
Things have been tough over here but we're making it! I have oversupply issues and Avery has a milk allergy so it's been a rough few days with him but things are straightening out and he seems to be doing better :)
Awe poor avery. Poor you! Glad to hear its getting better. Must be mmore difficult with a milk allergy, what do you have to do?
I have to cut all dairy from my diet. It takes weeks to fully leave your system. Right now we are supplementing with special formula when it seems to bother his tummy and he fights eating. Sometimes it's worse than normal and he'll keep pulling off the breast crying :( you can tell he's super hungry tho.
Yep we had milk allergy here also but we were never told anything about the who weeks to leave the system after about 2 days of no dairy phoenix was fine. The formula could also be upsetting his tummy as its alot harder to digest than breastmilk. It was soooo hard for me to keep on track of the no dairy but than God he has grown out of it which they normally do at around 6 months. Hunter had it as well it is actually really common not that that makes it any easier lol.

It has been super quiet around here!!!

Army: I had the deposit shit when I was like 18 but Little did I know I had my hormone problem so I bled for 6 months straight! It sucked I wish I had of known about my hormone problem earlier on as it would have made all those yrs of pain and discomfort from different birth control none existent!
How exciting that zac is standing I bet it won't be long before he is walking!.

Afm: hunter is going through an awful stage he just constantly cries :( I have no idea what's going on with him, I know he is having some serious detachment issues with mick and family visiting but it is so unlike him to Be so down all the time :( phoenix has just started trying to crawl which is exciting and is doing really well! Hunter has gone backwards in toilet training and won't go to sleep in his own room anymore I think because he calls our bed daddies bed and wants to be close to mick even when he is not there but it has been a sad few weeks for him the poor thing I wish I knew what was going on and how to fix it and make him feel more secure.
SAME WITH STEPHEN!!!!!!!!!! Stephen is constantly crying. Just all of a sudden he cries throughout the day. We are pulling our hair out. I thought maybe it could be jealously thing, like he wants to be the baby....idk.
I try to give him play time, special trips with just him and I, but he still has moments.

Hope we get through this phase soon! it breaks my heart!
Army: it really is awful hey! I tthink it must be an age thing that they are becoming more aware of things but still don't quite understand so its confusing???? What ever it is it's awful!

Darlin: I know exactly what you mean!!! I think we have decided we are going to start trying again now ad I feel I want to get it over and done with! Lol I'm sure I'll change mind again in a month :haha:
Heya ladies I hope ye are well :) im 4 dpo today, ff says 5 but im sure its 4 anyway im in the 2ww, its been very relaxed we havent dtd that much as I was awah for my brothers wedding, I only dtd twice, 3 days before and the day of ovulation, no idea but I doubt its enough. Well see I guess but I feel very relaxed about it all. If this cycle doesnt work im going back to ntnp and concentrating on loosing weight
It's a much nicer feeling when your relaxed about the cycle isn't it??
I hope you get your lucky bfp this month hun you definitely deserve it!

So I think we are officially ntnp lol I just went out to mick while he was working on his car and said soooo I think we should start trying for another baby and of course he said no straight away! I asked why and he said money as I get so sick he doesn't want to have to take time off work which is understandable but I said I was willing to go to melbourne and stay with my family if I get sick again. Anyway long story short we ended up having sex after he said no lol and he didn't pull out and his exact words "there you go" :rofl: so I guess as of now I am going to start temping just to try and get a feel as I have noooo idea where I would be at. I'm so excited to be able to have another homebirth. But in the mean time I am going to smash out the gym and get my shit together with my weight!
Yah congrats kristie!!!!!!!!!!! It seems like just the other day we were talking about phoenix and your pregnancy! How is phoenix? have you started him on food yet?

Sounds like a good, relaxed plan redrose :thumbup:

Zach crawled up the stairs today!!!!!! I cant believe!! he also took one step and then immediately fell down but he keeps trying!! he is almost 9Months, crazy!!

I have started drinking again...not in a bad way lol. In a fun way :) Hubby and I have been drinking and playing games on the weekend again and watching movies together once the boys are in bed....its so nice. We feel like ourselves again.

thats all i got.

Hope you are doing well darlin and abii!!!!
Struggling with a bf method and I have til Friday to decide. Dh saw a text in my phone to a friend saying I wanted another. He told me maybe I should just do the pill then and not the depo and we'd prob consider it once he graduates (6m). So now idk what I should do :(

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