Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

:hugs: I dont know if zach had an allergy too but we had similar issues. The first month of bf'ing he would pull away from the breast and cry but you know the are super hungry because they hadn't ate

For me it was an easy decision to stop after one month because I was ready to get back on my anxiety meds anyways.

Does he take well to formula? Zach had no issues with formula feeding. He was happier, i was happier :)

Dont feel bad if you do have to stop. You have to do whats best for Avery and that you dont need to feel bad about one bit! :)
That should have said bc method! :haha: that's what I get for posting while feeding the baby in the middle of the night :dohh: bf is doing fine. I need to decide on pill or shot by Friday lol
I say go with the pill lol leaves your options more more open :)

Not much news here at all! The boys are sick AGAIN!!! But I have my cousin here on holiday which has been nice.

Darlin: I'm glad bf is going well! I just had a bit of a scare while phoenix was at his worst point when sick he wouldn't feed from the breast at all I had to pump and bottle feed it made me so sad I really thought he was going to be done with bf but thank god he is back to normal now!
I have just started building a huge freezer stash to donate my milk :) I love that they have the human milk for human babies pages to be able to donate milk to bubbas in need!

Redrose how are you going?

Army:thats so exciting he took a step! What an early achiever!! Time is just flying by isn't it. That's great that you abd dh are getting back into the swing of having fun :)
Hope the boys get better soon!

I went with the shot. We decided to wait bc we have a few big house projects we wanna do AND I found out I get to VBAC next time! :wahoo: so I need to give myself plenty of time to heal :D
Im ok no news here just the usual, im not sure if or when I ovulated, so just waiting. Were moving in 2 weeks to a lovely brand new house just renting but it's only just been finished and im excited to have a garden for jamie. Jamie had an assessment today hes being referred for speech therapy as he has little words and some of his behaviour kind of rings alarm bells for autism so it's not stop here. Its his 2nd birthday on Saturday! I cant believe it.

Today in terms of symptoms ive everything lol dizzyness, tired alot, sore boobs and ive been nauseous alot even got sick once! Ive lost 14lbs and im keeping it off! I wanna loose another 10 lbs to be at the weight I was when I got pregnant with jamie
Darlin: thats so exciting that you can still vbac next time!!! You give yourself all the time you need to heal so you can have the amazing birth you want :)

Redrose: hunter also does so each therapy and omg it has helped amazingly He can say 2-4 word phrases now and his range of words is incredible I highly recommend it but it also takes alot of work at home I get given projects and homework as well as routines I have had to follow but I don't mind as I'm sure you won't because the outcomes are so rewarding!!!
When will you find out about the autism?
All your symptoms sound great fingers crossed for you hun!

Afm: I am currently laid in a hospital bed while my poor little baby phoenix struggles to breathe in the cot next to me :( this is our second night here.
He has been sick for almost 3 weeks now and 2 of those he has been on antibiotics and he just kept getting worse and worse until yesterday morning when I woke up to him in a coughing fit at 5 am he could barely breathe so I put the humidifier and that helped but then 3hrs later he stopped breathing quite a few times and holding his breathe and even though my thermometer which I only bought 3 months ago and was $90 was reading 36.8 I knew he was running a fever. Luckily we had an appointment at the drs at that time so we went and he threw up brown flem whilst waiting dr took one look at him and sent us straight to the hospital and within minutes he has tubes down his throat suctioning him out oxygen masks on his face and his temp was 39.6 it was awful seeing him so limp and lifeless looking he was so so sick. They gave him a triple dose of a stronger antibiotics steroids ans panadol and within 3hrs he was coming around a little his temp went down to 39 but that is still very high in the danger zone, his temp took about 7-8hrs to starting coming down and he has been on routine meds since. We then notices today he wasn't eating and not having wet nappies so I have been having to express and feed him a bottle to monitor how much he is eating as he has lost 140 grams in the last like 3 days. So it has been a crazy emotional roller coaster like, we were very lucky to being airlifted to the children's hospital yesterday but he responded to all the medicine so thankfully avoided that.
So that is me in a nutshell at the moment :(
Oh no Kirstie :( :hugs: I'm so sorry you are going thru this.

Red rose hopefully his therapy helps and he can avoid the autism diagnosis.

Afm: I have decided to obtain my ibclc certification before we have another baby. It's just a little accomplishment I want to do for me. Well I was sending out emails trying to figure out how to go about getting clinical hrs when the time comes since I have zero medical background it's a little harder for me. My midwives gave me a name and I emailed her. Well I've been offered an internship interview with a famous doctor/lactation consultant who has done big studies and papers and all sorts of things. I'm really excited! Worried about putting the boys in daycare tho :(
ohhhh poor phoenix! :hugs: That must be so scary. I am so sorry you guys are going through this.
I wonder if its something to do with the climate conditions? allergies? Just so weird you guys always seem to be sick so often.
I hope he gets better very very soon! Its so sad seeing the wee ones miserable.

Congrats redrose on the weight loss and keeping it off!
I have the same issues with stephen with not talking. The doctors dont seem one bit concerned over here. He says maybe a handful of words.
Luckily I still see his doctor with his lil brother so I am going to ask him at the next appt.
Hopefully Jamie is just fine and right where he should be.

Darlin: whats ibclc? totally relate with the daycare!!!!!!!!!!

Nothing new here.....just work and kids.
Soooo.... DH thinks I should take this internship opportunity if I get it but go and do my RN (registered nurse). He thinks I would enjoy working in Labor and delivery, postpartum or to even continue my education and become a CNM (certified nurse midwife). He's right I would love it but i just think that is a lot to take on and I am not confident that is something I can do especially because I want more LO's. Honestly i just don't believe in myself enough to accomplish it I think. Idk what to do.... :(
the internship would defintely be a really good experience and good for the resume too ;)
it would be a good opportunity to get your feet wet at least and see if you think you'd want to pursue even more.
You'll really have to think this one over.
Juggling kids and work can be exhausting, especially if you want to add more to the mix :wacko:

I'm kinda in the same boat over here. I want to go back to school for medical transcripting, or medical office or possibly ultrasound tech..but life just seems so hectic i dont know how i could ever do it all
What about a university that offers online or that has on site discounted daycare?

We might be adding on some other circumstances.... Dh had a phone interview for a rly good job back in his home town (2hrs away) and we would move immediately if he gets it. The job starts mid July. Waiting to see if he makes the cut for the 2 nd in person interviews Thursday. It would be with Honda and is a fancy smancy engineer job. We already found a house online we've fallen in love with and is perfect for expanding our family. If we move I won't be doing the internship and will just go back to school. I applied for a part time job back there too working the front lobby desk at the hospital. His parents will be literally 5min away and could help with babysitting and we'd prob know who'd watch the kids if we did daycare since it's a small town. I'm actually pretty excited. I really love the house and this would be perfect for us. I was nervous at first but prayed about it and asked god to help me get excited and find a home as nice as what we have here and this showed up. It's also less in taxes each yr by like $1600.
Well we are out of hospital and Phoenix is on the mend thank god! It was a scary few days in hospital with him but he is doing much better :)
Army I have no idea what it is but you are right we get sick very often! I think it may have something to do with the asthma and eczema side of things as both boys are sufferers of eczema and I am almost certain Phoenix will have asthma also as he gets a cough quite often and has been on redipred twice already which is a steroid they use in children until they are be to be diagnosed with asthma.
It's also really bad living in the small town we do with all the fly in fly out people they bring stuff in and it spreads like wild fire! In one week here last week there were reports of hand foot and mouth, chicken pox, school sores, gastro, bronchiolitis, tonsillitis and a flu strain it was crazy!!! Since hunter has been on vitamins and probiotics he has been heaps better he gets sick but not to the point he needs antibiotics. It's really strange the cleaning and more organic we eat the more we get sick you would think the opposite!!!!

Darling: being a lactation consultant is exactly what I want to do! That and be a doula specializing in home births. I am going to wait to the boys are a bit older and then start studying! How exciting about all the possibilities ahead for you and do the best of luck to you guys xx
Will be revisiting this in a week....


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Darlin!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!! I defintely see lines on both!!!!!!!!
How are you feeling??

Kristie: So happy to hear you guys are on the road to recovery. Thats crazy that in one week your town had all those sicknesses flying around!

Zach is almost 10months old now. I cant believe it. He can walk 3-4 steps at a time.
I am also starting him on solids now, no more pureed food.
Zach and stephen play so much together. its so cute watching them. Stephen loves to make Zach laugh.
Stephen is starting to talk more. He repeats a lot of words I say to him.
Thats all i got for now.
Man I hate evaps!!

Wow army they are getting so big! 10 months already! Crazy!

Oh no kirstie sounds like a scary time for sure! I hope ypur babies are well now hunny! Sounds like he was very sick

Jamie turned two there last weekend and it was a crazy day, firstly he had a lovely day and loved his presents, then few friends and family came around, then whenmost people had gone we had an uninvited guest! We had a rat in the kitchen totally gross! We think it got in through the window as it was open because it was roasting! Luckily it wa sonly in a short while before we noticed! He destroyed jamies birthday cake though! But luckily we had a slice before it did!
We then went to a wildlife with jamis the next day, he enjoyed it. Hes now being reffered for autism and behavioural and speech experts but ice noticed in just a week his speech is improving, hes trying to sing nursery rhymes also. He refuses to walk though but also hates being in the buggy I dont know how to encourage him to walk, I dont mean everywhere just like in the shopping center because he wont sit in the trolley or in the buggy he just wants us to carry him, indont know why but thsts just one example of many issues were having, he seems to be scared of everything and everyone! Its so hot here at the moment 30 plus degress which I know you ladies are probably used to but here in ireland omg im dead with the heat. Just 1 more week and we are moving! :) I cant wait. Nice garden for jamie to play in.
As for me im still dieting and exercising my next goal is a stone off by my anniversary! :) im also just ntnp amd enjoying the summer but Im taking myo inositol 2 a day to try help my pcos :) so far ive notcied the weight is coming off quicker
Hey ladies!!!!!!
I'm darlin lol how crazy for you! It's funny when your breastfeeding the scares you can get as there is no af to not show to tell you whether or not you are pregnant!

Army: that's great about the speech I'm sure he will just take off now that's what hunter did and I swear he never shuts up now lol. You to Zach starting to walk how exciting he will be so excited to be able to keep up with Stephen!

Redrose: so does jamie have autism? We are thinking of getting hunter tested for autism and things along that line as he has a few behavioral trait's that indicate something along those lines he has bad ocd!
That's great about the weight it feels so good hey!

Afm: we are all better now thank god! We had hunters appointments in adelaide for his kidney and finger and he is booked in for December to have his kidney removed we are just waiting on a date. And when he starts to show signs of not using his finger or that it is bothering him they are going to remove one of his toes ando remove the top part of his finger and put the toe on his finger I am really excited about the finger as we were so worried he would have to lose it and this is such a great procedure!
Phoenix has his bottom 2 teeth and his 1st top one has just cut through. He is on solids and we are doing blw (baby led weaning) which he loves I have never seen a kid that young be able to eat like he can lol. We don't do purees at all unless we are running late and having a easy dinner then he feeds himself an organic puree from the pouch otherwise what ever we have for dinner he has and feeds himself it's so cute half the time everything goes on the floor but he I'd really getting a hang of using those teeth :) he has also Starting pulling himself up on his knees and shuffling around its funny though as he doesn't use his hands he is kinda like a caterpillar with his head on the ground :haha:
I have officially lost 17kgs!!!! I am getting back into my really healthy eating starting tomorrow and hopefully my exercise when my ibs settles it has been playing up badly lately and the spasms in my stomach make it very uninteresting to want to exercise! But I don't mind I want to get the eating back under control but being able to buy clothes in sizes I haven't for a very long time is an amazing feeling! I think I am going to set up a skinny fund lol and put money aside each fortnight in a money box and when I'm at my goal weight go out and replace my whole wardrobe as I will never ever get this big ever again!!!!!! I am 34kgs less than at my heaviest 5yrs ago! Looking back at photos it makes me feel horrible thinking I was ever that big! And omg our sex life has gotten so much better!!! It's been great and it's only going to get better and hopefully back to the way it was when we first got together :)

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