Kristie: yah ergo carrier!! I loooooovvveeeee my ergo! I wore it for like 4hrs with stephen and i felt no pain whatsoever. I actually wore it up to 1st tri with this pregnancy but then it wouldn't fit anymore. I don't think i'd use stephen in it anymore....he is way to heavy now and tall! That reminds me!!!!! I need to buy the infant insert for zachary!!! Thank you!!!!! I totally forgot about that!
Yep its Zachary.

still torn on middle names. We need 2 middle names!

dh's family tradition!
I still need to buy a few things. Dh comes home today from the army so planning on doing some alone time shopping soon.
I feel the same way with zach. I don't want him to have just hand me downs from his brother, so i did buy a couple new outfits, but stephen had so many clothes that he never wore a lot of em.
I still need to get a sit and stand double stroller, i'm trying to find a deal on craigslist. Also i want to get a newborn rock and sleep bed for downstairs. Other than that i'm pretty well set.
I am excited to share my bed again with zach. I did miss sleeping next to stephen..but like you said, around 5months everytime dh or i moved in bed, it disrupted his sleep, we knew he needed his own space then. Dh took it kinda hard too...he loved cuddling with stephen.
Essie: are you ttc at the moment or just going with the flow
Darlin: i would feel the same way! I wouldnt want to be that far from my boys, especially when they are sooo young.