Anyone else TTC/NTNP #2 and have a LO under 1yr?

It is so rewarding seeing him say new words! I can't wait until he starts saying zach.

s there a possibility you might have to have a csection? Home birth?! I could never...too messy lol. I'm a neat freak.

I do plan on bf'ing but only for about a month or 2 this time. I haven't been able to take my anxiety meds since becoming preg. And it def. Has shown lol. I don't feel like myself some days...its hard sometimes to get out of bed. And dh wants me to work part time asap so i figure i probably can't bf as long as i'd like to considering i need to work and i need to get back on my meds soon to start feeling normal again.

When do you confirm the sex again?? :D or did you already??
I know it really is its great watching them grow!

Yeah if my placenta doesn't move up I will have a c section at 38 weeks I have my fx so tight that it moves up but we will wait and see I guess.
Lol about the mess it can be a pretty messy process.

That's totally understandable about bf for a short period due to your meds it's much better to be on them and be happy than to bf and spiral downwards as emotions run crazy after birth!
We are lucky here with work where I live they let you leave work to breastfeed or pump which is good. But I won't go back to work till bubs is 6 months at least I don't think. But definitely not longer than a year I am dying to get back to work! Don't get me wrong there is nothing better than staying home watching hunter grow up but there is a breaking point where I need some seperate on or even just adult time just 2-3 times a week I think. I was at that point before I fell pregnant this time which was one of the reasons I decided to stop ntnp but it had already happened lol.
ive just got partial ferns on my scope so they prob will be positive by tonight! so ovulation will be in the next 2-3 days! eeek ive really achey pains on both sides of my lower tum it feels like im about to come on.. anyone ever feel like this leading up to ovulation? i dont think ive ovulated the last 3 cycles so maybe it is sore because of that? i remember the month i concieved jamie i felt similar!
I know it really is its great watching them grow!

Yeah if my placenta doesn't move up I will have a c section at 38 weeks I have my fx so tight that it moves up but we will wait and see I guess.
Lol about the mess it can be a pretty messy process.

That's totally understandable about bf for a short period due to your meds it's much better to be on them and be happy than to bf and spiral downwards as emotions run crazy after birth!
We are lucky here with work where I live they let you leave work to breastfeed or pump which is good. But I won't go back to work till bubs is 6 months at least I don't think. But definitely not longer than a year I am dying to get back to work! Don't get me wrong there is nothing better than staying home watching hunter grow up but there is a breaking point where I need some seperate on or even just adult time just 2-3 times a week I think. I was at that point before I fell pregnant this time which was one of the reasons I decided to stop ntnp but it had already happened lol.

Totally understand! I feel the same way! I'm craving adult conversations and getting a break away every now and then.. i feel like i'm lost in mommy world :wacko:

I actually broke down today, unfortunately LO saw me crying. He came up to me and sat in my lap...made my tears go away :) just feeling really emotional today...and it sucks dh is away.

Do u know if it is for sure a boy yet?

Redrose: i remember having pain during and after O. Are you checking for O other ways too? Like temp/opk? Hope this is your month!!!
I'm doing other things like check cm which has been ew cm all day and loads we dtd earlier so covered for today, its ohs b'day tomorrow so probably will. Again!
Mummy world is the perfect example exactly what I am stuck I think especially because I have no one to look after hunter so I can never go out or do anything. Even when I played sport before I found out I was pregnant I had to take him with me and me and my team mates would take turns watching him.

I have had plenty of those days as well. I also suffer from anxiety but don't take any meds for it and it has been really bad this pregnancy but I think being pregnant the second time and having one to run around after is really emotionally and physically exhausting and it makes it harder to keep your cool lol.

No we don't know for sure yet or not will hopefully find out next week I would say which is a bit exciting but at the same time if we don't get to find out I'm not to fussed either.

Red rose: yay for the partial ferns that's exciting hopefully you o in the next few days. I don't really remember what was going on with my body when we conceived to be honest as we weren't trying so I'm no help there sorry. But fx this is your month
the cramping on one side seems to be gone, the ferns also gone! i had ewcm yesterday and today, i usually get the cramping before i ov like a day before.. would u think its safe to say im ovulating today?
Your in the. Window for sure. Do you have any luck with using opks? They really helped me pinpoint O
hi ladies sorry its taken me so long to write back here :) sickness had really got the better of me again and its also really stepped up a knotch today :) so im due 3rd April 2014 :) there will be 23 months between my babies :) im a little worried because maximus sint yet sleeping through the night :( he is still waking up for one bottle in the night but im wondering if that's because he has been sick most of the winter so has just felt miserable all the time. this pregnancy is exhausting already I don't remember being so tired like this with #1. well I thought I would show you my test just because we all like looking at tests lol.


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Sorry you have been having ms d1 but as much as it sucks sometimes its a nice reminder that baby is healthy.
It really is exhausting the second time because with the first you can sleep all night without being woken and you don't have a toddler to run around after. I am exhausted this time. I had a week or so where I had loads of energy and then that faded just as quick as it came lol.
I also have the worries like you as hunter is not sleeping through the night he died if he is in our bed or wakes once but when he is in his own bed its 3-4+ times and boy am I cranky on those days lol.
We are in such a battle at the moment with trying to get him to sleep in his own room I really hope he is by the time baby comes.
Yay I love the pic of your bfp! I love seeing those lines I still have my one from this time around in my toiletries bag lol and we just went away and it gave me all warm and fuzzies when I saw it.
When do you have your first dr or mw appointment? You are in nz aren't you?
Your pregnancy will fly I think because the few months going up to Christmas I always feel is so busy with Christmas shopping and organising where your going for Christmas and if you are going on any holidays and that will be your half way point yeah? And wow you are due around Easter is that right? That's a bit exciting!!!
Are you going to find out what your having?
Ugh ladies!!! :blush: to :sex: or not to :sex: it's so hard not to this month with edd next weekend. Just feels right like we should :(
hi ladies sorry its taken me so long to write back here :) sickness had really got the better of me again and its also really stepped up a knotch today :) so im due 3rd April 2014 :) there will be 23 months between my babies :) im a little worried because maximus sint yet sleeping through the night :( he is still waking up for one bottle in the night but im wondering if that's because he has been sick most of the winter so has just felt miserable all the time. this pregnancy is exhausting already I don't remember being so tired like this with #1. well I thought I would show you my test just because we all like looking at tests lol.

So excited for you! :happydance: hope the ms gets better. I bet you are more tired. You do more now! :haha:
D1: hiiiiii!!!!!! :wave: sorry to hear about the ms :hugs: like kristie said it is reassuring at least, a lil reminder saying HEY your pregnant! :)

I have that same battle with stephen at night still :wacko: and mil is planning on staying here during my delivery so she will have to deal with it.usually its just once a night for a diaper change and a lil bit of water so i don't mind...but with having 2 ,it might be more irritating. :wacko:

Afm 25 more days until due date!!! Planning on packing for sure at 38wks.. feeling ok,, but my vajayjay feels soooo sore lately :shrug:
Wow when you say 25 days that is not long at all!!!! How exciting its so close till you and your family get to meet little Zachary.
I remember towards the end with hunter it felt so swollen downstairs like it was triple the size lol. But it's definitely more uncomfortable the second time I could imagine.

Afm: we are pretty mick (oh) has chicken pox!!!! He started off yesterday with a few spots on his chest them today his chest stomach back and now legs have them all over. The ones that have been there yesterday have now turned into blustery looking sores and even the ones that came up this afternoon are starting to get bigger. I am worried because of hunter and myself being pregnant :( he started off 2 days ago with an upset belly and then the spots started appearing and I have just woken here its 12:39am and I have a really upset belly :( and hunter has also for the past day or so. We are massively keeping our fx its not chicken pox but by the look and how itchy he is we can't think of anything else. We have a dr appointment tomorrow morning for blood tests to check but there is a possibility they won't be back till Monday so we loose about $1000 almost in wages even with sick leave because with his company sick leave is only 8 instead of there normal 12hr day and they don't get there bonuses on top so we lose quite a bit!

On a bright side hunter is doing really well in his bed tonight so far only 1 wake and hoping that's it lots and lots of wishful thinking though lol he only wakes once or sleeps through the night in our bed but in his it's 3+ times lol.

I am just lying in bed and I don't if its because I have a stomach ache or what but the baby is kicking and rolling around like mad!!

Oo ooo I almost forgot what do you ladies think to our names I know they are a little different but we have 3 choices and can't decide
Landon ryker Denman
Jagger chase Denman
Maddox ryker Denman
I think I am pretty set on the first one but really can't make a set decision. Forgive me if I have already posted these lol I have such a bad memory these days as does my poor husband lol silly sympathy symptoms
I read online with subsequent pregnancies your vagina feels more pressure/pain towards the end.. it literally feels like how it did after birth.

Wow chicken pox!? Thats not good! You should quarantine him to his own side of the house! Have you had pox before? I know you can't get it if you've had it or been vacinnated for it. I know my stephen got a vaccine for it.

Landon & maddox are my favorite. Hunter! Landon! Get over here right now! Hunter! Maddox! Lol :haha: they both have a nice ring to it.
Aw you poor thing hopefully it eases up but at the same time it's probably a good thing meaning Zachary is putting some nice pressure on your cervix but still uncomfortable though.

If you have had them as a child even twice you can still get them as an adult but when you get them as an adult it's usually shingles and mick actually worked with a guy a week or so ago that had shingles. The vaccine only helps prevent you front getting them and help you be more immune to them so if you get them you may only get a small dose instead of a severe case. But that's the 18 month vaccine and with me being so sick and having to go to Adelaide I had just kept putting it off stupid me!!!! But I spoke to the chemist tonight when I went and got some line tarsel for mick to have a big with he said to et the immunisation done for hunter tomorrow because it will help him not get it as severe but he is still at more risk than if he had them. I am kicking myself massively for it now!
He had been quarantined already lol he tried to take our bedroom but there was no way I was giving up my $2500 king bed lol not with how bad my bad and hips have been this time he slept in terrible beds while we were away for 3 nights and I really can't handle doing it again.

Lol it's so true about the yelling them out I think they both sound great! Hmmm it will be a tricky one!

Omg I seriously have the worst heartburn lately every night as soon as I lay down it is like acid is being poured down my throat it hurts so bad! I remember by this stage with hunter I was carrying a bottle of mylanta in my handbag lol I think a trip to the supermarket tomorrow is in order!

Hunter is doing so well in his bed tonight I am so proud of him only woken twice so far I think the night light we bought him is really helping he is very afraid of the dark. Good times ahead for me I think :)
i took an opk today and neg :shrug: so unless i get a surge soon i can only assume i did ovulate yesterday and i missed my surge? id be so happy if i ovulated on cd 14 because we bd cd 11, 13 and 14 which is alot for us around ov lol we are lucky to get one day in!
just put my details in and ff put yesterday as ov date... so i suppose wait and see i will continue now to use the opks though just incase
Well fx you and ff are right it's sounds like it by your ferns and symptoms.

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