Anyone gave birth in Woolwich???

how clear is that scan of his hand! Fabulous. I hear you on the typical blue theme. I like the idea of a border as you can change it when you have to leave. I will also thnk about neutral colours for most things :)

I have to say I cant make out much in the second two pictures though... I am crap.

So would you recommend knowing the gender. I am still deciding if perhaps we should wait. I do want to know though. So hard....
Not sure if I'd recommend it.... I like knowing, I used to always say I wasn't gonna find out, until I got pregnant and saw the benefits... But it's all your own choice really....

The second picture is the baby laying on his tummy really, on the left you can see his bum, in the middle a little arm and on the right his head...
And the 3rd picture is a picture of his head, just a bit to the left of his head/chin you can see the little heart, a bit of a darker spot....

Had a bit of a discussion/row with my sister in law on facebook earlier... Just cause she had 2 kids she thinks she knows everything about being pregnant... but she is actually really thick... :S And her friend was saying I shouldn't have my 4d scan at 24 weeks and then she agreed with her (she's never had a 4d scan) eventhough I'd explained why I'm doing it so 'early'. And then she went on about: what about Jay's parents (cause she isn't talking to her parents so she refers to them as Jay's parents...instead of her parents :dohh:) I think it's unfair that they can'tbe there with the 4d scan and your parents can... blablabla...
And I explained there's only 3 people allowed in with me, and then her mate came on again and said that was bullshit cause she had 5 people in with her... (but she had her scan done somewhere else, so she don't have a clue).
Ridiculous!!! They were really pissing me off..... sorry, just had to tell someone about it.... :p

Oh and I got really pissed off yesterday with Jay's boss.... cause he let 2 blokes have the day off, to go to a cagefight and get pissed (eventhough they turned up to work still pissed the day before). And there's other people that have better reasons to have days off, like Jay - since we're moving and could use the time to pack and organise.....And with our first wedding anniversary Jay had asked for the day off and didn't get it off...then in the end his boss had a go at him for not telling him it was our anniversary, cause he would've given him the day off... Jay asked him about 100 times.... I was soooo pissed off, something is seriously wrong in that office and I really felt like going to his boss and having a go at him... Well anyway.....

Ok sorry for blabbing... I just couldn't help myself.. had to get it off my chest....
Aww :hugs: babe. Your SIL and her mate sound like a bunch of idiots. She cant even refer to her parents yet has the gaul to tell you it isnt fair that they wont be at the scan and your folks would. It would be much fairer if she actually spoke to her parents.
As for her mate- she needs to shut up and sit down, to put it nicely. There is no need for her to put her 2 pence worth in. She is not going to your place to get her scan and she doesnt know if things have changed since she went. She sounds like the monkey that is winding your sister up. What their reason is.. I dont know- I would block them on FB for a bit :) :haha:

As for Jay's boss- what an idiot. Does he have his head up his own arse? For him to not have heard Jay asked I would say so!!

Dont worry about talking about it- it is nice to get it off your chest. I am sure I will be doing the same sometime soon. i am getting serious mood swings :)

Hope you are feeling better now :hug:
Hi eltjuh! hope you are well. I havent heard from you in a few days so thought I would check in. I hope you are packing and busy moving.

I am at my mums so a bit slow on the response but will check again later this evening.

Lots of love to you and babby boy!!

Minimin x

Sorry I haven't been on... Didn't have any internet for 2 weeks :S Finally got it back today, so I'm getting all up to date with b&b again...
Handed the old house in canterbury over aswell today and it was all good so I'm happy! :)

Little boy has been kicking off everyday now :p Hubby has felt him a couple of times and we've also seen my belly move up and down a bit every now and then when he kicks hard haha.

Registered with a GP last week (finally) and I'm just waiting for the midwife to call me, cause the GP sent my details to them and they're supposed to contact me now..... Hope they will soon, cause I should be having my next appointment at 25 weeks right???

How's your bubba doing?? Hope you're all good!!
Can you feel him/her yet?? And have you had your 20 week scan yet?? Can't remember how far along you are!! :blush:

My parents are coming over from Holland at the end of this week and we got that 4D scan this saturday.. it looked like hubby couldn't come but he seems to have the weekend off after all... (but that can basically change at any moment :S ah well, just hope he can be there... but it's looking good so far)

Hope you're ok, speak soon!!!
Hey you!
I was just thinking of PMing you as I had not heard from you for a while. Welcome back! You were missed :flower:
Hope you're all settled and comfortable in your new home! How are you settling into Woolwich? Have you had time to wonder about and check it all out?

Not sure how long you GP will be in getting the MW to contact you. Who would you come under? Do you have to have a GP referral? I am under the Greenwich ones I think. I have a list of them somewhere so if you want I can dig out a phone number for you.

I think you get a 25w meeting- I am not sure. I have not been seen since my booking in appointment back at 8 weeks or so. I am 18 weeks! I called to ask if they should be seeing me and the MW told me they dont see me until after my 20w scan. I have that booked for the 27th of this month. Not long to go!!

How exciting you can feel babba! I bet Jay loves feeling him too. I have not felt anything but starting to get a decent bump. As I dont feel anything I am feeling rather fat rather than pregnant! LOL. I am feeling less tired and have got tons of my energy back. I heard this is normal so trying not to worry about it.

I am pleased your folks are over this weekend. I hope Jay's sister has not been making a bloody nusaince of herself again! I think it is lovely your folks will see Jamie this weekend. Are you excited to see him again, how is the nursery at your new place? Have you managed to set his room up? We still have not done much- I dont think we will until Christmas- I guess it will feel a little more real then.

Write soon and once again! Welcome back!
Not sure what midwives I'm supposed to go under.... I'll just wait till they contact me.. if they haven't by the time I'm 25 weeks I'll just go back to the GP and get them to get me a mw cause I want to get info about antenatal classes aswell, guess I'd better get them started....
Have you looked into the aquanatal classes some more?? found anything out??

Can't believe they don't see you till 20 weeks.... they're supposed to see you at 8-10/12 weeks (I saw them twice around that time) And then again at 16 weeks, then 25, and I think after that it gets regular every 2-4 weeks until your duedate.. and then every week I think if you haven't given birth yet.
Can't remember from the top of my head, but my midwife wrote it down....

Yeah I was really happy when Jay could feel him :) Cause it makes him more involved and seem more real... and eventhough he didn't seem to really be excited about feeling him, but when he did I couldn't help but smile and feel really happy :)
Can't wait to see our little Lucas again!!!! :happydance: So excited, especially since we'll get a dvd with a video and we can see him wiggle around as often as we want... Hopefully he'll be cooperative :p

Bet you're looking forward to feeling your bubba and seeing him/her and finding out if it's a he or she :)
Only a couple of weeks to go!!! :happydance:

It's quite a weird idea though that we're actually counting down to the duedate now.... only 17 weeks to go.... can't wait till that is only 10, cause it sounds so much closer than 17 haha :p
We've set up the nursery, getting our changing unit from my parents this weekend, and we're also getting a playpen from them, but that's gonna go downstairs in the living room... but I don't think I'll set that up until he's almost here... But yeah the nursery looks good, and we got it in a little room next to ours and it's got double doors from our room to his, so we leave them open and can look into the nursery (into his cot) from the bed :D

We're spending a lot of time in the bedroom at the moment (not in that way!!! :p :blush:) But we don't have tv downstairs, cause the sky cable down there is only a single one, so we can't plug the sky+ in there (or we can't record). But we're hoping to get multiroom for sky so we'll actually start using the living room and tv downstairs haha.... it'd be better cause I'd be more motivated to actually get dressed or at least get out of bed haha :p
I just got a letter from QE that they've booked me in for a midpregnancy scan tomorrow.... I'm excited but also a bit worried, cause I told my GP that I'd already had my 20 week scan.... Do you know if it's normal that they ask me to come in for another scan cause I've moved???

Guess I'll get to see him again, and have double confirmation of him being a boy :p And get some more pictures :p
Do you know how it works with getting pictures at QE?? (it said something in the little booklet about having to get a voucher for 2 pounds or something for the picture :shrug:)
OOOh thats a nice surprise! I had to get some vouchers when DH and I were there a few weeks back. I think it was like £2 for a piccie. We got two piccies worth but the sonographer was nice and gave us a few more pictures. I would just get a few just in case. I am assuming they are getting you another scan in for moving hospitals/GP and MW or something. Good luck and I look forward to seeing more pics of Jamie Lucas!

Sounds like your place is looking nice. I love the idea of looking into the nursery when you are in your room. That will be very handy in months to come.

I know what you mean about getting to 10w rather than being 17w to go. I am counting down to get past 20w and then not counting up ie 21, 22, 23 but going down! eeeek I am almost half way through!

What time are you in for your scan tomorrow?
The scan is at 10.30. I have no idea where to go (as in where everything is) though... Guess I'll just have to leave plenty in time to find it :p
Hubby says it takes about 10 minutes to walk over so that's good :) He won't be able to come though, as he's working and has physio in the morning.... And it's a bit short notice :p

I'm not sure if I'm gonna get any pictures... they're quite expensive if you pay 2 pound per picture.... In Canterbury they just asked for a donation and they considered 1 pound a picture a good donation.... So we paid 5 pound everytime to get 5 pics. Hopefully I'll have a nice sonographer like you had and get more pictures....

It said in the booklet that you have to ask at the start of the scan for the sex and they'll tell you at the end.... I think I'll just tell em to check that it is a boy hahahaha :p I'd be sooo surprised if it's a girl haha :p
Its not far from main reception so if you go in through the main part it is just up the stairs on your right. I am sure they will direct you!
I also thought it was rather expensive! Cheeky that they are playing on us parents to be. I hope you get a nice sonographer :)
Let me know when they tell you re: the Gender! Good luck!

Minimin x
Found it alright :)
Had the scan and all was good like they said with my last scan, and the measurements seemed to match up to what they measured last time. She didn't see any abnormalities, and I got to see his little face.. :)
Didn't get any pictures cause he wasn't in a good position, he was face down..
Oh and she seemed to think he's a boy aswell :p

The voucher machine was broken, so didn't have to pay for any pictures anyway if I would've taken them... So if you're lucky it might still be broken and you can still get pictures :p
Wohoo! to nice scans! It is a shame he was hiding. When went to the scan the machine was also broken but the ladies at the reception made us get a voucher :( I may not tell the ladies at the reception and see if I cn still get some for my next one :)

Did you find it alright? Hope you are resting up now :)
I asked them at the reception where to get the vouchers and she said the machine was broken but I'd still get some pictures... so I guess you should just go in and get pictures...

I've finally started resting now :p Had to tidy the house and parents are coming tonight - they're coming late, so probably won't really see the house before going to bed, but they will tomorrow morning haha :p Not that they'd mind if it's a mess, but I just like having it clean and tidy when someone comes over... And it's a good excuse to actually clean :p haha...

I put a miffy cross-stitch on a bodysuit for our little boy the other day.... Took a picture of it so you can see...

We're also getting our changing unit and playpen when my parents are here, so the nursery should be near enough done then... So when that's all done I'll show you some pics aswell :p


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Wow that looks great! It looks professional! How long did it take? I bet your folks are dead excited to see you and of course the wee one on Saturday! are you off shopping with them after the scan?
I look forward to the nursery pics :)
What is tour new project then? I have not started neither nursery or little projects. I think once I hit past 24w and get kicks as regular reassurance I will feel better.
Although we have a scan tomorrow I am not convinced all is well again- there is no real reason- some dull aches here and there and my (TMI) discharge looked like it was tinged with brown- did you find this? Well I guess I have around 24 hrs to wait and see what the scan comes up with :( I hate this worry!

on nother note, I think I felt the babba yesterday- most nights I get really gassy and feel alot of gurgling- but I think not all is gas! Is that what you felt at first two?

Well enough gabbering- let me know when you are in Woolwich- we should really grab a coffee or something :)
Ah you're getting a scan tomorrow!! yay!!! Excited??
You shouldn't worry so much, I'm sure bubba is perfectly fine :) Like I always said/thought: as long as there's no blood, it's all ok....
I didn't get any brown-tinged discharge or anything (as far as I know :p)
But you've passed the 12 week point (about 6 weeks ago!!! :p) so you're all good, otherwise you'd notice...
I think sometimes about what it would be like if it would go wrong, but I reckon you'd notice cause the baby is too big to just come out, if you get what I mean... at the start of pregnancy like 5 or 6 weeks or something you can still lose the baby without noticing, well you'll get pains and that, but you might not even notice the baby has come out, but ours are a bit too big for that now.

About movement... I think it sort of feels like gas.. it's a bit like a popping feeling, but sometimes it also feels like twinges if you get what I mean... I had it last night where it felt like twinges... And sometimes it even feels a bit like you're getting electric shocks from someone else, but then in your belly.... (I had that a couple of times while I was driving)
He's kicking off now aswell haha :p He's sitting a lot higher now, at least kicking quite high.... about an inch above my belly button now I think...So he'll probably start kicking in my ribs soon :p

But it's hard to explain what it feels like when the baby kicks, but I reckon you'll KNOW when it's the baby, at least I was like that, cause it does feel slightly different from gas or anything else, so if you're feeling something you haven't felt before you'll know......I hardly notice him kicking sometimes now, cause I'm getting used to it.... so I'm not like: OMG he just kicked!! with every kick anymore... haha

At the moment I'm doing a cross stitch for my MIL for xmas, almost finished the first of 9 pages :p I made her 2 before, one with wolves and then 1 with lions.. this one is of white leopards or something.. She loves big cats!! But this is gonna be the last one I'm making her for xmas, cause I bet she'd like getting something else for xmas sometime aswell haha :p
But after that I'm making a Mr Men cross stitch for our little boy, to put up in the nursery. But wanted to do this one first just to make sure it'll be done for xmas. And I'll also make a couple more miffy's on bodysuits I think...but they only take me about a day, maybe a day and a half... I started it on sunday afternoon (around 4.30 ish) and finished it on monday about 24 hrs minus sleep :p haha

Woolwich is ok.... My hubby said the first day we were here that town centre looked like bagdad central haha :p but it turned out that that wasn't the actual towncentre... He says the town centre is ok, I haven't seen in yet.....apart from driving to sainsbury's... Which btw doesn't make ANY sense at all, the lay out of sainsbury's that's a weird shop :p And we've been to Asda in Woolwich aswell, but didn't like it so we do our shopping in Asda in bexleyheath now... We'll be going there later today when Jay's back from work.

Guess we should go and get some coffee (or something else as I don't drink coffee or tea) in Woolwich towncentre some time then, cause I haven't seen it yet.
Anyway we're quite happy with the house and that, but don't really like the area around here... you should see my doctors office haha :p looks like a bombshelter haha :p

Ok that's enough... I gotta get on with my cross stitch :p haha.....
You are the cross stitch queen!!!
Well I have to say I am not surprised about your reaction to woolwich. I come from harrow and moving here after getting married was like moving to baghdad! LOL
I hear you on the sainsbury there. We never go to the one in Woolwich. There is one near North Greenwich- just behind the Asda you must have gone too. There is also a Morrisons in Thamesmead where we go to get our stuff. Normally it is there :)
Let me know what day works for you. I am in Woolwich on Tuesday if you fancy meeting. We can grab a drink in Starbucks-or at least meet there :) if you dont have tea or coffee.

I hope it is babba I am feeling as it would be nice to know thngs are going ok. Like you said it is hard for us to naturally lose them now but I know we can lose them and then have weeks before we know. Horrific as these women have to give birth but to a still born. I tell you I dont know where I get this in my head. I wonder if I will ever stop worrying! LOL
Right I better get up - just sneaked in a 2 hour nap!
Whats for dinner your side?
yeah I LOVE cross stitching :)
We used to go to asda in canterbury aswell, and we know and like what we get there, so we're all happy with the one in bexleyheath... But thanks for the tips anyway :)

What time will you be in Woolwich on tuesday?? I'm not sure if I'll be able to go at the moment, but I'll let you know....

I know what you mean about giving birth to a still born... I mean when you're gonna give birth it's gonna be bad enough (with the pain and that) as it is, but then not to be able to have your baby would be horrible!! :cry: Can't imagine how you'd cope with that...
But I'm sure we'll be fine :) My boy is kicking away again, so that's all good...
Did you rent a doppler in the end??

What time are you having your scan tomorrow??

Oh and btw, I don't think we'll ever stop worrying now haha... I mean yesterday when I got the letter about the scan the first 2 minutes I was happy and said to my hubby I wasn't gonna worry cause with the last scan everything was fine, but I worried anyway.. and was a little bit nervous this morning aswell.... I guess the worrying is normal, I mean mothers always worry :p So our mother instincts are just starting to kick in I think.... :)

Still can't imagine myself having a little baby though, one that you don't have to ask to hold or have to give back to his's still really weird and unreal... And I forget about being pregnant sometimes :p and I'll wake up in the morning and go: oh yeah I'm pregnant.... or just in the middle of the day I'd say to my hubby: :O I'm pregnant.... we're gonna have a baby.... haha :p
I know what you mean about not remembering you are pregnant. I do that too! LOL. I am sure once the wee ones are here then it will be real. Most women I have spoken to - well normal ones - say that it is weird and normal to feel this way! LOL

Hope you have a good evening hun- I am waiting on my hubby and sister to comehome- made some spag bol for dinner!

my appointment isnt until 14.45 tomorrow but the last appointment I went to at this clinic was about 2 hr late :(
tc and speak soon xxx
Hey how was your scan the other day???
Our 4D scan was amazing, we upgraded our package for an extra 20 pound, so we'd get more pictures and a little frame...

He was being a little bugger though, laying face down AGAIN!!! (same at both 20 week scans) But he was awake.. so we tried prodding him, which didn't work so I had to go for a little walk, had a chocolate bar and prodded him loads (while walking). Then we got back in the scanroom but he was still not playing the game :p But after a couple more prods he started to show his face so we did get some good pictures in the end... Here's the link to the thread I posted with the pics (so I won't have to upload them again... )

Oh and today is my V-day!! yay!!! Almost going over to 3rd tri now :D

So how are you doing?? Hope you're all good....

ps. My parents have left again so I'll be on again :p haha..

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