Hello my girls!! I have a lot of catching up to do!!!
Cridge > WOW so you also sound like a pill box if shaken a bit hard
AFM > Im starting Acupuncture today for fertility but the lady said I should have started about 3 months ago, so she now wants to see me 2/3 times a week till O and then 1/2 times for the TWW. Its is expensive but I just hope it is worth it!!!!!!!!!!!
Tella - oh yes! I'm a pill box for sure!!

I take 8 or 9 pills a day (depending on the day), but I take powdered inositol (3 times a day) and gummy b-complex (2 gummies every other day). I wanted to avoid taking MORE pills, so I found other ways to get those in. The only pills I would kill to drop are my 5 metformin pills! Yuck!
I did acupuncture and cupping - it's so great! DH and I would joke about the 10 hickeys on my back for the week after cupping.

It sounds like you're already seeing benefits! Acupuncture always helped my cycle in one way or another, although I never got a bfp from it. It's going to do wonders for you though!!
That was quite a dip on your chart on cd14! Do you think you have ovulated???
Hi Scerena! Yep! Huge dip! In fact, on CD15, it was even lower. So much so that I disregarded that temp because I couldn't believe it...and when I went to check the memory on my therm, all it said was "L" - for "low"

But, yes, I did end up ovulating on CD18.
Well i still haven't seen af and i'm on cd 37 but the strangest thing happened. I've been getting bad ovary pains since tues and alot of cm (which i've never had) so this mornin i took a cheapie opk and the lines were quiet dark so i thought i'd test with a cb digi opk and i'm over the moon because i got a ---->
Paula - Congrats on the + opt!!! It's such a mood boost to see one of those things!! Plus the cf! Yay!! Good luck to you in this 2ww!
Not much news here. I am on CD19 and there is no sign of a +OPK only a faint line around CD12-15, although for the past few days I've had a dull ache on the right hand side.

My temps have levelled out now - my chart is looking much more stable and I'm wondering if all the antibiotics I was on messed up any chance of Ov or perhaps have delayed it.

I'm having a CD21 progesterone test on Monday so hoping to find out what's going on so I can report back to my FS.
Kyla - your chart looks great!! I have a feeling your progesterone test is going to be low because it doesn't look to me like you ovulated yet. BUt don't let that get you down - you may still ovulate this cycle. It bugs me that some docs do a routine 21 day progesterone test having no idea if or when ovulation occurred. Keep us posted though!
I hope you don't mind me asking you experienced temping ladies a question, how will I know from the temps when I am about to ovulate so that I can get some BDing in before ovulation itself?
Kat - you can't really tell from temps alone when you're about to ovulate. Sometimes you'll get a dip in temps, but that's a really bad way of determining that ovulation is around the corner. The best way is to keep an eye on your cf and use opk's (which don't always work either). If you track your body signs, after a few months, you'll get to know your body well enough to tell if you're about to ovulate.
AFM as showed on 16/02/12. So had od on 3/01/12 af showed 4/01/12 then on 26/01/12 then on the 16/02/12 so short cycles but regular, is this norm??
Nikkia - Those do seem like short cycles. I've had times before where I'll have 19 day cycles for months in a row, but I never ovulated on those either. I'm pretty sure one time it was response to meds I was taking. The other time (which were actually 16 day cycles) I have no idea what was going on as I wasn't on any meds at all..
Love you Mommymel!! Yes, I was in Vegas. Having lots of

I'm so anxious for you to start charting and tracking and all that fun stuff. Sorry to hear you've had strep throat!! Yuck! I hope you're feeling much better now and can get back to ttc!
afm - I ovulated! I'm 5 dpo and will go in for a bHCG test on Friday. If you want to know the nitty gritty details, visit my journal (which I'll update soon).
Love you ladies!!