anyone got pregnant after ovarian drilling?

Ladies can I have a pep tak please? Getting pretty frustrated here. I'm on cd25 of my second post op cycle and no ov yet :( thinking this didn't work for me and already planning the next steps. I know I know I need to be patient....but it is so hard to just keep waiting waiting waiting and not have my body cooperate ever!

I did read the whole thread when I joined you all, but I can't remember, did any of you start off like me ie still long cycles, and then start to work towards normal cycles as time went on?

My follow up is on 7th July and I am assuming they will start me on clomid again then....but that just feels like I am back to where I was a year ago. I am seriously considering asking them to put me on the waiting list for IVF. I'm in the uk so the wait is likely to be quite long for it :( the last think I want is to endure six more failed rounds of clomid, and then start a long wait for IVF......
Ladies can I have a pep tak please? Getting pretty frustrated here. I'm on cd25 of my second post op cycle and no ov yet :( thinking this didn't work for me and already planning the next steps. I know I know I need to be patient....but it is so hard to just keep waiting waiting waiting and not have my body cooperate ever!

I did read the whole thread when I joined you all, but I can't remember, did any of you start off like me ie still long cycles, and then start to work towards normal cycles as time went on?

My follow up is on 7th July and I am assuming they will start me on clomid again then....but that just feels like I am back to where I was a year ago. I am seriously considering asking them to put me on the waiting list for IVF. I'm in the uk so the wait is likely to be quite long for it :( the last think I want is to endure six more failed rounds of clomid, and then start a long wait for IVF......

I was also very impatient, but it is important to remember that even if you dont O on your own after the OD it will still have a positive impact on your system.

I did start tracking immediately after my OD i O'd on CD25 so i started with Clomid on my second cycle and Od on CD16, 3rd cycle i also took Clomid and Od CD15 but all was BFN. 4th cycle natural i Od on CD 23 so mine took quite a while to improve to CD19 which is now my average. But i never responded to Clomid pre OD and now i have great results on low dosages, as well as Femara and FSH injections. So fxd when you start you will get atleast 2 eggies and a bfp shortly after :thumbup:

If it was me, i would go on the IVF list now already and continue with the clomid and IUIs if you can so that if it doesnt work you already 6 months wait gone and if it works and you get your bfp then you just come of the list, you have nothing to loose doing it that way.
Heres_hopeing I know what you mean... at least u have app soon... mine is in November... so I decide to go to usg to see whats going on... bbecause my temp going crazy... And my ovaries are painful... since OD... I hope so its not cyst... :/ but I think I will ask for clomid to increase my chances...
Patsysia, I had a followup 6 weeks later and then i had to wait 6 months before they would look at any assisted cycles. I took the clomid out of my own :blush:

Your temps are looking good, i think you might just see O soon. That upward trend of the last 2 days is a good sign, fx another temp will confirm it.
Tella I dont know... usually if I have ovu it shows on temp perfectly... and this very slow jump is not normal for me... it looks like non ovu cycle... you can have a look on my previous previus cycles (just press "poprzedni"), like 6 previous cycles I did temp all cycles. I think I will take clomid as you ;) anyway specialy if I wont have period in 10-14 days max... my cycle wont fit for IUI on my holiday :(
Thankyou Tella, that's what I needed to hear :hug: my plan is basically what you suggest, ask the to put me on the IVF waiting list, and meanwhile commence clomid again. I don't know whether they will, but no harm in asking! they won't fund IUI as they don't consider the increase in chances is enough to warrant the cost, which I am ok with as it agree it won't add much at this point.

I did respond to clomid well last time at 100mg, always at least two eggs, so fingers crossed I will again.
Ehh my temp is showing I did not ovulate... :( so will see whats going on usg today...
Pat, i hope a u/s will help you figure out what is going on with your cycle. its hard being in limbo like that!!! Your charts are all over the place just like mine was pre OD, i really hope that you will manage to get more regular cycles.

Here, I know iui doesnt up the chances that much but at this point im willing to try pretty much everything again :lol: to try and get that bfp!!! IF there is no MF then normal TI should be more than good enough, my only issue sometimes was getting DH to BD enough times during fertile period. This month was awesome, i never get so much bd in the fertile period.
Tella I hope so too my cycle will get more regular...

I m already after u/s and its great news! I have follicle 19x13 :) amd my linnig is 10 mm so I look forward to ovu ;) but the doctor said to not put much hope in this cycle as egg might be not very good quality after OD.

Tella whats ur plans? Any IUI or natural cycles?
Tella I really wish BFP for you in 10 days :) keep fingers crossed for you ;)
Sarah - I'm late with the pep talk, but here goes!
I had my OD done in Dec 11. Afterwards I didn't ovulate on my own (3 cycles random length cycles post op). I was in a pit of despair and hopelessness, the op hadn't worked as far as I was concerned. I started to feel desperate and angry that it hadn't worked and why me? My best friend had just had her baby girl, she hadn't even told me she was ttc and all I got was a text after her 12 week scan as a general announcement to I concluded people were avoiding me as they could sense it wasn't going to happen for me too. I felt as if I was being punished somehow, for what I don't know. I was seconds away from tears if I even thought about it. I was sick of POAS and getting nothing, no positive Ov and certainly no BFP. :cry: In April/May I took my first Femara/Letrozole cycle. I wasn't being monitored with ultrasounds, I just had a CD21 blood test...which came back negative. Towards the end of the cycle I met with friends who asked how I was getting on and I just burst into tears. It's not going to happen for me I said, Clomid had failed, even when I ovulated on my own prior to the op I wasn't getting pregnant, there was no reason why I wasn't getting pregnant, except that elusive ovulation. My CD21 progesterone levels were pathetic. :nope: BFN. I couldn't even start a new Femara cycle because I didn't even had a period. Wah! I didn't know at that stage that my CD21 levels were negative because I had ovulated late, on CD19 my early pregnancy tests were negative, but a few days later I got my BFP. Baby Jude is 16 months old now. I remember the despair only too well. It is too early to say if the op has been a success for you or not, please don't feel low. I know it's hard not to.
BTW I chose the name Jude because Jude is the patron saint of hopelessness and lost causes. I wanted to have a reminder that when we feel something is a lost cause and nothing will ever go right, then hope really can be just around the corner. :hugs:
Get your name down on the IVF list, but I still have very high confidence in the op being successful for you.

Pat - Great news about the follicle. :thumbup: Some ladies have got pregnant on their first post-op cycle and I've never heard of an egg not being good quality on the first cycle, but please don't stress/put yourself under too much pressure to see instant results. It can take a few months for everything to settle down.

Tella - Much love to you, and fingers crossed for your BFP. :hugs: Any news of MommyMel?
Kyla thanks for ur answer :) I m not expecting anything to be honest. After acupuncture yesterday I just feel calm inside, maybe seeing follicle did help as well :) but anyway at the moment I have final exams so my head is somewhere else :)
Hi ladies! ive been mia trying to get back into the swing of things, i returned to work today, i took an extra week off because the week of my op drained me but im feeling like myself again. (did i mention i was wrong on how many holes he drilled? i was wrong last time i updated you he actually drilled 24 in each ovary!! crazy! ) im pretty hopeful too because doctor told us at my follow up that it is possible i get pregnant this cycle, I got a positive ovulation on May 28 which is 9 days post op and i ran out of kits so i tested again on May 31 and i got a VERY VERY strong positive test line:thumbup:, (which actually now makes me wonder if and when i actually did ovulate) i also tested every day up until yesterday and have gotten positives, still not as strong as the one on 5/31/14 though. so hubby and i did BD every other day since the 30'th just in case, the only reason i even decided to test was because on the 28th i felt a very strong pain on my right side that lasted a few minutes and would come back on and off until about this past monday. I know its not a for sure sign i ovulated but i sure hope i did! well im very hopefull but doctor did give me my prescription of progesterone and clomid to take by this cycle if AF doesnt arrive and HPT comes back negative. so here i am on 16 dp op and crossing my fingers for my BFP!!

how is everyone else?? any BFP since ive been gone??? i sure hope so!!!!
kyla, im good thanks just have a cold :hissy: can't wait for my bfp! !!!! mommymel is doing great, het little girls are growing up so quickly! They absolutely gorgeous just like mommy.

Are you gonna try for no2?

praying, wow 24 is alot! ! I only had 6 in each ovary. fxd that you did o amd your bfp is to follow very soon. It's so strange how some docs say we must wait 6 months post op and other give Clomid right away. Either way bring on that bfp!!!!

pat, good luck with your exams, hope you get two +'s :winkwink:
Thanks tella ;) 3 more to go left ;)
Today i had ovulation!!! I did feel it!!! Yay;) first time since we trying to convince... no I have to wait to BD because past time was tuesday evening.... but my husband is off today so no problem.

24 is huge number... my doc said usually 5 to 7 holes is done...
CD18 O is great!!!! Im also CD18 o this month :happydance: Lets hope 18 is luck for both of us!!! My first bfp was on a CD18 O, holding thumbs :thumbup:
Great! So fingers crossed for BFP ! last time when I convince I dont know what day it was... was too complicated... :/ but this time have to be happy end :) for both of us ;)
Oh yes this time its gonna be the best ending every!!
Tella, thats what i thought too! 24 is alot, and i asked my doctor. He said it looked like i had never ovulated before, which is why he felt i needed more, i was told most women usually get between 6 and 18 but there were absolutely no marks where an egg had ever possibly gone through before, so thats why. :shrug: He also let me know my Ovaries are larger than normal but that i shouldnt worry, that its because i still have sooo many eggs. so i looked at that as a great thing! at least thats how he told me to look at it. I hope that it means i still have alot of babies in my future!!!

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