Anyone just had a baby and WTT, NTNP, or TTC?

Pinkstar - Welcome :hi:

Hope you can compromise with your OH and start TTC sooner :winkwink:
Thanks ladies corr its really friendly here :D It seems i missunderstood OH. He's said that children aren't off limits, that he wants a little girl (obv would be fine either way in reality) im staying here though as he didnt specify when so maybe not just yet (was a brief convo). after having a 3 year gap with these two boys... i'm now completely in favor of close age gaps for our subsequent little people hehe :) x
My LO is 3.5 months and ive just gone off the pill but don't want it to happen for at least another few weeks or they'd be having the same birthday! (Ill be having a scheduled cs next time)
I'm in two minds at the moment i want to ask hubby if we can start trying again now but on the other hand i'm worried that because i had an EMCS 9 weeks ago my scar won't be as ready as it would if we were to start trying when my next cycle gets here, i'm also meant to be going out with a few ladies on my patch here on the 25th and at that point if i was to fall pregnant first time then i'd be about 4 5 weeks.
I'm in two minds at the moment i want to ask hubby if we can start trying again now but on the other hand i'm worried that because i had an EMCS 9 weeks ago my scar won't be as ready as it would if we were to start trying when my next cycle gets here, i'm also meant to be going out with a few ladies on my patch here on the 25th and at that point if i was to fall pregnant first time then i'd be about 4 5 weeks.

Hubby just made a move and I went through with it but made him pull out haha
My LB was due 27.1.13 and had an emcs 13.1.13 and if I was to fall pg (unlikely, but just in case)now I'd be looking at a due date of 29.1.14 and a scheduled cs 15.1.14 lol, don't wanna do that to my kids so I'm just gonna avoid doing it for 2 weeks lol
I'm in two minds at the moment i want to ask hubby if we can start trying again now but on the other hand i'm worried that because i had an EMCS 9 weeks ago my scar won't be as ready as it would if we were to start trying when my next cycle gets here, i'm also meant to be going out with a few ladies on my patch here on the 25th and at that point if i was to fall pregnant first time then i'd be about 4 5 weeks.

Hubby just made a move and I went through with it but made him pull out haha
My LB was due 27.1.13 and had an emcs 13.1.13 and if I was to fall pg (unlikely, but just in case)now I'd be looking at a due date of 29.1.14 and a scheduled cs 15.1.14 lol, don't wanna do that to my kids so I'm just gonna avoid doing it for 2 weeks lol

i am leaning more towards waiting a bit, just because i know it would be safer too, if i was to fall pregnant when we oringally planned then there would be about a year age gap, which is what we would like but thinking about it wouldn't be fair on the kids, like you said :)
littlesteph, I understand wanting to wait a little after a cs. I think your risks are a little increased directly after one, I would probably hold off until at least 6 months PP or the broad spectrum of things that's not much time at all and you will still have 2 LOs very close in age! :)

hopeful, I don't know how I would feel about having two with a birthday so close either! It does seem like it would take away from their "special day" a little, and also I'm thinking it wouldn't be too kind to mom and dad either having to spend twice the amount of money for birthdays all at once! LOL

pinkstar, it sounds like you and OH will be able to compromise! Yay! We would also love to have a little girl next time, although we would love either of course. Our little angel who we lost last Feb was a girl, so I'm hoping we have equal chances since we have had 1 of each at this point.
I'm in two minds at the moment i want to ask hubby if we can start trying again now but on the other hand i'm worried that because i had an EMCS 9 weeks ago my scar won't be as ready as it would if we were to start trying when my next cycle gets here, i'm also meant to be going out with a few ladies on my patch here on the 25th and at that point if i was to fall pregnant first time then i'd be about 4 5 weeks.

Hubby just made a move and I went through with it but made him pull out haha
My LB was due 27.1.13 and had an emcs 13.1.13 and if I was to fall pg (unlikely, but just in case)now I'd be looking at a due date of 29.1.14 and a scheduled cs 15.1.14 lol, don't wanna do that to my kids so I'm just gonna avoid doing it for 2 weeks lol

my 2 are near the same birthday haha. daughter is 14th Nov and son is 22nd Nov. 2yrs 1week and 1 day apart! his EDD was the 16th Nov!
Yes especially since its just after Xmas too!
I know your meant to wait 6 months after cs but I don't think it'll happen soon anyway, plus I felt the mini pill I was on was screwing with me as alot if its side effects are same as my pcos.
Steph, I agree with others that it would probably be better to wait until at least 6 mo PP. I had am EMCS too and am nervous being NTNP at 8 mo PP. Doing some Googling, other ladies have certainly gotten pregnant soon after a C-section (sooner than 6 months), and ended up fine, but I personally wouldn't risk it because a C-section is major abdominal surgery. I'd think that the uterus should be nice and healed in order to be properly vascularized to support a baby, and also for the scar to be strong enough to support the uterine expansion. It's so hard to wait, really do understand.

It helps to pass the time by focusing on LO, though! You are going to be reaching the really interesting, engaging phase of LO's development soon and things will pick up and time will pass by much more quickly. The first few months seem to go slowly because LO can't do much but sleep, but it gets more exciting I swear! :) :flower:
sorry another late check-in!
How is everyone??
Off to the doctors this afternoon, 21 weeks after giving birth & still no AF even though am bottle feeding.
Was convinced last week that we were already pregnant - had literally every symptom going - nausea, fatigue, heavy boobs, weeing, emotional, weird smells, dizziness and bloating to the point where my OH noticed & told me to do a test as it looked like a bump (charming!), have been testing with internet cheapies and BFN and then tried Clearblue and still BFN so haven't got a clue what is going on!
x x x
sorry another late check-in!
How is everyone??
Off to the doctors this afternoon, 21 weeks after giving birth & still no AF even though am bottle feeding.
Was convinced last week that we were already pregnant - had literally every symptom going - nausea, fatigue, heavy boobs, weeing, emotional, weird smells, dizziness and bloating to the point where my OH noticed & told me to do a test as it looked like a bump (charming!), have been testing with internet cheapies and BFN and then tried Clearblue and still BFN so haven't got a clue what is going on!
x x x

We're u regular pre pregnancy??
Mine hasn't come back either but I have pcos
Good morning ladies:flower:

How's the weather where you live? Here it's sunny and warm...FINALLY!!!!:happydance:

Pinkstar: Have you heard of the Shettles method? Basically if you want a boy you should DTD the day before and the day of ovulation as Y swimmers are faster but have a shorter lifespan. For a girl, you should DTD 2-5 days before ovulation, but not after! Last may, DH and I could only see each other on weekends because of work, so we DTD saturday night and sunday afternoon, and I'm sure I didn't ovulate until tuesday or wednesday. And sure enough it was a little girl:happydance:

So something very interesting is happening to me. I've always had 27 to 29 days cycle, ovulating on CD 13 or CD14. I always notice lots of EWCM a few days prior to O so we would just DTD. But yesterday I notice lots of EWCM, so decided to take an OPK, and sure enough it was positive...on CD 8...what the heck!!!Of course we DTD and will do it again tonight and tomorrow, sice ovulation might not occur 'til 72 hours later, but that would be a very short cycle for me!! I've had some short ones before, but it's unusual. Any of you ladies experienced the same? I'm not complaining about it, as long as I ovulate I'm happy, and with short cycles you have more opportunities to get pg in a year:happydance:

Hopeful: Good idea to see your doctor. You said you're bottle-feeding, I'm assuming it's FF? Because if you breastfed and pumped even for a few weeks, in can make quite the difference. And every women is different. I got AF 11 weeks postpartum, but then again, my reproductive system is just like me...always running lol :haha: Gotta say I was quite happy about it after my miscarriages, as it didn't take long to get pg again
sorry another late check-in!
How is everyone??
Off to the doctors this afternoon, 21 weeks after giving birth & still no AF even though am bottle feeding.
Was convinced last week that we were already pregnant - had literally every symptom going - nausea, fatigue, heavy boobs, weeing, emotional, weird smells, dizziness and bloating to the point where my OH noticed & told me to do a test as it looked like a bump (charming!), have been testing with internet cheapies and BFN and then tried Clearblue and still BFN so haven't got a clue what is going on!
x x x

We're u regular pre pregnancy??
Mine hasn't come back either but I have pcos

Sort of, but not massively.
I spoke to the GP about a month ago who said to go see him if it hasn't came back by now.
maybe all the symptoms are signs of it coming back, or something?
I dunno x
I bf til 3 weeks and then started ff except for a bf morn and night- but didn't think 2 a day would make a difference? 2-3 weeks ago we went full formula after he got sick and developed breast rejection.

Also until a few days ago I was on mini pill, my doc said it wouldn't affect my cycle but dr google says in 40% of women it can!! Was going to take it til I was in the c section clear zone but straight in the bin it went! Also can cause weight gain and I've gained 6kg/13-14 pounds since starting it.
Working on my weight now incase its the one causing issues....
Zilla: maybe you are preggers but it's still too early for a BFP?! That sure sounds like preggo symptoms to me!

Steph: yay for +OPK! Now you can be confident that you are for when you guys start trying!

Melfy: wow, O on CD8! Curious to know how long the EWCM lasts! Keep up the BDing!!!

Hopeful: ick about the mini-pill! I hope you feel better having trashed it!

As for us, we are plodding along NTNP. I'm avoiding CD tickers because they make me anxious but I had a BBT surge that started two days ago even though I still don't have EWCM. It's milky right now so I think I'll be Oing soon. We had a bit of fun last night so hopefully our eggie and spermies are in a social mood :)
Zilla: maybe you are preggers but it's still too early for a BFP?! That sure sounds like preggo symptoms to me!

Steph: yay for +OPK! Now you can be confident that you are for when you guys start trying!

Melfy: wow, O on CD8! Curious to know how long the EWCM lasts! Keep up the BDing!!!

Hopeful: ick about the mini-pill! I hope you feel better having trashed it!

As for us, we are plodding along NTNP. I'm avoiding CD tickers because they make me anxious but I had a BBT surge that started two days ago even though I still don't have EWCM. It's milky right now so I think I'll be Oing soon. We had a bit of fun last night so hopefully our eggie and spermies are in a social mood :)

I started having EWCM 2 days ago but OPK's were negative. Yesterday still lots of EWCM and 2 +OPK's (2 pm and 7pm). Today still EWCM but OPK's are negative. I always have at least 3-4 days of EWCM before and during O, so we will DTD again tonight and tomorrow. I don't think BBT would really work since DD wakes up during the night.
Zilla: maybe you are preggers but it's still too early for a BFP?! That sure sounds like preggo symptoms to me!

Steph: yay for +OPK! Now you can be confident that you are for when you guys start trying!

Melfy: wow, O on CD8! Curious to know how long the EWCM lasts! Keep up the BDing!!!

Hopeful: ick about the mini-pill! I hope you feel better having trashed it!

As for us, we are plodding along NTNP. I'm avoiding CD tickers because they make me anxious but I had a BBT surge that started two days ago even though I still don't have EWCM. It's milky right now so I think I'll be Oing soon. We had a bit of fun last night so hopefully our eggie and spermies are in a social mood :)

I started having EWCM 2 days ago but OPK's were negative. Yesterday still lots of EWCM and 2 +OPK's (2 pm and 7pm). Today still EWCM but OPK's are negative. I always have at least 3-4 days of EWCM before and during O, so we will DTD again tonight and tomorrow. I don't think BBT would really work since DD wakes up during the night.

Same here! I wake up to pump at 3am or so, so the longest stretch of solid sleep that I get is 3-4 hours :( Awful for BBT tracking!

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