Anyone just had a baby and WTT, NTNP, or TTC?

Well we finally DTD this morning and it will be the only timi for the next 5 days since we're visiting in laws. Am probably CD 13 and O is usually on CD 14 or 15, so not much but it only takes one swimmer. :haha: and I won't feel too bad about drinking coffee and alcohol:haha:
Thanks ladies. My temp dropped again today so I'm either having a crazy cycle, an anovulatory cycle or my temps are out with waking up too many times to feed LO!
Awwww Zilla :hugs: :hugs: Sounds like there is lots going on for you at the moment, Hun. I hope all those horrible feelings are just your hormones settling themselves. If its any consolation I felt similar right before my cycles came back and the as soon as AF arrived I felt oddly 'normal' again.

Looks like I've finally O'd on CD 29. No positive OPK this time though and our timing wasn't good because DH refused to DTD last night after a stupid disagreement. Grrrr. Unless there are some persistent swimmers holding out, I think we've missed the boat this cycle. It was a wierd one anyway.

Thank you :hugs: I needed that! I just want AF here so I can feel normal.

Good Luck!!:dust:
Babydreams: BTW, regarding being stuck with condoms as your BC method, DH and I have used the withdrawal method exclusively for the last 2 years and we only ever conceived when we were actively trying. I won't let him put a condom on--it's either withdrawal or nothing for us. I know some ladies think withdrawal is risky, but there are studies out that tout it as being as effective as condom usage when done properly! We've never had a problem with it.

Bittersweet: Best of luck to you and so sorry to hear that you've had complications in the past. I hope your baby wishes come true!

Zilla: Oh no, teething! Congrats on the house and so sorry to hear that AF hasn't returned yet… I do hope you get some answers soon, hon. That's amazing that you're pursuing a degree and I understand wanting to hold off on #2. I was pregnant in grad school and oh my goodness was that tough… Morning sickness during an 8am lecture is NOT FUN. I do think that the emotions could be due to hormones, but I'm not sure in what way. Some women just take longer to get their cycles back to normal postpartum. Maybe the intense emotions means that your period is finally on its way back…? Do hope so!

Honey: O'ed on CD 29! Wow! What a bummer about the disagreement with your DH. Hope your next cycle is more normal. Were you using CM this cycle, and are you sure you didn't O sooner than CD 29? You mentioned that you never got a positive OPK so maybe it was waaayyy sooner than you were expecting, like CD 10-14? I bet your temps are wacky from waking up a lot, like you said… I'll wager you O'ed way early.

Melfy: I think you have a great chance if you DTD on CD13! Good luck and :dust:!

Ladies I'm so excited. We are officially NTNP as of last night, and boy is it fun :) We decided not to be 'TTC' for a while because we don't want the stress of having to DTD because I'm O'ing. We are both hoping for a pregnancy, but we want it to happen in the most organic way possible… heat of the moment, swept up by emotions (and not the consistency of my CM), and letting our LO decide when he/she wants to come along. FXed for this upcoming cycle. I am on CD4, and even though I am tempted to get tickers and do the full-on TTC thing, I am holding off and just seeing what happens… If LO comes along this cycle, awesome! If he/she doesn't, that's just fine too. Really enjoying the close time with DH and the magic of watching DD blossom like a rose!

xoxo to you all, :dust: to the TTCers and FXed that everyone who is having cycle regularity problems gets a nice regular cycle soon.
May have done something a little silly last night. might be a bit tmi, anyone came off AF yesturday and hubby being the way he is everytime around that time, he like to tease me not fair :haha: but we ended up having it unprotected it was kinda heat of the moment thing, my little one is only 8 weeks and we weren't going to start doing that untill he's 12 weeks, so sure what it means for us now whether we're going to be doing the ntnp thing or still use condoms
May have done something a little silly last night. might be a bit tmi, anyone came off AF yesturday and hubby being the way he is everytime around that time, he like to tease me not fair :haha: but we ended up having it unprotected it was kinda heat of the moment thing, my little one is only 8 weeks and we weren't going to start doing that untill he's 12 weeks, so sure what it means for us now whether we're going to be doing the ntnp thing or still use condoms

Didn't you have a c section aswell?
May have done something a little silly last night. might be a bit tmi, anyone came off AF yesturday and hubby being the way he is everytime around that time, he like to tease me not fair :haha: but we ended up having it unprotected it was kinda heat of the moment thing, my little one is only 8 weeks and we weren't going to start doing that untill he's 12 weeks, so sure what it means for us now whether we're going to be doing the ntnp thing or still use condoms

Didn't you have a c section aswell?

yep, i think thats whats worrying me more then anything about trying again so soon, i have done a lot of research and i'm yet to come across a story where it hasn't ended in mother and baby being healthy
May have done something a little silly last night. might be a bit tmi, anyone came off AF yesturday and hubby being the way he is everytime around that time, he like to tease me not fair :haha: but we ended up having it unprotected it was kinda heat of the moment thing, my little one is only 8 weeks and we weren't going to start doing that untill he's 12 weeks, so sure what it means for us now whether we're going to be doing the ntnp thing or still use condoms

Didn't you have a c section aswell?

yep, i think thats whats worrying me more then anything about trying again so soon, i have done a lot of research and i'm yet to come across a story where it hasn't ended in mother and baby being healthy

Same we are starting at 4.5 months, even though my doc wants me to wait til 9-12, my ovaries are pretty dodgy though so I see it taking a while!
May have done something a little silly last night. might be a bit tmi, anyone came off AF yesturday and hubby being the way he is everytime around that time, he like to tease me not fair :haha: but we ended up having it unprotected it was kinda heat of the moment thing, my little one is only 8 weeks and we weren't going to start doing that untill he's 12 weeks, so sure what it means for us now whether we're going to be doing the ntnp thing or still use condoms

Didn't you have a c section aswell?

yep, i think thats whats worrying me more then anything about trying again so soon, i have done a lot of research and i'm yet to come across a story where it hasn't ended in mother and baby being healthy

Same we are starting at 4.5 months, even though my doc wants me to wait til 9-12, my ovaries are pretty dodgy though so I see it taking a while!

my doctor didn't say anything he asked what we wanted to use for proctection we said condoms, he then asked if i wanted to go on the pill i said no because when i came off it the last time it took 25 months to fall pregnant with our son.
i told him i wanted about a years age gap and he didn't say anything, he said nothing about having to wait. so we've taken that as a green light to start when he's 3 months.
i've been told so many different things one doctor as told me i have pco, and another says i don't as the blood tests dosen't show it. i was irregular untill i had a chemical 5 month before falling pregnant with my son after that i was every month. crazy how the body works
im also a c-section x2 we were told a year for scar tissue etc to heal and be strong enough... Saying that though i know a few people that have fallen pregnant right after a cs and been fine
Well something interesting happened: 12 hours after we DTD, welll, hum, AF came back:haha: And the real one:haha: Bt very few cramps so I'm totally ok with it!! I guess 2 weeks ago was just some random bleed, and it was wayyy to heavy to be related to ovulation, especially because it lasted for 3 days!! So we are now officially TTC:thumbup:
May have done something a little silly last night. might be a bit tmi, anyone came off AF yesturday and hubby being the way he is everytime around that time, he like to tease me not fair :haha: but we ended up having it unprotected it was kinda heat of the moment thing, my little one is only 8 weeks and we weren't going to start doing that untill he's 12 weeks, so sure what it means for us now whether we're going to be doing the ntnp thing or still use condoms

Didn't you have a c section aswell?

yep, i think thats whats worrying me more then anything about trying again so soon, i have done a lot of research and i'm yet to come across a story where it hasn't ended in mother and baby being healthy

Same we are starting at 4.5 months, even though my doc wants me to wait til 9-12, my ovaries are pretty dodgy though so I see it taking a while!

my doctor didn't say anything he asked what we wanted to use for proctection we said condoms, he then asked if i wanted to go on the pill i said no because when i came off it the last time it took 25 months to fall pregnant with our son.
i told him i wanted about a years age gap and he didn't say anything, he said nothing about having to wait. so we've taken that as a green light to start when he's 3 months.
i've been told so many different things one doctor as told me i have pco, and another says i don't as the blood tests dosen't show it. i was irregular untill i had a chemical 5 month before falling pregnant with my son after that i was every month. crazy how the body works

I have pcos, Jace was conceived with clomid, I have heard pcos can be cured after pregnancy but apparently that's not me as he's almost 15 weeks and still no period. So were gonna take it easy and NTNP for a few months b4 going back to clomid
i've not heard that before.
hopefully you won't have to go back on it and they'll come back naturally. have the doctors done any more tests to find out why they havan't come back, or it just because of the pcos
i've not heard that before.
hopefully you won't have to go back on it and they'll come back naturally. have the doctors done any more tests to find out why they havan't come back, or it just because of the pcos

My doc isn't doing anything because its the same as b4 I went on fert drugs and I responded to the drugs so well he thinks well do that again. Only Thing is with drugs u only get 6 rounds and you've just gotta go for it, I would like to take a more relaxed NTNP approach and try shettles for gender swaying
Melfy - good luck on your TTC journey!

WantsALittle1 - I have long cycles anyway. O around CD 22+ is normal for me, but I'm pretty sure this cycle is annovulation. I used OPK, fearning, CM and temps. I never got a positive OPK, full fearning or as much CM as normal so guessing this is my body getting back to normal?
Honey: Hmm. Sounds like it might indeed be an anovulatory one. Bummer!
hi can i join, we'd like another one oh feeels 3 years time i feel broody right now so maybe we'll compromise around a years time :) x
Welcome pinkstar! I hope your OH comes around and you can have another before 3 years!!

Sorry about this cycle Honey, it's probably just your body getting back to normal. Mine did strange things after my last miscarriage (Feb 2012). We were TTC immediately following my D&C but I had a really short LP and I ended up trying soy isoflavones to lengthen it. It took 4 cycles I believe to get my BFP. Don't worry, things will regulate for you soon!

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