Anyone Just Past EDD Want to Wait Out Labor Together?

Nothing here other than waking up completely exhausted after 9 hrs of sleep. I was nauseous last night before bed and pretty tired all yesterday too. I usually wake up before DH but this morning was dreaming still when his alarm went off at 8 (which is late for me!). So I may have a bit longer as I always hear it's the burst of energy before labor and this is the opposite. I have an appointment tomorrow and I feel like my dr is going to get pushy with induction but I plan to tell her I want to wait as long as possible.
Hi everyone,

Can I join too? Due date by scan was 24th though by ovulation date (and I was temperature checking) it was yesterday.

I have had no symptoms that labour is coming, like one of the other posters I still feel really well. Have been bouncing on a fit ball, tried a curry and been walking lots but nothing happening.

Had a burst of energy this afternoon and did some baking and cleaned out some cupboards so maybe I am finally nesting!

Got a sweep on Tuesday which I really hope will get things moving, I don't mind baby being late just would like to avoid induction.
Gosh it seems we all would like to avoid induction (makes sense obviously), and I so wish that it weren't such a question for all of us. I know my dr will want to induce when I'm in tomorrow and I wish doctors wouldn't even MENTION it until at least a week has passed over the EDD. My doula keeps telling me that relaxing is the best thing to do right now and the nicest way to allow labor to come, but it's so difficult for me when I'm feeling pressure and awareness around my dr's wishes for inducing. Frustrating!
Hi everyone,

Can I join too? Due date by scan was 24th though by ovulation date (and I was temperature checking) it was yesterday.

I have had no symptoms that labour is coming, like one of the other posters I still feel really well. Have been bouncing on a fit ball, tried a curry and been walking lots but nothing happening.

Had a burst of energy this afternoon and did some baking and cleaned out some cupboards so maybe I am finally nesting!

Got a sweep on Tuesday which I really hope will get things moving, I don't mind baby being late just would like to avoid induction.

My goodness- you have exact same due date/ ovulation dates as me! nothing much happening my end either! been walking lots but now i'm exhausted and in bed trying to sleep. Cut my thumb at lunchtime making daughter's lunch, so it's all bandaged up and i'm feeling sorry for myself. Now thinking it will be mid-week before this baby comes. Don't remember feeling this tired with my first though :( wish i had a burst of energy. Did all my nesting a few weeks ago, so maybe this is my body's way of resting itself? ho hum...

ps. was thinking of Maureen as a name if a girl- my aunt's name and i love it :)
I won't be having an induction. No way! wil let nature do it's thing :) Midwife is v supportive, luckily!

Lauren, totally agreee about the pressure- with my first born, my waters broke and I was on a count down to be induced- it was really stressful! managed to hold off for 3 days and luckily went into natural labour! the stress probably delayed things though. I am trying to relas as much as poss with this one. hoping waters don't go again!
I've gotten some movement today, just not enough to fully reassure me if that makes sense?

Got to 6 or 7 small little nudges during my kick count, not the full 10 so really unsure of how to proceed. All I know is that I am at the stage where I want her out just so I know she is SAFE! The stress of her quiet days is totally overwhelming me and I can't wait until I have her in my arms so that I can know she is ok!

Candycurls, I am sorry you are feeling down. My fingers are so tightly crossed that your next sweep works!

Rainkat, did you go naturally with your previous children? You must be tired today hun!

I would be a bit concerned by that too. When my LO is active she's very active. I'm sure everything is fine but safety first. Have you been checked?

With my first I took castor oil the night before I was scheduled to be induced. He was born 3 hours after my first contraction so I must have been ready to go but needed a little nudge to get things started.

With my second my water broke after a brutal ride in a speedboat. I hear of people going for a drive on a bumpy road or bouncing on a ball... this was more akin to a fall down the stairs. She was born 6 hours later.

With my third I tried castor oil and it didn't work. I tried every home remedy and old wives tale I could get my hands on. I've had all of my babies at home and here if you are past 42 weeks you aren't allowed a home birth. On day 12 my midwife broke my water. Nothing happened for a few hours but once things got started we were done in 90 minutes.
Hi everyone,

Can I join too? Due date by scan was 24th though by ovulation date (and I was temperature checking) it was yesterday.

I have had no symptoms that labour is coming, like one of the other posters I still feel really well. Have been bouncing on a fit ball, tried a curry and been walking lots but nothing happening.

Had a burst of energy this afternoon and did some baking and cleaned out some cupboards so maybe I am finally nesting!

Got a sweep on Tuesday which I really hope will get things moving, I don't mind baby being late just would like to avoid induction.

My goodness- you have exact same due date/ ovulation dates as me! nothing much happening my end either! been walking lots but now i'm exhausted and in bed trying to sleep. Cut my thumb at lunchtime making daughter's lunch, so it's all bandaged up and i'm feeling sorry for myself. Now thinking itwill be mid-week before this baby comes. Don't remember feeling this tired with my first though :( wish i had a burst of energy. Did all my nesting a few weeks ago, so maybe this is my body's way of resting itself? ho hum...

ps. was thinking of Maureen as a name if a girl- my aunt's name and i love it :)

Amazing we have the same dates! I didn't really feel late until today and have had Tuesday in my head as my delivery date but who knows!

Maureen is actually a nickname from DH but I think it's really cute if you shorten it to Moe for a little one.
I won't be having an induction. No way! wil let nature do it's thing :) Midwife is v supportive, luckily!

Lauren, totally agreee about the pressure- with my first born, my waters broke and I was on a count down to be induced- it was really stressful! managed to hold off for 3 days and luckily went into natural labour! the stress probably delayed things though. I am trying to relas as much as poss with this one. hoping waters don't go again!

You are very lucky!! My dr and I were on the same page for a while because I never in a million years thought that I would a. Not want drugs and b. Not want to listen to the dr, lol, but after our birth class I decided I wanted to try and forego the epidural and after hearing that I have a narrow pelvic arch that may lead to c-section I was set on no drugs because my doula's said that being able to move and squat will really help and will greatly decrease my risk of c-section. My dr practically rolled her eyes at this and doesn't seem to understand why I don't want the induction and the whole cascade of interventions. If she does pressure me I may just decide to schedule all my remaining appointments with other doctors there and hope that mine isn't the one on call when it's time! It feels weird doing that at the 11th hour but I don't want to have an unnecessarily stressful experience because of my impatient dr. There is a wonderful midwife at this practice and she's actually the one I feel most comfortable with. For my next I will probably make her my primary.
PS I also feel like the stress and pressure of this timeline are delaying things as she really felt ready to go up until the induction suggestion.
I won't be having an induction. No way! wil let nature do it's thing :) Midwife is v supportive, luckily!

Lauren, totally agreee about the pressure- with my first born, my waters broke and I was on a count down to be induced- it was really stressful! managed to hold off for 3 days and luckily went into natural labour! the stress probably delayed things though. I am trying to relas as much as poss with this one. hoping waters don't go again!

You are very lucky!! My dr and I were on the same page for a while because I never in a million years thought that I would a. Not want drugs and b. Not want to listen to the dr, lol, but after our birth class I decided I wanted to try and forego the epidural and after hearing that I have a narrow pelvic arch that may lead to c-section I was set on no drugs because my doula's said that being able to move and squat will really help and will greatly decrease my risk of c-section. My dr practically rolled her eyes at this and doesn't seem to understand why I don't want the induction and the whole cascade of interventions. If she does pressure me I may just decide to schedule all my remaining appointments with other doctors there and hope that mine isn't the one on call when it's time! It feels weird doing that at the 11th hour but I don't want to have an unnecessarily stressful experience because of my impatient dr. There is a wonderful midwife at this practice and she's actually the one I feel most comfortable with. For my next I will probably make her my primary.

Wow, what an unsupportive Dr! It's just obvious biologically wise that not lying on your back is better for delivery- common sense really! I gave birth to my first on all fours. It was perfect and straight forward and I only needed gas and air. Can't imagine being in a bed on my back. I know what you mean about leaving it to the last minute though as I don't think they appreciate the stress involved, being told you are doing the wrong thing for your baby, when you have done all the research yourself and know the facts. It's so hard to go against drs and we are lucky here to have v supportive midwives here and I haven't seen a dr once this whole pregnancy. I didn't even have to push once with my first, just breathed through contractions/relaxed through them, and it all went smoothly! Stick to your guns!! My best friend is a pediatrician and strongly believes in induction- so I feel pressure too. Everyone keeps asking what date it is and I keep fobbing them off that i don't have one yet.

Relaxing is the best advice!
That sounds like a really wonderful birth experience!! Well thanks for the support :) I don't really know why drs are so in favor of the flat-on-the-back epidural experience, but I don't have to go along with it just because the dr wants me to! So you are 40w4d Lillian? Def not even a week past so I'd say we both have time. My original due date was 4/27 so maybe I'll remind the dr of that, too.
That sounds like a really wonderful birth experience!! Well thanks for the support :) I don't really know why drs are so in favor of the flat-on-the-back epidural experience, but I don't have to go along with it just because the dr wants me to! So you are 40w4d Lillian? Def not even a week past so I'd say we both have time. My original due date was 4/27 so maybe I'll remind the dr of that, too.

Yes, that's another thing- I know my due date was really on Friday/Saturday latest (I know my ovualtion date) and with my first - the first scan put me a week ahead of my own due date. My daughter was not overdue by the look of her skin (according to midwife) although she was officially 10 days late. So that'S why i believe that nature will do the right thing. I'm not a hippy type at all. Just believe in natural birth and don't think we should see giving birth as a medical thing! Positive thoughts and we will both have an amazing experience. I still re-live the delivery of my first- it was the best day of my life!! :)
Morning my overdue crew!

Any twinges last night?

I have a feeling teabella's sweep worked because she didn't come on yesterday! Hope if she has had her baby everything went well and it starts a trend for the rest of us!!!
Morning all..
Any news from anyone ??
I am now 9 days over :growlmad:
But it is becoming clearer to me that my dates are screwy! I only found out I was pregnant in 2nd trimester as my cycles were irregular due to bf DS.
I think baby hit a growth spurt around then so measured 1-2 weeks bigger at 2nd trimester dating scan.
It also maybe that I ovulated later then I thought - I had no signs of ovulation at all so pregnancy was such a surprise to me!! I had tried to use ovulation sticks but no joy.
So I am even thinking I could request to let nature take course rather then have induction on Thursday but prob is DH on night shifts next week prob not wise to wait longer:wacko:

But really I will never know ...

So how is everyone else??
Wow candycurls! Can't believe you didn't find out till 2nd tri! I think that is so lucky! If you think you want to put off the induction that is what you should do hun!

Unfortunately I know my dates for absolute certain as I was using opks etc. So no hope for me! I don't have a single twinge, nothing! Starting to get worried about how big baby is gonna be by +12 days! Hoping for a miracle and that my 2nd sweep can actually be successful on Wednesday!
Hey Tawn
I have a sweep today at 2pm.
I am not getting my hopes up though.
I am wondering whether I should book a third sweep for wed just to give me last chance to go into labour naturally? :confused:
In the meantime I have questions about induction which I will ask midwife today e.g. - if initial prostaglandin pessaries have an effect will I still need constant monitoring?
Hopefully Teabella has a success story to tell us!!! :)
Keep up with the updates everyone..
Morning lady's .. No news this end, felt loads of pressure last night and was very uncomfortable but as soon as I got into bed it went!!! I am interested in the dating issue as my cycles are bang on and I am sure that my actually due date is tomorrow but at my 12 week scan they put me forward 4 days!!! Be interesting to see what happens.
Hope everyone is good even if sweeps don't seem to be working.. Baby's are far to comfy!!!
Have had a few light contractions since last night but nothing of substance- thought with the second baby things would kick off quicker? Maybe it'll be tonight?
Have had a few light contractions since last night but nothing of substance- thought with the second baby things would kick off quicker? Maybe it'll be tonight?

I thought the same as this is my second, with my first light contractions started and an hour later my waters went, but with this one I have had regular contractions for an hour or so then they stop, then I get so much pressure that I'm sure my waters are going to pop and then nothing, these symptoms have been going on for weeks and still no baby really thought once things started then they would lead somewhere !!!!
You all sound like you're gearing up! I haven't had any contractions unless af cramping counts in which case it's been for weeks. My original due date was 4/27 but I seem to remember them even telling me 4/30 at some point...I will as my dr for a sweep this morning but I'm really losing hope. I know I'm not that far past yet but c'mon baby!!

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