Anyone testing 6 Feb?

Jade_Kitten- hopefully thats a good sign, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!! Keep us updated!

Lumboo- I also have cycts, they seem to bother me most at the very end of my cycle, is that how yours are as well? Try to get some rest... being sick sucks!!!

Elhaym- I am also 6 dpo today so we are on the same track! How long are your cycles?
Jade_Kitten- hopefully thats a good sign, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!! Keep us updated!

Lumboo- I also have cycts, they seem to bother me most at the very end of my cycle, is that how yours are as well? Try to get some rest... being sick sucks!!!

Elhaym- I am also 6 dpo today so we are on the same track! How long are your cycles?

Around 31 days, I think I have a 14 day LP so ages until I can test! How about you?
I have a 28 day cycle.. I am only getting a faint line on my opk's but it is around cd14.. I am going to try and hold off testing until cd26 or cd27 but we'll see! I am more anxious this cycle as it is my first one medicated!
hking - I never knew I had cysts (and fibroids AND endometriosis?!!) until I had my post mc scan. They asked if I ever had painful periods and the answer is no, even though they think the endometriosis has been there since I had a d&c in the mc I had before my son. They told me that 'at this stage they don't think it's cancer' which was very reassuring - not!

I have another scan booked for the 14th Feb, and a follow up app on the 21st Feb. I have never had any problems with my periods, except for migraines and swollen breasts - neither of which I have right now. However, this is my second AF after mc, so PM symptoms could have changed.

DH is taking my son to the party so I am going to rest this afternoon. Pain is better now, but I am still going to take things easy.
Oh im sorry to hear about your mc.. ya they have a way of wording things thats not very convincing! I have very painful periods always have! I have had cycts since I was very young. I remember having an ultrasound done when I was 5 or 6 because I had cysts... I have never had to have any removed, they seem to resolve themselves, still very annoying though! Keep us updated on your ultrasounds, im hoping everything looks great!
Oh Girlies, pls don't be cross with me, but despite all my resolve to wait until the 5th I tested this morning with my second FRER this morning (the first was used at 12DPO with a BFN!)

I got a :bfp: !! - so all that AF cramping yesterday is uterus adjustment, which I guess would feel more extreme due to my mc in December (and the cysts, fibroids and endometriosis tbhat I was told that I have!)

At least I know that for me burping is a definate pregnancy symptom - although thrush is one symptom I could do without! :wacko:

Have not told DH yet - I know it seems silly - but I will not tell him until the 5th, as after the mc I just want to ensure everything goes smoothly over the time I should have an AF i.e. that the BFP was not in my head!

Hope you are not too mad with me for caving in, and please pray for a successful pregnancy for me this time Xxx
Oh Girlies, pls don't be cross with me, but despite all my resolve to wait until the 5th I tested this morning with my second FRER this morning (the first was used at 12DPO with a BFN!)

I got a :bfp: !! - so all that AF cramping yesterday is uterus adjustment, which I guess would feel more extreme due to my mc in December (and the cysts, fibroids and endometriosis tbhat I was told that I have!)

At least I know that for me burping is a definate pregnancy symptom - although thrush is one symptom I could do without! :wacko:

Have not told DH yet - I know it seems silly - but I will not tell him until the 5th, as after the mc I just want to ensure everything goes smoothly over the time I should have an AF i.e. that the BFP was not in my head!

Hope you are not too mad with me for caving in, and please pray for a successful pregnancy for me this time Xxx

Yay, fantastic! Congratulations on your BFP! :hugs:

Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy hun x
Congratulations Lumboo. Wishing you a lovely 9months!:kiss:
congrats :D

i did hear that burping is a symptom and im doing it alot!!! :)

Oh Girlies, pls don't be cross with me, but despite all my resolve to wait until the 5th I tested this morning with my second FRER this morning (the first was used at 12DPO with a BFN!)

I got a :bfp: !! - so all that AF cramping yesterday is uterus adjustment, which I guess would feel more extreme due to my mc in December (and the cysts, fibroids and endometriosis tbhat I was told that I have!)

At least I know that for me burping is a definate pregnancy symptom - although thrush is one symptom I could do without! :wacko:

Have not told DH yet - I know it seems silly - but I will not tell him until the 5th, as after the mc I just want to ensure everything goes smoothly over the time I should have an AF i.e. that the BFP was not in my head!

Hope you are not too mad with me for caving in, and please pray for a successful pregnancy for me this time Xxx
i really feel pregnant....waiting to test is agony but i have to do it :wacko:

my symptoms thus far...

Jan 26

started showing symptoms and suspecting that im pregnant, first day of last period - jan 6, 2011
starting weight 185
watery discharge with white tinge
butterflies in stomach- first symptom, i thought it was strange and very different to me, so i looked into it

jan 27

developed a head cold, it just hit me real fast
watery discharge with white tinge
stuffy/runny nose
back pain after walking a minute

jan 28

still have head cold
orange juice tastes much stronger than usual
burping alot
we BDed and im all soft inside and sensitive.
- HPT will test again at a later date
very slippery cm

jan 29
super nausiated
dry heaves
twinges in uterus
burping alot

jan 30
full feeling in uterus
Jade Kitten those look like some good symptoms! Fingers crossed it's a BFP! :D

(Love your avatar btw!)
Congrats Lumboo!!! I also had a MC in December. How far along were you and did you have a D&C?

I was 11w- baby passed at 8.5w and I did have the D&C. I got AF on 1/6/11 and got a positive OPK on CD17, so I'm assuming I O'ed on the 18th-ish.

I don't plan to test until Fri- 12DPO. Your story is giving me hope!! Praying this one sticks for you!!!
Jade kitten- My AF started 1/6/11 as well and I think Im on a 31-32 day cycle. I think you tested too early. When did you ovulate? I O'ed on Jan 23rd. I think Im waiting until Fri to test- your symptoms look good though. Good luck and keep us posted!!
Congrats Lumboo!!! I also had a MC in December. How far along were you and did you have a D&C?

I was 11w- baby passed at 8.5w and I did have the D&C. I got AF on 1/6/11 and got a positive OPK on CD17, so I'm assuming I O'ed on the 18th-ish.

I don't plan to test until Fri- 12DPO. Your story is giving me hope!! Praying this one sticks for you!!!

Thanks 1babylost. I had a mmc at 10wks on 7 Dec, but the baby had stopped growing at 7wks. I went to A&E as I had really minor spotting and no cramps, but deep down I knew before I even had the scan, as this was my 2and mc and I just felt it.

I booked in for a d&c the following week but (un)luckily mc naturally on 10 Dec with no problems, as I really didn't want another d&c. However, later that night, after I had stopped bleeding I was rushed to A&E with the most unbearable pain and put on a morphine drip. Horrendous!
I hadn't told family I was pregnant as I wanted to tell them with the photo of my 12wk scan at Christmas, so it came as a shock to my Mum when DH called her at midnight and explained what had happened and could she come and take care of DS so he could take me to hospital. Everyone was really supportive and my sister stayed with DH and I throughout the time I was in hospital.

AF returned 3 weeks later on 2 Jan, and this time I used SMEP as I am 36 and wanted to do anything to increase my chances of conception. I am really glad that I did as I found out that I ov much earlier in my cycle than I thought (CD14) and have a LP of 19 days, which is quite a lot. If I hadn't done the Opks I would have missed my best time.

I had a mc before my son and then had a perfectly healthy pregnancy, so there is always hope and no reason to believe that you won't go on to have a great pregnancy after a mc. Stay positive and you will get that BFP soon. Also, many women (myself included) are more fertile in the months after a mc, so if you have BD during your fertile time I really hope that you get that BFP soon.

Bigs hugs, and I understand your grief and need to see that BFP. Xxx
JadeKitten - I would test at the end of the week - or mid week at least, as you are a few days behind me with a similar cycle length. If you have taken 10 days for implantation then add three days to that and then test.

Your symptoms seem to be a really positive sign, although I bet you hate the burping! Keep us posted Xxx
Limbo- I am so excited for you!!! Congratulations, I'm always excited to hear success stories, give me hope!
Jade kitten- My AF started 1/6/11 as well and I think Im on a 31-32 day cycle. I think you tested too early. When did you ovulate? I O'ed on Jan 23rd. I think Im waiting until Fri to test- your symptoms look good though. Good luck and keep us posted!!

Sounds like we have a similar cycle, I also O'd on the 23rd and expecting AF on the 7th (31 day cycle). Trying not to test till that day, but it's a whole 8 days away!
For some reason felt the need to POAS today ... 7DPO... WAAAAAAAY too early.

I don't even know what prompted me to do it, I feel like i'm out this month anyway

The :bfn: was NOT a surprise
For some reason felt the need to POAS today ... 7DPO... WAAAAAAAY too early.

I don't even know what prompted me to do it, I feel like i'm out this month anyway

The :bfn: was NOT a surprise

That is still really early, so don't feel disheartened yet. I have spent the last two weeks alternating between 'feeling pregnant' and feeling that it must be in my mind. Wait a few days and test again. Good luck and hope you get that BFP next time you test Xxx

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