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Anyone testing on the 30th?

Hopefulagain: I'm 11 dpo today and AF is due in 3 days. It can still take a bad turn but...I've been super confident this entire time. I still am pretty confident. The temps look good, tests are looking good....I'm just crossing my fingers it sticks!
I'm testing on the 30th! I'll be 13 DPO and AF will be 2 days late (hopefully). I've already got some suspicious symptoms so I'm sooo impatient for that day to get here! Good luck everyone!
Valdante-Have you had any symptoms?

mutedsapphire-What are your symptoms?!
I'll also be testing on the 30th. I'll only be 8 dpo, but that's when I got my bfp with my son, so fingers crossed! :)
Valdante-Have you had any symptoms?

mutedsapphire-What are your symptoms?!

Constipation, some nausea, dull cramps, increased lotion-like cervical mucous (which I never get before AF, it's always dry), and a lower backache.
Jury: Not really many symptoms. No AF symptoms really. I have been getting increased CM, a backache every so often, some cramping here and there... Small stuff that isn't lasting long. I'm a bit worried though because my temps went down again today by quite a bit. Usually they only do this if AF is showing. I'm hoping it's a fluke since AF is due tomorrow or Saturday.
mutedsapphire-Those sound promising!

valdante-I noticed the circle for today's temp isn't filled in...did you take it earlier/later than normal? That could be the reason for the difference.
I did take it earlier. The dog woke me up about an hour before the usual time. Unfortunately, even when I adjust it to my normal waking time it's down. It would only be about 98.52 if I'd waken up at the regular time. Which is still a relatively decent sized dip, which does concern me a tiny bit since my temps begin dropping about 3 days before AF and they dropped once yesterday and then again today. If they drop again tomorrow I'm probably going to cry.
Good luck ValDante, I can definitely see that line! Hope the temp is back up tomorrow!

Jury, when are you testing?
Kt-I tested yesterday, bfn. I will either test tomorrow or wait and see if AF shows...
What symptoms did/do you have? What DPO did you get your bfp?
I had no symptoms at all! Now my bbs are a bit sore, but that's normal before AF so it's not really anything different. Tests are getting darker though, so I guess no symptoms is a good thing.

I don't know for sure when I ovulated, I'm going off opks, but I think it was 8dpo, although verrrrry faint. Don't lose hope yet though, definitely seeing a lot of late BFPs!
Hey jury, I think you can only get a BFP after implantation. So, if you implanted late u won't get a positive till near to af day. Am I right? Eventhough I don't post much, I have been stalking u guys since the start of this thread :) congrats to all the ladies who got their BFP !!!!
kt-Did you even feel any cramping or anything?! Have you made an appointment with the doctor?

peace-Yeah, I believe it can implant anywhere between 6-12 dpo. I haven't completely given up hope yet. It's just hard when you've never been preggo before! You have no idea what to expect or what it feels like or if you even can get preggo! lol
I've just been kind of a negative nelly this cycle, just feeling like it isn't going to happen...
same here Jury, im negative about it, and I know I shouldnt be.. hard part is for me..i've been pregnant..and all the symptoms I had with pregnancy i've been getting the past 3 cycles before af.. so i get psyched out. seeing obgyn Monday
good luck
Jury and LCS , it will ofcoure happen :) your baby is just taking his/her sweet little time. We will catch our egg this Easter. I don't have any symptoms except sore bbs, which ( as LCS said) I had last cycle too. At 9/10 dop aren't we suppose to have backache? I don't. Lets not give up though :) Believe in him:) our BFP is around the corner :)
Julie and Lauren...no being negative...if not this mth then some other time ...but its goin to happen ...chin up....
So I said no "symptoms" well, I was dressing after my shower and saw the girls... normally before AF the veins on my bbs become relatively noticeable that sometimes even DH notices them. The noticeable veins don't usually appear on the chest area between them, though. Today, the veins between my bbs and the ones on my boobs are super noticeable. It shocked me how pronounced they were, in fact! Things are still looking good in the direction of a sticky bean!
lc-Hopefully they can give you some answers to help ease your mind.

valdante-Regarding your chart today because I didn't say much about it earlier....Whenever I'm wondering if my chart is normal, I look up charts on FF in the gallery. There are lots of different things happening on charts. Charts that look preggo and end with AF and charts that look like AF and end up preggo. I'm convinced it almost doesn't matter...doesn't stop me from obsessing though! lol The dark veins are definitely a good sign though! Means your blood is increasing! Can't wait to see you lines getting darker :)

Thanks for the encouragement ladies :)
Jury: I actually realized I'm a total moron in regards to my temp this morning. I completely forgot that the fact that my husband is a snuggler most of the night would affect my temp. He is military and was in the field for training last night so I was sleeping alone. It's absolutely the only thing that could possibly affect my temperature that was different last night from any other night.

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