O that's right.. well, I wold say that's your darkest opk yet right??? I would say you could be ovulating today or tomorrow ...
Wow Ashley your OPKs are all over the place! Haha that would be so frustrating. Maybe it means your hormones are working overtime to be sure and get you pregnant this cycle!You make me feel like I should test on another OPK just to make sure they're still negative and I knew what I was talking about when I swore I O'd a while back. I usually only test until I get a positive or two and then a negative or two and then I quit. I would definitely say you will O either today or tomorrow! That's some really good positives though so at least you know there is no doubt you will have a good chance this time around!! Men, always turn into a pain right at the worst time possible. Don't you love them. They so don't get the drive we do when TTC, timing doesn't concern them, just getting there fix does lol. My husband has made me crazy while TTC sometimes too. I swore he was going to end up holding out on me at the time I needed him not to this time around but he actually didn't. I still don't know if we stopped too early/late. Who knows.
Emmy, so sorry the witch arrivedBut increasing your LP is super awesome! Next cycle will be yours!!
I get so incredibly tired after O for some reason. This happened last cycle too. I just feel like I have zero energy to accomplish anything after like 11 in the morning. Ugh. 10 days left until theis due. Yikes. I think part of the "sway" that I love so much is having something to do with myself during all the waiting. Then after O I feel totally useless. I've been on the pineapple, taking vitamins and extra folic acid, but that's really all I can do besides wait and I HATE it! Ugh. The TWW is the worst.
You could just be having a longer surge and also stress can make you stop surging and start again later, hopefully that's not the case but with today's test line darker than control I'd say you should pretty certainly O sometime in the next 48 hours!!! if you have abother cycle (hopefully none of us will) you should at least monitor your cervical position and mucus!! That will help tremendously! !!
That is so confusing, Ashley!
Do you all drink in the TWW? I have a friend coming over this evening and she doesn't know we are TTC. I don't really feel like mentioning it because she's at a totally different stage in her life and doesn't get the baby thing. But we usually have margaritaslol
This afternoons OPK. Still pretty positive
This afternoons OPK. Still pretty positive
Maybe your hubby switched your OPKs out with some fake ones that are always positive so he would just keep getting lucky!I bet today is your true surge and you will be Oing in the next 12-48 hours. Just keep at it! When is AF due for you?
That is so confusing, Ashley!
Do you all drink in the TWW? I have a friend coming over this evening and she doesn't know we are TTC. I don't really feel like mentioning it because she's at a totally different stage in her life and doesn't get the baby thing. But we usually have margaritaslol
LOL sounds like something he would do!
So when the eff have I ovulated?! I totally thought today I was 1dpo...
I honestly don't know when AF is due. I just got my cycle back in January but they're still pretty irregular since having my daughter. My apps say it's supposed to be here on June 6 but they've been wrong so far haha
Haha it's frustrating I know. I never have the problem you're having with OPKs but my frustration comes in with temping. I never get a pretty dip then spike so I always worry about whether my body actually O'd or not. With your positives being so dark today I would say today is your surge. But with the clear blue saying yesterday that could have been as well. You don't actually O until at least 12 hours after your surge so in my opinion tomorrow would be the earliest you could be 1DPO. If it says June 6 and if you are for sure going to ovulate in the next day or two I would say testing one the 1st would be perfect! Or if you want to start sooner maybe just start a week from today? That would put you at like 6DPO most likely. Try to not stress it though! As long as you are DTD regularly the specific day doesn't matter. You're obviously getting a surge so you will for sure O which is the most important thing!!![]()
Holy cow, Ashley! Those OPKs are nuts... have you used them before this month?
Ashley I feel your pain! I got 2 dark positives on mon and tues and since this is my first month temping, I was expecting to see a rise on wednesday. But no - temp has stayed the same so I guess this is going to be an anovulatory cycle. I have no idea if I've been ovulating at all because this is my first month temping again since before getting pregnant with DD. Has this happened to anyone else?