Still just happily pregnant! No sickness yet just getting tired but thats more the combination of 12hr work days and a 19month old lol. Im officially out of chemical stage!
I'm doing great, thanks! Just been busy with the kiddis. DD is growing up so fast, she's so smiley and giggley and loves to blow raspberries. She also has a lovie, a little alpaca plush that we call Paki.
aww hun totally normal feeling. i freaked at my 9 wk one, i was terrified. didn't help that my sil insisted i have someone with me, you know , 'in case anything is wrong' or i 'lost it.' thanks for the support. lol.
i woke up to full blown morning sickness and shooting pain in my breasts so its reasuring lol. Im going alone as grandma is staying home to watch little man. I will post pictures when I get them even though its not much to look at lol. only 4 hours to go!!
They didnt give me pictures but I got to see little pumpkin and hear the heart beat!!! My due date was changed to March 6th, and they said everything looked great. And I have a ultrasound question for you all lovely ladies
It was an external ultrasound soif he was looking down on my left does that mean babes more to the left or is it the right because i heard ultrasound provide mirror images
i'm pretty sure if he was on the left baby is on the left. but i'm not positive. just going by when we would look at insides with the ultrasound of animals, you put it right on whatever it is you're looking at.
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