Anyone TTC #2? Buddies?!

Hey everyone! Can I join? I'm Ttc number 2! Ds will be 3 in August! On a mission to get pregnant! Had to wait till he was 2 and a half before I could try for number 2, and I've wanted number 2 for soooo long! So im stressing! I had a chemical in March, then had he longest ever cycle in April/may, and only bd when I thought I was fertile!! So missed it! And this cycle I'm on cycle day 15 and no bed yet!! OH been away all week (typical) came home at 4 am today! So hopefully can bd soon!!

I've been doing opks and to my sadness it was positive on Friday, so there's a slight chance I could ovulate today? But since then the OPK doesn't look the most positive! Does this happen to any of you? The line fades? But not the control?

Could anyone look at the picture for me? CD 12 is when it was bright, but now looks like it's hardly there!
I would be very grateful is someone can have a look for me! Xx


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Coucou - so will you be NTNP til then??

VJ, chin up! How long have you been TTC? My sister's oldest is almost 19 & youngest just turned 1 in May. It's not that big of an age gap! Try not to be so hard on yourself. Don't let AF get you down! You got this!!!

Mommyxofxone - I know what you mean! It's kind of like doing a silly at home science experiment! It's kind if fun to pee on stuff :haha:

AFM, symptoms are kinda weird... I wake up with them, they go away, they come back mid afternoon, then go away, then come back again. (Symptoms include AF like mild cramps, sore breasts, etc) Totally can't remember if this coming and going is like I was when PG with DD. I keep oscillating between being CONVINCED I'm PG then CONVINCED I'm not. Even though I'm 12 DPO, I'm still not due for AF til Thursday, the 18th! Tired of waiting...

i get that with the symptoms that come and go. but i get everything i swear since having dd.

coucou - hgood luck for next cycle! Keep us updated :D

Welcome Kalon!

vj - I'm so so sorry! Keep trying! But maybe do it where you're ntnp and see what happens? Maybe to just take some pressure off of yourself. We are all here for you though when you need us :hugs:

mommyofone - i did my first today too! haha. I ended AF today and just wanted to see what my new OPKs are like :haha:

hurrah! how are they? :happydance:

Hi ladies! Can I please join? :wave: :flower:

Tomorrow is CD1 and it will officially be our first cycle TTC #2. My name is Keely, it's nice to meet you all.

My DS will be 2 years old in September and I'm hoping for a :bfp: by his birthday. :blush: <3

We are swaying :pink: though so I'm going to try not get my hopes up about falling pregnant in the first 3 months. It would be wonderful if I did, but I'm not expecting it to happen until at least cycle #3 if not after.

:wave: welcome hun!

AFM, I am on CD 6 & AF ended today and I'm just kind of lightly spotting off and on. I took my first OPK today just to see (obviously they were negative lol) but it felt good to be back in the game again! I've been feeling really relaxed and just....GOOD this cycle for some reason. DH and I have been in a good place and have been enjoying each other and just going with the flow.

I'm going to start testing regularly starting tomorrow and then on CD 8 I will be starting the SMEP!

so hard to stay good though when the waits start! hope you can!

Hey everyone! Can I join? I'm Ttc number 2! Ds will be 3 in August! On a mission to get pregnant! Had to wait till he was 2 and a half before I could try for number 2, and I've wanted number 2 for soooo long! So im stressing! I had a chemical in March, then had he longest ever cycle in April/may, and only bd when I thought I was fertile!! So missed it! And this cycle I'm on cycle day 15 and no bed yet!! OH been away all week (typical) came home at 4 am today! So hopefully can bd soon!!

I've been doing opks and to my sadness it was positive on Friday, so there's a slight chance I could ovulate today? But since then the OPK doesn't look the most positive! Does this happen to any of you? The line fades? But not the control?

Could anyone look at the picture for me? CD 12 is when it was bright, but now looks like it's hardly there!
I would be very grateful is someone can have a look for me! Xx

:wave: sorry hun don't look positive to me might be my screen
Hi ladies! Can I please join? :wave: :flower:

Tomorrow is CD1 and it will officially be our first cycle TTC #2. My name is Keely, it's nice to meet you all.

My DS will be 2 years old in September and I'm hoping for a :bfp: by his birthday. :blush: <3

We are swaying :pink: though so I'm going to try not get my hopes up about falling pregnant in the first 3 months. It would be wonderful if I did, but I'm not expecting it to happen until at least cycle #3 if not after.

Hi again Kalon! You mentioned that in your other post too - just curious - how do you "sway pink"? I have a DD so if anything, id like to sway blue... But I'd honestly be happy either way. Would live for DD to have a little sister, & to get the chance to use all of her adorable baby clothes again. But would also love to give DH a son. :flower:
Thanks! I don't want it to be positive yet! As OH been away! I did today! What I'm asking is, do your positives fade hours after you've taken them? And then they don't look positive? Or does your positive OPK look positive for days after? X
Hi again Kalon! You mentioned that in your other post too - just curious - how do you "sway pink"? I have a DD so if anything, id like to sway blue... But I'd honestly be happy either way. Would live for DD to have a little sister, & to get the chance to use all of her adorable baby clothes again. But would also love to give DH a son. :flower:

We're planning on using Rephresh and maybe Acigel with a 4 or 5 day cutoff before O at first. If we don't catch by December then we'll lower it to a 3 day cutoff but I'm afraid to get any closer to O than that. First I'm planning on testing our natural pH levels with pH strips to see if they are low enough to not need the Rephresh and Acigel.
DS was the result of a one time oops on O day so I'm hopeful that since O day resulted in a boy that the cutoff will result in a girl for me. I know I'd love another little :blue: bundle just as much if that's what we're meant to have, I just want to give trying for a girl the best shot we can since this could be my last baby.
We're planning on using Rephresh and maybe Acigel with a 4 or 5 day cutoff before O at first. If we don't catch by December then we'll lower it to a 3 day cutoff but I'm afraid to get any closer to O than that. First I'm planning on testing our natural pH levels with pH strips to see if they are low enough to not need the Rephresh and Acigel.
DS was the result of a one time oops on O day so I'm hopeful that since O day resulted in a boy that the cutoff will result in a girl for me. I know I'd love another little :blue: bundle just as much if that's what we're meant to have, I just want to give trying for a girl the best shot we can since this could be my last baby.

Yay! I'm so excited to have someone on here swaying pink!! :) from what I've read though I thought the optimal cut off was 3 days? I swore I've read a few times people say a cutoff longer than that actually gives you a higher chance of a boy, which doesn't make sense but idk. I get so overwhelmed with all the conflicting information. I feel like at the end of the day if I stick to my sway plan and it doesn't work but I end up with a healthy baby I still win. Healthy is all that matters! I just like knowing I'm hopefully getting the best chance of conceiving a baby girl.
I'm pretty much in the same boat. The conflicting information is frustrating, which is why I did a lot of research and chose a sway method that had a lot of success with other women on gender swaying forums, and because it's pretty much the opposite of how we conceived DS. Either way I win as long as I have a healthy, snuggly little baby to cuddle and nurse again when all is said and done. I can always try to convince DH to go for a 3rd if we have another boy this time, but I think that if we had a 3rd boy I'd be ready to give up on the idea of having a girl! Also I'd rather have all boys than all girls so it's nice that this will happen for me at the very least. :haha:
Cd 15! opks not really any noticably darker. Did have some spotting today so hoping that's a good sign for O.
I've heard that there can be some spotting while ovulating. FXed that it's a good sign of O. :D
Welcome Kalon! Interesting about the swaying thing, I had never heard of that. I mean, I've heard of the timing of intercourse but not that particular term. I will look it up as we would love a boy. Of course, I'll take any baby at this point, as you say!

Bella, I just ovulated so this cycle is done, and I think we will do more than NTNP for the next cycle - probably will actually try, although maybe not SMEP or anything too intense. Unfortunately we are not very motivated in... ahem, the bedroom, so NTNP usually just means no sex for a while, haha. :blush: I agree about the conflicting symptoms - you are almost through the TWW! Hang on just a little longer :)

VJ I really sympathize with you. I waited until my daughter was almost three before starting to try again, thinking it would be easy and we would have a 3.5 year age gap.... two losses later, I really feel angry at myself that we waited so long and now it might be too late. I try not to be too hard on myself, and remind myself that lots of people have big age gaps between kids and it works out great. My close friends have two sons, ages 10 and 1.5, and they are just the best of friends, its so sweet. So try not to worry and stay positive!

Mommyofone, that definitely sounds like a good sign! Fx for O soon.

Macsen I don't see anything that looks positive in there, I haven't seen them fade like that either. I would recommend temping if you get not great results with the opks - women's bodies are all so different, I think it's hard to predict with those without some backup data to help confirm things. For example, I usually O the same day I get the darkest opk - weird!
I'm not sure how I feel about this cycle but I know that it's unlikely that I'll catch since it's my first cycle. For now I'm predicting that August will be my cycle. You never know though, I fell with DS from a 1 time oops, but I'm also positive that I caught with him on O day and we will be avoiding O day with our sway.

I hope that you're right and that this is your cycle though. :D

You never know! There are so many women out there who get pregnant their first time trying!

I hope I am right too lol. Last cycle I just kind of knew that it wasn't going to be was just a gut feeling. I think though since I've been more relaxed and not so stressed this time that it might be more of a possibility haha

Hey everyone! Can I join? I'm Ttc number 2! Ds will be 3 in August! On a mission to get pregnant! Had to wait till he was 2 and a half before I could try for number 2, and I've wanted number 2 for soooo long! So im stressing! I had a chemical in March, then had he longest ever cycle in April/may, and only bd when I thought I was fertile!! So missed it! And this cycle I'm on cycle day 15 and no bed yet!! OH been away all week (typical) came home at 4 am today! So hopefully can bd soon!!

I've been doing opks and to my sadness it was positive on Friday, so there's a slight chance I could ovulate today? But since then the OPK doesn't look the most positive! Does this happen to any of you? The line fades? But not the control?

Could anyone look at the picture for me? CD 12 is when it was bright, but now looks like it's hardly there!
I would be very grateful is someone can have a look for me! Xx

Your tests don't look positive yet but they are close!

Cd 15! opks not really any noticably darker. Did have some spotting today so hoping that's a good sign for O.

Good luck!!!
Sorry I have been so absent the last few days ladies! My MIL & FIL are visiting for a week and I've been so busy catching up with them!

I am on CD 7 today and did two OPKs both were negative obviously...but since I have no idea when I will ovulate I figured I would start testing a little early. DH and I have been DTD everyday though since my period started just for fun ;) haha but I'm just trying to be relaxed this cycle and hopefully not stressing will lead to a bfp!

When my OPK's get closer to being positive I'll post pics on here to get your advice!

I'll try to check in when I can ladies but please keep us all updated with your tests!!
Hey ladies.

No idea what's happening with my cycle. No sign of AF yet but only had implant out for a week so I'm sure she'll show up fairly soon!

Have any horrendous period pains and feeling like I'm coming on but nothing as of yet.

Hope all you ladies are doing ok xx
starting out- fx'd for you hun!!!!

As soon as my opks get darker i'll show you ladies. i have 5 more days i can potentially o.

ferning is getting closer to being complete but i'm still calling it a partial.

as for the spotting- i had that the cycle i got pg with dd so really hoping it's a good thing. i was always told it was a good fertility sign. but i don't know if that's just an old wives tale or something they tell you to make you feel better about the fact that your hoo ha is now bleeding in the middle of the month too. :haha:
Nice to see you over here Keely!

I hope you feel better soon startingout.

CD 6 here so not much going on. I think I will start opk testing on CD 10.
Mommy that sounds like a good sign if you had spotting when you last conceived, must be a really good egg or 2! :winkwink: :thumbup:
I wondered about swaying as we would quite like a boy this time, but I have a feeling we'll have a third girl which we'd be more than happy with :flower: Not having any more after this so OH may well just have to get himself a garden shed to make into his mancave :haha:
I'm on CD27 and just waiting for AF I think... Irregular cycles are a pain in the neck! If I use OPKs I can sort of predict when AF will arrive but otherwise i'm just in limbo.
Mommy that sounds like a good sign if you had spotting when you last conceived, must be a really good egg or 2! :winkwink: :thumbup:
I wondered about swaying as we would quite like a boy this time, but I have a feeling we'll have a third girl which we'd be more than happy with :flower: Not having any more after this so OH may well just have to get himself a garden shed to make into his mancave :haha:
I'm on CD27 and just waiting for AF I think... Irregular cycles are a pain in the neck! If I use OPKs I can sort of predict when AF will arrive but otherwise i'm just in limbo.

I sure hope so. waiting for like 15 minutes before i can do my opk for tonight. ugh i hate waiting.

27 day cycle! sounds nice lol! i'm jealous.

i thought of swaying to another girl. but i think i'm just going to let it happen!
I think this cycle will be longer tbh. My cycles were irregular but generally in the 30s in length before DD2 was born and it seems they're going the same way again. Last cycle was 25 days but that was a fluke as it was a quite stressful time (DD2's hip surgery was 14th)

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