Anyone using cbfm/opks after m/c?

Hi girls - hope you don't mind me joining in this thread...

It's been 2 weeks since my D&C, (it was actually my second D&C as I had retained product from the first). I have stopped bleeding/spotting completely and for the first time since I found out about my miscarriage feel pretty good and "normal". My blood test came back today and HCG is still at 22. My doctor said it should be down to zero (less than 5) in the next couple of weeks.

My question is: Once my HCG reaches zero - what happens next? Will most likely ovulate or get my AF? We want to wait to ttc until I get at least one AF.

Any thoughts?

Thanks girls...
Hi Rachellie19,
Sorry about your loss.
Is your doctor going to continue blood tests to make sure your hcg is back to zero? Once it gets to zero, I really dont know what happens. Are you temping or using opks or anything? I temp and chart and have lots of O signs today, watery cm, high open cp, but totally negative opks still. Once upon a time my body was regular as clockwork. Sigh......

However, I was looking through the charts on FF (fertility friend) and when I searched for 'annovulatory cycles after MC' there are NO charts. This could be because few people bother charting after a mc. There are however, quite a few "pregnancy first cycle after a mc" charts! (Thought I'd splash around a bit of positivity - need a bit of it about now!)
Hi ladies !

MB going to Menorca for two weeks ! Can't wait ! Booked a private villa with it's own pool and garden close to beach so hopefully two weeks of chilling out !!!

rach - sorry about your loss :hugs: maybe you could buy some IC HPTs and test at home to see if line/hcg is getting lighter/less ? I'm only assuming here (I think this is what's happened to me) But I think once hcg is out of system your body will then trigger the hormones required to trigger OV I think "most" people get AF or BFP with in 4 to 6 weeks of MC Any longer and they say to see dr to ensure everything is ok BUT some
sites count from day of MC, others day that bleeding stops

Some sites say you are super fertile after MC for upto three months but I've yet to discover the logic behind this !!

MB - thanks for sharing some positivity !! Need to keep positive in many ways !!

:dust: to all
Jo, your holiday sounds bliss........
I so wish I were going away somewhere.....Hmmm.....must discuss a romantic weekend away with husband. Our wedding anniversary is coming up next month.
Hmmph...still getting nasty negatives on the opks, but displaying other ov signs. Will Bd tonight again, just in case.
Mb our anniversary is may 6th - 11 years !! I'd def get DH to take you away - you deserve a break :) !!

Def keep DTD - with DDs I never got a positive Opk but I must of ovulated !!! I think OPKs are hard work ! I think it was a fluke that I caught my (hopefully!) surge ! They seem to work for some and not others ! I'll be getting the CBFM if no BFP !!

I actually never get a positive (unless over 4 weeks pregnant). But I do get darkish opks. Never as dark or darker than control. But I definately ov. I temp and it shows a clear biphasic pattern every month. But my opks at the moment are sooo faint. Theres no LH surge happening yet. :brat: I HATE having to be patient!!!:brat:
Morning ladies,:flower:

Bit later than usual for me today, been out buying a birthday pressie for my friends lo!

Got my opks today and there is a second line but its very faint, will try to post piccie later to show you. My cbfm is still reading high, just want one or another now!!

Jo: Sounds lovely, hope you have a really relaxing time! So your testing on holiday then or after? Fx'd for you hunni!!

Mellybelle: I never seemed to get lines on a opk before except when I was preggie so hoping the hormones are pretty strong to pick it up! Sounds like you've got good signs of o there though so your def doing the right thing! How are your opks this am hunni, getting any darker?

Take care speak soon. :dust: and :hugs: your way ladies.x

Morning Ladies:flower:

How are you today?

Lots of :dust: and :hugs: your way.x

Hi Girls!
Well opk stick looked a bit darker today. Its still very negative though. My pee was really concentrated. Probably because of all the wine I drank last night. If tomorrows is a little darker then I know my body is getting back on track and that wine is the way to get there!

How're your pee sticks today Kate?
Hello ladies !! How's your sticks looking !!!!!
Mb hopefully your LH is building up ! I wasn't on here ystdy as I had far too much wine in the sunshine on Wednesday evening !! DH off for a few days for Easter but back on the TTC/2ww wagon now !!

For me I'm 5/6 dpo (hopefully!) Trying not to look at every niggle as a symptom but can only hope !! Got Crampy pains similar to OV pains and last night whilst DTD (tmi maybe!) felt heavy inside I've also experienced metallic taste again like I did last time but that could well be in my head !! This is also odd and no doubt tmi but early hours of this morning I had searing almost stabbing pain in my bottom Now I have occasionally experienced this around ovulation but I did experience it in February at 6dpo before BFP I don't know what it was/is
I guess I'm just as my mood reads "hopefull" But whatever happens I'm going to try and stay positive

So come on ladies - I need some 2ww buddies :wink:

Lots of :dust:
Hi ladies,

Well I dont think I o'd this cycle as Im back down to low on the cbfm so just waiting for af to show up. I have had some cramping pains so guess shes gonna make an apperence soon I hope. Then get oíng again which I am stupidly excited about!!

There seems alot of wine has been drunk!!:winkwink:

Jo: Oh fx'd then hunni. its sounding good for you! When are you off on your hols?

Mellybelle: I hope they get darker, its sooo frustrating isnt it.

No more waiting for me, af turned up this am. Never have I been so happy to see her. So heres to this cycle and that much wanted BFP!!

Lots of :dust: and :hugs: your way.x

Kate.x I'm super nervous! I had been tracking my ovulation, (as I had a D&C almost 3 weeks ag), and had been getting negatives all week. Last night, hubby and I BD'd as I was thinking there was no way I was ovulating, (we wanted to wait until my first cycle after AF to TTC again). BUT...this morning I had strong ovulation pain and went use my OPK and guess what? I'm ovulating. So now, I'm worried about becoming pregnant too soon after my D&C before I've had a new cycle. :nope:

Any thoughts on this...I feel irresponsible for not waiting until next cycle and was truly not ttc this month...

Thanks girls!
hey ladies-hope it's ok to join?!?! i had a chemical last month, AF ended up being a day late. i seemed to o around day 16 or 17, this month i was feeling ov pains around the same time but had all negative OPKs, then on day 20 i had the pains again so i took an OPK (after swearing them off as being crap) and it was positive! the next day the pains were gone so i figured i ovulated (CD21). i normally have a 31 day cycle, i wonder if af will be late like ov was or if i will just have a short luteal cycle this month? i guess time will tell. i also ordered CBFM to start using next month if no BFP.
do hormones seem to get straightened out in a month after a chemical? i had a miscarriage with d/c back 8 yrs ago but went on the pill straight after so i don't know how my cycle was affected.
hey ladies-hope it's ok to join?!?! i had a chemical last month, AF ended up being a day late. i seemed to o around day 16 or 17, this month i was feeling ov pains around the same time but had all negative OPKs, then on day 20 i had the pains again so i took an OPK (after swearing them off as being crap) and it was positive! the next day the pains were gone so i figured i ovulated (CD21). i normally have a 31 day cycle, i wonder if af will be late like ov was or if i will just have a short luteal cycle this month? i guess time will tell. i also ordered CBFM to start using next month if no BFP.
do hormones seem to get straightened out in a month after a chemical? i had a miscarriage with d/c back 8 yrs ago but went on the pill straight after so i don't know how my cycle was affected.

Hi Pooch -
You should expect your AF to be approximately 2 weeks after you ovulate, (unless of course you get a BFP). :winkwink:

I think that regardless of the situation - after m/c, (chemical or otherwise), it can take a toll on our bodies and hormones - which may explain why your O was a little delayed.

Hope this helps. :hugs:
good, because i've been researching ways to lengthen luteal cycle, blah blah, but i'm thinking it's only temporary because of chem.
good luck to everyone!!
Jo, I had cramps at 5/6 dpo my bfp cycle. I think it means you had a good strong ov.

Kate, hooray for af. Not often we say that. Now you know where you are. Is af different. My first af after I lost kyle was horrible and heavy.

Rachellie, the only reason to wait for af before ttc is for dating purposes. If your body isnt ready for pregnancy, it wont get pregnant.

Pooch, welcome to the madness! My cycles were a bit all over the place for a few months after my last mc. In one cycle I had an eight day lp!

As for me, its nearly time to pee. Ill let you know how it looks.
Its now ten at night. Stupid opks were still stupid super faint. CM has gone thicker, but could go back to watery tomorrow. Stupid body. Stupid cm. stupid opks. Stupid non existant ov. Stupid non existant af. Wine is not stupid.
Hi ladies,:flower:

Mellybelle: Sorry your still getting negitives hunni, I know how frustrating it is!! Wine is def not stupid I agree, Im off to check and have a glass myself. Hope it turns up soon, one or the other Im guessing would be good!!:dohh: My af doesnt seem to be any different except I started lighter instead of being really heavy right from the start. The pains are about the same as well, I'll let you know how it progresses, I normally have af for 6 days so I wouldnt mind her dissapearing a bit earlier but Im not holding my breath just glad shes here!!:flower:

Rachellie: Hello hun, well I agree with mb I think if your body really wasnt ready then it wont let it happen. Im sorry for your loss but Im sure things will work themselves out. Let us know how you get on hunni.x

Pooch: I cant really offer you any advice hun sorry. I do however use a cbfm and love it, got my BFP first month using it unfortunatly ended in m/c but Im all set to use it again this month so keep in touch and we can compare notes...:thumbup:

Jo: How are you doing hunni?

Well Im off fora well deserved bbq and glass/bottle of wine, sending lots of :dust: and :hugs: your way ladies.x


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