April ‘baby’ showers 2020

Ooh exciting sweden! I’ve been having more different pains but nothing today
Midwife tomorrow

I think I’d rather she come sooner before anything gets worse, then I think if she’s 2 weeks late that gives another 4 weeks for the isolation to finish although I don’t see it likely, would be nice if family could meet her when she arrives rather than weeks later or more
Midwife tomorrow morning, will be asking what my plan of action should be now that things have changed with the rules.
I've started now and then getting bits of possible plug coming away, and some periody type pains, but not enough to make me think anything will happen any time soon. 2.5 weeks to go seems a bit scary now.
Also, while tidying today, I noticed several things that I'll have to move or secure once he starts getting mobile, which I know is a good while away, but ds3 PlayStation is on a low shelf, and there are cupboards that will need child locks on them. Things like that. Back to putting things up high, but this time with the addition on other people who drink hot drinks and aren't used to having to be careful about where they put them haha
Things will certainly be different this time round.
Hi hope everyone is well today?

Just had midwife appointment and all is good. She said theres no room left now and her head is very tight and down low, not sure what she meant by tight lol, i think just crammed in down there haha
she is still back to back so jsut said if i get any pains to lean forward to encourage her to turn around which i have been doing, she said its not as much of a worry when its not your first.
I said I wouldn't be having a birthing partner and she was very reassuring and said don't worry, the midwife won' t leave your side and they would bring a second one in if needed so I feel better about my final decision.

My brother was talking to someone (before lockdown) in tesco who is now on a ventilator with it, this was 2 weeks ago and he has seen my sister since then who was meant to be having the kids when I go in so this has further made my mid up. I'm not worried they have it as it was 2 weeks ago and they're not showing symptoms, just made me think more how easy it is spread and with my sister working between 2 care homes it's not a risk i'm willing to take.

Currently not feeling any twinges, just had a cup of tea and feel sick as a dog though, definitely going off it again!
trying to get some work done before baby arrives, catching up on stuff I didn't finish before maternity leave started. Still find it hard to believe this is all happening and tat family won't be meeting the baby for a long time yet.

I just hope restrictions are lifted by the time my sister had the twins! I hope they're not early though as shes been told they will have to stay at the hospital where we live where usually they would go to a larger, better equipped etc hospital so shes's worried about that.

The midwife said today the maternity ward is like a ghost town so people are really avoiding it there and she thinks people may have gone unnecessarily before compared to how quiet it is now. This is why I would rather have her now than in a few weeks when the situation could be worse, least i know it's quiet at the moment aside from people actually giving birth!

My next appointment is thursday 9th, 2 days before due date. She said she could do a sweep from 40 weeks so was going to change my appointment day to monday so she could do it as not meant to do it before 40 weeks, however because its bank holiday monday she couldn't, so we've left it as it is and she said if i was to tell her i was 'having twinges' then she would have to check to see if i was in labour and do a sweep at the same time lol
Saw midwife this morning too.
He's 3/5 engaged which is the most I've ever gone before labour anyway, so happy with that. I think you might be right when you say tight probably means she's really wedged in there. They reckon that when you've had a few they can pop in and out of engagement so hopefully tight means she won't be doing that to you.
I hopefully won't see a midwife again, and certainly won't be seeing my regular one again. The next appointment I'll be seen for is 41 weeks for a sweep. She gave me the choice to see her, but would have to wait until the following Monday which would have put me at 41+5 before getting a sweep. She wouldn't do it at 40+5. So I chose to see someone else at exactly 41 weeks. Obviously hoping I don't get to that point though or he'll be a giant if he's already 7lb!
Fitted the car seat in the car, and unless I have any issues with my online shop, or do go to 41 weeks, the next time I leave the house should be to have a baby!

I've also gone off tea again, and can only manage half a coffee most of the time.
I hope that they have relaxed the restrictions a bit by the time your sister has her babies. Unless they are REALLY early then I'm sure that the local hospital is well equipped to look after them. They wouldn't risk keeping them there if it could be potentially bad for their health. Hopefully she'll be able to go to term and it won't be an issue. When is it she's due again? If people follow advice we could be coming out of this in time for the summer.
I’m 3/5 too mother, Glad your appointment went well, I don’t blame You opting for the earlier appointment although hopefully he will already be here!
It feels like the count down is really beginning now doesn't it? It could literally be at any time. It'll be April on Wednesday!
So excited but now nervous too which I wasn’t before, before was just excitement..sigh...never mind the important thing is they arrive safely
Some day all this part will be a distant memory. Like you say, getting them here safely is the main thing. DH missed DS2 birth and I felt really guilty, but it's not made any difference and they are probably the closest out of all the boys, even though he delivered DS4 by himself!
I just realised that if Wednesday is the first that means we could have our babies on April Fools Day. I've decided he's allowed to come between the 2nd and the 19th, no earlier or later :haha:
Haha ooh I didn’t realise that was the 1st, that would be funny!
Hi everyone, I hope you’re all ok. So there hasn’t been any births yet then?

This will sound weird but I keep thinking how weird it is that there’s a little human, fully formed, sat in our bellies and there just doesn’t seem like there’s enough room. It doesn’t seem possible, I think we imagined it all lol

I have avoided induction so far. I have another induction date for tomorrow but I said I didn’t want it. I just thought it would be funny though as if I did go ahead she would probably arrive April Fool’s.
I just want her to hurry up and arrive now. I don’t want to be induced, I just want for this last bit to go smoothly and as normally as possible.

Our trust has suspended all home births here too. So even if my health was perfect, I wouldn’t be able to have one anyway. My sister had planned on another home birth too, so I felt really sad for her that she probably won’t be able to have that now. Although, it kind of annoyed me a little, how she responded to that news. Perhaps it’s me misreading text, but she said, after I tried to reassure her about a hospital birth, that she didn’t care how nice the hospital and staff are because she wants a home birth. She’s has this bee in her bonnet about everything being ‘perfect’, but doesn’t seem to realise that things rarely are. Pregnancy and birth are so unpredictable at times, that’s why I have always wanted a home birth but haven’t once made firm plans in my head for one because things can pan out differently. I said to her at least she’s got a few months to prepare herself if things are still like this when she’s due. At least it isn’t all smacking her in the face days or a couple of weeks before she’s due. Like many, that’s what I’m dealing with. I was sad about not being able to have a home birth, yet again. Now even if my health was miraculously fine I still wouldn’t be able to have one because of the current situation. I’m having not only to have a hospital birth which I haven’t ever liked, but be back and forth to the hospital every other day when I’m terrified of hospitals at the best of times, and when I have GAD and health anxiety, and all this is happening. I have to rely on public transport which is another risk. Then they’re going on about induction which has always frightened me. And now, like that isn’t enough, I’m being told to prepare to birth without my husband (or anyone, because I don’t have a backup plan), just in case he has symptoms at the time.
I think it’s fair to say none of us imagined, when we found out we were expecting, that we would be facing such a frightening situation and right immediately before we’re due. Which gives you zero time to prepare, mentally or otherwise. So yeah, my response to her was at least you have time to prepare and wrap your head around it, at least for you this hasn’t been sprung upon you with the birth imminent. At least you have time to organise a backup birth partner, and other stuff like that. Sorry. It pisses me off, but perhaps I ought to be more sympathetic
Hi happy, glad to hear you’re well, I don’t blame you wanting to wait for labour to start naturally rather than be induced. I want to be in hospital as little time as possible so hoping mine doesn’t come to induction like the last 2!
Fingers crossed for everyone
You’re right about all of a sudden finding ourselves in this situation which doesn’t actually feel real, the only good thing I’ve heard at the moment is when my midwife said the maternity ward is like a ghost town so hopefully be nice and quiet when I get there, the sooner the better!
I totally get what you mean happy, both on the count of wanting things to start naturally so that the end can be as normal as possible within these strange times, but also with your sister. She has a few months to prepare and things could be so different by then. I do understand that she would be disappointed, you get things sorted in your head and then are told they can't be that way, but you never know how birth will go anyway. We've had a lot thrown at us the last couple of weeks, I've had a home birth denied, then dangled in front of me, then denied again. No this isn't how I envisioned my last birth, but as long as I get my baby here and he's healthy that's the most important thing.
Did anyone else think these last couple of weeks would go really slowly, but are finding them rushing past? I feel like yesterday I turned 37 weeks, but tomorrow I'll be 38 weeks. Every time I look at the clock several hours have passed. I seem to get up and suddenly it's lunch time and hardly anything has been done, then the next time I glance at the clock I need to think about dinner! I'm not complaining, as much as I feel good in this pregnancy and I want to make the most of it because I won't get to do it again, I am now eager to get him here and have some cuddles.
Hi can i join ur post i did a pregnancy test today as been gettin symptoms n spottin the test lines were in totally wrong place so guna do another one 2moz i already hav 8&3 year old girls

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Hi Sharna good luck with your next test!

Mother, I think it’s going so quick too, didn’t think it would, I have the odd slow day but generally they are rushing by!
Good luck Sharna.

Between the house stuff, baby stuff, the boys work, breaking up fights and entertaining them, trying to keep track of what day it is, the animals, it's all just flying by.
Did another one came out the same must b dodgy batch but will get some more
Wow you’ve been busy on here in the past 24 hours!

Star- exciting little one is engaged and glad you’re feeling better about birthing alone. Scary about your brother meeting someone now on a ventilator though!

Happy- I totally get the frustration! I had a friend complaining to me about her ruined holiday plans and I wanted to be like seriously? You’re comparing this to potentially giving birth alone in the middle of a pandemic?

Mother- I thought time was going fast but now slowed down! I think now I’ve gone over when I had DD I’m feeling impatient.

AFM- more period pain cramps. Currently every 11 minutes. My bump still feels really high though. Although get the “feeling” I’m dilating. Definitely think my body is cranking up to labour now. But think I’m so focused on trying to notice signs this time so we make it to the hospital that maybe I’m reading into every little sign way too much!
Ahh they sound like good signs sweden! Bet you will Be the first!
I’m trying to keep moving so doing Koran if housework and sorting to make sure I don’t just sit around too much lol

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