April ‘baby’ showers 2020

I've had a couple of more intense pains this evening. I think it was my own fault for dancing to the iPod while making dinner :haha: I don't think it's anything to get excited about, I'm not losing anything, and as much as they are intense I've not felt like I can't sit down. That's my indicator really. With ds4 they hadn't even started to hurt yet, I still thought they were Braxton Hicks, got in to bed and had to immediately get up again because I needed to be on my feet.
Never thought I would hope not to be in labour once I reached term, but he's got to wait 24 hours at least :haha: I do hope that they are getting me ready though, bringing my cervix forward and softening it a bit so I'm good to go in a couple of weeks
Sounds promising mother, fingers crossed
I’m feeling more again today than the last few days, more like pressure and quite a bit in the bottom area too!
Yes it feels way more exciting now we have had a baby in the group!!

Exciting that we are all feeling things! I got woken in the night with some intense back cramps and they kept me awake for several hours but nothing came of them! My midwife yesterday said she’s lower and further into pelvis but still not fully engaged and got the feeling my midwife thinks it will be a bit while longer! The self-isolating is making the wait harder- although this week felt fast! My bump has definitely lowered today which hoping is a good sign..
I definitely felt like he was very low and heavy last night, but after those few pains that was it thankfully.
I know what you mean Sweden, I was so bored yesterday I almost wanted to go in to labour just for something to do :haha: then I had those pains and panicked. I can't go in to labour until the car is sorted!
It is exciting that we are beginning to feel our bodies preparing at least. It won't be long at all really.
Yes I really feel like DD and I need a shake up in our self-isolation as she’s starting to ask about family a lot and wanting to see them! So think the new addition will be some nice excitement for her- so it makes me more impatient! Although as baby is on the very little side every day she packs on some more pounds the better!

I wonder if all the extra time at home makes us all notice things more though?!

Yes hopefully nothing will happen until you get your new battery sorted!
Yes it's tricky because while they are inside they are getting bigger and stronger.
I think as we aren't running round as much we are noticing things more.
All good signs ladies! So far nothing for me today, I’m going to get on with a lot of housework again to try and get things moving, I haven’t been using my ball just because I really can’t be bothered by the eve and during the day I’m always busy anyway with the kids

They’ve tightened restrictions again on maternity here and now if you’re being induced your partner can only be with you once on the labour ward in established labour.
I know I’m birthing without a partner anyway but it will be even more long and lonely if I do end up being induced! Just want to be in and out quick

Happy, how are you and a baby girl?
Yeah it's the same here regarding partners. It'll make that wait for things to get moving in an induction seem even longer and more boring.
I would quite like to try a ball, but ds2, even at 12 can not see a ball or anything vaguely ball shaped without playing football with it. It's especially difficult for him right now with all football cancelled. I've had to take the dogs balls away And everything :haha:

Crampy again today. Shopping as arrived and I've now got supplies in my hospital bag. It's literally just my phone and glasses to grab on the way out now! Going to wait it out for the car to be sorted, hopefully today, unless BIL needs to bring different tools over in which case it'll be tomorrow, and then I'll crack on trying to get things started. I'm going to do a day of being busy and a day of rest I think because with ds4 I spent 3 weeks trying to get him out then the day I gave up and just made sock monkeys with the boys was the day he decided to come.
Lots of pains again yesterday evening but nothing again this morning, I’m sure things start then stop once we rest in bed lol

Hope everyone is well
With ds4 I had Braxton Hicks every evening from term until he was born, I got excited so many times. I hadn't had Braxton Hicks with the others so wasn't really sure what they felt like until then.

Dh and BIL put the new battery on the car and managed to break a pipe underneath. I need the car running, I'm ready to try to get this baby moving but can't while we have no way of getting to hospital.
How's she doing Happy?
Hopefully we'll have some more babies soon! Though seeing as our car is still out of action lets hope it isn't me just yet haha
Just realised my due date is actually next week! How did that happen?
It’s crazy mother, I just feel like the last 2 weeks have gone so slow though
The good thing is my house is so clean lol, I couldn’t be more ready now
We’ve got a shop being delivered today and I didn’t stop yesterday with the housework in the hope it would help move things along but obviously not
Had pains again but then nothing
Midwife Thursday so I’m looking forward to seeing if anything is actually happening and if she can do it, a sweep
Feel lucky to have her as my friend just had her 5th boy and She begged for a sweep the day before her due date but her midwife wouldn’t do it, hen she had him 4 days later anyway though, praying it helps!

The cases where I live are jumping up everyday, we’re at 32 now, though probably more today
The army are here converting 3 of the hospital buildings into icu wards as we only had 8 icu beds in the one hospital we had which they managed to increase to 45 but isn’t going to be enough
It reassures me I’ve made the right decision in birthing along and reducing the risk of bringing anything home or my sister bringing anything into our house
My area insist that they can't do sweeps before 41 weeks, to the point where I've got to go to a different hospital for a sweep at 41 weeks if I go that long as the midwife won't do it at 40+5.
I feel like the time is going quite fast still. Every time I look at the clock half the days gone.

So, we can't get the part for the car, the garages are only serving key workers. But we discovered it's only an over flow and that we can use it to get to the hospital, we just have to take loads of water with us in case we need to top it up.
DH had to do an emergency trip to the co-op as we can out of cat food and can't very well let the poor thing starve, he passed he's adult nieces boyfriend sitting having a laugh with his mates on a bench, he said they definitely were not social distancing. It makes me so worried. I also saw this morning about how a midwife had died of the virus and that scared me.
I didn’t see about then midwife mother, it’s all so sad
I hope you can get to the hospital without topping up!
With dd I had a sweep at 41 weeks but it didn’t do anything as I wasn’t ready so ended up being induced at 42
This time I hope being the third something might already be happening to make a sweep possible
Ahhh was certain I’d log in and there would be a birth announcement! Seems we are all still waiting!

Shame about the car part mother but hopefully you can get to hospital OK!

star- I also cleaned the whole house, deweeded the garden and even scrubbed the floor by hand to try to get things going but no luck! Had pains that kept me awake last night and they continued to this morning so really thought it might be the day but now nothing. Ugh!

I saw the news about the midwife. So sad and scary. Also a newborn baby is in the ICU here due to covid and thats terrifying...
It makes me not want to go to hospital seeing things like that. Honestly if it was just a baby coming out I think I would stay home :haha:
I've not been trying anything to get the baby moving due to the car, but seeing as it is now usable I think I can make a start. Other than being a bit crampy I've not had any signs, not even increased discharge, so I think I've got a bit of a wait still.
I had a sweep at 41 weeks with ds1 and it did get him moving but like you say if baby isn't ready then it just won't work. I think it's more the comfort of feeling like you're doing something rather than just helplessly waiting.
Home birth is not an option here in normal times otherwise I’d totally be considering it. You can pay a private midwife but they are few and far between and extremely expensive. I mentioned it to my neighbour (who is a midwife) but she has not worked at delivery for a while, only the prenatal and she said she’d not be comfortable. Although has said if it happens extremely fast of course she will be round!

I feel we have a plan in place now with regards to being there as little time as possible so OH can stay with me and little one and myself are at lower exposure risk.

I spoke to my midwife about visitors after birth again and she said something I hadn’t considered. She said her main reason for suggesting a visitor ban for a few weeks is actually more for me. She said post-delivery we are more at risk of infection complications so she is more worried about visits to me than little one. And that a sick mamma is not good for baby either. Thought it might be something important for you guys to know too as I hadn’t looked at it that way!

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