I've been lurking on here and the other pregnancy April thread for a while now but feel sooo scared to join! Almost like if I join something is gonna go wrong iykwim? Silly I know!
So anyways I have a 3 year old boy that was conceived within a few weeks! Once I had him I went on BC when he was 10 months old the depo shot back in 2012 November. I didn't go back for second shot and began ntnp from then on however I had no period! Period returned August 2013 and we were trying ever since with 2 bfps last year which ended in early miscarriages! I was devasted and seen my Dr a few times asking for help it wasn't till last cycle that she decided she would do some bloodwork! At this point I had already given up trying and stopped using opks and caring about bding on the right time! I even stopped my conception vitamins months ago!
So last cycle I was fasting as it was the month of ramadan and started on my bloodwork to find out if I'm ovulating etc OH had already got a SA done which came back ok! I had done my day 8 and 21 bloods and because I missed day 2-4 I was told to wait for AF to get them done on my next cycle.
So anyways because I had loooads of cheapies left I decided to test around 7/8dpo and got bfn BUT on 9/10dpo I got a really faint line!! I just couldn't believe it so I ran to the store but didn't get to test till midnight with only 2 hour old which confirmed
I was soooooo happy but extremely nervous understandbly! So what follows was continuous testing! I used my first digi at 14dpo and got 2-3 weeks I was over the moon and my frer was darker than control line!
Ever since my lines have been progressing nicely! I'm still testing till now because I'm mad like that! I got 3+ yesterday at 5 weeks 4 days!
I barely have many symtoms unlike my son pregnancy which does worry me a little, at this point with my son pregnancy I had slight headaches and sore boobs! My boobs now feel completely normal but maybe that's down to the fact I breastfed for over 2 years and there less sensitive now? Maybe? LOL! Right now I get a bit nausea in the mornings when I'm hungry especially! The real morning sickness which consisted of constant dizziness, headaches, nausea and vomiting didn't kick off till I was 6 weeks with my son so hopefully that should start soon (I can't believe I'm desperate to be sick
I'm trying to remain positive but I'm sick with worry! All I think about is something potentially going wrong! I finally got the courage to ring my dr and I have my first booking in appointment September 2nd when I should be around 8 weeks! My Dr told me last time that when I conceive again she would send me for early scan so hopefully by then she does and get to see my baby!
It's been 10 months since my loss and I'm praying soooo hard for a sticky! With my chemical my period arrived on time and lines went faint just before I began bleeding! This time I'm almost 2 weeks late so I'm trying to be positive about this all! OH is happy but still nervous just as I am.
This has been a long road with many down moments and I'm praying that we all get to meet our babies in April 2016! My lil boy is desperate for a sibling, it always brings tears to my eyes when he says 'mummy, I want you to have a baby'
he always says he wants 'A baby boy!' But I really don't mind what I have right now as long as I get to meet him/her in April God willing
(I'm so sorry for the essay!) I look forward to sharing this experience with you all xxx