April mummies baby club :-)

haha @ poo!

Leo was like that on the Aptamil milk. He goes once maybe twice a day now on the cow & gate stuff and its not like dijon mustard anymore:rofl:

I cant wait to go buy some new clothes either! Ive got about 2 stone to lose I think, havnt weighed myself at all since 15 weeks pg, so just a guess.

It'll come off on its own slowly and tbh I couldnt care less t the moment,Im just enjoying my little, or should I say BIG family!:cloud9:
:hi: didnt want to read and run!
hope your all ok xx
Did you all find you felt better one day then so super sore again the next? Yesterday morning I felt great, today, it hurts to pee for the first time, I am very stiff and finding moving really uncomfortable again and generally feel like my body has decided not to bother healing.

My ladybits are very sore, I feel like I want to climb in to the fridge and sit on something nice and cool. X
I was like that lyndsey... it went back and forth for a couple days but now I am feeling much better... still bleeding though and was losing clots up till last night but think thats stopped...

Athena is being a pain today... actually I cant really say that she doesnt cry as long as I am holding her but she hasnt slept since about 8 am and its almost 3 now... Mommy is very tired. Although she is finally asleep now... but I am not counting on it being for long... its just to bloody hot... I had to strip her down to just her onesie... and even that she seems to be fussy in... speaking of waking up... :hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy:

Off again... she needs to sleep!!!!!!!
!!hi girls!!

Layla is aso quite a good girl! feeds between 1-3oz, varying but quite few hrs between normally. Sleeps lots but still don't have time to do much!
Jac, she also likes to scratch herself but we had George mitts in a pack and we pull them over sleepsuit sleeves - seem's fine!
Chel - bet your glad you got more company in here now! you got our oldest girl hehe!
Hope han is doing ok, still stuck in there! I was only in 7 hours and that seemed ages!
Need to get a ticker on, she's a week tomorrow already - my due date lol, seems mad!

Stitches are still sore on and off from my cut, boobies are no longer sore, full and little leaky (bottlefeeding) but soo much better! Hope your all ok, and if not, sure we'll get better!

Layla & Mummy! x
Wow I either forgot this thread or never found it, I can't remember! LOL

Olivia doing well got over the chicken pox now, six weeks on tues OMG it's gone sooo fast! I have no idea what she weighs as was took her to weigh in on fri only to find it had been cancelled this week. So she was last weighed at four weeks, so I have no idea how much she weighs now! Might take her along to a different weigh in cos coming weeks is not until friday, and would like to know how she's doing, think she must be nearing 9lb now.

We're in stage 2 pampers nappies and considering moving to stage 2 milk, but am a bit hesistant at the mo. She eats 5 oz bottled every 3-4 hrs whihc make it 30-35 oz of milk in 24 hrs, and according to the box she's suppost to be having 25?? We're on aptamil and her poo's are yellow just like the BF poo's. Although they are once a day she does seem to be a bit strained in passing it all. SO in two minds as to whether to move to aptamil stage 2 or onto sma stage 2, my son had this with no problems. Although I think is may also be her age, so I'm kinda holding off a bit to see what happens.

How s everone and their babies?
Did you all find you felt better one day then so super sore again the next? Yesterday morning I felt great, today, it hurts to pee for the first time, I am very stiff and finding moving really uncomfortable again and generally feel like my body has decided not to bother healing.

My ladybits are very sore, I feel like I want to climb in to the fridge and sit on something nice and cool. X

Oooooh move over in that fridge !!! I actually think today has been the worst for my poor bits, they feel like they are being weighed down with an anchor !!! So sore, i thought they were supposed to be getting better by now ! :hissy:
!!hi girls!!

Layla is aso quite a good girl! feeds between 1-3oz, varying but quite few hrs between normally. Sleeps lots but still don't have time to do much!
Jac, she also likes to scratch herself but we had George mitts in a pack and we pull them over sleepsuit sleeves - seem's fine!
Chel - bet your glad you got more company in here now! you got our oldest girl hehe!
Hope han is doing ok, still stuck in there! I was only in 7 hours and that seemed ages!
Need to get a ticker on, she's a week tomorrow already - my due date lol, seems mad!

Stitches are still sore on and off from my cut, boobies are no longer sore, full and little leaky (bottlefeeding) but soo much better! Hope your all ok, and if not, sure we'll get better!

Layla & Mummy! x

:happydance::happydance: yes honey its great now that nearly everyone has joined me, i was getting use to talking to myself :rofl: i cant believe amy is 2 months old today :happydance: its gone so fast!!

how are you and LO?
*Steps in shyly* :hi: I was a May due date mummy but early arrival im now an April mummy. I see a couple of familiar names and lots of strange ones so i hope to get to know you all better :D
Hey everyone. How are all your little ones? Cant wait till these babies get into a routine and we can all start talking more... Athena had a crap day... not a whole lot of crying but didnt sleep at all as its to hot here... Poor girl. Need to get a fan or something... Hopefully it will cool down and we will have a good night tonight full of lots of sleep... (wishful thinking?) She is asleep now though... finally gave us a break for dinner.

Well I am off to spend quality time with OH before he plays video games.
:cry: ive had the most worst night ever. I think brooke has mixture of colic and constipation, shes been up since 8pm and everytime i lay her flat in moses basket she'll scream the place down. Ive been in tears cause shes in pain etc. Shes now in her bouncy chair sleeping, as it seems to help when shes propped up :cry:
sounds like gas pains hun.....have you tried any Mylicon drops?
no havent tried that, i dunno what it is, but everytime i put her down shes scream :( i dunno if its ok to leave her in bouncy chair over night
I don't know hun.

Does she seem gassy?

Marissa is getting very gassy and has been crying more recently (she never cried before except when she was hungry) I'm picking up some Mylicon 2maro. I'm not sure what their called across the pond but they are gas drops for babies.
Morning Ladies,

Lana, I found that Infacol helps, it helps to bring up/or down any trapped wind. Didnt really help with the constipation but she has been going more regular and doesnt seem in soo much pain. I also found that moving her legs in a type of cycling movment helps or just holding her legs up whilst she pushes. What milk are you using? Or are you breastfeeding?

I hear you with the pain down there, Sophie is 3 weeks today and the stinging stopped last week, however I still feel a bit bruised down there now and again. Go to the toilet with a warm jug to stop any stinging when you go for a wee - I found that helped!

Sophie has been our little angel in disguise, I dont know how Graham would be if we didnt have her to keep our mind off things. Graham is a little less teary every day but I suppose we have to take each day as it comes xx
Infacol is good, although it says to use regular with every feed, it does seem to work every now and then. Vibration chairs help and a one off sleeping in a baby chair wldn't do any harm. A bottle of boiled water few sips at a time can also help constipation.

Do check bottles are being made up correctly as too much powder to water can cause constipation. Check water is not evap away by the time you add powder, I've seen some of my bottes loose an oz in evaporation, if water is very hot.

Also I think at this age they all go through it, Olivia has trouble pooing don't forget it's a new muscle they have to control.

We've tried stage 2 aptamil today, it does seem to let her go longer between feeds which is good. I'm obviously demand feeding as she wants it, but she's been having double the amount some days, and i don't want to feed too many bottles. So stage 2 seems to work. So far she's eaten whats been on the pack.
Hey ladies i need advice!!

Im now doin breast and formula....her night feed and morning feed is breast the rest bottle but she only goes 3 hrs maybe 3 n half between feeds sometimes less shall i move her onto aptamil for hungrier babies? Also i tried expressing and nothing came out...is it best to leave it couple weeks!!

On a good note Arianna finally pood today ALOT lol i had to use wipes it was that bad!!! but thank god cos that was a whole week without a poo!!!

Well hope ur all ok!!!xxx
Hey I've bene having this with Olivia. Don't forget going from breast she probably fed every few hours anyway so she has to get into a is new system and also depends how much she is drinking in those three hours. Olivia is drinking five oz every 3 hours, and I'm only now consdering hungrier baby milk, as it's recommended for her age she has 25 oz over 24 hrs and she's having 30-35 in 24 hrs. Alot of Mums have said they're baby does this too, and have left it as it is. Leave her a while she has to get settled going from breast to bottle I'd say, see how she is in a week or so.

By the way where is everybody area wise, I know we have a few in us and ashley is up in Lincoln but in general where abouts are we all is there a middle ground?
Ah thanks hun...its so hard tryin to make sure u have the right balance lol!

I live in colliers wood in south london!! xx

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