April Showers please bring us BFPs!

Aw honeybee - you are hilarious. Glad you are stoked about Team TTHF!

Moondance - you are definitely not a "post your junk and run" gal - that line cracked me up.

Oooh Hannah - it is exciting that you are late!

Celtic - sorry your banner didn't work! Still love your sparkly clover - it is extra lucky because you are irish : )
hahaha. i was very excitable. i even sent julia a fb msg telling her to logon on to bnb to join the team lol!!
you alright jaimie? what cd are you?
Aw ladies – I’ve been missing y’all too! I’ve been keeping up to date on the thread, just trying not to post as much. I am totally fooling myself into thinking that not posting will keep me more sane this cycle.

Thank goodness you explained TTHF! I totally agree, we could all do with some space and lightness in this quest for our bfps…just need to gently remind myself to hang loose whenever I feel myself getting anxious or envious.

Moondance, I was so bummed when I saw that you started another cycle. I cracked up when I read your post about buying more pads – I’ve bought a truckload of pads and tampons twice hoping that stocking up would surely mean I would get a bfp and then not need them. I’m getting to the end of my second truckload darn it! I really hate buying more now that we are trying – I wish I didn’t need them for about 9 months! I scrapbook too – and I only tell that to certain people ; P I made one of my childhood pics when we started trying and it really got me excited about the whole process. Now I need to do one of our wedding pics. A Father’s Day scrapbook is a fantastic idea! I know what you are saying about needing to talk about ttc to people you are close to. I’ve finally broached the subject with a few choice friends and my moms (mil, biological mom and step mom).

TryFor – there are a ton of twins in your family! Wow! That is very exciting. You’d better not ever try clomid or you’ll be an octomom!

Howdy Tanikit! I’ve been wondering how you are doing – hope you are getting on alright.

Celtic – I loved the story about your DS.

Hi Wantingagirl – hope you are able to cover your ov window with lots of quality BDing. It doesn’t seem right that your mom would call you a blacksheep, even jokingly.

Anna – I wish you all the best on your appointment!

So I’ve got an idea – what if we started a team? That way we wouldn’t have to pin our hopes on any particular holiday or date, or get too wrapped up in each cycle. We would just be supportive team mates rootin’ each other on and helping eachother TTHF. In fact, we could be TEAM TTHF ; P

My Obgyn in february said when I go to the RE she referred me to that more than likely I'll be automatically started on Clomid. Even if I do produce and egg a month, it assist in helping you produce a better egg each month and Yes sometimes two (on a rare occasion three and four, but it is completely rare!). So I am prepared for clomid if need be, I'm just worried it'll dry up my awesome CM! :blush: And well you know about DH's possible problem with his sperm. We will see. I am blessed to have at least one child.

Shona, Hey girl! :wave: I thing it would be awesome if honeybee and anna would lead us into our graduate thread! My DD had a magic 8 ball, that said yes defo. and then the magic 8 ball on FB said yes too. Along with that and what I thought was IB, I was P.O'd! Lmao, but now I am over it. I just don't think I can handle another family member calling to say they are pregnant! I'd go nuts! :wacko: Ahaha! Thats why I made the remark about people doing that with their posts. I seen other people complaining about it also. Drives me mad. They lurk around or on on different threads then WHAM!
SusieQ (<-- pretent BnB screen name)
SusieQ: I have been TTC 2 cycles and I got my bfp today!!!!
Tryfor: Congratulations!
Jaimie: Congratulations!
Honeybee: Congratulations!

"no response from SusieQ!"

Lmao :rofl:

Oh well!!!

Tanikit, I know I'm with you on the twins topic. My mother in law says thats why I am not pregnant yet because I need the time to prepare for the blessing of twins! I hope she is right!!!
Ness, twins do run in the family everywhere. Not just one or two sets, they are everywhere!!! I hope it rubs on me! But I have 3 sisters that very well could be the one to have the twins!
Moondance, sweetie, that post about posting and running isn't pertained to you!! We love you! Just the girls who never said hello even, jump on, post their bfp, then run!!! How is your horse? Did you decide where to put him (the$20 place per week or the $105 place per week?) How much does food and stuff cost for him per week? P.S. I see you are looking to be a humper?! Better go run to DH :sex:!!!
Hannah, what kind of hpt are you using? Are you ever late for af? I be running around like mad peeing on everything that gave me lines!!!! :wohoo: Fingers crossed for you!
Anna, how are you? any news?
Celtic, :wave:
Just some cheapy ones i bought of ebay STILL not one, this is madness for me heheh:) im never late
Just some cheapy ones i bought of ebay STILL not one, this is madness for me heheh:) im never late

Like I said, I'd be peeing on anything and everything that would give me lines! Try a FRER or a clearblue.....How about an opk? Have you tried one of those?
Wantingagirl, I cant stand when people pop in just to announce their bfp then take off like lightening into first tri AND people who come on the threads who never respond to anyone, they just put their own info down and don't bother caring about anyone else's cycles, issues, bfp/bfn's etc....Grrrr! :growlmad:

Sometimes I feel too lazy to comment, or just not generally in a good mood, so I choose not to comment, but I try to pay attention to everyone, some people I seem to chatty with more than others. I don't think I'll leave TTC, even after getting BFP, coz I want to hang around with my buds and find out when they get theirs! TO cheer them along the way and say "hey sweets, it'll happen!" and encourage as best I can...

Sometimes when I don't feel like catching up, I thank those its relevant to thank with the button, so people know I was there.... Am trying not to be a "post my junk n run person"...

Sorry if I am one of those people girls! I try not to be...I get on here and read to catch up everyday, and usually there is so much to read and catch up on I don't have time to post. I don't really post much, but I do read and catch up with you girls daily and I am rooting for all of you! I have been so busy lately that I don't hardly feel like I have time to breathe. lol I am a teacher and taking night classes for my master's degree, president of two school organizations, and DH is running for an elected office right now.:headspin: But I guess since ttc has proven to be such a difficult time it is good to have something to keep my mind off of being "pregnancy challenged." I think that it is how someone put it in an earlier post. I prefer that a lot more than the "I" word also!
My Obgyn in february said when I go to the RE she referred me to that more than likely I'll be automatically started on Clomid. Even if I do produce and egg a month, it assist in helping you produce a better egg each month and Yes sometimes two (on a rare occasion three and four, but it is completely rare!). So I am prepared for clomid if need be, I'm just worried it'll dry up my awesome CM! :blush: And well you know about DH's possible problem with his sperm. We will see. I am blessed to have at least one child.

Right on TryFor - I say go for it if that is what they recommend. I was totally joking about possibility that it would give you multiples. I think your ample cm will be just fine - especially because you are already so good about drinking lots of water. And I think there is a chance the clomid might help you counter any issues your DH's spermies may have. I'll be he has awesome swimmers though and that the clomid will improve your chances. Although you have a super sweet daughter, I can feel how much you would like a second child. It feels just as strong as my desire for my first. :hugs:
Sorry if I am one of those people girls! I try not to be...I get on here and read to catch up everyday, and usually there is so much to read and catch up on I don't have time to post. ... But I guess since ttc has proven to be such a difficult time it is good to have something to keep my mind off of being "pregnancy challenged." I think that it is how someone put it in an earlier post. I prefer that a lot more than the "I" word also!

Aw bbdreams - you are definitely supportive and your posts are not the least bit one sided. Gosh you sound busy! Yes, we are just temporarily pregnancy challenged. Just like I'm not short, I'm vertically challenged! :haha:
Ha ha, I'm vertically challenged too Jaimie!

Fingers crossed for you HannahGraceee!

Tryfor - go the twins! Wouldn't that be amazing? and hard work! I have twins in my family too (not as much as you though!) and have joked about it with OH - it got him a little nervous though, he had to have a talk to his swimmers and say 'one at a time, boys'. God, he would love it if he knew I told you guys that!!

So excited about our team! Woohoo for TTHF!!

Aw ladies – I’ve been missing y’all too! I’ve been keeping up to date on the thread, just trying not to post as much. I am totally fooling myself into thinking that not posting will keep me more sane this cycle.

Thank goodness you explained TTHF! I totally agree, we could all do with some space and lightness in this quest for our bfps…just need to gently remind myself to hang loose whenever I feel myself getting anxious or envious.

Moondance, I was so bummed when I saw that you started another cycle. I cracked up when I read your post about buying more pads – I’ve bought a truckload of pads and tampons twice hoping that stocking up would surely mean I would get a bfp and then not need them. I’m getting to the end of my second truckload darn it! I really hate buying more now that we are trying – I wish I didn’t need them for about 9 months! I scrapbook too – and I only tell that to certain people ; P I made one of my childhood pics when we started trying and it really got me excited about the whole process. Now I need to do one of our wedding pics. A Father’s Day scrapbook is a fantastic idea! I know what you are saying about needing to talk about ttc to people you are close to. I’ve finally broached the subject with a few choice friends and my moms (mil, biological mom and step mom).

TryFor – there are a ton of twins in your family! Wow! That is very exciting. You’d better not ever try clomid or you’ll be an octomom!

Howdy Tanikit! I’ve been wondering how you are doing – hope you are getting on alright.

Celtic – I loved the story about your DS.

Hi Wantingagirl – hope you are able to cover your ov window with lots of quality BDing. It doesn’t seem right that your mom would call you a blacksheep, even jokingly.

Anna – I wish you all the best on your appointment!

So I’ve got an idea – what if we started a team? That way we wouldn’t have to pin our hopes on any particular holiday or date, or get too wrapped up in each cycle. We would just be supportive team mates rootin’ each other on and helping eachother TTHF. In fact, we could be TEAM TTHF ; P

My Obgyn in february said when I go to the RE she referred me to that more than likely I'll be automatically started on Clomid. Even if I do produce and egg a month, it assist in helping you produce a better egg each month and Yes sometimes two (on a rare occasion three and four, but it is completely rare!). So I am prepared for clomid if need be, I'm just worried it'll dry up my awesome CM! :blush: And well you know about DH's possible problem with his sperm. We will see. I am blessed to have at least one child.

Shona, Hey girl! :wave: I thing it would be awesome if honeybee and anna would lead us into our graduate thread! My DD had a magic 8 ball, that said yes defo. and then the magic 8 ball on FB said yes too. Along with that and what I thought was IB, I was P.O'd! Lmao, but now I am over it. I just don't think I can handle another family member calling to say they are pregnant! I'd go nuts! :wacko: Ahaha! Thats why I made the remark about people doing that with their posts. I seen other people complaining about it also. Drives me mad. They lurk around or on on different threads then WHAM!
SusieQ (<-- pretent BnB screen name)
SusieQ: I have been TTC 2 cycles and I got my bfp today!!!!
Tryfor: Congratulations!
Jaimie: Congratulations!
Honeybee: Congratulations!

"no response from SusieQ!"

Lmao :rofl:

Oh well!!!

Tanikit, I know I'm with you on the twins topic. My mother in law says thats why I am not pregnant yet because I need the time to prepare for the blessing of twins! I hope she is right!!!
Ness, twins do run in the family everywhere. Not just one or two sets, they are everywhere!!! I hope it rubs on me! But I have 3 sisters that very well could be the one to have the twins!
Moondance, sweetie, that post about posting and running isn't pertained to you!! We love you! Just the girls who never said hello even, jump on, post their bfp, then run!!! How is your horse? Did you decide where to put him (the$20 place per week or the $105 place per week?) How much does food and stuff cost for him per week? P.S. I see you are looking to be a humper?! Better go run to DH :sex:!!!
Hannah, what kind of hpt are you using? Are you ever late for af? I be running around like mad peeing on everything that gave me lines!!!! :wohoo: Fingers crossed for you!
Anna, how are you? any news?
Celtic, :wave:

i have 9 month old identical twins :cloud9:
*nom nom nom on the thread*

tryfor: my horse still isn't here yet, the $20 a week paddock is just too far for me to get to, as I don't have licence... Being a Thoroughbred, he wouldn't cope with just being left to fend for himself in a grassy paddock, thats not what they're built for, but I couldn't get there for daily feeding. He's still at my mans house, getting fed daily and being a naughty boy like usual.
I'm still hoping to find somewhere else, apart from the $105 a week place... I think I'd feel weird, trying to do my stuff in that place, the people who work there have been around horses for years, and I don't know a damn thing, I'm going to seem somewhat like I'm stoopid doing things the way I do them...

and that really does suck, those people who aren't even around, pop in once to say they're trying, then a week later say they got BFP, I'm not wanting to congratulate them, I'm wanting to throttle them.
I mean, okay, I've only been trying for 3 months, its not that long, but I never realised it would be this way. I always thought people got pregnant so easily. So when someone does, I am jealous as hell.
Awwww big hugs moondance it's normal to be jelous babe x x

Still no witch.! 16dpo taken this morning :bfn:
God Hannah, thats really sucking...
Maybe make appointment with doctor and see about getting blood tests done... because sometimes, some people just can't pull up pee tests!

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